TaaRey OS Series: Their Filmy Love Stories [MIGRATED] - Page 4


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2111_shweta thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago

Shot Two


"Hey" Rey said entering his apartment.

"Hey dude, you're back. How was your family trip to Panchgani?" Vicky, his friend and roommate, asked him turning his attention from the television.

"Pathetic!" Rey muttered and started moving towards his room.

"That's so sad, you were so excited about this trip." Vicky felt bad seeing him.

"The only excited thing that happened was I saw a 3 year old riding a dog thinking it to be a horse." Rey sulked and sat on his barcalounger.

"Oh come on cheer up we're going out clubbing." Vicky jumped up from his chair.

"I'm not in the mood.." Rey tried to sneak out when the doorbell rang to interrupt him.

"Oh hey Taani, I see you're back as well" Vicky greeted Taani in.

"Hey Vic. I actually wanted to talk to Rey alone.." Taani hesitated seeing Rey's sullen face.

"Oh sure. Rey please get out with here!" Vicky yelled at him.

Taani giggled at Vicky's choice of words and followed Rey out of the apartment.

"Yes?" He asked the minute they were out.

"Listen what happened there.." Taani tried to explain him.

"Taani I don't want to talk about it. I think you too must be tired, it was a long ride. You should go and rest." Rey was in no mood for her explanations.

"Stop making me feel guilty for whatever happened there." Taani pouted.

"It was your fault!" Rey accused.

"How was it my fault?" Taani snapped at him when he put all the blame on her.

"Well let me explain. I decide to go out with my girlfriend and have some good time together and she decides the date for it. We both lie to our friends and reach there. Few hours into the trip suddenly she gets her periods!" Rey snapped back

"I'm not the one who can control my periods Rey!" Taani gritted her teeth.

"Yeah but you could have possibly selected some other date. We decide to have a romantic holiday and you pick the date where you are close to get you periods. And now expecting me to not blame you?" Rey asked bewildered.

"Jeez Rey it happens sometime. When you're too emotional or happy, hormones tend to change the cycle." She tried explaining him.

"Taani.." He let out a breath to cool down and continued, "Listen you go and rest. We'll talk later."

"Are you still upset at me Rey?" She asked tears brimming in her eyes.

"I'm not upset at you silly, I'm just upset as we couldn't spend some time alone." Rey pecked her and dropped her to her bed across the hall in her apartment.


Rey and Taani were in a secret relations ship for the past few months. None of their friends knew of them. They had decided to spend the weekend romancing together in Panchgani. For which Rey had lied that he had a family trip and Taani said that she had some college trip. Since she was in a different college from the others, no one suspected.

Everything was going perfect until they reached Panchgani. After some time in the pool and a nice warm shower they were curled up in a blanket. Rey started nibbling her earlobe making her giggle at the tickle it caused. He moved from her ears to her lips and captured them in a hot sensuous kiss. His hands lowered to her waist and pulled off his T shirt that she was wearing. He left her lips and gave a trail of kisses down her neck to the valley in her chest. His hands travelled down and stopped at the band of her undies. She jerked herself away. He was too startled to figure anything. After gaining his senses he asked her the reason for her sudden behavior and she hesitantly explained it to him. He picked up the shirt which was fallen nearby and made her wear it. He made her sleep with him because he knew if she sits for long she'll get cramps and he didn't want her to be in more pain.


Kissing her good night, Rey exited her apartment and came back to find Vicky giving him a sly smile.

"What's up Vic?"

"What is an eyelash curler doing in your bag?" Vicky asked slyly.

Rey panicked seeing Taani's curler in Vicky's hand.

"Uggh..that's mine!" He said hesitantly.

"What? I thought that you hooked up with some chic on the trip and her curler came in your bag." Vicky wondered.

"And that would have made more sense!" Rey thought.

"Vicky I'm really tired right now, so please spare me!" Saying so he went to his room.

"I was just asking." Rey heard Vicky say.


The next day everyone was gathered in Taani and Sharon's apartment and chatting. Simmi just entered.

"Hey Taani, I heard your Panchgani trip was boring." Simmi said as she went and sat next to Sharon.

"Yeah, she was telling me the only positive thing was a 3 year old child riding a horse." Swayam replied instead of Taani.

Vicky eyed them hearing what Swayam said but let it go. Taani was searching for something and went into her room. Not finding it there, she came out.

"Sharon, mind if I use your eyelash curler. I seemed to have lost mine." Taani asked.

"Yeah sure." said Sharon.

Vicky's eyes widened as he processed the information. He looked at Rey and from his guilty expressions he was confirmed about his doubt. He instantly stood up and started yelling. Rey shut his mouth and pulled him out of the apartment into theirs. He signaled Taani to follow.

"What was that?" Simmi asked.

"God knows!" Sharon said.

"These two are damn weird!" Swayam commented.

"Mmm.. mm..mm" Vicky tried to say eyeing the two but couldn't speak due to Rey's hand on his mouth.

"Don't shout!" Vicky silenced and Rey pulled his hands back, "Yes, yes." Rey said answering him.

"You and you?" Vicky pointed at Rey and Taani.

"Yes, but you cannot tell anyone. No one knows." Taani pleaded.

"How? When?" Vicky was getting excited.

"Since five months.." Rey said softly trying to make him understand.

"Five months?" Vicky yelled.

"Shooo" Rey and Taani silenced him.

"The reason we didn't tell anyone was that we didn't wanted to make a big deal out of it." Rey tried his luck again to calm Vicky down.

"But it is a big deal! I've to tell someone!" Vicky sprinted towards the door.

"Wait wait wait.. you can't please. We don't want you to tell everyone. Just promise you won't tell anyone." Taani pleaded joining her hands.

"Yeah please.." Rey too pleaded.

Vicky looked from her to Rey and again back to her. Both of them were pleading him.

"Alright!" He sighed. "Man this is unbelievable! I mean it's great but.." He was looking for the right words to explain his excitement about his two friends dating each other.

"I know it is" Taani agreed and went forward and kissed Rey.

"Now I don't wanna see that!" Vicky complained.

Later that afternoon, Sharon was heading to Taani's room to tell her that she would be going out with Swayam on a date and hence won't be there for dinner. She stopped when she heard Taani talking to someone through the door.

"Yes I know.. and don't worry I'll make up some excuse to Sharon" Taani said painting her toe nails. Her phone was on speaker.

Sharon smiled thinking Taani is going out on a date with someone. She mentally noted to tease her about it later as she had not shared it with her.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8" Sharon heard the voice from the other side and gasped.

"Did I just hear Rey?" She thought.

"Okay bye. Love you." Taani ended the call and came out.

"Hey Shar, where you going?" Taani asked her as she was all dressed up to go somewhere.

"On a date with your brother" Sharon blushed forgetting about the conversation for a minute.

"Nice.." Taani gave a cheeky smile. "Have fun with bro!" she winked at her.

Sharon blushed hard and walked out of the apartment and bumped into Vicky.

"Watch where you're going girl!" Vicky held her from falling.

"Sorry I was just thinking something else.." Sharon straightened herself up.

"Lemme guess. Thinking about Swayam?" Vicky teased her.

"Shut up!" She tried hard not to blush.

"Love is in the air for both brother and sister!" Vicky chuckled and stopped sensing his slip of tongue.

"What do you mean by both brother and sister?" Sharon asked after coming out of her dreamland.

"No..nothing" Vicky dodged her and quickly opened the door to get in.

"Wait a minute.. You know!" Sharon shouted.

"I don't know anything!" Vicky faked smiled at her.

"Oh yes you do! I know that you know and I too know it now!" Sharon narrowed her eyes at him.

He looked at her for a while and then said, "Oh you don't know anything!"

"Yes I know! Rey and Taani are dating!" Sharon shouted.

"Aaa.. how did you?" Vicky widened his eyes at her.

"Since when do you know?" She asked.


"And you didn't tell anyone?" Sharon was shocked. Vicky was never good with secrets.

"I was gonna but those two are all weird about letting us know about them!" Vicky sighed. Now at least he had someone to talk to about this. It was eating him since yesterday.

"I have a date right now. You keep an eye on those two and tell me everything when I get back!" Sharon ordered.

"I'm not gonna spy on them" Vicky whined.

"Oh yes you will. Now bye!"


Few days passed by and slowly everyone came to know about Rey and Taani's love for each other. The only person who was unaware was Swayam.

"Thanks for keeping it a secret guys" Rey thanked them.

"Oh come on.." Vicky shushed him.

"But don't you think that we should tell Swayam as well. I mean we all know how protective he is of Taani. He had beaten her last boyfriend black and blue when that moron had made her cry." Sharon explained.

"Thanks Sharon for the motivation!" Rey rolled his eyes at her.

"It's not that we don't want to tell bro, but we're worried about his reaction." Taani explained.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine." Simmi tried to boost them up seeing their sad faces.

"Hey guys" Swayam greeted as he came in. "Ready for lunch?"

"Bro, you guys go, I'm not feeling well.." Taani excused herself.

Taani didn't like lying to her brother but she wasn't even able to tell him about her relationship with Rey. Rey noticed this and decided to talk to Swayam as he was his best friend and he ought to know about whom his sister was going out with.

"Okay Tanu, but you better rest." Swayam gave her a side hug.

"Swayam I wanted to talk to you.." Rey started and Swayam stopped and turned to him.

"Yeah?" Swayam asked.

Taani eyed Rey to not tell Swayam right now in front of everyone. Rey sighed and made some silly excuse to escape the lunch plan. He had lost his appetite.


"Hey there" Rey hugged Taani from behind.

"Hey you" Taani kept her hands on his feeling good in his embrace.

"What you doing?" He asked kissing her nape.

"Cooking" She replied tilting her head to give him proper access.

"Looks delicious" He said rolling his tongue in mouth.

"I haven't even started.." Taani turned to shout but stopped seeing him with that playful smirk.

"Grow up Rey!" She shook her head at him and continued to prepare for dinner.

"Can't you stop cooking, at least for a day?" He pouted.

"Never!" She folded her arms across her chest.

"Don't look at me like that, I won't be able to control" He pleaded her.

"What's the matter Rey? You're looking way too disturbed" She asked ruffling his hair.

"I don't know.." He replied truthfully.

"Come here. Sit." She made him sit on the lounge and sat on his lap straddling him.

"Wow!" He commented.

"What?" She knitted her brows together.

"I didn't expect you to romance me in broad daylight and that too in the living room." He mocked her.

"Are you trying to imply that I'm afraid?" She held his collars.

"Well.." He was stopped midsentence by the pull on his collars.

She pulled him and kissed him hard on his lips. He smiled within the kiss which made her kiss even harder. She bit on his lower lip hard for mocking her and then sucked on it to soothe him. He rolled them over trapping her beneath him and took dominance in the kiss. He trailed away from her lips giving wet kisses down her neck. She moaned when he sucked her weak soft and clutched his hair tightly.

Their make-out session was on and a pair of eyes was glaring at them. Those eyes held the power to kill!


Swayam was standing in his balcony sipping coffee. He was thinking about Sharon. He took his binoculars and decided to sneak on Sharon to see what she was doing. The view that he saw made him paralyzed. He was still looking and anger was building up inside him. He got up in rage and sprinted to Taani's apartment. On reaching there he opened the door but it was locked by the door chain.

"Rey I saw what you were doing through the window. I saw what you were doing to my sister. Now get out here!" Swayam yelled.

"Shit!" Both Rey and Taani cussed and got separated.

"I guess I should get going" Rey moved to the balcony to run.

"Where are you going?" She stopped him.

"Umm running away?" Rey gulped hearing the banging on the door.

"Come on Rey, come here. I can handle bro."

Taani pulled Rey with her to the door. Swayam was fidgeting with the chain lock trying to open it. She swatted his hand away and opened the door.

"Hey bro wassup?" She tried acting cool.

Swayam gave her a look and ran behind Rey. Rey pulled Taani in between them.

"What the hell are you doing?" Swayam shouted.

"Hey what's going on?" Sharon came from across the hall followed by Vicky.

"Well I think, I think, Swayam knows about me and Taani." Rey told them.

"Dude he's right there!" Vicky reprimanded Rey who in turn gave an are-you-crazy look.

"I thought you were my best friend. This is my sister! My best friend and my sister! I cannot believe this!" Swayam yelled at Rey.

"We're not just messing around. I love her. I'm in love with her" Rey managed to cool him down.

Swayam kept looking back and forth from Rey to Taani.

Taani held his hand and said, "I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way. I'm sorry but it is true. I love him too."

Rey side hugged Taani while Swayam was still looking at her dumbfounded.

"My best friend and my sister.. I cannot believe this.." Swayam hugged them with awe.

"Guys I think we should clear out of here and let these two love birds get down to business" Vicky suggested winking.

Swayam gave him an I'll-kill-you look.

"Hey hey hey.. I'm just talking here, he's the one doing your sister!" Vicky pointed at Rey.

Rey and Taani faceplamed hearing him.

Edited by 2111_shweta - 8 years ago
--Ta_Sha-- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago

Awww poor them their trip got destroyed
Heheheh both had find the kid thing cute
N vicky caught it 😆
Hehehhe rey is like its mine the lash curler 🤣
Sharon over head it n vicky's slip of tongue smh
Wow swayam naughty swayam dekhne kiya gaya tha 😳 aur dekh kiya liya 😆
Rey going towards balcony to run hahaha
Lol vickys naughty comments in the end smh

But but b4 u say I forgot to do the thing other readers did i will answer ur question
This OS is taken from
Dil Dosti Dance 😛

I couldn't guess it my bad 😳

But the OS was great as usual 👏
Edited by --Ta_Sha-- - 8 years ago
yoyoaishwarya thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Too good
Periods !!!!!!!😆really from where u got it
😳Idiot rey
Taarey eating each other n swyam came👏
raddhi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
Awe I love it I really don't know wch movie
Is this but I love it a lot taarey dating each other their trip aww rey mad at taani not completely but still vicky Sharon come to know abt taarey then whole world haha taarey making out swayam saw them awe I love it thanks for PM & writing it down
928725 thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
awesome os

its taken from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. series Where joey comes to know abt chandler n monica and gradually rest of the friends
Mrunmayee02 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 8 years ago
Amazing os...
Fun to read...
3 yr old riding a dog...It was epic...😆😆🤣
Umm I think its from tv series FRIENDS?Not sure though...
umatejesh thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Superb os
Taarey r cute
Swayum reaction was cute
2111_shweta thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: yoyoaishwarya

Too good

Periods !!!!!!!😆really from where u got it
😳Idiot rey
Taarey eating each other n swyam came👏

Oh well that just popped up in my head😆
2111_shweta thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: raddhi

Awe I love it I really don't know wch movie
Is this but I love it a lot taarey dating each other their trip aww rey mad at taani not completely but still vicky Sharon come to know abt taarey then whole world haha taarey making out swayam saw them awe I love it thanks for PM & writing it down

It's taken up from F.R.I.E.N.D.S TV show😳
Thank you😳
2111_shweta thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: payu_taarey

awesome os

its taken from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. series Where joey comes to know abt chandler n monica and gradually rest of the friends

Aahhh finally!! I was seriously wondering if anyone watched friends or no!!