MaNan FF: Falling For My Soulmate // Imp NOTE pg 121, please read! - Page 10


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GetbusyLiving thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
its kinda funny seeing manik getting confused between anjali and nandini:)..i guess he feels safe thinking abt anjali ..has they have known each other since before and he also liked her..with nandini he gets restless with lot of unanswered questions and strong emotions he feels for her
i hope nandini had a good enough reason for leaving and now staying away from just doesn;t seem fair that she's punishing him for something which was not his fault(:

really nice update😳

ky2manan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Awesome updates
Accidental kiss ..omg
Manik thought he hurt her
Nandini is so broken
Her condition makes me cry
Please don't make Manik like anjali
Manan hug ...aww beautiful
Nyonika ...The Manan shipper
All the incidents are repeating
Waiting for storeroom scene
Update soon
s2sultan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Word Count: 0

shaan... thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Amazing update...
Nandini's gttng jealous...
Manan hugged each other...
Cabir's just superb...
Luved it...
Plz continue soon...
Waiting eagerly...
Take care...
Stay blessed...
Ramisha_manik thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Hey guys!!! So I know you guys were confused about who's POV it was in the last update so I'll clear that up from now on.. Here's a new chapter, hope you like it and don't forget to smile ;)

Chapter 12:

Manik POV:
After about a good 5 minutes I realise what I'm doing, OH SHIT! We kissed yesterday and now I'm hugging her. What will she think of me, I slowly break the hug and look into her eyes expecting her to be furious. But she doesn't look mad at me, in fact she looks relaxed, and peaceful. Did she feel the same way I did, did she love this hug as much as I did. Our eye lock and my thoughts about what Nandini must be feeling were very rudely interrupted by a knock on my door from one of the staff workers telling me I only had 45 minutes to get ready and go on stage. Nandini suddenly moves her hands from me, much to my irritation.. I wanted to feel her arms on me for longer.

Nandini's POV:
I was so lost in him I almost forgot what I was doing, I could see the same intensity in his eyes that I used to see before. In that moment he was my Manik, the Manik who once loved me.. I can see love for me in his eyes and I just wanna drown myself in these emotions. Suddenly we hear a knock on the door, which was a call for Manik. I snap out of my dreamland and face reality as I move my hands off of him. 'Manik, are you okay?' I asked him genuinely concerned for him, 'yeah I... Erm I'm fine' he says as he smiles at me. Have I ever mentioned how much I love his smile. 'Erm.. go get changed I'll wait outside' I say as I move out of the room, before going I give one last look to him; and he, like always, sensed me and looked back at me too.. We shared another quick eye look before I ran out of the room smiling. In the back of my mind I knew that this was all just a fantasy, in a few days Manik will be gone and we won't be together; but I didn't let these thoughts bother me today.. I wanna live in the moment rather than thinking about the future. I don't want to ruin my present worrying about a future that I'm not even promised to have, who knows if I will even live to see tomorrow so I'm going to start living in the moment, in present. And in this moment I'm happy, I'm at peace and I know he is too.

After getting dressed everyone meets up in Cabir's room to relax themselves before the performance. They were all sipping on wine to calm their nerves, Nandini saw Manik lost in his phone so she went up to him, 'Manik you're okay, right?' she asked very concerned about him. 'Yeah... I'm fine Nandini' he said with a smile. 'I know you have all your friends with you but still I want you to know that I'll always be there for you, if you ever need anything, or anyone to talk to I'll be there for you.. Hamesha.. And yeah all the best for today. I know you guys are going to nail it!' Nandini's words touched Manik's heart, he felt content with the assurance that she will be there for him. He couldn't stop smiling; he was going to reply when the were called to go on stage, Manik gave Nandini, Anjali and Navya a quick hug before the FAB 5 group hug and went on stage with his band.


FAB 5 took their positions on stage, the crowd went silent and the lights went off. Manik started strumming his guitar and the spotlight fell on him, he stopped strumming the guitar so Alya could take the lead and begin the melody of the song.

Song: Sleeping At Last - From Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn

I've waited a hundred years
But I'd wait a million more for you
Nothing prepared me for
What the privilege of being yours would do

(Manik began singing, as Nandini remembered how she has been waiting years just to see a glimpse of Manik. Manik on the other hand unknowingly sang for Nandini, his mind failed to remember her but his heart knew what it felt. For Manik Nandini's love used to be a privilege)

If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough
Well I would have known
What I was living for all along
What I've been living for

(He remembered the hug they shared, how her warmth calmed him down immediately, how she blushed when he broke the hug. He recalled how beautiful she looked when she would concentrate on her work forgetting the whole world)

Your love is my turning page
Where only the sweetest words remain
Every kiss is a cursive line
Every touch is a redefining phrase

(He remembered his accidental kiss with Nandini, and like every time he once again started fighting his attraction for her.. He told his mind to stop thinking about Nandini and he concentrated on the song and ignored his thoughts about Nandini's)

I surrender who I've been for who you are
For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart
If I had only felt how it feels to be yours
Well I would have known
What I've been living for all along
What I've been living for

(Nandini now recalled how fragile Manik really is, and this fragility is what made her fall in love with him in the first place. She wished she could once again be his, to feel the feeling of belonging to Manik)

Though we're tethered to the story we must tell
When I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well
With a whisper we will tame the vicious seas
Like a feather bringing kingdoms to their knees

(Manik ended the song and the crowd went crazy cheering for them)

FAB 5 performed a few more songs and the concert became a huge success. After saying good bye to their fans FAB 5 came back stage and shared the tightest group hug.


FAB 5 along with NavNi and Anjali gather in Cabir's changing room. Cabir pops open a champagne bottle and fills the glasses for everyone, except Nandini. 'Cabir, what about me?' asked Nandini much to Cabir's shock, 'you want to drink? Nandini are you okay??' asked a very surprised Cabir, 'kabhi kabhi chalta hai' saying this she winked at Cabir and a very shocked Cabir filled Nandini's glass with champagne. 'I wanna make a toast..' said Manik and and caught everyone's attention 'after years of friendship and being a band we're finally here, together, as best friends fulfilling our life long dreams to take over the world with our music. Our journey definitely has been a roller coaster ride, we had ups but we've also had downs' he says referring to FAB 5 almost breaking up before talent hunt to which everyone tears up, he continues 'but what matters is our friendship overcame all hurdles that came our way, we stood by each other in the toughest of times and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives. FAB 5 is and always will more than a band, it'll be the best part of our lives that we'll never lose. Today we stand here as a group, stronger than ever, with some old special friends' he says looking at Navya and Anjali 'and some new friends, that are just as special' he says looking at Nandini intensely, he continues 'to cheerish and celebrate our journey, not as a band but as best friends and as a family. I, Manik Malhotra, promise that everyone present in this room right now, is and always will be what matters the most. To FAB 5 and to friendship' and with this he raises his glass and so does everyone else as they all say 'to friendship' together and take a sip. 'Manik that was beautiful, I love you guys' says Alya and they all have another group hug celebrating the biggest day in their life and career.


'Everything set?' Cabir whispered to Anjali to which she just gave him a thumbs up. Cabir signalled Dhruv and Navya to leave the room and they left. Mukti and Alya distracted Manik and Nandini with their talks so they don't notice the planning going on around them. 'Guys I have to get changed now, Manik, Mukti and Alya you guys should also go to your changing rooms and change.. Look Dhruv has already gone' said Cabir, and with this everyone moved out. Nandini and Anjali went outside and waited for the gang to come out so they could leave for the hotel together. Just then Nandini received a call from Navya saying she got lost in the basement and doesn't know her way back, so Navya asked Nandini to come and help her get out of the basement. Nandini assured her she was coming as soon as possible, 'Anjali it was Navya, she needs my help.. She got lost in the basement and she doesn't know her way around.. She just got to London today so the place is very new for her I'll go get her..' said Nandini to which Anjali smirked, 'yeah yeah sure, you go help her I'll wait here for FAB 5 and tell them you'll be back soon' said Anjali and Nandini just smiled at her and went to get Navya. 'Step 1 complete' Anjali messaged Cabir, to which Cabir replied 'Proceeding towards Step 2'.


Cabir went to Manik's room where Manik was again on his phone.. 'Erm Manik what are you doing here Dhruv is looking for you everywhere', 'what why? Is everything okay?' asked a worried Manik. 'No everything is not okay, he's having love life problems again and you know me.. I can't deal with his love life so please go help him' Cabir made the lamest excuse he could because he didn't plan how he was going to send Manik to the basement, so he came up with this excuse on the spot. Manik just mouthed an 'oh'. 'Oh kya? Ja na help kar uski, he's waiting for you in the basement'. 'Basement? Why basement?' Manik got really confused, and Cabir didn't have an answer to give to Manik so he just said 'Manik you ask too many questions, how do I know? Dhruv just asked me to tell you to meet him there so just go' and with this Cabir pushed manik towards the basement.


Nandini reached the basement before Manik, 'Navya!! Navya where are you?' asked Nandini on not finding anyone there, just then she received a message from Navya which said: 'found my way back, I'm with Cabir now you can come back upstairs'.. Nandini read the message and sighed. Just as she turned she bumped into Manik and was about to fall when he caught hold of her waist very tightly and saved her from falling. 'Manik' whispered Nandini, and Manik realised he was still holding her so he let go of her, an awkward silence prevailed. 'Tum yaha kaise?' Manik asked Nandini, to which she replied 'wo Navya had gotten lost, I came here to help her but by the time I got here Navya was already gone.. Maybe she found her way back upstairs. And what about you, tum yaha?' before Manik could reply he got a text saying 'don't go to the basement, Dhruv took Alya out for a date.. Just come straight to the hotel, and yeah bring Nandini with you. I'm taking Mukti Anjali and Navya with me.. We're very tired'. Manik just sighed reading the message and said 'I came to meet Dhruv but I think Dhruv has taken Alya out for a date now'. As they were talking they heard someone shut the basement door and lock it, they both got startled. 'Manik what's the time?' asked a panicking Nandini, 'it's midnight, who shut the door?' said an equally worried Manik as he ran towards the door and started banging on it. 'Manik, the arena shuts at midnight.. Someone must've locked the door from outside' Nandini said still panicking.. 'What are we gonna do now?' Nandini continued shouting and panicking.. 'Hey! Relax calm down.. Main hoon na, wait I'll call Cabir' just as he took his phone out he realised the signal was gone. He was surprised as his phone had singles before and now it says 'No service'. 'Nandini my phone has lost service try your phone' 'Manik my phone has lost service too' said Nandini, as she started panicking again.. 'Nandini relax!! I'm here with you, you're not alone okay so calm down and let's think of something' Manik assured Nandini as he kept his hands on her shoulders.


On the other side FAB 5, Anjali and Navya were partying celebrating the success of their plan to lock MaNan up in the basement. Cabir and Navya messaged Nandini and Manik telling them to comeback from the basement so MaNan don't doubt them, but before they could actually come out of the basement they locked it.


Manik tried to look for an escape but couldn't find anything, most of the lights went out as well and it was getting very dark. Luckily for them some of the dim lights were still on. 'Nandini look please don't panic but there is no way out, I think we'll have to wait here till someone comes looking for us, we might have to spend the night here since Cabir has already left with Navya Anjali and Mukti, Dhruv and Alya have gone out as well soo..' Manik said nervously much to Nandini's shock.

kavyach thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Awesome friendship...
Cupids executed their plan...

ky2manan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Amazing update
Manik is getting attracted to her
He loved the hug
Nandini was so happy after the hug
She was longing for the hug since 3 years
So the plan kicked off
And manan are in storeroom
Eagerly waiting for next
Update soon
Cooldude101 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Let the feelings roll in...
Poushi thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
manan eksaath ha I hope manik ko kuch toe yaad aye...
next update plz asap...
GetbusyLiving thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
so it will be the storeroom moment all over again..i bet nandu will remember it and feel sad and manik will be left wondering..lolz...
its nice to see manik falling for her all over again..nandini too...i thought first that u will keeping anjali in between to create confusion in manik's mind but i guess now even manik is sure he is getting attracted to nandini..can't wait to read what will be the result of getting locked up again:)

nice update!!