MaNan FF: Falling For My Soulmate // Imp NOTE pg 121, please read!

Ramisha_manik thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

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I couldn't believe this was actually happening, HE was here, in front of me.. Once again. We were face to face, everything was the same but everything was so different, he still had the same dark eyes that made me want to drown myself in him, he had the same smile which I could die to see, he had the same charm that made me hopelessly fall in love with him. However he didn't have the same love for me in his eyes that he did before he lost his memory, before I lost him, before we lost US.

Today he stands in front of me, talking to me as I'm just another one of his fans, lost in his own world, oblivious to the fact we were once soul mates. In a matter of a few seconds everything that we went through flashed before my eyes, our first hug, our first kiss, our first night, but what hurts the most is he doesn't remember any of it.

He asks me while autographing my diary 'Sorry, what was your name again?' I say, lost deep in his eyes 'Nandini, Nandini Murthy'.. He replies 'Nice to meet you Nandini. I'm Manik, Manik Malhotra' and smiles.. He finally looks at me, and time stops 'Have we met before?' he says as he looks at me with the same intensity that he used to look at me with 2 years ago, when me and him used to be MANAN.

Prologue: Page 1
Character sketch: Page 1
Chapter 1: Page 1
Chapter 2: Page 2
Chapter 3: Page 2
Chapter 4: Page 2
Chapter 5: Page 3
Chapter 6: Page 4
Chapter 7: Page 4
Chapter 8: Page 6
Chapter 9: Page 8
Chapter 10: Page 10
Chapter 11: Page 13
Chapter 12: Page 15
Chapter 13: Page 17
Chapter 14: Page 21
Chapter 15: Page 22
Chapter 16: Page 28
Chapter 17: Page 36
Chapter 18: Page 38
Chapter 19: Page 45
Chapter 19B: Page 47
Chapter 20: Page 53
Chapter 21: Page 61
Chapter 22: Page 69
Chapter 23: Page 77
Chapter 24: Page 87
Chapter 25: Page 95
Chapter 26: Page 104
Chapter 27: Page 114
Edited by Ramisha_manik - 8 years ago


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Ramisha_manik thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Character Sketch:

Manik Malhotra: 22 years old, lead singer of India's most popular band Fab 5 and the only heir of Malhotra Industries, a very talented singer as well as a successful businessman. He is the best friend any one can ever ask for, his friends are his life, he lives for them and he'll even die for them. He was madly hopelessly and helplessly in love with Nandini, till the day after the Talent Hunt where he lost all his memories of the past 3 years (he forgot Nandini as they hadn't met 3 years ago) in a car accident with Cabir.

Nandini Murthy: 21 years old.A musical teacher in London.. A girl who was once full of life and happy, who now fakes a smile almost everyday to hide her miserable state, which is a result of being separated from the love of her life. Nandini moved to London after Manik lost his memory, she wanted to be there for him and with him, she wanted to scream and yell at him for forgetting her but she couldn't. For his own sake she had to move away from him.

Cabir Dhawan: 22 years old. Fab 5's drummer, and a very popular RJ. Best known for his crazy sense of humour and amazing personality, Cabir just like Manik can die for his friends because he just loves them that much. He was in the car accident with Manik but wasn't injured much, he survived.

Dhruv Kapoor: 22 years old. Alia's boyfriend. Fab 5's guitarist, Manik's 'buddy' and brother. He has made a lot of mistakes in his past due to his insecurities but he realises his mistakes now and wants to redeem himself by always being there for Manik and his friends. Dhruv has supported Manik the most along with Cabir after Manik's car accident.

Alia Saxena: 21 years old. Fun loving fashion obsessed diva and Dhruv's girlfriend. She plays the keyboard for Fab 5. Manik's ex-girlfriend.

Mukti Vardhan: 22 years old. Elecric guitarist of Fab 5. The strongest woman not just in the college but maybe in the whole world. She's seen a tough life and has had her heart broken many times but still she's stronger than ever.

Navya Naveli: 21 years old. Lives with Cabir and Mukti. She's unofficially a member of fab 5 now, she bonded very well with all 5 of them and is now very close to them.. She had a miscarriage hence lost her baby. .
Edited by Ramisha_manik - 8 years ago
Sanskruti164 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Loved it
Pm me
Continue soon
Update soonish
Sony.K thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hey first of all congrats and thanks for this story.
I was really waiting for this track.

Thank you so much for this.

I really want to know what is going to happen now.

Please please update soon and yes please PM me.


Ramisha_manik thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Chapter 1:

India, 2nd March, 2016:

'Manik!!!! GET UP MAN WE'RE GETTING LATE FOR OUR FLIGHT!!! It's Our first internation concert, IN LONDON, do you know what that means!!! WE CANT BE LATE WAKE UP!' screamed Alya in an attempt to wake Manik up. 'Oh come on Alya stop screaming and let me sleep, go wake your boyfriend up, in case you've forgetten I'm not your boyfriend anymore, it's Dhruv' ..

Manik loved teasing Alya because when he woke up after the accident the last thing he remembered was Fab 5's trip to Goa during summer vacations three years before the accident, he woke up thinking Alya is still his girlfriend which shocked everyone. Cabir and Dhruv handled Manik and told him about his accident and that fact that he's lost his memory.. They caught him up with everything that had happened in their lives in these three years accept the most important thing, Nandini, they didn't tell him about her. Manik was never in love with Alya so when he was told him and Alya broke up he wasn't upset at all, in fact he was very happy for his both of them and glad Alya was still in his life as a friend.

'VERY FUNNY! Please Manik wake up!!!!' Alya shouts frustrated, to which Manik laughs and gets out of bed goes to get ready..

Cabir, are you sure London is a good idea? I mean you know Nandini lives there...' says a worried Mukti, 'I know, and that's exactly why we're going there.. Manik is once again alone, yes he has us, but he needs her the most.. Manik lost his memory, not his heart, he still has a heart that loves Nandini the same way it did 2 years ago.. Manik needs Nandini..' said Cabir thinking about everything that's happened in their lives. 'I agree, but where will we find Nandini; we don't even know why she left that day, she hasn't contacted any of us in all these years, all she said before leaving was she's going to London and won't ever be back'

'Who won't ever be back?' 'Manik!! Ah Dhruv is just saying he's so excited about going to London he never wants to come back' said Cabir in an attempt to hide this from a suspicious Manik..

London, 2nd March, 2016:

'MANIK!!!!!!' Nandini screams waking up as she has yet another nightmare where she loses Manik forever, however this nightmare was now the reality of her life, she had lost Manik.. Forever. 'Hey are you okay??? Another nightmare?' says a worried Anjali (Nandini's roommate and best friend).. 'Yes just a nightmare' 'Nandini, go back, go back to India.. You know you love Manik then why are you here?? You wake up every night screaming his name, you're gonna kill yourself like this, please go back to him, you need him' 'NO!! I can't and no more discussions on this, let's go back to sleep' says Nandini as Anjali sighs and goes back to bed. 'I wish I could just come back to you Manik, I wish it was that easy, but it's not.. I can't come..'

Hey guys, I'm really new to this forum so don't know how anything works, I don't know what PM or buddy list is.. Can someone please explain how it all works? Please and thank you!
Edited by Ramisha_manik - 8 years ago
kritika99 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
nice start...eager to know what happens next...continue soon and pm me...
vinitamakhija thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
nice update and if you will come too know that plz pm me
Sony.K thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Its was nice.
But why they didn't tell him about Nandini!

Please update next part and PM me.

Ramisha_manik thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Chapter 2:

It was a new day, full of hope for two lovers that were separated by their cruel destiny.


Nandini reached Warrior High, the school that's become her life now. She's a music teacher and loves her job, as music keeps her connected to Manik, and also keeps her memories with him intact. It also makes the pain of being away from Manik a little bit more bearable, music is her distraction from the miseries of her life. But today the school was crazier than usual, everyone was going crazy preparing for something..

'What the hell is going on here?' I thought to myself as everyone in the school ran around like headless chickens.. 'Oh great Nandini, you're here' a voice broke me out of my trance, 'Good morning Mr. Singhania' I greeted our principle who's physically 64 years old but mentally 18. 'What's going in here?' I enquired.. 'We have international guests coming to perform in our school for Talent Show this year, we've got different bands from all over the world coming to our school, everyone is preparing for that' I mouthed an 'Oh' as I realised what was happening.

'Every music teacher will have to personally look after a group, and since you're Indian the band coming from India will be your responsibility, that is okay?' He questioned, or actually ordered me.. 'Yes of course sir' I replied not wanting to wake the hitler in him by saying no to him. 'Good, they will be here tonight, they will go directly to their hotel from the airport and you will meet them at the hotel and personally take care of them and make sure they feel comfortable, I have booked you a room in the same hotel for the whole week that they will be here just so you're around if they ever need anything, all the other bands and your colleagues will be in the same hotel too.. Oh and did I mention you've always been my favourite' he said going back to being the cute person that he is which made me smile. He was somewhat a father figure in my life, he's Anjali's step father, when I came to London I was alone and didn't have anyone, Mr. Singhania and Anjali took me in and made me feel at home after they met me in the flight on the way to London from India, Mr. Singhania gave me a job and I shared an apartment with Anjali, I made a new life for myself, where I wasn't nearly as happy as I was when Manik was with me, but at least I was surviving.


'As we boarded our flight my heart started to race, what was happening to me? I was becoming more and more restless as the time passed.. I felt this weird feeling of satisfaction and excitement, which certainly wasn't for going to London or this concert but something else, that I wasn't aware of' I thought to myself, 'Manik? Are you okay?' Cabir's voice broke me out of my trance, 'Yeah I'm fine just a little tired' he smiled at me, 'Everything will be okay, soon, I promise' he said randomly.. Cabir always said these random things and never told me what he was talking about.. 'What will be okay?' I asked still confused, 'The concert, it'll be okay' he smirked at me mischievously . I just ignored him, I couldn't figure him out anymore. 'When is Navya coming?' I asked to change the topic, 'She's gone back home for 3 days, she'll join us in London after that' he said.

'You will be okay Manik because you'll be reunited with your soul once again... I couldn't stop Nandini from leaving that day but I promise this time I won't let her leave you alone.. She has to come back to you whether she likes it or not. I promise I'll give you back the only joy that you had in life. I'll give you Nandini back' Cabir thought as he continued to look at Manik.
Edited by Ramisha_manik - 8 years ago
kiara97 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Awesome part..but why didn't fab 5 tell manik about nandini??
Continue soon..