Pakeezah (HUMTV) - Adnan Siddiqui, Aamina Sheikh, Aly Khan - Page 5


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Neel_M thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
First episode was good. Amina was just awesome.
I love love her voice!
-shabz- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Why the hell does pskeezah's sister in law/friend call her Paki, it sounds so wrong.
MochaQueen thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 8 years ago
I saw the promo yesterday and heard her say Paki I was like what the 😆
taaniroyal thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
i'll start watching if reviews are awesome,. 
canuck-umz thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Should have made Alyy Khan the hero instead of Adnan. 
MochaQueen thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 8 years ago
Adnan looks good with Amina
cimba thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
adnan is a handsome guy. like to watch him on screen not to say  that  alyy is not fun to watch. casting is fantastic.
Midnightsorrow thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
I like shows like these going to start this soon
ISano thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
wow i didnt knew he - aly khan was a pakistani actor.. i rmeember watchigng him as shefali shah's step brother who was mentally retard.. don tremember the show name.. then i saw him don 2 as well
i thought he got some offers from Pakistan and took them
i was actually going to ask the same question when i saw the thread name PAKEEZAH
cimba thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
aly khan grew up in  india ,also lived in UK  and now lives in pakistan . He is a talented actor. really like him a lot. watch aap ki kaneez ... he was really good in it.
Edited by cimba - 8 years ago