Pakeezah (HUMTV) - Adnan Siddiqui, Aamina Sheikh, Aly Khan - Page 2


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ABBY_JERAN thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: fairi_88

Yes seemz like that gul e rana just got clicked because of sajal feroz pairing otherwise story wise it has many flaws

Not the sajjal FEROZE pairing but the mindblowing screenplay and dialogues 

Also I don't think the story line has many flaws

Other dramas currently running r way more pathetic and crapfest 

Compared to that gul e rana is thousand times better written content wise 

But I must admit FEROZE portrayal of adeel has taken this show to a new level altogether 

MochaQueen thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: fairi_88

Yes seemz like that gul e rana just got clicked because of sajal feroz pairing otherwise story wise it has many flaws

These kind of stories always become bashar momin
fairi_88 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: ABBY_JERAN

Not the sajjal FEROZE pairing but the mindblowing screenplay and dialogues

Also I don't think the story line has many flaws

Other dramas currently running r way more pathetic and crapfest

Compared to that gul e rana is thousand times better written content wise

But I must admit FEROZE portrayal of adeel has taken this show to a new level altogether

Well itz ur opinion nd i respect that, but i hav my own opinion nd i wud stil say that story has flawz, there iz no consistency in adeel'z character, at one point he iz al lovey dovey nd few moments later he goes bonkerz fr no aparent reason ...i dnt like such an abusive husband being potrayed as the hero...his opinion about wife (that he said in ofice before mariage) was regressive to say the least...seeing adeel remindz me of sikandar from kankar...nd about gul e rana sumtymz she contradictz herself, she said to that mona girl about frndship btw girl nd guy as not being allowed in islam..what about her own friendship with ahsarrr bhaiii...wel i wud stil say there iz no consistency in the characterz, may be itz the bad direction or screenplay but there iz sumthng weird about just watching to see whether gul e rana wil get rid of such a bi-polar person or not...loll
fairi_88 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: HeavenlyBliss.

These kind of stories always become bashar momin

Yes they do, i might be the odd one out but i wasnt satisfied with the end of bashar momin...
ABBY_JERAN thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: fairi_88

Yes they do, i might be the odd one out but i wasnt satisfied with the end of bashar momin...


R u for real 

Bashar momin was one of the most few pak shows which indeed had a proper ending and closed all the loopholes in the storyline 

I was surprised how beautifully and on a complete note they ended bashar momin

I wasn't that big fan of the show either coz I HATE ushnah but zanjabeel did a very good job with the script I must say 
fairi_88 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: ABBY_JERAN


R u for real

Bashar momin was one of the most few pak shows which indeed had a proper ending and closed all the loopholes in the storyline

I was surprised how beautifully and on a complete note they ended bashar momin

I wasn't that big fan of the show either coz I HATE ushnah but zanjabeel did a very good job with the script I must say

Yes dear im for real 😆 nd im not talking about the loopholes or proper closure, of course every aspect was closed properly, i was expecting sumthing else to hapen but just leav it...whatz gone iz gone now
MochaQueen thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 8 years ago
I didnt like Bashar clean shaven. Looked too fake. 😆
ABBY_JERAN thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 8 years ago
OST of the show is out 
I m not getting the story of the show which is a good thing 

Aly khan is looking super handsome here 

Don't know why adnan is given such a Buddha look 
fairi_88 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: HeavenlyBliss.

I didnt like Bashar clean shaven. Looked too fake. 😆

Yea that was quite weird ... 😆 😆 he looked better in beard
fairi_88 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: ABBY_JERAN

OST of the show is out

I m not getting the story of the show which is a good thing

Aly khan is looking super handsome here

Don't know why adnan is given such a Buddha look

Cant wait for this, amina shiekh iz coming after such a long tym...ahh i missed her 😳