Fun ASYA/KaBhi OS: Emergency Bailout Procedure - (PART TWO/PAGE 5) - Page 4


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MrMrsAsyaKhan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: jas91

Mojo 🤗

another new OS 😃
OMG that was awesome blossom & so funny 🤣
I love u girl...God bless ur super smart brain which brings this ideas muwah pecking ur head😛
Zoya going on a date wid Zak & teasing Asad their Ass sending her sexy date ready pics😆
Zak seemed nice in start bringing flower wid a smile
but when he took d menu I knew it will b disaster😆
Zoya was remembering how Asad orders 4 her too when they come😉
& than Zak started doing galti pe galti ruining his golden chance 😆
Zoya & Samie were hilarious there each dialogue was spot on Mojo I loved it😃
I m imagining that u r playing Samie here & ur friend is Zoya is it🤣 u said na its inspired
& in d end Asad entered in all his glory man was he in town how he made it so fast😲
but truly saying that's their chemistry Samie was talking about which can burn/lite d whole house on fire😉
Mojo my jaan I love u so much 🤗
U always bring d classiest concepts & I love them all😃
Stay blessed Sweets😛
& take care
Lots of Love🤗
PS- still have 2 catch up wid Revenge😳

JAS! Sweetheart, hope you are doing well! It is so good to be hearing from you after so long!

Happy Belated New Year beautiful, wishing and praying for a wonderful new year for you, full of love, success, good health and happiness! 

I am glad you found it funny, I was starting to think I was the only one laughing like a maniac. She was very annoyed that he missed their trio cocktail party and therefore was not indulging much details regarding her date and the fact that he is a player and could be with girls in London so she sent him a picture to annoy his overprotective side! Zak sounded sweet in my head too, it was difficult to make the date into a flop! LOOOL! I loved Samie and Zoya's banter, reminds me of my best friend! But that is not where the inspiration came from. I was in my PJ's when my friend said he'll come pick me up so we can go chill but I was like no way is that happening. And then he called me selfish and apparently I was making excuses. He got called an ASSHOLE and that is where the story started! But he is just a friend, no boyfriend just so that I make that clear! HAAHA!

In my head, Asad's entry was meant to be HOT and mentally I was swooning at the image but I couldnt it pen it properly! Only realised after that he is literally in it for like two lines! BAHAHAHA! But their chemistry, will always top the charts, burn New York to fire! 

I love you girl! Thank you for your wonderful comment. I am glad you enjoyed it! And it means a lot. A LOT!

You take care, and dont worry about not reading Revenge, I have no idea what I am doing with that story tbh. You just reminded me that I have a lot of reading to do on IF! If only I can get away from my Kindle, bed and my lazy ass to stop sleeping!


I was melted by the first one, second one had me thinking and third one I had decided I am going to write you a second part! BUT BUT, my second shots never turn out good so I am warning you. I was actually writing this OS for fun and as  quick thing so Idk how this second will turn out. But I will try, for your sake!

MWAH! Much love doll

noesha thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Loved it!
LOL his stamp collection. Hahaha and suuure I will change my job for youu hahaha

Asad is SO perfect. Damm

You sooo should write a second part!

plzz pm me when you do!
MrMrsAsyaKhan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Okay, so I decided to write another part thanks to Jas's GIFS that melted me. I am such a softie! I had no idea what I was going to write as the bailout OS was such a random quick thing for fun! But I realised there wasn't enough Asad in the last part and trust me if you guys can get into my head right now, I am imagining this sexy guy that will burn you and I thought that is what I wrote but didn't! SIGHSSS he still remains in my head, cannot pen that sexiness! GAHHH! This is for my Asya lovers! No storyline, just ASYA! Thank you for your comments for last part! XOXO

OS: Claiming His Best Friend

"HEY GUYS!" Samie greeted them as soon as the phone stopped ringing; Zoya narrowed her eyes at the phone before glancing over at Asad who was staring at the road ahead of him, his elbow leaning against the window edge while he drove. And that sexy grin remained on his face.

"GUYS?" Zoya repeated, "How did you know he was here?"

"Oh Zoya, you are so naive girl. You think I won't have the perfect emergency bailout ready for you?" She laughed like a maniac. Asad chuckled, Zoya hit his arm.

"When did you get back?" Zoya directed her question at Asad.

"This morning." He looked over at her; those intense eyes did something to her insides. He winked at her before looking straight.

"You both knew" Zoya let out an exasperated sigh.

"I don't see why you're mad girl. You have a hottie sat next to you." Samie took a gulp of her wine before practically grinning into the phone.

"Thanks sex bomb" Asad smirked. Zoya raised her brow. "She is a sex bomb though"

"I knew there was a reason you were my best friend instead of something more." Samie chuckled.

"Oh My God. Why am I part of this conversation?" Zoya closed her eyes and threw her head back.

"Why wouldn't you be? We are celebrating together." Samie said a little too loudly, Asad stifled a laugh. She was a little too drunk.

"What exactly are we celebrating?" Zoya opened her eyes, her forehead creased in confusion.

"Both of you becoming one" Samie announced.

"WHAT?" Zoya gaped at the phone.

"We're celebrating us" Asad gave her an intense look, way too many by the likes of it. Zoya was finding it hard not to melt into him.

"There's an US?" Zoya blinked. His grin turned wide, stretching over his beautifully carved face. That cheeky look on his face she was way too familiar with.

"There's been an us since the day your ass said Hi to me in the lift." He winked at her. Zoya felt her heart burst out of her before she realised what he said, her hands went flying over his mouth before he could further praise her ass.

"You're not meant to talk about that ever." She warned him. He removed her hand before placing it over his chest. She could feel his heart thumping below her palm. She swallowed hard.

"Baby, I'm the only person that can talk about that ass." His eyes flashed a mixture of possession and lust.

"Yeah and a million of other guys that crave for it as she catwalks" Samie interrupted.

"SAMMM!" Zoya scolded. "I do not catwalk."

"So you don't deny other guys wanting it?" Samie questioned, Zoya can literally see her raised eyebrow along with her mocking face in front of her.

"Sam easy on that girl. I'm driving." Asad gripped the steering wheel tightly, his girl was hot. There was no denying it and he could hardly blame guys for lusting after her. But it burned his heart. He wanted to knock their eyes out for ever looking at her.

"I told you to brand that ass years ago." Samie spoke in a bored tone.

"Guys, I'm still here. And it is my ass and no one is branding it thank you very much." Zoya said as a matter of fact. Asad gave her a look that said keep dreaming girl and Samie made a pft noise. "Samie you are SO drunk." Zoya crossed her arms.

"Of course I am, I am celebrating you guys!"

"There is no US guys." Zoya spoke in an unconvincing voice. 

"Keep dreaming baby girl" Asad and Samie said at once. Asad parked up inside his basement garage.

"You take care of both of you okay." Samie sighed, "I can't believe I just became the third wheel to our trio. What am I going to do with my life? I am so depressed." She ended the call. Zoya stared at her phone for a good thirty seconds before glancing over at Asad who had his eyes fixed on her; she could see the stark need in his eyes.

"There is going to be an us baby" He reached over the gearbox for her hand; they were petite in his large ones. His thumb went over the back of her hand, brushing it back and forth softly. "I am going to take you into the building and give you a thousand reasons for you to accept us and then allow you to give me that one reason why there shouldn't be. I feel so strongly for you, I doubt that reason is going to make a difference." His eyes darkened, Zoya could see the determination in his eyes.

He took her hand to his lips and grazed it lightly. She watched him silently get out of the car before walking around to open the passenger door. He held his hand out to her; Zoya placed her hand in his eyes without removing contact with his eyes. He pulled her body against his, his free hand pushed the door close before sliding around her waist holding her securely against him. He nuzzled into her neck inhaling her scent before smothering her with feathery kisses. Zoya was sure to drop to her knees if it wasn't for his tight hold around her waist. "So best friend, you ready for this?" He whispered into her ears, brushing his lips against her cheek. Zoya shivered as Asad's hold around her tightened further. She bravely tilted her head back to look up at his face. Her lips parted but no words came out of her mouth. He smiled at her knowingly before pecking her lips and entwining their hands pulling her along behind him.

"Hey Mike" Zoya squeaked at the guard outside the lift. Asad chuckled throwing the keys to her Mustang over to him.

"Have someone pick up my car." Asad nodded towards Mike who didn't react. Zoya followed like a robot into the lift, Asad hit the button for the 4th floor. He owned the whole building. She didn't stand a chance against his charm being alone with him today.

"How was the London meeting?" Zoya asked bravely, his grip on her hand tightened. She didn't blink watching the lift doors close. He pushed her against the elevator, before running his finger down the side of her face. Zoya couldn't help but lean into his touch. She bit her bottom lip, she has been working with him for the past three years, never had she ever given into him like this before. They are best friends for goodness sake, have gone through the good and the bad together. Asad was known as a Casanova, sleeping with every chick who threw themselves at him. But he had never tried anything with her. That always disappointed her for some odd reason. Until the last year, when his every touch seemed like something more, driving her to the end of sanity. Not that the four years she has known him has been easy on her.

"I didn't have anyone in my bed, if that is what you wanted to know. I have stopped screwing random girls since you..." He trailed off, his warm breath intoxicating Zoya as his face remained mere inches away from hers.

"Since I caught you in bed with that blonde" She managed to choke out, Asad's thumb brushed the side of her lips.

"Did I ever tell you that you were the only girl that I ever truly wanted? That every other girl in my bed could not erase my need for you. That they were only a distraction from wanting you." He whispered softly. Zoya searched his eyes, her heart beating frantically inside of her. She shook her head lightly. "You will always be too good for me baby" He leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. "But I am going to be selfish because I have decided that I want you more than a best friend. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I cannot see you with anyone else." He kissed her forehead and then her nose before pulling her hand and leading her out of the lift. Zoya stared at his back, feeling totally out of her own control. This man in front of her has possessed her heart, body, mind and soul. Her eyes scanned the living room that has completely transformed. This was not the way she remembered it, all the furniture had been moved out of the way. In the middle, sat a round table with candles and flowers. There was also a bucket holding his fine wine. The room was dim; there were candles spread everywhere with red petals spread over every inch of the gigantic living room. The soft music reached her ears and she pulled at his hand bringing him to a halt. Her eyes gleamed taking in the sight before her.

"Is this for me?" She whispered softly leaning closer towards him, her front touched his side. Her hand reached up towards his face before pressing against his cheek and turning it to look towards her. He let go of her hand to wrap around her waist and his other hand went over hers on his cheek. He nodded towards her.

"You're special baby. And you deserve only the best. I want to do everything right by you." He told her, his voice low. "The four years that I have known you, from the first moment I laid my eyes on you. My heart knew you were different. And you deserve special." Zoya reached up and captured his lips. Asad was taken by surprise at first; both of his hands went around her and lifted her out of her heels. Her legs wrapped around him throwing every bit of her into the kiss, both of his hands held onto her bottom gluing her to him. He reluctantly pulled back from the kiss. "Not yet baby. I want you to enjoy our date. I still haven't finished everything I have to say to you." He placed a soft kiss on her chest grinning up at her thoroughly kissed swollen lips and flushed face; her eyes sparkled back at him.

"There's more?" She tilted her head questioningly.

"So much more" He smirked. Zoya's face turned a deep crimson. "We still have to discuss my fascination with your ass" He squeezed his hands, "Mighty fine" He winked. Zoya's eyes turned wide before smacking him across the chest.

"You can't say stuff like that" She chastised, embarrassed.

"Sure I can." He replied cockily, his tone playful. "Cus I'm branding that ass today." That earned him another smack; he chuckled walking over towards the table, with her still attached to him. "You know, me and you, US." He kissed her neck before placing her down on the chair.

Zoya squirmed under his eyes as they trailed down her body. "Baby, thank you for not wearing that skirt otherwise I would have taken you on the footpath the instant I saw you." Zoya's jaw dropped open at his comment, her cheeks reddened further. "But, knowing what's under those jeans, I don't know how long I can go before stripping you naked." His eyes darkened with hunger. He smirked down at her flustered state. "Don't worry. By the end of this night, I'll have you strip them off for me." He winked at her. Zoya was about to lunge forward to hit him but he jumped back shaking his head.
"Sit your ass back down baby before I tackle you to the ground. I am controlling myself somehow but your touch will break me." He said weakly, his expressions showing his pain. Zoya sat still in her chair, moving her attention away to focus on the red roses in the middle of the table. She reached forward and grabbed a rose before bringing it to her nose to inhale the scent. Asad watched her every movement.

"I'm hungry" Zoya said softly without looking up. "He ruined it by proposing to me..."

"What? He proposed to you?" Asad asked in disbelief, Zoya watched from the corner of her eyes as he folded his jumper up to his elbows revealing his tight muscles and traces of a tattoo she wanted to touch since the day her eyes caught it. She has had many many chances before but she didn't have the courage to touch him so intimately without crumbling.

"Yes after he asked me to change my profession" Zoya shrugged her shoulders, Asad reached for the bottle of wine before pouring it into a glass for her. He sat down opposite her, his every movement oozed finesse.

"Who's the asshole now baby?" His lips twitched, his eyes crinkled. Zoya sighed; even his eyes were smiling at her. How on earth did she resist him for so long? Why was she ever his best friend instead of something more. Her heart wanted this man.

"Still you Asad." Zoya smiled before pouting. "Still hungry. Please tell me there is food." She asked hopefully.

"Why would I deny something so trivial as food" He winked before holding his phone against his ear. "She's hungry, bring it all up." Zoya observed quietly before glancing towards the entrance as Henry walked inside pushing a trolley. The room was silent for a few moments before Zoya burst out laughing uncontrollably, Asad tried to hold himself back. Henry stopped in front of them.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit" He muttered fixing his bow tie. Asad shot him a look and Henry straightened up, suddenly the epitome of professional.

"What have you done to Henry?" Zoya spoke in between breaths; Henry was one of Asad's personal body guards. She has tried interacting with them since she met them but in all these years, they were always dressed in smart black suits ready to kill anyone for Asad, their expressions always blank. But seeing him dressed as their waiter today was just something else.

"I spoke to Martin, and he has delivered our favourite dishes." Asad nodded at Henry who looked uncomfortable nonetheless placed the first two dishes in front of them. Zoya shook her head before moving out of her seat, she stopped Henry, he looked relieved before his face went blank again.

"Thank you Henry, but that is enough. Honestly, we will manage. You go. Thank you again" Zoya reached up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He looked at her shyly before stepping back and straightening his posture. "Thank you for everything" Zoya winked for all the years he has looked out for her.

"Anything else Asad." Henry spoke in a robotic voice.

"Apparently not" Asad looked at Zoya who was beaming down at him. They both watched Henry leave, his long strides showing his desperation to run away from the two. "Stop looking at me like that. Ruined everything." He grumbled.

"That was amazing. That was just something else." She chuckled. She lifted the lids and served the food into his plate. Asad reached up to stroke her cheek.

"Thank you." He whispered softly. "For everything."

"You know I'm still waiting on those thousand reasons" Zoya moved back around the table to take her seat.

"Okay" He coughed, he picked on some chicken from his plate with his fork before holding it out to her over the table, Zoya wrapped her hand around his before taking a bite. She hummed in pleasure. Asad bit his bottom lip enjoying the look on her face. "Is this not a good enough reason?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Nope." She took a sip of her wine. "So, tell me more about this London trip."

"Seriously?" He crossed his arms.

"We are business partners." She smiled innocently at him.

"But you were more pissed about me missing our cocktail night."

"Of course I was. You broke our tradition" She pointed at him with her fork.

"I broke a lot of rules before we made them baby" His tongue went over his bottom lip; Zoya swallowed whatever was in her mouth.

"Stop it." She threw him a look. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Stop what?" He asked innocently.

"What rules are we talking about here?" She asked shaking off the distraction in front of her.

"I love it when you do that. You were always attracted to me."

"No I am not" She lied, "Do what?" She looked up at him; he had a playful smile on his face.

"The way you shake off your attraction towards me." His eyes went over her lips before resting on her heaving chest. He chuckled softly.

"If you knew I was attracted to you... why now?" She asked him.

"Why what baby?" He sat up.

"Why are you asking for an us now?"

"Trust me when I say, I have tried to before. But with you..." He raked his hair, "I cannot see you with anyone else. I cannot stay away from you any longer. I want you in every way, not just as my best friend, or my business partner, I want you beside me as my girl, and one day when you'll allow me, I want you as my wife." He held her eyes; they were on the verge of tears.

"Two proposals in one day" She tried to control her tears but the dam burst before she could do anything. She was half laughing, half crying. "That could only happen to me. You didn't even let me eat properly." She dabbed her eyes with the napkin. "You're not allowed to say all of that."

"Sure I can" He smiled getting up, "And I just did." He held her elbow before pulling her up against him, Zoya rested her head on his chest, his arms wound around her waist. "Thank you for becoming my friend. Thank you for agreeing to become my business partner. Thank you for wearing that skirt that day when you were running late and fixing it in the lift" Her arms tightened around him, "Thank you for keeping me in check and allowing me to get to know you. And smell you and touch you when I knew I couldn't have you."

"Asad" Zoya scolded burying her face further into his chest. She could feel his body vibrate in her hold, he was laughing the ass.

"So what do you say baby? You want to make it official?" He kissed the top of her head, she tilted her head back while one of his hand wrapped around the nape of her neck pulling her forehead to rest against his, and their breaths to mingle. Zoya lifted her right hand and placed it over his chest.

"You look at another girl from this day forward Asad Ahmed Khan, you're going to wish you were never born." She accepted his proposal with her threat. Asad grinned.

"As if I would dare baby." And then he took her lips, and she allowed him to take every bit of her, devour her until there is nothing left in the world except them both, here in this dim room - two people so completely different from one another, maybe wrong for each other and yet, somehow it was right. His hands slip beneath her top, his callused fingers explored her back caressing the bare skin there. Her whole body arched against his, and she couldn't help but stop the satisfied sigh that slides up her throat, past her lips and into his mouth. He swallows the sound without breaking contact with her lips, his tongue slides inside her mouth and strokes hers. That single brush is all it takes for Zoya to shatter whatever self- restraint or doubt she had been clinging onto. It was a shot of pure oxygen into the embers of slow burning passion that has been smouldering between them for years. In seconds, they were set ablaze. Her hands traced his torso, greedily exploring every stretch of bare skin within reach as his grip tightened around her back. She scraped her nails against his chest revelling in the feeling of his muscles contracting, Asad groaned low in his throat as a response to her touches. She grinned against his lips. Asad pulled away, taking a deep breath before staring deep into her eyes. She could feel his very soul emerging with hers. He lifted her up, Zoya's legs wrapped around him before resting her head on his shoulder.

"I'm claiming you as mine baby and I'm never letting you go." He whispered hoarsely against her neck placing wet soppy kisses before holding her tight against him.


anopama thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Omg tht was hot 
Definitely didn't want no bailout there 
Zoya is the right one for Asad ahe will keep him in check 
But he don't want anyone else but her 
Love it 
Hakuna_Matata11 thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Fabulous update.
Loved it so much .
KeyaHira2 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
I really liked this line
"I'm claiming you as mine baby and I'm never letting you go." 
sj_qh_kabhi thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Omg that was super hot..!!!
I loved it
The way asad was possessive about zoya and zoya about asad was so cute
These two are seriously made for each other
I'm loving this one
There is more right..?? Plz say yes..;)
Edited by cutie15 - 8 years ago
MOnkEy_rAngEr thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
It was super duper amazing 
Loved every bit of it 
jas91 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: MrMrsAsyaKhan

JAS! Sweetheart, hope you are doing well! It is so good to be hearing from you after so long!
I know Pura 1 saal bit gya nahi😆 I mean we r in new year na😆 after typing I realised it might sound sarcastic as I should clear in advance.
I m fine u tello how's ur health now back leg asb fix no? & what about new job found any?? 

Happy Belated New Year beautiful, wishing and praying for a wonderful new year for you, full of love, success, good health and happiness! 
awe tyt huggies Jani Love u & wish u d same in double🤗

I am glad you found it funny, I was starting to think I was the only one laughing like a maniac. She was very annoyed that he missed their trio cocktail party and therefore was not indulging much details regarding her date and the fact that he is a player and could be with girls in London so she sent him a picture to annoy his overprotective side!
No no Jani don't feel left out I m a maniac tooEmbarrassed😆
Zak sounded sweet in my head too, it was difficult to make the date into a flop! LOOOL! 😆
I loved Samie and Zoya's banter, reminds me of my best friend! But that is not where the inspiration came from. I was in my PJ's when my friend said he'll come pick me up so we can go chill but I was like no way is that happening. And then he called me selfish and apparently I was making excuses. He got called an ASSHOLE and that is where the story started! But he is just a friend, no boyfriend just so that I make that clear! HAAHA! Haw why r u giving so many explanation JAni maine toh kuch kaha hi nahi 😉 Can I play Samie hereROFL

In my head, Asad's entry was meant to be HOT and mentally I was swooning at the image but I couldnt it pen it properly! Only realised after that he is literally in it for like two lines! BAHAHAHA! But their chemistry, will always top the charts, burn New York to fire! No doubt about that JaniEmbarrassed

I love you girl! Thank you for your wonderful comment. I am glad you enjoyed it! And it means a lot. A LOT! Thanku's r not allowed 😭

You take care, and dont worry about not reading Revenge, I have no idea what I am doing with that story tbh. You just reminded me that I have a lot of reading to do on IF! If only I can get away from my Kindle, bed and my lazy ass to stop sleeping!
Don't say bad about ur writing u silly girl its Fab & only we(readers) know it so shoo urself😡😆 I'll read as soon as I can & about reading tell me how long u r free i'll pass u some selected stories link that u can read😃
Jani I can post more 4 d 3rd shot😆

I was melted by the first one, second one had me thinking and third one I had decided I am going to write you a second part! BUT BUT, my second shots never turn out good so I am warning you. I was actually writing this OS for fun and as  quick thing so Idk how this second will turn out. But I will try, for your sake!
& I loved it Jani so much moore I felt like I was reading it in 1 go there was no break in it😉😃

MWAH! Much love doll
Muwaah My Love, Take care 🤗 

jas91 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
OMG Mojo my Jaan🤗
big tyt bear hugs 2 u my sweetu U made my day 😛
I didn't knew U will write it so soon on such a short notice awe😳
U totally wooed me not only wid quick shot but also d way u penned it down
Wish I could have a slight percentage of ur awesomeness sigh
So what if I don't have that brain I have lots of love in this heart 4 u doesn't heart weigh more than brain😳😉❤️
So I love U my sweety cutie girl❤️ Jani I m gonna call u this😳 ur name had Jana in it na so now on u r my Jani SO love u JAni🤗
coming 2 d shot
what could I say or I'll say what should I say😳
I m speechless & mesmerised or wooed like I said b4
U didn't give proper Asad b4 so u totally made up of that in this shot but it had side effect on Samie this time even though she was total bomb but its ok she's less here😉😆
Still Samie was a big drama queen d way she sang in d end I m single in d trio & depressed all that😆
Now lets get 2 our Beloved Asya no no lets get 2 our sexy Asad I was total goner on this Asad😳 he's so charming makes u feel so many emotions by saying d simplest things no doubt Zoya was melting in his charm like an Ice cream😆 Jani u made Asad so so so irresistible.😛 I want this kind of Asad in my life gosh why I m single I m depressed like Samie 😆Mera Asad bhi ayega Dharti ka sina cheer ke ayega🤣🤣
LOL doesn't I turned like Samie here "shaking my head 2 come back 2 senses"🤣
Asad was a irresistible charmer no doubt turning Zoya there & every girl reading d shot into jelly wid his heart melting one liners oops I didn't tell u na Jani I love Fluff stories😛 so u can imagine this was 1 a piece of delicious cake 4 me so u can imagine my happiness😃
My Gosh Mr Heart stellar aka our Asad organized a special date 4 Zoya what a setting that was I felt as I was in there watching there date widout ticket😆
oh stop Henry Asad's BG entering at his date dressed as a waiter🤣 was so epic even I started laughing when I read that😆
Zoya our cutie jello girl again brought up London trip but when Asad started talking there was no room 4 anything else 😳😉
Loved d way he poured his heart out & proposed her
Actually speaking there wasn't a single section in d shot I didn't liked I loved it from start till d end wid a big goofy grin on my face 😛
Jani u r oozing wid freshness, love, smartness & funniness this year that I can see through ur writings this 1 & that UT guy both Asad's r cool & irresistible & 4 a change ur not writing anything sad or too serious which u do quite a lot😳😆 So I assume & wish also that Its a happy year 4 u 😛
Stick 2 this happiness Jani cuz u deserve it 😃😛
Lots of love, wishes & good luck 4 u wid a toping of hugs & kisses muwaah🤗❤️
PS- Jani where is Princess these days last time she was busy in exams where is she now?