Fun ASYA/KaBhi OS: Emergency Bailout Procedure - (PART TWO/PAGE 5)

MrMrsAsyaKhan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

So it's raining outside, and it is cold. I am bored out of my mind. Sat here under my duvet with a cup of green tea and laptop, and thought I should write something fun. So I spent the last hour writing this! I laughed way too hard writing it and I hope you guys feel the same. Oh yeah, the inspiration came from my friend who I just turned down from going out. Because I am in my PJ's and not moving if anyone paid me a million dollars.

An ASYA/KaBhi OS: Emergency Bailout Procedure

Ass: Who's the guy?

Zoya: FU. Why do you even want to know?

Ass: Stop being annoying. Who is he?

Zoya: Accountant. 5'9.

Ass: Haha. Shortie like you.

Zoya: Did I tell you to FU?

Ass: Who is he? More deets as you always say.

Zoya: Met him at the Caf near our building. Seen him a few times. Asked me on a date. If you were here instead of f**king chicks in London, you would know. ASSS!

Ass: You know I'm here on business. I don't f**k chicks on business ;)

Zoya: FU?

Ass: Anytime baby.

Zoya: *Image attached*

Ass: Cover up those legs baby, it's cold in New York.

Zoya: Not in his bed, it won't be. BUH BYE!

Zoya dropped her phone into her clutch before pressing her lips together. She pushed her curls up and pouted into the mirror. She had never made that much effort for a date before but damn, she looked good. She shimmied out of her skirt and pulled on her black skinny jeans. The picture she sent to one of her best friend and business partner was to annoy him as he had left her for London for an important business meeting. He was very overprotective of her and Samie, they were a trio. He usually does the background checks on their dates but he wasn't here for this one. She was annoyed because he missed their cocktail night on Friday but business comes first. Her phone vibrated uncontrollably inside her clutch. She grinned seeing the caller ID.

"Samie, hey girl! How you doing?" Zoya slipped into her heels with a smile hearing her best friend cheer on the other side.

"You ready for your hot date?"

"You know I am." Zoya grabbed her clutch and her car keys strutting towards the apartment door.

"You getting laid tonight." Samie teased in a singsong voice.

"Not happening girl. He aint getting into these pants that easily." Zoya closed the door behind her; she rolled her eyes hearing Samie puff on the other side.

"At this rate, no one is ever going to get into your pants" She said in a bored tone.

"Girlie, are we really having this conversation?"

"Yes. Yes we are. Why don't you just let him take it?" She can practically feel Samie smile deviously.

"He is our best friend. Shut up Samie!" Zoya snapped. The amount of times she has suggested this ridiculous idea of their friend getting her into bed, it's getting old.

"He can be so much more for you babe" Samie grinned.

"Samie, shut up! Don't even talk about him, the ass. He is sat in London, f**king every girl, left right and centre. He is definitely not getting in my pants. He is safe in that friend-zone. And is staying there." Zoya's face went red, the picture of him, naked with every blonde he can find. She shuddered, that image is going to the back of her mind and staying there.

"You know he has crawled out of that friend zone a very long time ago. You denying it just proves that." Samie repeated her lecture. Zoya shut the door to her Mustang a little too hard before apologising to it mentally.

"I am going on a date right now; I don't want talk about all of that." Zoya placed her phone on loud speaker and started the car bringing the engine roaring to life. "Oh, you're good to me baby" She patted the wheel.

"You are such a dork Zoe!" Samie laughed, "Date with that Accountant, I give it 15 minutes before you text me to bail you out." She challenged.

"Nope. He is" She paused driving out of the lane, "Nice. Just nice. I like that about him. And he doesn't seem like a player. He's the type of guy you can go slow with." She smiled picturing his hazel eyes. They were just a shade darker than her best friend's except her friend's had rings of green around his beautiful brownish hazel orbs. She sighed.

"Because Ass can take you there in just 15 minutes if you'd say YES!" Zoya shook her head.

"No bailout needed today." Zoya said firmly, "But keep your phone on you though" Samie burst out laughing. The cow. "Glad to hear you having fun at my expense." She retorted.

"Babe, have you heard yourself. He's an Accountant and he looks boring. Slow or not kinda guy, he just isn't your type." Samie spoke in her best mother voice.

"And what is my type?"

"The sexy, masculine, dominant, challenging, big headed, cocky, has eyes for you, that puts you on the edge type of guy." Samie spoke in one breath, "Aka, ASSS!"

"PUHHLEASEEE..." Zoya scoffed, "Those are the type of guys I have been trying to escape from for the past 5 years."

"Awww I know your first and only boyfriend was a dickhead but you can't hold yourself back from every guy that has a teeny quality that matches your ex." Samie comforted her.

"The dickhead abandoned me." Zoya held back her tears.

"I know babe, but not every guy will do that. He was the ODD to all the good guys out there. Don't let that stop you from falling for a guy that redefines CHEMISTRY" Her sexy teasing voice was back on. Zoya swerved into one of the more quieter roads and parked up.

"And our best friend is the only guy that does that right?" Zoya spoke sarcastically.

"NOOO" Samie spoke in a mocking voice. "He is HOT though."

"So you tell him every day and give him his ego boost. Talking about the boost, you haven't given it to him on the group chat today. WASSUUUPPP?" Zoya chuckled. Samie sniffed dramatically.

"You know Zoya, I might be depressed." She diagnosed herself, Zoya can practically see her raise her hands in the air before falling back on the sofa dramatically spilling her red wine everywhere. "It feels like I have been alone for years." Zoya stifled a laugh; her best friend is crazy.

"I was with you last night you tramp."

"Not that kind of lonely, growing cobwebs down there lonely" Samie spoke in a serious voice, indirectly scolding her for not understanding her terms.

"You have been single for 5 days for goodness sake." Zoya threw her head back.

"That is a very long time for me you know" Samie took a sip of her wine.

"And I have a date to get to. Catch you later, don't be too drunk!!!!!!!!" Zoya warned her. "I'll have gossip ready."

"Bring me alcohol and I'm yours babe. Emergency bailout will always be ready. Go out there and show him your sexy stuff. MWAHHH!" Samie hung up. Zoya shook her head, she was grinning at her best friend. How on earth did she get so lucky? She checked her face in the rear view mirror one last time before stepping out of her beloved car. She tried not to blush getting intense looks from the passers-by, some even winked at her. She glanced at her watch, she was 15 minutes early but she didn't mind. She wanted that time to herself to settle down. She entered the posh Mexican restaurant, the dim lighting and the soft music eased her insides.

"Miss Farooqui, how lovely to see you here again. Date?" Martin, one of the restaurant managers looked her up and down giving her a satisfied grin.

"Yup" Zoya nodded allowing him to take her hand and place a soft kiss over her knuckles. "You really know how to make a lady feel special Amado" She allowed him to help her sit down.

"Sweetheart, you are something else." He kissed her cheek before firing away at one of the waiters in rapid Spanish. He winked at her, "Wine on its way. Enjoy yourself. Ests preciosa. You look beautiful" He smiled at her before walking off to manage the busy restaurant. Zoya smiled at his retreating back before getting comfortable in her seat.

After a comfortable fifteen minutes, Zoya looked up to find her date entering holding a bunch of pink tulips. How sweet. He smiled widely catching her eyes; he was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt. He couldn't pull it off as well as most men but he still looked attractive. He took long strides towards her before embracing her tightly placing a soft peck on her cheeks.

"Sorry I'm late. These are for you." He passed her the flowers. Zoya took them blushing.

"You're just on time. Thank you for these." She smiled sitting back down, he joined her on the opposite side. He called the waiter over and started ordering food. He looked over at her in anticipation. She must have looked confused; he moved his eyes towards the menu. Oh. She stared at the menu in front of her; this was hers and her friend's favourite restaurant. But he always ordered for her. Zoya shifted uncomfortably in her seat before placing her order. After the waiter disappeared, her date set off. Everything was going well until he started telling her about his stamp collection.

"You can come see them whenever you like." He offered. "I will just have to make sure my mum isn't there." Zoya blinked back at him, her eyes went over Martin who offered her a comforting smile from across the room. If this kind of date was part of a story that was being told by her friend, she would be in fits of laughter but this isn't so funny when she is part of this story. What on earth did she get herself into? Samie was so right.
"So you work for ZA enterprise?" He asked her thanking the waiter as he places his food in front of him. He doesn't wait for her as he digs in and takes a bite out of his enchilada. Zoya smiled enthusiastically at him.

"Yes I do. My business partner is my best friend."

"Would there be any changing your mind about your profession?" He looks thoughtful.

"What do you mean Zak?" Zoya leaned back against her chair and tried not to glare at him. This was such a shame, he was a decent looking guy but when he opens his mouth, the verbal diarrhoea shoots at you and makes you wonder why he is still single. Her friends would laugh at this. He has a stamp collection and still lives with his mum. Perfect.

"Well, I don't know if I could be with a woman that spends so much time on her work and clothing. You're well out there" Of course she was, her business was soaring; their company was one of the most renowned names in the fashion industry. "There is a huge problem in America regarding women who obsessively shop." I own my own clothes' heaven you dumbass. "I'd like to know that wouldn't be an option with my wife. So, would changing your profession be an option?" He smiled before raising his brow expectantly. Was this guy for real? Zoya reached for her wine glass and took a sip to buy her some time. So the guy basically 10 minutes into the date asked her to change her profession and proposed to her? WOW.  

She needed to get out of there. She needed Samie. Emergency bail time.

"I just need to use the washroom. I'll be right back." Zoya jumped up and rushed towards the ladies room before he could ask her any other intrusive questions. She demonstrated her hand around her neck when Martin looked over at her, the young waiter next to him burst out laughing. At least someone was having fun at her date.

She removed her phone from her clutch and texted her friend.

Zoya: This guy is a clown. Emergency bailout procedure in T-minus ten minutes

Samie: Gotcha. Turn the cell phone volume up up and up.

Zoya grinned before fixing her hair and walking out of the washroom, a bright smile fixed on her face. They eat in silence for a few minutes before her cell phone blasts "Downtown" by Macklemore.

Let's get this show on the road.

She takes her phone out of her clutch and frowns down at the caller ID. Oh, who could it be?

"Oh excuse me, this could be important." Her confused face looks apologetically at Zak. "Hello?" She speaks into the phone, her brows furrowed.

"HAHA 15 MINUTES BITCH! BLAH BLAH BLAH, Dog got hit by a car." Samie spoke in an amused tone. Zoya's eyes widen and her hand flies over her chest.

"What? No! Not Tinkerbell" She whispers loudly.

"I think I should get a dog or two." Samie's voice goes serious.

"Oh no, not my precious baby" Zoya places her hand on her forehead, showing her devastation.

"We'll get two." Samie makes a firm decision. "Pugs, yeah we should get pugs. I'm going to call them Lola and Berry." She says excitedly.

"Why dear God, why?" Zoya wipes tears that haven't left her eyes. She tries to make her voice shaky, and fake quivering her lips.

"Ya know because I get lonely sometimes" Samie answers her question. Zoya slumps her shoulders and force them to shake a bit.

"Don't make any decisions without me doctor. I'm on my way." Zoya whispers softly. Samie chuckles.

"And the award for the best acting under pressure goes to Zoya Farooqui" Samie announces before her voice goes serious. "I seriously want a dog." And then the beep. Samie hung up on Zoya. Zoya cries dramatically although no tears are coming out of her eyes. She gets up from her seat and opens her clutch before throwing a few bills on the table.

"I have to go" She tells Zak before running out of the restaurant winking at the manager on her way out. Zoya could not stop laughing once she stepped out of the restaurant. She rushed towards her car barely containing her laughter only to find Asad leaning against it, his feet crossed, hands in his pockets looking devilishly handsome.

"Hey" He greets her in his deep husky voice. Zoya took a step closer towards him; he brought one hand out of his pocket before snaking it around her waist and pulling her against him. Zoya shivered in his hold.

"When did you get back?" Zoya spoke softly; she held her breath as he placed a soft kiss on the spot just under her ears.

"I got back the second you showed me that picture" He grinned. "Fifteen minutes. That's impressive." Zoya rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I'm going to take you on a real date" He kissed her neck, Zoya arched her back allowing him to remove her hair to one side giving him more room to spread his kisses. Once he was satisfied with every spot on her neck, he cupped her face; his thumb continuously brushed her cheek. He met her eyes with his intense ones. "Me and you baby, it's going to happen whether you like it or not." Zoya nodded. Asad leaned forward and kissed her lips gently holding her eyes. "And baby, I'm going to rock your world like never before." As his mouth met hers again, she felt the little defensive walls of ice inside start to melt a little as she opened up to meet him. The soft brush of his tongue across hers sent shivers down her spine. His hand sliding through her hair, his actions become more urgent as her tongue moved along his upper lip, desperate to taste him. The pressure of his mouth on hers intensified, sensations flooded to parts of her that have been dormant for too long. A soft moan escaped her as he kissed her one more time before moving his head back. "Get inside the car" He kissed her again before pushing her into the car, Zoya went willingly.



Edited by MrMrsAsyaKhan - 8 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Asyawriting thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
That was absolutely fantastic! You should write a second part :D
anopama thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Tht was awesome 
So ass is Asad her BFF and business partner who wants to be more 
So love the bailout it was so cool 
Really stamp collection and lives with mom πŸ˜†
Loved it 
fatima30 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
I would love to read Asya's date...
sj_qh_kabhi thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
omg that was amazinggg
You are awesome
I'm really loving your writings these days
Keep up the good work ;)
This os was mind blowing
I loved the ending
How adorably asad kissed zoya and declared her as his
Awww this was very cute
Loved it..:)
TheAutumnFizz thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Ahhh!! I loved it!!!! So so cute!!!
I was laughing so hard!!!
Chillichick thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
I'm totally melting!!!

This was so effin' good!

Why the hell did you stop?!

He had a very small appearance but it was enough for us to just combust! Poof! 

Damn... Why is this man so damn hot and appealing?

muskaan17rocks thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Abd really very funny too
But no u cannot end it their 
Please continue it😊
asifiqbalsh thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Wonderful OS
Loved it
Thanks for pm
Jasleenkaur01 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Wowww!!!!!  That was really awesome... 
Loved the way u have written it... 
So finally ASYA are going on a date... 
U should write second part too... 
Thanks for the pm.. 
