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Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Good night friends , sweet dreams !
cygnet9 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Snehamadhuri

To be deeply loved by your spouse , you have to show a willingness to take risks , exposing your vulnerabilities, hopes, hurts, fears and flaws , must be honest ! Hiding behind the fear and inaction is not the real love , there is nothing more terrifying or fulfilling, than complete love, it's worth the risk... reach for it , is the message here .

Rahul failed to identify the 4 imp things' photos of Prats and they lost all the points ! Prats was standing there with terrifying looks , concern regarding his safety while he was rolling in that fire surrounded car ! She said to him " you are not lesser than anyone here ," she assured him and she has shown faith in his ability and trust in his love.

Next test is , a couple's ability to impress others in the show , winning their hearts by showing the compatibility . Find out if you and your partner are soul mates, best friends, or a recipe for disaster?! Many selected other's names , but none selected P&R !

In the next quiz is "Who is the odd couple in the show ?! who are the selected one who do not appear to be actually what they are ?Most people selected again P&R . They even pointed a finger towards Rahul's honesty and blamed him for giving three different answers to 3 dif . persons !

Left there with no points , so was unsafe , have to get the nod from others to stay there , there most people selected the other couple and eliminated P&R .

Rahul was unfazed , accepted the decision in a cool way , but Prats expressed surprise over their elimination and , she is a real fighter , wants to fight till end , but at the same time wise enough to accept the verdict gracefully ! That's it friends !

Thank you Madhu. So we have to wait for Prat's next move.
VerboseG thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: anglecat9

I don't know whether it is good news or bad new but Pratyusha and Rahul got eliminated from Power Couple.

Rahul's friend Salil Ankola said that Pratyusha was not able to take on the pressure in the initial stages of this show then how can she take it further, so he is nominating Prat's and Rahul. I think this was the most unfair judgement he made.

During nominations Prat's and Rahul got 1 point and Naveed and Sayed got 6 points.

What ever it is finally Pratyusha is out of the Power Couple show.

Well, I knew this was in the offing. Remember, I had asked u all if they would be the 1st or the last to go. My gut told me they would be the 1st, hence, I was so reluctant about the AT on the PC forum πŸ˜†
Ivone12 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: anglecat9


You are right.


Word Count: 0

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Hello everyone 😊

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

Hello sweet Pratyushians πŸ€—

My mother lay down to rest a bit after lunch as all the guests are gone...so I have time to pass by and share with you collages that I did last night, since I could not log on to IF...Here they are.Thank you Nado❀️ so much for this beautiful Caps⭐️...Prats is simply glowing on all of them, so sweet and beautiful...

and here is one old one...

Amazing collages Branka
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

Thank you Padmaja ❀️ for WU of todays episode πŸ€—

I am happy that Prats is having fun in this reality show, and that she and Rahul are doing well. I am sure that those are not easy tasks...I mean, how on earth can you recognize someone's clothes while running backwards on Tred mill...πŸ˜• Anyway, all this is just a game, and having fun in doing it is their ultimate goal, so I am happy that both Rahul and Prats are enjoying it...I'll translate what you wrote:


Padmaja kaze da je gledala samo jedan deo danasnje emisije, jer joj je upravljac bio otet, posto njen muz prati nesto drugo na televiziji...tako da je ovo onaj deo koji je videla:

Iz svega sto sam videla za to vreme zakljucila sam da su Prats i Rahul veoma iskreni i realni u svom ponasanju. Odrzavaju dostojanstvo celo vreme, bilo da sede ili bilo sto da rade...Videla sam Prats koja je izvodila zadatak gde je trebala da trci natraske po pokretnoj traci i sakuplja Rahulovu odecu. Nije mogla da prepozna sve delove njegove odece, medju ostalom odecom koja je tu visila, i da ih pokupi...Izgubila je zbog toga poene poverenja u koje se Rahul kladio na nju. Vecina ostalih parova takodjer nije uspesno zavrsila zadatak...

Rahul ju je tesio i rekao joj da je sve u redu, i da je najbolje da idu da se vesele i zabavljaju. Prats je bila emocionalna,ali se brzo vratila natrag u normalu 😊 Sve u svemu, bila je to zabavna epizoda...

Thanks for WU ❀️

Rose heart:

Thank you Padmaja , thank you Branka ❀️ ❀️
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

Hello Nado ❀️ Donot worry, whenever you have time you'll do it. We'll be enjoying in those beautiful Caps once you post them. They are truly magnificent and we are so lucky to have you here with us, to made all those amazing Caps . Thank you πŸ€—

Hearts, ~ A collection of CLICK ON THE PICTURE (gif) AN WATCH IT COME TO LIFE. **...Loveit

This is one old collage:

Thank you Branka. I'm glad to see your beutiful collages. 😊
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Snehamadhuri

Good night friends , sweet dreams !

First I dream my painting then I will paint my dreams on the screens !

There is a crystal clarity in her enchanting expressions .

She painted carefully pictures on our TV screens with her expressive eyes and , made history in serials ,and magic on viewers' minds !

Lovely work Madhu
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

WOW!!! Madi πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— So happy to see you here πŸ˜ƒ

Let me translate this for Nada and Dragica, and all the other silent readers who, I am sure are reading this pages...πŸ˜› Thank you so much for WU ❀️


Samo jednom se ljubi...mozda nije uvijek istina! Ali...

Kada se dva srca spoje, to je tako poseban trenutak...To se zove prava ljubav !

Danas, dok je pricao o njoj, Rahul je pokazao svoja posebna osecanja. Pratyusha je celo vrijeme posmatrala to tabavljajuci se i pokazujuci koliko je sazrela za sve ovo vreme...Kao da je pokusavala da pronikne u sve tajne ljubavi, medjusobnih odnosa i vencanja, u odnosima ostalih ucesnika sa njihovim partnerima, kojima se definise njihov odnos!

Rahul je komentirao da bez Amitabh ne bi bilo ni Don, i da shodno tome je Arbaz centralna osoba u Power Couple !...Dobar dijalog! kaze Madhuri! 😊

Prts je bila toliko osecajna i emotivna i plakala je za sve ostale parove dok je gledala izraze lica nekih parova i slusala njihove emotivne price!

Ovaj se show osniva na licnim konfliktima, i kako parovi prevazilaze te situacije !

Postavljeno je pitanje koje obicno dovodi do sukoba. Odnos izmedju snahe i svekrve...Prats je prosto briljilala sa svojim dijalozima, koje je odglumila bez greske, tako da su svi na trenutak poverovali da se ona stvarno svadja sa njim...potpuno su bili zabezeknuti!

Morali su da prepoznaju dodir svoga partnera, dodirujuci njegovu ruku (slicno kao u BV)
Nisu pokazali Prats da to radi, mozda ce pokazati tokom sedmice.

Dhoondte Reh Jaoge - Nastavit ces da trazis !

Rahul je ulozio 50 000 bodova...bio je toliko siguran da ce Prats sigurno uspeti da pokupi njegove stvari ( pantalone, kosulju, cipele, jaknu i kratke hlace) Covek je stajao tamo bez te odece na sebi (ako sam ja to dobro razumela, jer nisam gledala)πŸ˜• Ona je sve to trebala da pronadje, dok je trcala unatrag po pokretnoj traci, i trebala je sa police da pokupi njegove licne stvari! Ona je trcala, poskakujuci, toliko puna samopouzdanja...bilo da pobedis ili ne, veoma je vazno da verujes u sebe, samopouzdanje je najvaznije za svakoga tko zeli da pobedi! Prats je uspela da pokupi samo tri stvari i rasplakala se jer su pali zadatak. On ju je tesio govoreci da je sve to samo igra, i da treba da se opusti i relaksira! Podigao ju je i nosio kao da nosi buket cveca!

Kada je Arbaz pitao Rahula koje su to tri stvari koje samo on zna o Prats, on je odgovorio: Znam da me voli, da se zeli udati za mene i da zeli da se venca u Rajastanskoj Palaci.

Pratyusha potpuno uziva u showu.

Sutra ce pokazati jednu opasnu igru, u kojoj muskarci moraju da traze fotografije licnih stvari svojih devojaka/zena u kolima koja se okrecu, okruzena vatrom...riskantna igra i mnogi su se onesvestili...

Thank you madi for this detailed WU πŸ€—

Thank you Madhu, Thank you Branka. ❀️ ❀️