RKDEWAANA thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago

JUNOON SUMMARY : Nandani has always been in love with Dhruv for as long as she can remember and has been best friends with his sexy younger brother Manik.

While one barely notices her the other notices her too much.

Sexy Possessive Manik Malothra is tired of seeing the girl he loves loving someone that will never love her so he decides to take matters into his own hands.


"I wanted you to choose a date for the engagement" Nandani frowned at her Chachiji what was she talking about. She saw Dhruv at the door with Manik behind him.

"Whose engagement?"


"With who"


"You want me to marry Manik?" Nandani asked shocked. Growing up she had spent every waking hour with Manik. She half did not blame them for thinking this way.

Dhruv looked completely unfazed as he smiled and pushed Manik inside.

"Manik asked for your hand" Chachiji said looking at him smiling as he sat down next to her.

"So will you marry my brother?" Dhruv asked sitting down next to her.

Nandani blinked. This felt surreal. The man she loved was asking her to marry her brother. She stood up.

"I need time to think" Manik watched her walk away and clenched his fists. Nandani Murthy. The only girl he had ever loved in his life. The girl he thought about more than anyone else.

What game was she playing?

His brother looked at him and tried to give him what looked like reassuring look. Manik followed behind her.

"Nandani are we not friends?"

"Manik you are my best friend"

"Do you not love me" Manik had always been tall and handsome. She wished that she could but she did not.

"I don't Manik"


"Are you ok?" Manik was playing with a coin on the table of a bar.

"All roses and rainbows over here" He quipped sarcastically.

Cabir his friend sat next to him.

"Is it your girl?"

"She doesn't love me"

"So what"

"What do you mean so what?"

"Make her fall in love with you"

"I can't force her to love me"

"When she falls for someone else will you be able to bear it?"

No. he thought silently.


"Nandani why are you here?" Dhruv asked looking up from some papers in front of him.

Nandani had to tell him before anything happened.

"Has something happened to Manik?" He pressed, Nandani shook her head.

"I want to talk to you Dhruv" Nandani for as long as she could remember loved Dhruv.

He typed something into his phone.

"Are you busy?"

"Just texting my girlfriend" Dhruv muttered.

"You have a girlfriend?" Nandani asked shocked. She felt her heart break into a dozen pieces Manik must have felt like this when she had told him she did not love him.

"Yes Aliya" He showed her a picture of a gorgeous model like girl.

"She is really pretty" Nandani said she blinked and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Why are you crying Nandani?" He asked her shocked.

"Sorry these are tears of joy I have decided to marry Manik" She said. As soon as the words came out of her mouth she had no idea why she had said them.

"Congratulations" Dhruv said hugging her.

"Bhai..." Manik knocked on the door once and then opened it.

Why was she in HIS arms?

"M-Manik" She said looking at him with wide eyes.

"What's going on?" He asked with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Nandani came to tell me she wants to marry you"


"All those years of scarring all the boys away from Nandani have left her with no choice but having to marry you" Dhruv joked. He loosened his tie.

"I guess I should give you two a moment" He excused himself and went outside.

"What made you change your mind?"

"I want you to be happy" He was her best friend after all. Nandani stood motionless as he hugged her and kissed her forehead.


Cabir sat down next to Manik who was about to eat his lunch at work.

"I heard you are getting married"

"Good morning Mr Malothra" A peon greeted him.

"Hello there" Cabir said the peon ignored him.

"He greeted you why are you being rude" The peon said nothing just looked at Cabir strangely and left.

"Always happens" Cabir said rolling his eyes.

"I don't understand why they always are so rude to you" Manik said annoyed.

"Let's talk about your wedding"

"I am Nandani agreed to marry me" Manik said with a smile.

Cabir looked at him with disdain.

"She isn't yours as yet"

"What do you mean?"

"Hold onto her tight until she becomes yours don't let her out of your sight otherwise someone else will take her away"

Manik watched Nandani as she shopped for her ring.

"This would look really pretty on you madam" The man said picking a ring out of the display case.

She held out her hand innocently for the man to put the ring on her finger. Manik pulled her hand away.

"Only I can put a ring on your finger" He said. She looked at him and smiled.

"Nandani I missed you a lot when I was gone to the UK" Manik said after they choose the perfect one.

"I missed you too" Nandani said honestly. She had forgetten how easy it was to be around Manik. Despite his possessive tendencies she was unsure how she had never noticed it. He had kept her in a woolen ball all throughout high school.

"Manik I am going to marry you, you don't have to be so possessive" Nandani said hitting him playfully. He leaned in and looked at her.

"I don't like people close to you Nandani" He said softly. Nandani was half unsure she heard right.


Manik leaned in and kissed her one night after spending the day together.

Nandani was unsure what was happening to her she no longer felt that way about Dhruv anymore. Manik was different he had begun kind of talking to her differently. Sometime she felt as though she was with someone other than him.

He openly pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips onto hers.

Dhruv drove past them, Manik pulled away and rolled down his window. Nandani quickly wiped his lip which had some of her lipstick on it.

"Bhai kamal hai apke timing" Manik praised with a bit of an acidic vibe.

"Good evening Nandani looking pretty as always" Dhruv drawled casually. He looked untidy today it was quiet unusual.

"Hi Dhruv" Nandani no longer felt it. She felt so happy.

"You should be taking her home"

"Just now bhai"

"Now Manik" Dhruv said looking at them weirdly.

"What was his problem" Manik muttered annoyed.

Nandani reached out and touched his eyes.

"You should sleep more" She told him.

"Let's runaway and get married" He suggested.

"We are certified we just need to do the temple wedding I want you to be mine"

"I am yours"

"Are you?"

"Come here" Nandani went into his arms. He kissed her.

He was too real and solid in the confines of his car. His masculine scent clung to the corners, his voice brushed over her skin, at her insides like black velvet. It wasn't just his words, it was literally the sound of his voice. A seduction, an intimacy stolen in the night. He washed over her and into her so that she was at a loss. No one had ever made her feel so aware of her body, so feminine, or so blatantly sexual.

She blinked to keep him in focus. He seemed substantial to the touch, yet in the dark room, his shadowy figure blurred as if he was a part of the night itself. Not real. Nandani had the good sense to be afraid. It was so dreamlike she dug her nails into her palm to ensure she was awake. Her heart thundered out a fast rhythm. The heat of his body crowding so close to hers warmed her skin despite the coolness of the wind. She should have been furious, going for the gun herself; instead, she was mesmerized by him, by his overpowering sexuality.

His hand curled around the nape of her neck. Possessively. As if he had the right to her. Her body went pliant, soft in reaction. In her entire life, she had never responded so sexually to anyone. She ached for him until it seemed to be a craving she couldn't control. Nandani sat there helplessly, trapped in the depths of his black eyes. She was falling forward, his captive, forever his prisoner. In that moment she was willing to be his prisoner. His dark head bent very slowly, relentlessly to hers. She could see the impossible length of his lashes, his sinfully sexy lips, the bluish shadow on his jaw. Her body was heavy and aching and demanding things she knew very little about. He was so out of her league. A man like Manik would consume her, use her up, make her his so completely there could never he another.

Instead she closed her eyes and allowed his mouth to take possession of hers. Beneath her the bed lurched and rocked as if the ground beneath it had moved. She was swept onto a tidal wave of pure feeling, into a sensual world beyond her comprehension. Her body no longer belonged to her, but to him. Colors whirled and danced and the room spun. And she was alive. It wasn't simply her body burning for his, but her mind, craving, reaching out for his, her soul crying out to his. She felt a curious shifting deep inside, a merging, two ragged halves sealing perfectly. She felt his arms tighten like two steel bands, a wildness growing in him. She realized he was not only gaining possession of her, but control as well. She was losing herself, wanting to merge deeply with him, wanting to be whatever he needed, do whatever he wanted.

Manik lost himself in her sweetness. She was heat and honey, melting into him, twining around his heart until he knew he would never be complete without her. His mouth moved to the corner of hers, along her chin to her vulnerable throat. She was aching for him, burning as he was. Her pulse beckoned to him. She thought him an erotic dream and he fed the haze in her mind, fed the illusion of a dream to her, even while his body pulsed with need and excitement. He allowed his hunger to deepen as he forced her body back against the mattress. She struggled for just a moment, a thought of resistance. He took it ruthlessly from her mind, kissing her until she was pliant. His mouth was merciless on hers, demanding kisses, taking her response rather than asking for it. He stretched her arms above her head and pinned her wrists together to hold her captive beneath him.

Now he was going to take what he needed to unlock the door keeping her from him. Nothing would stop him. Not the boy sleeping so restlessly in the next room. Not even Nandani herself, half shaken by her unfamiliar needs and desires.

Nandani was wrapped in his body so tightly she was unsure where she left off and he started. His mouth burned a trail of fire along her throat to her neck. She felt the nip of his strong teeth, the swirling caress of his tongue. A rush of liquid heat beckoned him and she was helpless to stop it. She turned her head, wanting his mouth, wanting him to kiss her again, but he held her easily, his black eyes drifting possessively over her face. The dark needs there made her shiver. There was such a sexual hunger, a merciless passion in his heavy-lidded eyes. Heart thudding wildly, she thought to fight him.

His body hardened with a savage, unfamiliar need. At once his sexual appetite grew, erotic desires pouring into his mind, into his cells, flooding him with images of taking her in every way possible, of having her whenever, wherever he wanted. He had never thought about the things he would need or want from a woman, but she roused dark passions and an edgy hunger in him.


Cabir help Manik dress for his wedding.

"Do you not think your brother worries too much for her?"

"She is mine"

"Her body is yours but has she ever said she loves you?"

"I will ask her"


Nandani felt surprised as she saw Dhruv standing outside her room.

"I lied" He said starring at her he looked disheveled.

"About what?"

"That day I lied I don't have a girlfriend, I wanted you to get married to Manik"

"You knew"

"I knew you loved me"


Manik stormed away front outside listening to them Cabir followed him.

"She loves Dhruv" Manik slammed his hand into the wall.

"Don't let them be together take her away far away" Cabir said.


"I don't love you anymore"

"I know"

"I just wanted you to know I loved you too but Manik, he would never be able to live without you, I know I am being selfish but can I hold you once"

"Nandani everyone is down please come"
"I have to go I am sorry Dhruv"


The wedding went by with a blink of an eye. But after the wedding Manik had grabbed hold of her and held her at her side so painfully tight that it hurt her.

"Manik you are hurting me" She said trying to push him away.

He began to give his speech at the wedding holding her tightly the entire time.

"Everyone I want you to meet my wife the one who used her doe like eyes to make me fall in love with her, she has captured my heart look at how beautiful she is her beauty has made fall for her chal" He held her and in front of him and wrapped his arms around her.

When Nandani tried to move away he grabbed her hand.

"Now allow us to open with the first dance"

junoon tere ishq ka
junoon tere ishq ka
tere ishq ka haan ishq ka
tere ishq ka
han ishq ka..

junoon tere ishq ka
junoon tere ishq ka..

junoon tere ishq ka
junoon tere ishq ka
tere ishq ka haan ishq ka
tere ishq ka... .

He began swinging her around.

He pulled her hard into his arms and twisted her hands behind her back.

"Manik stop you are hurting me"

"What about how you are hurting me?"

"Manik please" He let go and swung her again.

"What am I not allowed to touch you anymore because you love my brother and only he should be allowed to touch you?"

"How could you think like that?"

"I heard you too"

Nandani pulled Manik's hand away into a corner.

"It's true I used to love Dhruv but I love you now and only you"

"Cabir heard you as well"

"Who is Cabir?"

"Cabir our friend the one you always ignore"

"We don't have a friend called Cabir"
"Nandani he is standing right there don't talk about him like that"

Nandani saw no one where Manik was pointing.

"Manik have you been taking the medication?"

"I don't like them they make me feel weird I am better I am not sick anymore"

Nandani felt him bend down and hug her.


"Dhruv Manik is not taking the meds again" Nandani said when she finally made an excuse to go to the wash room.

"I will be there in 10 come to my car and we can think of a way to make him take them again"


"Take her away from here if you keep her here she will run away. She will go with Dhruv." Cabir whispered into his ear.


Nandani went into the car without looking at the driver. The doors locked and when she looked up it was Manik.

"Manik stop"

"You were going to leave me for Dhruv"

"No I was not"

"You won't be able to now I am going to take you away with me"

"NO Cabir please go you can't be here it's just going to be me and Nandani forever"

"Manik you won't even know I am there" Cabir said.

Nandani watched with horror as Manik had a converstion with the air.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by RKDEWAANA - 8 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Cooldude101 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
This was creepy
Manik named his own dark desires as Cabir.
I loved it nonetheless.
Please keep on giving more OSs
sws2 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
U r one amazing writer
Loved this story
fireroad99 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
u are such an amazing writer
this was the best creepy story i have read
bhagupur thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Amazing amazing os.

This manik was very different.

I like it a lot.

Stay blessed dear.


Konpal thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Amazing!! Manik is obsessed and so has made an imaginary Cabir.. it's like he is talking to his subconscious mind.. enjoyed reading this one way too much.. thanx for this OS
dreamy_doll15 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

this is freaking awesome. .

I just love it.
cabir is imaginary frnd..

may be he is indirectly manik's subconscious mind.

that's awesome. ..

he is so possessive for nandu..

soo that's awesome. ..

can u give us second part of this os..

its a request. .

fanofdrashti thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
great analysis and post.. loved reading it..
Akansha32 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
this is awesome yaa..Manik is mentally not normal and so possessive..one of the best dark ff I have read
apps33 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago
Fu*k that was something seriously amazing...

Two brothers in love with the same girl

Dhruv lied to her so that she marries manik...

Over possessive manik malhotra is seeing ghosts... Omg...

But the best part was the intimate scene where you described their emotions so perfectly

Loved it

