Amitabh Bachchan Rally Around Aadesh Shrivastava In His Darkest hour

S_H_Y thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Aadesh Shrivastava's condition continues to deteriorate in Kokilaben Ambani Hospital (Andheri, Mumbai). The music composer has been hit by a relapse of multiple myeloma.

This evening, I called up his wife Vijeta Pandit who started crying almost immediately after saying 'Hello' and excused herself out from the conversation saying, "I am just not in the condition to speak to you. My son Avitesh will talk on my behalf."

Avitesh said, "Papa is battling it out. We are trying our best to save my father. We haven't given up hope. We believe in miracles."

I could now hear Vijeta sobbing uncontrollably in the background. She has shown immense fortitude during Aadesh's 43-day stay in the hospital so far, but such situations in life do chip away your courage. 

"Papa is not talking much, he gestures that he wants to go home. We need a lot of prayers. We are not strong but we are trying to be strong," said the son, who has matured beyond his 15 years.

Revealed Avitesh, "Tina aunty (Ambani) came to see Papa yesterday and today. Adnan Sami, Sonu Nigam, Mamta Sharma, Shaan, Shekhar Suman and Govind Nihalani have been around."

Has Amitabh Bachchan dropped by, I asked. After all, Aadesh has been very close to Big B. Avitesh replied, "Amitji hasn't come to the hospital but is in constant touch with us. He is also talking to the doctors frequently. He is monitoring Papa's health very, very closely."

Vijeta came back on the line and said, "Pray for Aadesh. He needs God's blessings. Today, he is not recognising anyone properly except me."

The trying situation has left Vijeta defeated. "I question God. Why has He been so unkind to us? Two years ago, my elder sister (Sandhya) was murdered. And now this," and she started sobbing again. 


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Frequent Posters

Mistyy thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Oh that's so sad, prayers to Aadesh and family!
Veni-Vidi-Vici thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
The Pandit sisters have had tragic lives.
.Iconoclast. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Finally industry is showing support.