|Pearl V Puri/Abeer Malhotra AT#6| Hate Karo Ya Love Dil Se Karo| - Page 9


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Leprechaun thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Episode 84
Abeer and Meher were together and he kisses her hand saying 'I love you' Abeer wakes up the next morning and asks Meher not to go for office that day. He finds the bed empty. He finds a note for him which bears 'All the best for your life Abeer' Kuber calls him and opens the door asks him if he is not ready for the court. After seeing the note on his hand he asks if Meher was there last night. Abeer throws the paper and goes off. Kuber gets a call from the lawyer. He says that Meher's family have denied from getting the alimony. Kuber thinks that if Abeer gets to know about Meher refusing for alimony he would never leave her and bring her back but he cant spare and get Meher back to his house. They are in the family court. Meher signs the paper. Kuber keeps the cheque for the alimony. Abeer signs the papers. Judge approves the divorce. Abeer goes out. Devki asks the opponent lawyer why dint he inform Kuber that they denied to get alimony. Kuber degrades Meher by saying that this amount if for Meher spending time with Abeer. Devki shouts out in rage. Kuber keeps the cheque and goes. Meher calls him and says she have called only 2 persons as 'papa' in her life one her father and the another Kuber. She says that wasnt just a word but trust and both the time she failed. Neither her father sees her as a daughter nor her FIL sees her as a DIL. meher says that she was feeling cheated the first time and not now the second time. She makes him remember the words whcih he told her in the college when she broke his mark records. Meher adds that she is happy that she is not like him and she is different from him. She says that he spent his whole life as a business man and he kept his sons life also as a business deal. She says that herself and her family dosnet need his Alimony amount and destroys the cheque. Flashback ends. Meher sitting in a sofa and Abeer is sleeping.  Meher says she cant fall week and he have to leave this time.  Meher packs his bag herself. meher wakes Abeer up. Abeer gets up and asks if she had taken advantage of his dizziness last night. Meher asks him to shut up and asks Abeer to leave now. Abeer asks if they are going on a honeymoon. Abeer gets up saying he wants tea and hugs her saying a good morning hug. Abeer comes down and tells Suman about Meher indirectly saying that she has been shouting all the morning to wake him up. Abeer says that even mahabarath's war would fail before Meher's anger. Abeer asks for a tea. meher comes and says that if Abeer dosent get out she will call the police. Abeer asks Suman to make more breakfast as police will be joining them. Meher calls and Suman gets the phone from her. Meher says hse will go and call from landline. Abeer blocks her way and Meher asks him one reason for him to stay here. Abeer says its his house as he paid 60 laks. And apologizes to Suman saying that his intentions were not wrong. Suman goes to make tea. Meher challenges him that she will pay his money soon and make him go out of this house soon. Meher divides the house into two and asks him to stay that side saying the house is on share. Meher goes and Suman asks him what will he do after Meher comes and pays his amounts. Abeer says that when he first time came to that house he had to come and the second time he came to irritate her but this time he has fallen in love with her fr the second time. He says when he saw her in hospital he thought he may loose her and at that moment he found out how mush he love her. He says that when he gets money also he wont go but find a way to stay there. he will make all things right which went wrong 8 years back. he wont undergo punishment but he will make everything right . And if he goes from his house he will take Meher with himself.  

Precap : Abeer, Tunnu and Suman are playing. Abeer asks where is Meher and when he knows she is not home he goes to use her washroom. Meher comes back and asks where is Abeer and knows from Suman that he is in her washroom and she goes. 
Leprechaun thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Episode 85 :
Abeer, Suman and Tunnu are playing word building. Abeer sets Jasni ki Rani and Suman say sits cheating Abeer answers that everything is possible in love and family. Abeer asks where is Meher and knowing she is out he goes to use her bathroom. Suman and Tunnu playing and making fun of Abeer and Meher saying how Abeer calls Meher as jansi ki rani. Meher comes there and asks where is Abeer and learns that he is in her washroom. Meher goes and calls Abeer. Abeer comes out and asks he knows that all human has 6 senses and he asks if meher has some 7th sense to find out if someone uses her loo. She gives him the cheque and says he has no reason to stay in her house and her room. he asks him to take it and go off. Abeer says he wanna check if the amount if correct. Abeer says its right and meher asks him to leave as he has no reason. She adds that he cannot play games to get back together with her. Abeer says that the relationship have been joined at the same day in the hospital maybe Meher is unaware. Abeer says it is his money and he give that money to his wife. Abeer says that all what is his is hers and all what hers is his. Meher says that Abeer is the one who gave her divorce. Meher pulls him towards the door. Suman asks why Meher is doing like that. Devki comes and says that because of Kuer Meher went to hospital, by praying for her and pleading to God he have paid all his debts of sin. She also adds that meher have given her back the cheque and closed the account of money. Devki asks him to go. Abeer says that he will only go with his wife. Devki says that Meher and Abeer are not one. They are divorced and Abeer has no right or reason to stay here so he need to leave. Abeer says that he wont go. Devki says that he must take his amount and go aff as he and his dad only understand the language of money. Abeer asks bua not to keep him and his dad in a same bracket. Bu asks why. Sh explains that Kuber asked for 60 lk at that night and even he asked for it last night. Devki asks him to take the cheque and give it to Kuber and asks him to say that Devki and her family dosnet keep others amount with them. Abeer questions Devki if he and his father comes under same bracket Devki also comes under it when she asked for 2.5 crore from him as alimony. He adds that the stringed relationship b/w Meher and him is because of Kuber and Devki. Devki says that its time for taking Abee to the light of reality. Devki brings Meher's back account details for the past 8 years and the final divorce notice which bears that Meher denied alimony. Abeer asks what about that cheque. Devki says that maybe his dad forgot to tell him that Meher made it into pieces and threw on his face that day. He say he wants to talk with Meher alone. Devki dosent allows him but Suman pleads her to leave them. Devki says that Suman is allowing the same thing which happened in her life. All leave them alone and Meher says that he dosent need to make anything right for what happened in past. Abeer asks if she wanted divorce 8 years back. She says no and she adds that she wanted so many things but everything that she wants canot happen and she doesnt want to grow negativity b/w Abeer, tayi and Kuber. And her family was also alone and being in the thoughts of her. Then after 8 years when she had an offer from Groove she thought that she have moved on and his presence wont affect her. Abeer asks that she hadnt moved on right? Mehe answers that it was a time when she loved him more than himslef but now the reality of their relationship is different. What all was there before 8 years is not now here and all things are finished. She adds that she has moved on and she cant even forget those days and time which they spent together. Abeer say that they cant change the past but present is in their control. Abeer ask for a second chance and Meher says that they are two different poles and she dosnet want an extreme life but a simple one and some things cannot get back together after breaking for once. She says that many things have changed in 8 years and there is nothing left b/w them. Abeer asks what have changed in those 8 years he adds that he was hating her but he started loving her again and they can give another chance for their relationship. Meher pleads him to go away and leave him alone. Abeer says that he is keeping on telling sorry and she is keeping on telling go away. Meher says that nothing will change in saying sorry's. Meher says that she have moved on and nothing can happen b/w them and asks her to leave her alone. Meher says that he always wanted her to plead before him and now she is doing that and asks him to go away from his life and leave her alone. He say he will go off and he cant see her cry. He asks for a last answer. He asks if she cares for him. She says Abeer and he smiles and says he had heard what he had to hear and he dosnet need anything else. Abeer goes to Suman and say she is leaving. Devki says that why she is too attached to Abeer when he dosent care for anyone. Suman asks is she could talk with Meher. Abeer says no need and she dosnet want him in her life and adds that he had known one thing that he is still in her heart. And says that Tunnu that he can be in Meher's room soon as he will be taking her soon. Its the nature of Meher that the 10 times she exerts she makes the other person to exert more. Abeer says that she have made him so bad until she gave him a yes. Meher comes there and shouts that nothing can change b/w them. Abeer asks Suman to call him after she becomes cool. Meher again says that nothing can change bw them. 
Precap : Abeer in his program introduces the villan of the love story. Its none other than Kuber Malhotra who used to place a price tag in every relationship. Unfortunately his own dad who cant accept his DIL. Abeer also announces that he breaks all the relationship with him. Madhavi cries and Kuber in a rage. 
Leprechaun thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
#MyFriendGanesha - Pearl V Puri #Exclusive! | Just-ShowBiz
Leprechaun thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Meher comes and shouts at Abeer saying that nothing can happen between them. Abeer asks Suman to give him a call when Meher returns back to her normal state. Abeer bids a bye and Meher asks him not to irritate  her. Abeer says he has many arrangements to do before he manoify her. Meher says that he is surely gonna create something new for sure. Abeer is in the studio for his new episode. Abeer says that he know that all must have missed him because he left the story in such a state with a twist. Twists sometimes makes story more and more interesting. All are watching the program in the office, Malhotras and the Purohits. He says that when he unfolds the twists his fans will go confused. He unfolds the first twist. He says that the cute charming sweet hero is non other than himself. And the heroin of the story is none other than the CEO of Groove, Meher Purohit. Meher asks is he has gone mad. Madhavi is shocked. And last but not the least is the revelation of the villan of the story, an arrogant capitalist who wold place a price tag even for relationships and unfortunately my own dad Mr. Kuber Malhotra. Abeer and Meher have done some mistakes, actually not meher but Abeer have done some mistakes. Meher was so understanding right from the beginning, Abeer was such a character where he got everything he asked for and when he was denied of something after the wedding he started thinking that everything is going wrong. He thought there was no compatibility but no there was nothing as such. They grew some misunderstandings but it was actually created by my dad. The great industrialist Kuber Malhotra was not ready to accept a middle class girl as his DIL. And with ego he destroyed his one and only son's married life. Kuber breaks the glass. Madhavi asks if is was true, Kuber asks her to clean the place. Abeer continues, I never have thought that I will say all these but I had to Shame on you dad. he controls himself and starts again. I know that you dont watch my show but if you are watching this by mistake then listen, I guess your drinking time would have come by now but if you are listening to this, this may help you to reduce your tipsiness. Meher says that he has gone mad as he have revealing about his father thousands of ppl. Devki says Kuber deserves it. Abeer says, I could have told the same thing in Malhotra mansion but I couldnt, because I have taken a move not to come to your house anymore. And another thing I would like to make clear as you are my dad, You played with Meher and me just because you wanted me back. Today you have lost your son forever. From now on I cut all my strings with you. From now I wont be called as Abeer Malhotra but only Abeer. Meher says he should not do this. Kuber says he have gone mad, he will keep exploiting himself by going behind Meher.  Abeer continues, before 8 years you took Meher out of my life Kuber Malhotra, but not from my heart and not forever. Devki is upset with Abeer taking Meher's name again and again. Abeer says, Keep watching my show Kuber Malhotra, one day will come where myself and Meher would be one again, and that day you will be defeated. Kuber shouts Never. All claps for Abeer in the office and his friends (crew) come and say that Meher will be his and no one can stop him. Devki scolds Abeer and Meher comments that he is immature. Suman says he is not immature. if he was immature he would have gone and fight with his father like before. When Meher married him his qualities were good for her but now...? Suman leaves the place. Tarun too leaves. Devki says what will happen if Kuber and Madhavi would see this program. Meher says she fears for the same thing, which secret she buried with her all these years... Devki says that she knows. Bua says this time also she would have  to take some hard decisions. Rati learns from Nissar that he had to leave India. Nissar says that he loves Rati and this all happened in a hurry and he had to leave because of someone'. Rati asks if it was Meher and Abeer. Nissar apologizes to Rati. Nissar hangs up. Rati cries and sees Abeer with flowers. Sattu comes and congratulate Abeer for some great ratings. Abeer says loss for someone and gain for someone else.  Sattu says that when MehBeer has no issues b/w them he can give more hit shows. Abeer says Meher wont come in line so easily. Sattu says all girls are mad and crazy for him when he aired the show. Abeer says that its the only difference b/w all girls and his Meher. And just because of that the Badtameez Dil beats only for her. Someone comes and inform that Meher is here. Sattu goes and welcomes her. Meher comes in and the light goes off. Abeer plays the guitar and shouts welcome back Meher. She asks to switch on the lights. Abeer blocks her way and she asks what kind of joke is this and its office and not a circus. Abeer asks when was he joking. Meher says that right from when she returned from hospital he is making fun sometimes in office, her home and on channel. Her life is not a reality show. Meher says that he has nothing to do with her. Abeer asks why and says his dad paved way for their divorce and he divorced his father and all misunderstanding are gone far away but why cant they be together. Meher says he cant undersand. Abeer asks her to make him understand. She says she is not the same Meher who loved him in college it has been 8 years, and many things have changed so she is here to say something in the office today as he is so stubborn in his ways. Meher calls Sattu and says its her last day in the office. She is resigning her job. Meher cleans her room and takes all her things. Sattu comes and says for some event (I guess 50th B'day) he thought to take some friends and relation to Australia like tour and he made all things ready. He shows a paper. He thought channel would go high as she was there. He though he would take all of them to Australia and he will become some famous among them. Sattu says he will have to cancel all plans and he can see his channel facing a flop. Meher looks at Abeer who is standing at the door. Sattu says that she is similar to Abeer she wont change her decisions and he asks her a favor to call all his relatives and tell them that she is leaving the job and Sattu cant plan this trip. She says nothing will happen to the channel and it will keep growing as it have become no 1. Sattu says it has been 5 years the channel has come to No1. Sattu talks about all  negativity. She gives a visiting card of one of her college friend and says he/she is so talented and she personally recommend him/her. Meher asks Sattu to understand that she cant do this job anymore. Sattu asks her to keep the card herself and says for 15 days his business head and his star were not here and one fine day come and one say that she wont work and the other I wont work without her. Abeer says that he want to talk with her alone. Sattu keeps on thinking the negative side. Wishes Meher the best and goes. Abeer comes in and Meher say that she have already told the same for 10 times, that she has nothing to talk with him. Abeer aks her not to leave the job. Abeer says he was going but Meher stopped him and she stayed here. Meher says after wedding she asked him not to leave her but he failed.

Precap : Meher bidding bye and turns towards him. Abeer asks if it is most needed to leave. 

Leprechaun thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Episode 87 :
Meher says that they have nothing to discuss about. Abeer says when she asked him to stop from going he did. Meher says she remembers and she says after wedding she asked him with love not to leave her but he broke her trust and she made a trick to make him stay. Abeer says whatever she did was right. He asks her if he should ask her in a polite way or make some trick. He also promises on his music that he wont create any problems for her as she thinks he is her problem. He asks her to unpack the things Meher asks him not to unpack. Meher says that its her wrong decision to join the office and she says after that many problems have been created in their families and she dosent want to create more problems. Abeer says her thinking is full of negativity and says he wont come out of his studio and she will have to watch him on TV only. Abeer says he will go and inform everyone that she is not leaving. Meher shouts at him that she is leaving and its final. She adds that Abeer is so stubborn. Abeer says that he understood and asks her to do her favors this time. Abeer leaves the place. Sattu asks if she is staying back. Abeer says he has no difference in who leaves and who stays. Sattu convinces him saying about the profit of the company. Abeer is in a rage and kicks a chair. Sattu comes and asks why is he breaking his office properties. Abeer is taken, Meher asks someone for help. Sattu asks Rati to go. Meher asks her to take the IT file. Rati gives the file to her Meher senses something wrong in Rati and asks why she is upset and is the reason Nissar. Meher says its strange that Nissar got job in another place and left suddenly without bidding a bye She asks is Rati had contact with him and asks her to tell him to call Meher. Rati (Monologue) Rati promises herself that she wont spare Meher as she have ruined  her life before it started. As Rati was staring at Meher she asked what happened but Rati dint utter a word. Abeer comes to Sattu and apologizes for overreacting. Satuu praises Abeer and asks him to do something that she may stay back. Abeer says she wont stay back and asks him to arrange for a new CEO. Abeer says that she wants to go away from him but she dosent know that she will come back to him he will love her to that extent that she will come back to him. Sattu again praises him and says with these love stories his company's gain would he halved. Abeer says to take all his salary. Meher comes, Sattu asks if he could do anything to make her stay back. Meher says he cannot do anything and says the 3 months of experience is equal and better to 3 years of experience. And she thanks him for that. Abeer says she is making formal talks. Meher bids bye. Meher biding bye to everyone. Abeer asks if it is so needed to leave. Meher leaves without uttering a word. Abeer is drinking in a bar and asks the bartender which place is this. He answers that its 2 star bar and the address. Abeer says that when someone gets hurt they start to go somewhere else and come somewhere else. And asks him to keep filling his glass. A guy with a guitar comes and sits and says that he is gonna sing an old song and it may be liked by everyone. Abeer says not bad. That guy sings Kya Hua Tera Vada. Some 3 men sitting and ordering something and talking. That guy stopped singing. The guy says again that he is gonna sing another song which he heard few days before in radio. That guy is singing Need udi thi song. Again the 3 men talks and laugh loud that guy gets angry and comes down and started scolding them. Abeer looks all the drama. That guy is making fun of the three men. Abeer comes and takes the guy aside before the three men pound on him. Manager comes and asks that guy why was he doing like that he replies that she is an artist and when someone does not listen to them they will do like this only. Manager says that they were about to complaint to police and he had to leave them without paying the bill. That guy asks him to take the amount from the salary. Manager says that he should not come and sing hereafter. That guy replies that the owner has hired him. The manager calls him Appendix and Abeer questions him what was all about Appendix after the Manager had left. That guy answers that it was his pet name and one fine day he accepted his future and kept the profile name as Appendix it self. Abeer says he is happy meeting him. They both are having a great time together. Abeer asks him to drink. After drinking Appendix ask Abeer what was his story. Abeer introduces himself. He says his name is Abeer Malhotra and his work he stops there and says if he tell that Appendix would be interested in him. Appendix asks what does he do.

Precap : 
That guy asks what would be the weight of the person whom they are going to kidnap and asks if they can lift. They ring the bell. Appendix say that they will have to break the door and tries to break it at that time Bua comes and opens and Appendix fall down with him. 
Leprechaun thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Episode 88
Abeer introduces himself as Abeer Malhotra and he says if he reveal his work Appendix will be interested. Appendix ask him what does he do. Abeer tells him, leave about myself tell me do you work in for part time. Appendix answers that men's life is difficult one needs to manage work and GF. If he give more time to job, GF will get angry. If he give more time to GF, boss will kill him. And the most irony is When one leave GF then there is no kick in job and if he leave job GF will run away by herself. They both laugh. Abeer asks what is his problem.  Appendix says he falls in third type of men and he sings without anyone's knowledge. Abeer asks why. Appendix says that his GF if feeling J on his music and she asks him if he keeps on singing what will he feed. So he sings in bar. Abeer says its good. Appendix ask what was Abeer doing here. Abeer says there is a girl, Appendix says he has understood everything. Appendix says all the poor boys have same stories. Appendix says that they have only one problem girls. And he says that there is no kick without the girls at the same time living with them is not lesser than any punishment. Appendix say that God first created Adam and everything was normal. God and Adam was bored and to make the story move God made Eve. And Adam's life was ruined. Abeer asks the bartender to fill their glasses again. Appendix says he had enough but Abeer asks him to give one last shot. They drink and Appendix ask Abeer what about that girl. Abeer says he was married before 8 years. Appendix says Abeer must be fully ruined. Abeer say that they got divorced in few months. And the conflict in the story is he loved the same girl before 8 years, married the same girl, got divorce with the same girl, and she came into his life once again after 8 years and he again fell in love with her but more than the first time. Apeendix asks him to go for a check up. He says normal men cannot do this. He says even the 6 months baby wont go and touch a hot thing once again but Abeer is playing. Appendix says Abeer has suicidal tendency. Abeer says now she is not in love with him. 8 years back they cant be together because of immaturity but now she is not ready to be together. Appendix say that girls dont fall in love but search for a donkey to travel on it and when they dosent agree to be their slaves girls ditch men. Abeer asks if Appendix is a Donkey to his GF. Appendix says he is donkey, horse and dog sometimes honey and dear but most of the time donkey. Abeer says he is ready to do anything but she is not listening. Appendix makes fun of Abeer and says boys washroom will be in left side because girls are always right. Appendix asks Abeer to submit himself to the girl just like donkey and everything will be set. Abeer says he is ready to do anything even be a donkey. Appendix say she wont go away from him. Appendiz makes a leave saying he needs to go and drop his GF on college the next day morning. Abeer says he will drop him. Appendix and Abeer hug. They both come out and Appendix ask if Abeer will handle the car. Abeer answers that he cant control only 2 people one is his father and the other is Devki. He says that his father broke his wedding and Devki gets horns when she sees Abeer and runs behind him like he is a red cloth. He says that these 2 members have made him life like a daily soap. Abeer gets ready to get in the car. Abeer asks if he would do a favor for him. Abeer asks if he would do kidnapping. Both go for kidnapping. Appendix questions about her weight, Abeer says she wont weigh much, he asks about her height. Abeer asks him to focus on work. Abeer rings the bell. Appendix tries to break the door and falls with Bua. Bua gets up and sees Abeer and asks if he is drunk and ask him to suggest Kuber to open a factory. Abber and Appendix tie her mouth and hands. Bua says she will call Meher but she couldnt. Abeer aks him to take some cloth. Appendix goes and takes the blanket of Tarun. Tarun asks who is he. Appendix says that he is Tarun's dream. Tarun gets back to sleep. Abeer and Appendix are happy and Abeer says that until Meher dosent get back her resignation letter he wont let Bua. Abeer asks Appendix to go to the nearest medical shop and bring chloroform. Abeer says Bua was so weight and what could she eat. Appendix goes and asks the man if he has that by which anyone would loose their senses. He gives something and he takes it. Bua gets Abeer's phone and dials Meher. Meher takes the call and Devki tells its her. Devki says that Abeer have kidnapped her. Meher asks where is she. Without answering Bua gets down from the other door and goes out. 
Precap : 
Meher asks where is Bua to Abeer. Abeer says she was in ambulance and he dint know where the ambulance went. Workers go and open the ambulance and bua gets up. All started taking photos of Bua saying some bhoot is there.
Leprechaun thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Episode 89
Meher shouts hello hello but no response. Abeer turns and finds Bua missing. Abeer notices Bua walking with the white cloth on. he keeps calling her but she bangs her head with a post and falls down. Abeer takes her back to the car.  Meher calls Abeer. Appendix comes and gives the cover to Abeer. Abeer opens it. Appendix takes the call of Meher and calls her baby. Meher is irritated for calling her baby. Meher asks him to give the phone to Abeer. Abeer opens and finds something else in it.(🤣) and he is damn angry. Appendix says he only asked for chloroform. Abeer takes the call and Meher asks where is Bua and what is he going to do with her and with the chloroform. Abeer laughs and says that she is not in a state to bargain. Abeer says Bua is safe with him and he needs Meher back in return and she should cancell her resignation letter. Meher says if he does not bring back Bua the right moment she will call Police. Abeer laughs and he listens to a police siren and cuts the phone. Both the guys decide to make Bua hide inside a ambulance. Abeer takes her there and asks her to rest for some minute and call her then asks how will she call him while she is unconscious, asks her to simply sleep. Meher keeps calling Abeer. Abeer calls her back and says he wont be scared of the police. Meher says he is blabbering in tipsiness. Abeer says he wont handle Bua back until she gets back her resignation letter. And he says she will have to go for a dinner with him. Appendix notice the ambulance moving and comes and informs Abeer. Abeer asks him to wait for some minute and continues talking with Meher. He says she will have to obey to what all he says then only he will give Bua back. Appendix shout how will Abeer give back Bua when she is gone. Meher is shocked. Meher asks where is Bua. Abeer answers she is gone and blames her for sending police. Meher calls Abeer idiot. Abeer says that she sent police and he put Bua inside an ambulance and ambulance is one now. Tarun asks and why Meher is shouting and fighting with Abeer at night time. Meher says that his jiju have kidnapped Devki. Its morning. Meher comes and beats Abeer asking where is Bua. Appendix asks if she is his baby, Meher turns and Appendix says bhabhi. Abeer says that Bua is in an ambulance and the ambulance is missing. Meher shouts at him. Abeer promises he will bring back Bua and asks her to go home and if she happnes to meet Sattu she must tell him that she is getting back the resignation. Appendix and Apeer go in search for Bua and Meher is so much irritated. The driver gets down and opens the ambulance. Bua gets up and all are scared some take photos. Bua stops a auto and boards the auto while all are shouting. Tarun is watching news in which they are saying it as a breaking news. Tarun calls Meher and says that Bua is coming in TV as a breaking news. Meher goes to Abeer and asks if Abeer made Bua m-u-r..something. Abeer and Appendix are shocked. Appendix put on the news in his mobile and Abeer laughs and tells Bua is back. Abeer says he have become a kidnapper from rockstar and now she should get the resignation back. Meher says that even when God comes and say also she wont do that and they can never be together anymore and bids a Good Bye. Bua is scolding the watchman it seems. Suman is laughing and asks Devki to stop because she may get her health down by shouting. Meher supports Bua and scolds Abeer. Suman says she loved Abeer's style. Suman is supporting Abeer and Meher is irritated because of that. She argues that Bua could have been into many things because of his deeds. Suman asks Meher to understand the love. Meher gets a call and moves from there. Bua say that the guard have switched off the CCTV also last night. Bua is insisting in sending Abeer to jail and challenges that even his father cant take him out. Suman laughs. Suman asks Bua to understand Abeer and Bua goes. Suman and Meher talk about Abeer and Meher is stubborn  that she dosent want Abeer anymore in her life. Sattu is home and Bua is fighting with him. Meher comes and asks why Sattu is here and Sattu calls Bua aunty and Bua calls Sattu uncle. Sattu asks Meher to come back she refuses. Sattu agrees and asks her to come for a farewell party. Meher agrees but for a dinner in her house. Suman stresses to get Abeer also for the party. Sattu agrees. Abeer is in the office and Madhavi calls him and asks him to come back. Abeer denies. Abeer asks her to come and meet him with sweets as he is missing her food. Madhavi tells that he is fighting with Kuber so why he is making his mom cry. Abeer says he can do anything to stop her cry other than coming home. Madhavi hangs up suddenly and goes to Kuber complaining Abeer is not coming home. Kuber says that when he is not ready to come home for his crying mother how would he come when he does something. Madhavi blames that because of Kuber only Abeer is not coming home. Kuber says he is helpless and he cannot beg Abeer to come back. He also says that Tayi must be here and she will teach Madhavi how to give respect to her husband. Kuber says he was good till yesterday but Abeer used his popularity and now Kuber's name is coming with a hashtag asking is Kuber a heartless capitalist. 

Precap : Madhavi says Kuber did all wrong and he must go and get back his son with apologizing but if he dosnet do today he is standing without his son tomorrow he will be without his wife too as she will leave him. Kuber says its all because of Meher and he will drive Meher out of the town.
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Posted: 8 years ago
New Article - "Television Actors : Here's What You Can Learn From Your Favourite Actors" - Pearl V Puri Is Mentioned - Click The Link For The Article - 
Link : http://www.fuzionproductions.com/tv-actors-heres-what-you-can-learn-from-your-favourite-actors/
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Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
New Article - "Television Actors Who Can Play These Memorable Roles Of Shah Rukh Khan" - Pearl V Puri Is Mentioned - Click The Link To Read The Article - 
Link : http://www.fuzionproductions.com/tv-actors-who-can-play-these-memorable-roles-of-shah-rukh-khan/
nidhi2013 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
New Interview : "Pearl V Puri Talking About The Firsts' Of His Life" - Click The Link To Read The Interview -
Link : http://www.fuzionproductions.com/pearl-v-puri-talking-about-the-firsts-of-his-life/

Edited by nidhi2013 - 8 years ago