Does anyone really believe that Jaan Harry Hines is Aamir's child? - Page 3


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blue-ice. thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: atominis

It is true.

It is not Jessica Hines who claimed to be in a relationship with Aamir. She was indeed living with him and that's written even in national news magazines like Outlook. Not just film magazines.

Bharathi Pradhan, a veteran editor has also confirmed he indeed had an illegitimate child with Jessica Hines. (She wrote on it in Calcutta Telegraph newspaper).

Reena tolerated all affairs and controversies of Aamir for 15 years. Why would such a loyal woman leave her husband suddenly? I believe this was the last straw and she put her foot down after this. Their divorce has happened around the same time as this Jaan controversy.

Who knows if Jessica refused paternity test or Aamir did? After all he did go into hiding from media and public life in those 4 years.

Honestly, Aamir has given explanations on every thing in his life except this issue. Why didn't he deny this openly if it were false? He has clarified on everything and everyone, including Faisal Khan, but not this issue.

The way Hines and her husband (now) get comments and reports on Jaan removed online and even threaten to file lawsuit against those who write much on Jaan and Aamir, I feel there is some truth to it. They are highly sensitive about it. And maybe they want it buried.

I feel there is no need to put this boy's pic all the time. It is not his fault but his parents' issue. You can discuss him without putting his pics also! Let him move on. He doesn't need to know what his mom did or whether there's controversy on who his father is.

If Aamir had refused the paternity testing then Jessica could have gone to the court too...the are courd ordered paternity testings too and no way could have Aamir refused that...but I don't think that if the Mom is OK ...the supposed birth father doesn't want to take responsibility and the boy has a father figure in his life...why do people need to raise this issue again and againπŸ˜•
blue-ice. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Colossial

If Aamir accepts Jaan is his kid then his movie career will end as no one will watch his movie. So will the endorsements. I always had a funny feeling that he is very well connected to underworld so he might be threatening Jessica and her husband secretly or through legal procedures.

No one becomes a parent by the sake of having half DNA in a childs body. In the same way the sperm and egg donors are not considered as parents of the child. A parent is a person who brings up a child by giving right values and protection. In this regard Aamir is a sperm donor and Jessica's husband would be considered as father of Jaan.If Aamir is the father then Karma will bite him back badly.

I don't know what to say to this...but since when has being a CRIMINAL or IMMORAL ruined any one's career in BW??πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
atominis thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
In this sense I respect Neena Gupta.

Her daughter was an illegitimate child.

But she never hid this fact. She has been absolutely open and honest unlike many others who have affairs, children out of wedlock but pretend or try to hide these truths.

Atleast one should own up to one's actions - good or bad than try to play holier than thou.

I may not agree with what Neena did (having kids out of wedlock). But I admire her honesty and her ability to take responsibility of her actions.

Oh and people can keep believing their fav star is innocent. πŸ˜† Despite his controversies with his father, brother, wife, colleagues and mother of his love child in open. Same hypocrites pretend they know everything about other stars but want to believe Satyamev Jayate version of their respectable star. πŸ˜‰
ElOqUeNcE thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: atominis

It is true.

It is not Jessica Hines who claimed to be in a relationship with Aamir. She was indeed living with him and that's written even in national news magazines like Outlook. Not just film magazines.

Bharathi Pradhan, a veteran editor has also confirmed he indeed had an illegitimate child with Jessica Hines. (She wrote on it in Calcutta Telegraph newspaper).

Reena tolerated all affairs and controversies of Aamir for 15 years. Why would such a loyal woman leave her husband suddenly? I believe this was the last straw and she put her foot down after this. Their divorce has happened around the same time as this Jaan controversy. Jessica was already pregnant with Jaan before Reena filed for divorce from Aamir which means this child is indeed born out of wedlock. Aamir did cheat on Reena bigtime.

Who knows if Jessica refused paternity test or Aamir did? After all he did go into hiding from media and public life in those 4 years.

Honestly, Aamir has given explanations on every thing in his life except this issue. Why didn't he deny this openly if it were false? He has clarified on everything and everyone, including Faisal Khan, but not this issue.

The way Hines and her husband (now) get comments and reports on Jaan removed online and even threaten to file lawsuit against those who write much on Jaan and Aamir, I feel there is some truth to it. They are highly sensitive about it. And maybe they want it buried.

I feel there is no need to put this boy's pic all the time. It is not his fault but his parents' issue. You can discuss him without putting his pics also! Let him move on. He doesn't need to know what his mom did or whether there's controversy on who his father is.

thankz for the info
Posted: 8 years ago
I think the little boy is his, I always found Aamir to be one pretentious obnoxious midget prick. I cannot stand his ass and by denying this child he proves what a low life scum he is.

In this sense I respect Neena Gupta.

Her daughter was an illegitimate child.

Bang on, I respect Neena for that too, not only is Masaba an owl child, but also half black and seeing how Indian society works, for Neena to still own up and deliver her child despite the father being a Black men deserves my utmost respect.

I'd also like to Salman admit Arpita being his daughter and not sister, she recently posted a picture and captioned it with 'best father/brother n the world' seeing how attached he is to her he needs to own up having conceived Arpita when he was 22.
Edited by SalmankiJaan - 8 years ago
blue-ice. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Relationships may be illegitimate but a child is never illegitimate..πŸ€”
angrybread thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Yes, i believe it .

Amir never denied it or gave an explanation like he does with everything else. I also believe the cunning man he is , he would have got the paternity test done and when it came positive made a secret arrangement with mother and kept quiet , hence the lack of explanation.

So basically my belief is that this crocodile tears shedding man actually cheated on his wife and has a child out of wedlock whom he refused to accept.
atominis thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: blue-ice

Relationships may be illegitimate but a child is never illegitimate..πŸ€”

ND Tiwari's "love child" son said the same when after 30 years or so he finally got justice, won the case and got his father to acknowledge him as his son.

It is right I guess. Label parents. Not the child. My bad for using that term in previous post.

ND Tiwari's son case felt like all such children should stand up for their rights when they grow up and get their due. Expose their fathers who left them and their mother after 1 night of pleasure!
blue-ice. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: atominis

ND Tiwari's "love child" son said the same when after 30 years or so he finally got justice, won the case and got his father to acknowledge him as his son.

It is right I guess. Label parents. Not the child. My bad for using that term in previous post.

ND Tiwari's son case felt like all such children should stand up for their rights when they grow up and get their due. Expose their fathers who left them and their mother after 1 night of pleasure!

No not ur fault...I was just speaking in general...that this is how they are labelled by the society...I would prefer them being called love child...sound so much betterπŸ˜›
fivestars thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
yes,i completly believe like any other gossip/rumor in the BW...