Aaliya and the French Kiss- UPDATED!

HARSHTA thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Bonjour people! here i go with the first chapter of the story!! hope u'll all like it😊

Here is everything i know about France: Madeline and Amelie and Moulin Rouge. The Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe, although i have no idea what the function of either actually is. Napolean, Marie Antoinette, and a lot of kings named Louis. i am not sure what they did but i think it has something to do with the french revolution which has something to do with the Bastille Day. The art museum is called the Louvre and its shaped like a pyramid and the Mona Lisa lives there along with the woman missing her arms. And there are cafes or bistros or whatever they call them on every corner of the street. And mimes. The food is supposed to be good, and the people drink a lot of wine and smoke a lot of cigarettes.
I've heard that they don't like Americans and they don't like white sneakers.
A few months ago my father enrolled me into a boarding school. his air quotes practically crackled over the phone line as he declared living abroad to be a "good learning experience" and a "keepsake i'd treasure forever". Yeah. A keepsake. And i would've pointed out his misuse of the word had i not already been freaking out.
Since his announcement, i've tried yelling, begging,and crying but nothing has convinced him otherwise. And now i have a new student visa and a passport each declaring me: Aaliya Ghulam Haider, citizen of the United States of America. And now i,m here with my parents- unpacking my belongings in a room smaller than my suitcase- the newst senior at the School Of America in Paris (SOAP).
its not that i'm ungrateful. i mean its Paris. The city of lights. The most romantic city in the world! i'm not immune to that. Its just the whole international boarding school thing is a lot more about my father than it is about me. ever since he sold out and starting out lame books that were turned into even lamer movies, he's been trying to impress his big-shot friends in New York with how cultured and rich he is.
My father isnt cultured. But he is rich.
It isnt always like this. When my parents were still married, we were strictly lower middle class. It was around the time of the divorce that all traces of decency vanished and hi dream of being the next great Southern writer was replaced by his desire to be the next published writer. So he started writing these novels set in small town Georgia about folks with Good American Values who fall in love and then contract Life threatening diseases and die.
I'm serious.
And it totally depresses me but the ladies eat it up. They love my father's books and they love his cable-knit sweater and his bleachy smile and his tan. And they have turned him into a bestseller and a total dick.
Two of his books have been turned into hollywood movies and three more are in production ,which is where his real money comes from. Hollywood. And, somehow, this extra cash and pseudo-prestige have wrapped his brain into thinking that i should have lived in France. For a year. Alone. i don't understand why he couldnt send me to Australia or Ireland or anywhere else where english is the native language. The only french word thet i know is oui which means yes and only recently did i learn its spelled o-u-i not w-e-e.
AT least the people in my new school speak english. It was founded for pretentious Americans who didnt like the company of their own children. I mean,really. Who sends their kids to the boarding school? Its so Hogwarts. only mine doesnt have cute boy wizards or magic candy or flying lessons.
Instead, i m stuck with 91 other students. There are 25 people in my entire senior class, as opposed to the 600 back in Atlanta. And i am studying the same things i studied at Clairemont High except now i am registered in beginning French.
Oh, Yeah. Beginning French. No doubt with the freshermen.
I totally rock!
Mom says i need to lose the bitter factor,pronto, but she's not the one leaving behind her fabulous best friend Rida whom i nicknamed bridge.
Or her fabulous job at the Royal Midtown 14 multiplex. Or Rehan the fabulous boy at the Rooyal Midtown 14 Multiplex. And i still cant believe she is separating me from my brother Sameer who is only 7 and is too young to be left at home alone after school. Without me he will probably be kidnapped by the creepy guy down the road who has dirty coca-cola towels hanging on his windows. Or Sameer will accidentally eat something containing Red Dye #40 and hid throat will swell up and no will be there to drive him to the hospital. And he may eventually die. And i bet they wont let me fly home for his funeral and I'd have to visit the cemetery next year alone and dad will pick out some god-awful granite cherub to go over his grave.
And i hope dad doesnt expect me to fill out college applications to Russia or Romania now. My dream is to study film theory in California. I want to be our nation's greatest female film critic. Someday i 'll be invited to every festival, and i'll have a major newspaper coloumn and a cool television show and a ridiculously popular website. So far i have only the website which isnt popular. Yet.
I just need a little more time to work upon,that's all.
"Aaliya, its time."
"What??" I glance up from folding my shirts into perfect squares.
Mom stares at me and twiddles the turtle charm on her necklace. My father, bedecked in a peach polo shirt and white baoting shoes, is gazing out my dorimatory window. Its late, but across the street a woman belts out something operatic
My parents need to return to their hotel rooms. They both have early morning flights.
"Oh" I grip the shirt in my hands a little tighter.
Dad steps away from the window and i am alarmed to discovered that his eyes are wet. Something about the idea of my dad even if he isnt my father- on the brink of tears raises a lump in my throat.
"Well kiddo guess you are all grown up now."
My body is frozen. He puls my stiff limbs into a bear hug. His grip is frightening. "Take care of yourself. Study hard and make some friends. And watch out for pickpocket," he adds.
"Sometimes they work in pairs."
I nod into his shoulders, and he releases me. And then he's gone.
My mom lingers behind me. "you'll have wonderful year here," she says."i just know it" I bite my lips to keep it from quivering, and she sweeps me into her arms. I try to breathe. Inhale. Count to three. Exhale. Her skin smells grapefruitt body lotion. "I'll call you the moment i get home" she says.
home. Atlanta isnt my home anymore.
"I love you,honey"
I am crying now. "I love you too, take care of Sameer fpr me."
"Of course."
"And captain Jack!", i say. "Make sure Sameer feeds him and changes his bedding and fills his water bottle. And make sure he doesnt gives hi mtoo may treats because they will make him fat and then he cant he cant go out of his igloo. But make sure that he gives him at least a few everyday, because he still need sit the vitamin C--" She pulls back and tucks my bleached stripe behind my ear.
"I love you" she says again.
And then my mom does something that even after all of the paperwork and plane tickets and presentations, i dont see coming. Something that would have happened in a year anyway once i left for college. but i am still not prepared for it when it actually happens.
My mother leaves. I am alone.

pheeew!! finally done with the first part..pls do tell me how it was and do u want me to continue??

precap!!πŸ˜‰- i am so trilled that i skip from her room and promptly slam into a wall.
Whoops. Not a wall. A boy. A tall muscular boy. Gosh he smells so awesome!



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madhufx9... thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing update, continue soon Harshta .
I'm waiting .
HARSHTA thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
@ sweetuiq I m glad dear that u liked it!! :)

@ madhu fx hey Madhu finally app aa gye online! Itne dino k baad!! So good to c uh dear!! I am glad that u liked it! N ya will continue soon!!:)
LuvPreetikaRao thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Nice update plzz continue and if u can do PM also what's ur twitter account mines is @naina_tweetz
HARSHTA thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Thnx dear!:) I m glad that u liked it!!:) will continue soon!! N will pm u as well!! N sorry I don't have twitter account!
HARSHTA thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hey guys!! here i go with the 2nd chptr!! hope u ll love it!!

chapter two

I feel it coming, but I can't stop it.
They left me. My parents actually left me! IN
Meanwhile, Paris is oddly silent. Even the opera
singer has packed it in for the night. I cannot lose it.
The walls here are thinner than Band-Aids, so if I break
down, my neighbors"my new classmates"will hear
everything. I'm going to be sick. I'm going to vomit that
weird eggplant tapenade I had for dinner, and everyone
will hear, and no one will invite me to watch the mimes
escape from their invisible boxes, or whatever it is
people do here in their spare time.
I race to my pedestal sink to splash water on my
face, but it explodes out and sprays my shirt instead.
And now I'm crying harder, because I haven't unpacked
my towels, and wet clothing reminds me of those
stupid water rides Rida and Bilal used to drag me
on at Six Flags where the water is the wrong color and
it smells like paint and it has a billion trillion bacterial
microbes in it. Oh God. What if there are bacterial
microbes in the water? Is French water even safe to drink?
Pathetic. I'm pathetic.
How many seventeen-year-olds would kill to
leave home? My neighbors aren't experiencing any
meltdowns. No crying coming from behind their
bedroom walls. I grab a shirt off the bed to blot myself
dry, when the solution strikes. My pillow. I collapse
face-first into the sound barrier and sob and sob and
Someone is knocking on my door.
No. Surely that's not my door.
There it is again!
"Hello?" a girl calls from the hallway. "Hello? Are
you okay?"
No, I'm not okay. GO AWAY. But she calls again,
and I'm obligated to crawl off my bed and answer the
door. A black haired with long, tight curls waits on the other
side. She's short and huge, but not overweight-huge.
Volleyball player huge. A diamond like nose ring
sparkles in the hall light. "Are you all right?" Her voice
is gentle. "I'm Shazia; I live next door. Were those
your parents who just left?"
My puffy eyes signal the affirmative.
"I cried the first night, too." She tilts her head,
thinks for a moment, and then nods. "Come on.
Chocolat chaud."
"A chocolate show?" Why would I want to see a
chocolate show? My mother has abandoned me and I'm
terrified to leave my room and"
"No." She smiles. "Chaud. Hot. Hot chocolate, I
can make some in my room."
Despite myself, I follow. Shazia stops me with
her hand like a crossing guard. She's wearing rings on
all five fingers. "Don't forget your key. The doors
automatically lock behind you."
"I know." And I tug the necklace out from
underneath my shirt to prove it. I slipped my key onto
it during this weekend's required Life Skills Seminars
for new students, when they told us how easy it is to
get locked out.
We enter her room. I gasp. It's the same
impossible size as mine, seven by ten feet, with the
same mini-desk, mini-dresser, mini-bed, mini-fridge,
mini-sink, and mini-shower. (No mini-toilet, those are
shared down the hall.) But . . . unlike my own sterile
cage, every inch of wall and ceiling is covered with
posters and pictures and shiny wrapping paper and
brightly colored flyers written in French.
"How long have you been here?" I ask.
Shazia hands me a tissue and I blow my nose,
a terrible honk like an angry goose, but she doesn't
flinch or make a face. "I arrived yesterday. This is my
fourth year here, so I didn't have to go to the seminars.
I flew in alone, so I've just been hanging out, waiting
for my friends to show up." She looks around with her
hands on her hips, admiring her handiwork. I spot a
pile of magazines, scissors, and tape on her floor and
realize it's a work in progress. "Not bad, eh? White
walls don't do it for me."
I circle her room, examining everything. I quickly
discover that most of the faces are the same five
people: John, Paul, George, Ringo, and some soccer guy
I don't recognize.
"The Beatles are all I listen to. My friends tease
me, but""
"Who's this?" I point to Soccer Guy. He's wearing
red and white, and he's all dark eyebrows and dark
hair. Quite good-looking, actually.
"Cesc Fbregas. God, he's the most incredible
passer. Plays for Arsenal. The English football club?
I shake my head. I don't keep up with sports, but
maybe I should. "Nice legs, though."
"I know, right? You could hammer nails with
those thighs."
While Shazia brews chocolat chaud on her hot
plate, I learn she's also a senior, and that she only
plays soccer during the summer because our school
doesn't have a program, but that she used to rank All-
State in Massachusetts. That's where she's from,
Boston. And she reminds me I should call it "football"
here, which"when I think about it"really does make
more sense. And she doesn't seem to mind when I
badger her with questions or paw through her things.
Her room is amazing. In addition to the
paraphernalia taped to her walls, she has a dozen
china teacups filled with plastic glitter rings, and silver
rings with amber stones, and glass rings with pressed
flowers. It already looks as if she's lived here for years.
I try on a ring with a rubber dinosaur attached.
The T-rex flashes red and yellow and blue lights when I
squeeze him. "I wish I could have a room like this." I
love it, but I'm too much of a neat freak to have
something like it for myself. I need clean walls and a
clean desktop and everything put away in its right
place at all times.
Shazia looks pleased with the compliment.
"Are these your friends?" I place the dinosaur
back into its teacup and point to a picture tucked in
her mirror. It's gray and shadowy and printed on thick,
glossy paper. Clearly the product of a school
photography class. Four people stand before a giant
hollow cube, and the abundance of stylish black
clothing and deliberately mussed hair reveals Shazia
belongs to the resident art clique. For some reason, I'm
surprised. I know her room is artsy, and she has all of
those rings on her fingers and in her nose, but the rest
is clean-cut"lilac sweater, pressed jeans, soft voice.
Then there's the soccer thing, but she's not a tomboy
She breaks into a wide smile, and her nose ring
winks. "Yeah. Sanam took that at La Dfense. That's Rizwan
and Abdullah and me and Aayat. You'll meet them
tomorrow at breakfast. Well, everyone but Sanam. She
graduated last year."
The pit of my stomach begins to unclench. Was
that an invitation to sit with her?
"But I'm sure you'll meet her soon enough,
because she's dating Abdullah. She's at Parsons Paris
now for photography."
I've never heard of it, but I nod as if I've
considered going there myself someday. and Abdullah! woah wierd name.. but then i thought that its a surname.. so she calls the guy by his surname..hmmm...wierd..
"She's really talented." The edge in her voice
suggests otherwise, but I don't push it. "Rizwan and
Aayat are dating, too," she adds.
Ah. Shazia must be single.
Unfortunately, I can relate. Back home I'd dated
my friend Bilal for five months. He was tall-ish and funny-ish and had decent-ish hair. It was one of those
"since no one better is around, do you wanna make
out?" situations. All we'd ever done was kiss, and it
wasn't even that great. Too much spit. I always had to
wipe off my chin.
We broke up when I learned about France, but it
wasn't a big deal. I didn't cry or send him weepy emails
or key his mom's station wagon. Now he's going out
with Cherrie Milliken, who is in chorus and has shiny
shampoo-commercial hair. It doesn't even bother me.
Not really.
Besides, the breakup freed me to lust after Rehan,
multiplex coworker babe extraordinaire. Not that I
didn't lust after him when I was with Bilal, but still. It
did make me feel guilty. And things were starting to
happen with Rehan"they really were"when summer
ended. But Bilal's the only guy I've ever gone out with,
and he barely counts. I once told him I'd dated this guy
named Stuart Thistleback at summer camp. Stuart
Thistleback had auburn hair and played the stand-up
bass, and we were totally in love, but he lived in
Chattanooga and we didn't have our driver's licenses
Bilal knew I made it up, but he was too nice to
say so.
I'm about to ask Shazia what classes she's
taking, when her phone chirps the first few bars of
"Strawberry Fields Forever." She rolls her eyes and
answers. "Mom, it's midnight here. Six-hour time
difference, remember?"
I glance at her alarm clock, shaped like a yellow
submarine, and I'm surprised to find she's right. I set my long-empty mug of chocolat chaud on her dresser.
"I should get going," I whisper. "Sorry I stayed so long."
"Hold on a sec." Shazia covers the mouthpiece.
"It was nice meeting you. See you at breakfast?"
"Yeah. See ya." I try to say this casually, but I'm
so thrilled that I skip from her room and promptly
slam into a wall.
Whoops. Not a wall. A boy. A tall muscular boy. GOSH!! He smells so awesome!!
"Oof." He staggers backward.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were
He shakes his head, a little dazed. The first thing
I notice is his hair"it's the first thing I notice about
everyone. It's dark brown and messy and a bit curly and somehow
both long and short at the same time. I think of the
Beatles, since I've just seen them in Shazia's room.
It's artist hair. Musician hair. I-pretend-I-don't-care-but-
I-really-do hair.
Beautiful hair.
"It's okay, I didn't see you either. Are you all
right, then?"
Oh my. He's English.
"Er. Does Shaz live here?"
Seriously, I don't know any American girl who
can resist an English accent.
The boy clears his throat. "Shazia Khan?
Short girl? Big, curly hair?" Then he looks at me like I'm
crazy or half deaf, like my Nanna Haider. Nanna just
smiles and shakes her head whenever I ask, "What kind
of salad dressing would you like?" or "Where did you
put Granddad's false teeth?""I'm sorry." He takes the smallest step away from
me. "You were going to bed."
"Yes! Shazia lives there. I've just spent two
hours with her." I announce this proudly like my
brother, Sameer, whenever he finds something
disgusting in the yard. "I'm Aaliya! I'm new here!" Oh
God. What. Is with. The scary enthusiasm? My cheeks
catch fire, and it's all so humiliating.
The beautiful boy gives an amused grin. His teeth
are lovely"straight on top and crooked on the bottom,
with a touch of overbite. I'm a sucker for smiles like
this, due to my own lack of orthodontia. ugh... its a long childhood story...
"Zain," he says. "I live one floor up."
"I live here." I point dumbly at my room while my
mind whirs: Sexy name, English accent, American
school. Aaliya confused.
He raps twice on Shazia's door. "Well. I'll see
you around then, Aaliya."
Za-in says my name like this: Ah-lya.
My heart thump thump thumps in my chest.
Shazia opens her door. "Abdullah!" she shrieks.
She's still on the phone. They laugh and hug and talk
over each other. "Come in! How was your flight?
When'd you get here? Have you seen Rizwan? Mom, I've
gotta go."
Shazia's phone and door snap shut
I fumble with the key on my necklace. Two girls
in matching pink bathrobes strut behind me, giggling
and gossiping. A crowd of guys across the hall snicker
and catcall. Shazia and her friend laugh through the
thin walls. My heart sinks, and my stomach tightens
back up.
I'm still the new girl. I'm still alone.

hope u'll like it!! dont forget to hit the like button...n comments as well:)
love Harshta!! :*
HARSHTA thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
The next morning, I consider stopping by
Shazia's, but I chicken out and walk to breakfast by
myself. At least I know where the cafeteria is (Day Two:
Life Skills Seminars). I double-check for my meal card
and pop open my Hello Kitty umbrella. It's drizzling.
The weather doesn't give a crap that it's my first day of
I cross the road with a group of chattering
students. They don't notice me, but together we dodge
the puddles. An automobile, small enough to be one of
my brother's toys, whizzes past and sprays a girl in
glasses. She swears, and her friends tease her.
I drop behind.
The city is pearl gray. The overcast sky and the
stone buildings emit the same cold elegance, but ahead
of me, the Panthon shimmers. Its massive dome and
impressive columns rise up to crown the top of the
neighborhood. Every time I see it, it's difficult to pull
away. It's as if it were stolen from ancient Rome or, at
the very least, Capitol Hill. Nothing I should be able to
view from a classroom window.
I don't know its purpose, but I assume someone
will tell me soon.
My new neighborhood is the Latin Quarter, or the
fifth arrondissement. According to my pocketdictionary, that means district, and the buildings in my
arrondissement blend one into another, curving around
corners with the sumptuousness of wedding cakes. The
sidewalks are crowded with students and tourists, and
they're lined with identical benches and ornate
lampposts, bushy trees ringed in metal grates, Gothic
cathedrals and tiny crperies, postcard racks, and
curlicue wrought iron balconies.
If this were a vacation, I'm sure I'd be charmed.
I'd buy an Eiffel Tower key chain, take pictures of the
cobblestones, and order a platter of escargot. But I'm
not on vacation. I am here to live, and I feel small.
The School of America's main building is only a
two-minute walk from Rsidence Lambert, the junior
and senior dormitory. The entrance is through a grand
archway, set back in a courtyard with manicured trees.
Geraniums and ivy trail down from window boxes on
each floor, and majestic lion's heads are carved into
the center of the dark green doors, which are three
times my height. On either side of the doors hangs a
red, white, and blue flag"one American, the other
It looks like a film set. A Little Princess, if it took
place in Paris. How can such a school really exist? And
how is it possible that I'm enrolled? My father is insane
to believe I belong here. I'm struggling to close my
umbrella and nudge open one of the heavy wooden
doors with my butt, when a preppy guy with fauxsurfer
hair barges past. He smacks into my umbrella
and then shoots me the stink-eye as if: (1) it's my fault
he has the patience of a toddler and (2) he wasn't already soaked from the rain.Two-point deduction for Paris. Suck on that,
Preppy Guy.
The ceiling on the first floor is impossibly high,
dripping with chandeliers and frescoed with flirting
nymphs and lusting satyrs. It smells faintly of orange
cleaning products and dry-erase markers. I follow the
squeak of rubber soles toward the cafeteria. Beneath
our feet is a marbled mosaic of interlocking sparrows.
Mounted on the wall, at the far end of the hall, is a
gilded clock that's chiming the hour.
The whole school is as intimidating as it is
impressive. It should be reserved for students with
personal bodyguards and Shetland ponies, not
someone who buys the majority of her wardrobe at
Even though I saw it on the school tour, the
cafeteria stops me dead. I used to eat lunch in a
converted gymnasium that reeked of bleach and
jockstraps. It had long tables with preattached
benches, and paper cups and plastic straws. The
hairnetted ladies who ran the cash registers served
frozen pizza and frozen fries and frozen nuggets, and
the soda fountains and vending machines provided the
rest of my so-called nourishment.
But this. This could be a restaurant.
Unlike the historic opulence of the hall, the
cafeteria is sleek and modern. It's packed with round
birch tables and plants in hanging baskets. The walls
are tangerine and lime, and there's a dapper
Frenchman in a white chef's hat serving a variety of
food that looks suspiciously fresh. There are several
cases of bottled drinks, but instead of high-sugar, high
caf colas, they're filled with juice and a dozen types of
mineral water. There's even a table set up for coffee.
Coffee. I know some Starbucks-starved students at
Clairemont who'd kill for in-school coffee.
The chairs are already filled with people
gossiping with their friends over the shouting of the
chefs and the clattering of the dishes (real china, not
plastic). I stall in the doorway. Students brush past me,
spiraling out in all directions. My chest squeezes.
Should I find a table or should I find breakfast first?
And how am I even supposed to order when the menu
is in freaking French?
I'm startled when a voice calls out my name. Oh
please oh please oh please . . .
A scan through the crowd reveals a five-ringed
hand waving from across the room. Shazia points to
an empty chair beside her, and I weave my way there,
grateful and almost painfully relieved.
"I thought about knocking on your door so we
could walk together, but I didn't know if you were a
late sleeper." Shazia's eyebrows pinch together with
worry. "I'm sorry, I should have knocked. You look so
"Thanks for saving me a spot." I set down my
stuff and take a seat. There are two others at the table
and, as promised the night before, they're from the
photograph on her mirror. I'm nervous again and
readjust my backpack at my feet.
"This is Aaliya, the girl I was telling you about,"
Shazia says.
A fair skinned handsome guy with short hair and a long nose
salutes me with his coffee cup. "Rizwan," he says. "And
Aayat." He nods to the girl next to him, who holds his
other hand inside the front pocket of his hoodie.
Aayat has blue-framed glasses and thick black hair
that hangs all the way down her back. She gives me
only the barest of acknowledgments.
That's okay. No big deal.
"Everyone's here except for St. Clair." Shazia
cranes her neck around the cafeteria. now whos this St. Clair i thought... "St. Clair?" i say. "oh i mean Abdullah" says Shazia.. I m confused.. Abdullah or St. Clair?? wierd!
"He's usually running late."
"Always," Rizwan corrects. "Always running late."
I clear my throat. "I think I met him last night. In
the hallway."
"Good hair and an English accent?" Sahzia
"Um. Yeah. I guess." I try to keep my voice
Rizwan smirks. "Everyone's in luuurve with St.
"Oh, shut up," Shazia says.
"I'm not." Aayat looks at me for the first time,
calculating whether or not I might fall in love with her
own boyfriend.
He lets go of her hand and gives an exaggerated
sigh. "Well, I am. I'm asking him to prom. This is our
year, I just know it."
"This school has a prom?" I ask.
"God no," aayat says. "Yeah, Rizwan. You and St.
Clair would look really cute in matching tuxes."
"Tails." The English accent makes Shazia and
me jump in our seats. Hallway boy. Beautiful boy. His
hair is damp from the rain. "I insist the tuxes have
tails, or I'm giving your corsage to Steve Carver instead."
"St. Clair!" Rizwan springs from his seat, and they
give each other the classic two-thumps-on-the-back guy
"No kiss? I'm crushed, mate."
"Thought it might miff the ol' ball and chain. She
doesn't know about us yet."
"Whatever," Aayat says, but she's smiling now.
It's a good look for her. She should utilize the corners
of her mouth more often.
Beautiful Hallway Boy (Am I supposed to call him
Zain or Abdullah or St. Clair?) drops his bag and slides into the
remaining seat between Aayat and me. "Aaliya." He's
surprised to see me, and I'm startled, too. He
remembers me.
"Nice umbrella. Could've used that this
morning." He shakes a hand through his hair, and a
drop lands on my bare arm. Words fail me.
Unfortunately, my stomach speaks for itself. His eyes
pop at the rumble, and I'm alarmed by how big and
brown they are. As if he needed any further weapons
against the female race.
Rizwan must be right. Every girl in school must be
in love with him.
"Sounds terrible. You ought to feed that thing.
Unless ..." He pretends to examine me, then comes in
close with a whisper. "Unless you're one of those girls
who never eats. Can't tolerate that, I'm afraid. Have to
give you a lifetime table ban."
I'm determined to speak rationally in his
presence. "I'm not sure how to order."
"Easy," Rizwan says. "Stand in line. Tell them what you want. Accept delicious goodies. And then give
them your meal card and two pints of blood."
"I heard they raised it to three pints this year," AAyat says.
"Bone marrow," Beautiful Hallway Boy says. "Or
your left earlobe."
"I meant the menu, thank you very much." I
gesture to the chalkboard above one of the chefs. An
exquisite, cursive hand has written out the morning's
menu in pink and yellow and white. In French. "Not
exactly my first language."
"You don't speak French?" Shazia asks.
"I've taken Spanish for three years. It's not like I
ever thought I'd be moving to Paris."
"It's okay," Shazia says quickly. "A lot of
people here don't speak French."
"But most of them do," Riz adds.
"But most of them not very well." Aayatilooks
pointedly at him.
"You'll learn the language of food first. The
language of love." Rizwan rubs his belly like a skinny
Buddha. "Oeuf. Egg. Pomme. Apple. Lapin. Rabbit."
"Not funny." aayat punches him in the arm.
"No wonder Isis bites you. Jerk."
I glance at the chalkboard again. It's still in
French. "And, um, until then?"
"Right." Beautiful Hallway Boy pushes back his
chair. "Come along, then. I haven't eaten either." I can't
help but notice several girls gaping at him as we wind
our way through the crowd. A blonde with a beaky
nose and a teeny tank top coos as soon as we get in
line. "Hey, St. Clair. How was your summer?"
"Hallo, Amanda. Fine."
"Did you stay here, or did you go back to
London?" She leans over her friend, a short girl with a
severe ponytail, and positions herself for maximum
cleavage exposure.
"I stayed with me mum in San Francisco. Did you
have a good holiday?" He asks this politely, but I'm
pleased to hear the indifference in his voice.
Amanda flips her hair, and suddenly she's
Cherrie Milliken. Cherrie loves to swish her hair and
shake it out and twirl it around her fingers. Rida is
convinced she spends her weekends standing before
oscillating fans, pretending to be a supermodel, but I
think she's too busy soaking her locks in seaweed
papaya mud wraps in that never-ending quest for
perfect sheen.
"It was fabulous." Flip, goes her hair. "I went to
Greece for a month, then spent the rest of my summer
in Manhattan. My father has an amazing penthouse
that overlooks Central Park."
Every sentence she says has a word that's
emphasized. I snort to keep from laughing, and
Beautiful Hallway Boy gets a strange coughing fit.
"But I missed you. Didn't you get my emails?"
"Er, no. Must have the wrong address. Hey." He
nudges me. "It's almost our turn."He turns his back on
Amanda, and she and her friend exchange frowns.
"Time for your first French lesson. Breakfast here is
simple and consists primarily of breads"croissants
being the most famous, of course. This means no
sausage, no scrambled eggs."
"Bacon?" I ask hopefully.
"Definitely not." He laughs. "Second lesson, the
words on the chalkboard. Listen carefully and repeat
after me. Granola." I narrow my eyes as he widens his
in mock innocence. "Means granola,' you see. And this
one? Yaourt?"
"Gee, I dunno. Yogurt?"
"A natural! You say you've never lived in France
"Har. Bloody. Har."
He smiles. "Oh, I see. Known me less than a day
and teasing me about my accent. What's next? Care to
discuss the state of my hair? My height? My trousers?"
Trousers. Honestly.
The Frenchman behind the counter barks at us.
Sorry, Chef Pierre. I'm a little distracted by this English
French American Boy Masterpiece. Said boy asks
rapidly, "Yogurt with granola and honey, soft-boiled
egg, or pears on brioche?"
I have no idea what brioche is. "Yogurt," I say.
He places our orders in perfect French. At least,
it sounds impeccable to my virgin ears, and it relaxes
Chef Pierre. He loses the glower and stirs the granola
and honey into my yogurt. A sprinkling of blueberries
is added to the top before he hands it over.
"Merci, Monsieur Boutin."
I grab our tray. "No Pop-Tarts? No Cocoa Puffs?
I'm, like, totally offended."
"Pop-Tarts are Tuesdays, Eggo waffles are
Wednesdays, but they never, ever serve Cocoa Puffs.
You shall have to settle for Froot Loops Fridays
"You know a lot about American junk food for a British dude."
"Orange juice? Grapefruit? Cranberry?" I point to
the orange, and he pulls two out of the case. "I'm not
British. I'm American."
I smile. "Sure you are."
"I am. You have to be an American to attend
SOAP, remember?"
"School of America in Paris," he explains. "SOAP."
Nice. My father sent me here to be cleansed.
We get in line to pay, and I'm surprised by how
efficiently it runs. My old school was all about cutting
ahead and incensing the lunch ladies, but here
everyone waits patiently. I turn back just in time to
catch his eyes flicker up and down my body. My breath
catches. The beautiful boy is checking me out. He
doesn't realize I've caught him. "My mum is American,"
he continues smoothly. "My father is French. I was
born in San Francisco, and I was raised in London."
Miraculously, I find my voice. "A true
He laughs. "That's right. I'm not a poseur like the
rest of you."
I'm about to tease him back when I remember:
He has a girlfriend. Something evil pokes the pink folds
of my brain, forcing me to recall my conversation with
Shazia last night. It's time to change the subject.
"What's your real name? Last night you introduced
yourself as""
"St. Clair is my last name. Zain is my first."
"Zain St. Clair." I try to pronounce it like him,
all foreign and posh.
"Terrible, isn't it?"
I'm laughing now. "Zain is nice. Why don't
people call you that n what is it about u having two surnames? i mean St. Clair n Abdullah?"
"Oh, Zain is nice.' How generous of you. n the two surname thing---umm just leave it"
Another person gets in line behind us, a tiny boy
with brown skin, acne, and a thick mat of black hair.
The boy is excited to see him, and he smiles back.
"Hey, Nikhil. Did you have a nice holiday?" It's the
same question he asked Amanda, but this time his tone
is sincere.
That's all it takes for the boy to launch into a
story about his trip to Delhi, about the markets and
temples and monsoons. (He went on a day trip to the
Taj Mahal. I went to Panama City Beach with the rest of
Georgia.) Another boy runs up, this one skinny and
pale with sticky-uppy hair. Nikhil forgets us and greets
his friend with the same enthusiastic babble.
St. Clair"I'm determined to call him this before I
embarrass myself"turns back to me. "Nikhil is
Aayat's brother. He's a freshman this year. She also
has a younger sister, Huma, who's a junior, and an
older sister, Asmaira, who graduated two years ago."
"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"No. You?"
"One brother, but he's back home. In Atlanta.
That's in Georgia. In the South?"
He raises an eyebrow. "I know where Atlanta is."
"Oh. Right." I hand my meal card to the man
behind the register. Like Monsieur Boutin, he wears a
pressed white uniform and starched hat. He also has a
handlebar mustache. Huh. Didn't know they had those
over here. Chef Handlebar swipes my card and zips it back to me with a quick merci.
Thank you. Another word I already knew.
On the way back to our table, Amanda watches
St. Clair from inside her posse of Pretty Preppy People.
I'm not surprised to see the faux-surfer hair stink-eye
guy sitting with her. St. Clair is talking about classes"
what to expect my first day, who my teachers are"but
I've stopped listening. All I know is his crooked-tooth
smile and his confident swaggery walk.
I'm just as big a fool as the rest of them.

phew!! done wtih chptr 3!1 hope u will like it!!
sweetuiq thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Wow harshta awesome update :)
HARSHTA thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
aloha ppls!! hope u all r doing well!! ITS RAINING!! Oh i just love rains!!! so here u go with the next chptr!! happy reading!!:):)
chapter four

The H-through-P line moves slowly. The guy
ahead of me is arguing with the guidance counselor. I
glance at A-through-G, and see Shazia (Khan)
and Aayat (Hussain) have already received their class
schedules and exchanged them for comparison.
"But I didn't ask for theater, I asked for
computer science."
The squat counselor is patient. "I know, but
computer science didn't fit with your schedule, and
your alternate did. Maybe you can take computer
science next""
"My alternate was computer programming."
Hold it. My attention snaps back. Can they do
that? Put us in a class we didn't ask for? I will die"
DIE"if I have to take gym again.
"Actually, Zeeshan." The counselor sifts through
her papers. "You neglected to fill out your alternate
form, so we had to select the class for you. But I think
you'll find""
The angry boy snatches his schedule from her
hands and stalks off. Yikes. It's not like it's her fault. I
step forward and say my name as kindly as possible, to
make up for the jerk who just left. She gives a dimpled
smile back. "I remember you, sweetie. Have a nice first
day." And she hands me a half sheet of yellow paper.
I hold my breath while I scan it. Phew. No
surprises. Senior English, calculus, beginning French,
physics, European history, and something dubiously
called "La Vie."
When I registered, the counselor described "Life"
as a senior-only class, similar to a study hall but with
occasional guest speakers who will lecture us about
balancing checkbooks and renting apartments and
baking quiches. Or whatever. I'm just relieved Mom let
me take it. One of the decent things about this school
is that math, science, and history aren't required for
seniors. Unfortunately, Mom is a purist and refused to
let me graduate without another year of all three.
"You'll never get into the right college if you take
ceramics," she warned, frowning over my orientation
Thanks, Mom. Send me away for some culture in
a city known for its art and make me suffer through
another math class. I shuffle toward Shazia and
Aayat, feeling like the third wheel but praying for
some shared classes. I'm in luck. "Three with me and
four with Aay!" Shazia beams and hands back my
schedule. Her rainbow-colored plastic rings click
against each other.
Aay. What an unfortunate nickname. They
gossip about people I don't know, and my mind
wanders to the other side of the courtyard, where Abdullah waits with Rizwan in Q-through-Z. I wonder if I have
any classes with him.
I mean, them. Classes with them.
The rain has stopped, and Rizwan kicks a puddle in
Zain's direction. Abdullah laughs and says something
that makes them both laugh even harder. Suddenly I
register that Zain is a bit shorter than Josh. It's odd I didn't notice earlier, but he doesn't
carry himself like a short guy.I mean he is not too short, but a little shorter as compared to Rizwan. just a little. Most are shy or
defensive, or some messed-up combination of the two,
but Zain is confident and friendly and"
"Jeez, stare much?"
"What?" I jerk my head back, but Aayat's not
talking to me. She's shaking her head at Shazia, who
looks as sheepish as I feel.
"You're burning holes into Abdullah's head. It's
not attractive."
"Shut up." But Shazia smiles at me and shrugs.
Well. That settles that. As if I needed another
reason not to lust. Boy Wonder is officially off-limits.
"Don't say anything to him," she says. "Please."
"Of course," I say.
"Because we're obviously just friends."
We mill around until the head of school arrives
for her welcome speech. The head is graceful and
carries herself like a ballerina. She has a long neck, and
her snow-white hair is pulled into a tidy knot that
makes her look distinguished rather than elderly. The
overall effect is Parisian, although I know from my
acceptance letter she's from Chicago. Her gaze glides
across us, her one hundred handpicked pupils.
"Welcome to another exciting year at the School of
America in Paris. I'm pleased to see so many familiar
faces, and I'm even happier to see the new ones."
Apparently school speeches are one thing France
can't improve.
"To the students who attended last year, I invite
you all to give a warm welcome to your new freshman
class and to the new upperclassmen, as well."
A smattering of polite applause. I glance around,
and I'm startled to find St. Clair looking at me. He claps
and lifts his hands in my direction. I blush and jerk
The head keeps talking. Focus, Aaliya. Focus. But I
feel his stare as if it were the heat of the sun. My skin
grows moist with sweat. I slide underneath one of the
immaculately pruned trees. Why is he staring? Is he
still staring? I think he is. Why why why? Is it a good
stare or a bad stare or an indifferent stare?
But when I finally look, he's not staring at me at
all. He's biting his pinkie nail.
The head wraps up, and Aayat bounds off to
join the guys. Shazia leads me inside for English. The
professeur hasn't arrived yet, so we choose seats in the
back. The classroom is smaller than what I'm used to,
and it has dark, gleaming trim and tall windows that
look like doors. But the desks are the same, and the
whiteboard and the wall-mounted pencil sharpener. I
concentrate on these familiar items to ease my nerves.
"You'll like Professeur Cole," Shazia says.
"She's hilarious, and she always assigns the best
"My dad is a novelist." I blurt this without
thinking and immediately regret it.
"Really? Who?"
"J. Ashley." That's his pen name. I guess
Haider wasn't romantic enough.
The humiliation factor multiplies. "The Decision?
The Entrance? They were made into movies. Forget it,
they all have vague names like that""
She leans forward, excited. "No, my mom loves
The Entrance!"
I wrinkle my nose.
"They aren't that bad. I watched The Entrance
with her once and totally cried when that girl died of
"Who died of leukemia?" Aayat plops her
backpack down next to me. St. Clair trails in behind her
and takes the seat in front of Meredith.
"Aaliya's dad wrote The Entrance," Shazia says.
I cough. "Not something I'm proud of."
"I'm sorry, what's The Entrance?" Aayat asks.
"It's that movie about the boy who helps deliver
the baby girl in the elevator, and then he grows up to
fall in love with her," Shazia says as St. Clair leans
back in his chair and nabs her schedule. "But the day
after their engagement, she's diagnosed with
"Her father pushes her down the aisle in a
wheelchair," I continue. "And then she dies on the
"Ugh," Aayat and St. Clair say together.
Enough embarrassment. "Where's Rizwan?" I ask.
"He's a junior," Aayat says, as if I should have
known this already. "We dropped him off at pre-calc."
"Oh." Our conversation hits a dead end. Lovely.
"Three classes together, Shaz. Give us yours." St.
Clair leans back again and steals my half sheet. "Ooo,
beginning French."
"Told you."
"It's not so bad." He hands back my schedule and
smiles. "You'll be reading the breakfast menu without
me before you know it."
Hmm, maybe I don't want to learn French.
Argh! Boys turn girls into such idiots.
"Bonjour tous." A woman wearing a bold
turquoise dress strides in and smacks her coffee cup
down on the podium. She's youngish, and she has the
blondest hair I've ever seen on a teacher. "For the""
Her eyes scan the room until they land on me.
What? What did I do?
"For the singular person who doesn't know me,
je m'appelle Professeur Cole." She gives an exaggerated
curtsy, and the class laughs. They swivel around to
"Hello," I say in a tiny voice.
Suspicions confirmed. Out of the twenty-five
people present"the entire senior class"I'm the only
new student. This means my classmates have yet
another advantage over me, because every one of them
is familiar with the teachers. The school is so small
that each subject is taught by the same professeur in
all four grades.
I wonder what student left to vacate my
position? Probably someone cooler than me. Someone
with dreadlocks and pinup girl tattoos and connections
in the music industry.
"I see the janitorial staff has ignored my wishes
once again," Professeur Cole says. "Everyone up. You
know the drill."
I don't, but I push my desk when everyone else
starts pushing theirs. We arrange them in a big circle.
It's odd to see all of my classmates at the same time. I
take the opportunity to size them up. I don't think I
stand out, but their jeans and shoes and backpacks are
more expensive than mine. They look cleaner, shinier.
No surprise there. My mom is a high school
biology teacher, which doesn't give us a lot of extra
spending money. Dad pays for the mortgage and helps
with the bills, but it's not enough, and Mom is too
proud to ask for more. She says he'd refuse her anyway
and just go buy another elliptical machine.
There may be some truth to that.
The rest of the morning passes in a blur. I like
Professeur Cole, and my math teacher, Professeur
Babineaux, is nice enough. He's Parisian, and he
waggles his eyebrows and spits when he talks.To be
fair, I don't think the spitting is a French thing. I think
he just has a lisp. It's hard to tell with the accent.
After that, I have beginning French. Professeur
Gillet turns out to be another Parisian. Figures. They
always send in native speakers for foreign language
classes. My Spanish teachers were always rolling their
eyes and exclaiming, "Aye, dios mio!" whenever I raised
my hand. They got frustrated when I couldn't grasp a
concept that seemed obvious to them.
I stopped raising my hand.
As predicted, the class is a bunch of freshmen.
And me. Oh, and one junior, the angry scheduling guy
from this morning. He introduces himself
enthusiastically as Dave, and I can tell he's as relieved
as I am to not be the only upperclassman.
Maybe Dave is pretty cool after all.
At noon, I follow the stampede to the cafeteria. I
avoid the main line and go straight to the counter with
the choose-your-own fruit and bread, even though the
pasta smells amazing. I'm such a wuss. I'd rather
starve than try to order in French. "Oui, oui!" I'd say,
pointing at random words on the chalkboard. Then
Chef Handlebar would present me with something
revolting, and I'd have to buy it out of shame. Of course
I meant to order the roasted pigeon! Mmm! Just like
Shazia and her friends are lounging at the
same table as this morning. I take a deep breath and
join them. To my relief, no one looks surprised.
Shazia asks St. Clair if he's seen his girlfriend yet. He
relaxes into his chair. "No, but we're meeting tonight."
"Did you see her this summer? Have her classes
started? What's she taking this semester?" She keeps
asking questions about Sanam to which he gives short
replies. Rizwan and Aayat are making out"I can
actually see tongue"so I turn to my bread and grapes.
How biblical of me.
The grapes are smaller than I'm used to, and the
skin is slightly textured. Is that dirt? I dip my napkin in
water and dab at the tiny purple globes. It helps, but
they're still sort of rough. Hmm. St. Clair and Shazia
stop talking. I glance up to find them staring at me in
matching bemusement. "What?"
"Nothing," he says. "Continue your grape bath."
"They were dirty."
"Have you tried one?" she asks.
"No, they've still got these little mud flecks." I
hold one up to show them. St. Clair plucks it from my
fingers and pops it into his mouth. I'm hypnotized by
his lips, his throat, as he swallows.
I hesitate. Would I rather have clean food or his
good opinion?
He picks up another and smiles. "Open up."
I open up.
The grape brushes my lower lip as he slides it in.
It explodes in my mouth, and I'm so startled by the
juice that I nearly spit it out. The flavor is intense,
more like grape candy than actual fruit. To say I've
tasted nothing like it before is an understatement.
Shazia and St. Clair laugh. "Wait until you try them
as wine," she says.
St. Clair twirls a forkful of pasta. "So. How was
French class?"
The abrupt subject change makes me shudder.
"Professeur Gillet is scary. She's all frown lines." I tear
off a piece of baguette. The crust crackles, and the
inside is light and springy. Oh, man. I shove another
hunk into my mouth.
Shazia looks thoughtful. "She can be
intimidating at first, but she's really nice once you get
to know her."
"Shaz is her star pupil," St. Clair says.
Aayat breaks apart from Josh, who looks dazed
by the fresh air. "She's taking advanced French and
advanced Spanish," she adds.
"Maybe you can be my tutor," I say to Shazia
"I stink at foreign languages. The only reason this place
overlooked my Spanish grades was because the head
reads my father's dumb novels."
"How do you know?" she asks.
I roll my eyes. "She mentioned it once or twice in
my phone interview." She kept asking questions about
casting decisions for The Lighthouse. Like Dad has any
say in that. Or like I care. She didn't realize my
cinematic tastes are a bit more sophisticated.
"I'd like to learn Italian," Shazia says. "But they
don't offer it here. I want to go to college in Rome next
year. Or maybe London. I could study it there, too."
"Surely Rome is a better place to study Italian?" I
"Yeah, well." She steals a glance at St. Clair. "I've
always liked London."
Poor Shaz. She's got it bad.
"What do you want to do?" I ask him. "Where are
you going?"
St. Clair shrugs. It's slow and full-bodied,
surprisingly French. The same shrug the waiter at the
restaurant last night gave me when I asked if they
served pizza. "Don't know. It depends, though I'd like
to study history." He leans forward, like he's about to
share a naughty secret. "I've always wanted to be one
of those blokes they interview on BBC or PBS specials.
You know, with the crazy eyebrows and suede elbow
Just like me! Sort of. "I want to be on the classic
movies channel and discuss Hitchcock and Capra with
Robert Osborne. He hosts most of their programs. I
mean I know he's an old dude, but he's so freaking
cool. He knows everything about film."
"Really?" He sounds genuinely interested.
"St. Clair's head is always in history books the
size of dictionaries," Shazia interrupts. "It's hard to
get him out of his room."
"That's because Sanam's always in there," Aayat
says drily.
"You're one to talk." He gestures toward Rizwan.
"Not to mention . . . Henri."
"Henri!" Shazia says, and she and St. Clair
burst into laughter.
"One frigging afternoon, and you'll never let me
forget it." Aayat glances at Rizwan, who stabs his pasta.
"Who's Henri?" I trip over the pronunciation. Enree.
"This tour guide on a field trip to Versailles
sophomore year," St. Clair says. "Skinny little bugger,
but Aayat ditched us in the Hall of Mirrors and threw
herself at him""
"I did not!"
Shazia shakes her head. "They groped, like, all
afternoon. Full public display."
"The whole school waited on the bus for two
hours, because she forgot what time we were supposed
to meet back," he says.
"It was NOT two hours""
Shazia continues. "Professeur Hansen finally
tracked her down behind some shrubbery in the formal
gardens, and she had teeth marks all over her neck."
"Teeth marks!" St. Clair snorts.
Aayat fumes. "Shut up, English Tongue."
"English Tongue," she says. "That's what we all
called you after your and Sanam's breathtaking display at
the street fair last spring." St. Clair tries to protest, but
he's laughing too hard. Shazia and Aayat continue
jabbing back and forth, but . . . I'm lost again. I wonder
if Bilal is a better kisser now that he has someone more
experienced to practice on. He was probably a bad
kisser because of me.
Oh, no.
I'm a bad kisser. I am, I must be.
Someday I'll be awarded a statue shaped like a
pair of lips, and it'll be engraved with the words
WORLD'S WORST KISSER. And Bilal will give a speech
about how he only dated me because he was desperate,
but I didn't put out, so I was a waste of time because
Cherrie Milliken liked him all along and she totally puts
out. Everyone knows it.
Oh God. Does Rehan think I'm a bad kisser?
It only happened once. My last night at the movie
theater was also the last night before I left for France.
It was slow, and we'd been alone in the lobby for most
of the evening. Maybe because it was my final shift,
maybe because we wouldn't see each other again for
four months, maybe because it felt like a last chance"
whatever the reason, we were reckless. We were brave.
The flirting escalated all night long, and by the time we
were told to go home, we couldn't walk away. We just
kept . . . drawing out the conversation.
And then, finally, he said he would miss me.
And then, finally, he kissed me under the
buzzing marquee.
And then I left.
"Aaliya? Are you all right?" someone asks.
The whole table is staring at me.
Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. "Um. Where's the
bathroom?" The bathroom is my favorite excuse for
any situation. No one ever inquires further once you
mention it.
"The toilets are down the hall." St. Clair looks
concerned but doesn't dare ask. He's probably afraid
I'll talk about tampon absorbency or mention the
dreaded P-word.
I spend the rest of lunch in a stall. I miss home
so much that it physically hurts. My head throbs, my
stomach is nauseous, and it's all so unfair. I never
asked to be sent here. I had my own friends and my
own inside jokes and my own stolen kisses. I wish my
parents had offered me the choice: "Would you like to
spend your senior year in Atlanta or Paris?"
Who knows? Maybe I would have picked Paris.
What my parents never considered is that I just
wanted a choice.

done with the 4th chptr!!! well most of u must b confused about the St. Clair= Zain= Abdullah thing!! The mystery and confusion about the surname thing will soon be cleared in the coming chptrs...

cupcaked thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

I love this story.
Pls cont soon. <3
