willina thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Devi (full name: Vedisa-Mahadevi Sakyakumari) was the first wife of the third Mauryan emperor Ashoka the Great, according to the Ceylonese chronicles. She was the mother of Ashoka's first two children, his son, Mahendra and daughter, Sanghamitra, both of whom played important roles in the spread of Buddhism to other countries.  HOWEVER, SHE REFUSED TO ACCOMPANY ASHOKA BACK TO PATALIPUTRA, IN A WAY DESERTING HIM  .SINCE SHE DID NOT AGREE WITH HIS WAYS , SHE EVEN REFUSED TO PART WITH THEIR CHILDREN KEEPING THEM BACK TO GET THEM EDUCATED UNDER THE  BUDDHIST WAY OF LIFE.("Yet, Devi failed to convert Ashoka to Buddhism and he left her and their children in Vedisa when he was finally recalled to Pataliputra.[3] Thus, Devi did not follow Ashoka as sovereign to Pataliputra, for there his Chief Queen (agramahisi) was his wife, Asandhimitra" WIKI )HE WASNT AN EMPEROR WHEN HE MARRIED HER NOR WHEN HE RETURNED TO PATALIPUTRA BUT A MERE SENAPATI, A WARRIOR WHOSE DUTY WAS TO FIGHT TO PROTECT MAGADH.

According to eminent historian, M.N. Das, Karuvaki was a fisherman's daughter who converted to Buddhism and became a sanyasini. Following Ashoka's conversion to Buddhism, he married her and made her his queen.[2] She had guided Ashoka towards his religious leanings.[3] Along with being religious, she took an active part in philanthropy and was famous for her charity, and for her interest in Buddhist teachings.[4]Karuvaki's religious and charitable donations were greatly admired by her husband, who commanded the Mahamatras (senior officials) that her donations should be regarded by all officials concerned as her act and deed, redounding to her accumulation of merit.[5]

Karuvaki was immortalized in the Queen Edict (one of Ashoka's many edicts carved on pillars throughout his empire), wherein the Mauryan emperor states that he was changing his lifestyle "on the advice of my queen Karuvaki."[2] Ashoka further states that on her advice, he was embarking on a series of welfare measures for the people.[2]The edict also identifies her as mother to their son, Prince Tivala (also referred to as Tivara), who is the only son of Ashoka mentioned by name in his inscriptions.[4][6][7][8] The inference being that, Karuvaki, was the favourite and the mother of the prince who would've succeeded his father but who probably predeceased him.[

Rani Padmavati (born 280 BCE) was a wife of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka and the mother of his heir presumptive,KUNALA . KUNALA Due to the premature death of his birth mother, Rani Padmavati within a few months of his birth, he was raised by Ashoka's first wife and Empress consort Asandhimitra who loved him like her own son. Due to this, Asandhimitra is often mistaken to be his birth mother. At the age of eight, Ashoka sent his son to Ujjain, there to be brought up and carry out his princely education, to become the heir to the throne of the Mauryan Empire. Which he should not have succeeded because he was the youngest and had no right to rule just like his father. (Ashoka)
Asandhimitra (d. 240 BCE) was the chief consort (agramahisi) of the third Mauryan emperor Ashoka the Great, for the majority of his reign. Asandhimitra apparently bore her husband no children,and died without issue. SHE HOWEVER RAISED KUNALA RANI PADMAVATI'S SON WHO DIED AT CHILDBIRTH.She is greatly spoken of in the Great Chronicle or the Mahavamsa.

Asandhimitra was probably the princess of a little kingdom in what is now East Haryana north of Delhi (India), for it seems more than coincidence that the little town of Assandh boasts what it claims to be the biggest Ashokan stupa in India, 80 ft high and 250 ft in diameter. Since Asandhimitra belonged to a royal family, she was considered to be a suitable wife for Prince Ashoka.

Therefore, upon Ashoka's accession to the throne in 270 BCE, she was given the honourable title of agramahisi and thus became his Chief Queen.Asandhimitra held the position of being Ashoka's chief consort for thirty years, from his accession in 270 BCE till her own death in 240 BCE. JUST LIKE SUBHADRANGI WAS BINDUSAR'S CHIEF QUEEN, ASANDHIMITRA WAS ASHOKA'S CHIEF QUEEN.

Asandhimitra was a faithful believer in the Sambuddha. She is said to have been a trusted advisor and a faithful companion to her husband and is often referred to as his "beloved" or his "dear" consort.This is evidenced by the fact that Ashoka was deeply grieved at her death. . Four years after her death, when Ashoka was old, he married a dissolute young woman named Tishyaraksha (who WAS Asandhimitra's attendant) and raised her to the rank of Chief Queen in 236 BC, TISHYARAKSHA LOVED KUNALA AND SEDUCED ASHOKA WHEN HE WAS WOUNDED THROUGH HER VARIOUS SKILLS.

"", once she was attracted towards Kunala, a son of Ashoka who was religious in nature and inclined towards Buddhism from his early life. Kunala considered Tishyaraksha as his mother due to her place in the Mauryan Empire at the time. After perceiving neglect from Kunala, Tishyaraksha turned so furious that she decided to blind him (it is believed that the eyes of Kunal were attractive and beautiful and that they had originally attracted Tishyaraksha towards Kunala).

When the Chandragupta Sabha led by RADHAGUPTA(YUP CHAKYA'S SON/DISCIPLE ) (the then minister (Mahaamatya) of Mauryan Empire) decided that Kunal would proceed to subjugate the revolt of Takshashila (Taxila), Tishyaraksha conceived a plot. The plot succeeded after the conquest by Kunala. As per the plot, Ashoka had to request two very precious jewels from the governor of Takshashila which were believed to have been the most unique of their kind. The decisive language of the letter written by Tishyaraksha was sent by Ashoka who did not understand the hidden meaning and therefore could not transmit it to Kunala. However, Kunala immediately understood the hidden meaning, but due to his love towards his father and his loyalty towards Magadha, he felt forced to remove his own eyes. Then he sent both of his eyes to the court of Magadha at Pataliputra. Ashok realized his fault but by then it was too late. Immediately Radhagupta ordered to slay Tishyaraksha. It is believed that Tishyaraksha committed suicide after coming to know of this news.

ASANDHIMITRA WAS ASHOKA'S FIRST WIFE, FIRST LOVE , CHIEF QUEEN AND HIS CONSORT. he respected all his wives, their religions.(HIS SECOND WIFE WAS A JAIN) took part in healthy discussions thought about his countrymen and magadh always, BUT HIS ONE AND ONLY SOULMATEWAS ASANDHIMITRA.who supported him when he was a senapati, an emperor, converted to Buddhism, brought up his orphaned son and always was ASHOKA'S pillar of support. NOT DEVI.NOT KARVUKI.


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a_uma thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
thanks for interesting information.. I hope colors will show us full life story of Ashoka..looking forward to see adult Ashoka :)
Meself thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Hi; firstly take it a gentle suggestion: never believe Wikipedia for anything history. Instead take a little time a read authentic historical records. Asandhmitra and Devi are identified as one and the same. Asandhmitra (also spelled as Asandhmitta) was her maiden name which after the marriage to Asoka was changed to Devi as per Mauryan tradition .

Also not only did she raise her own children Mahendra and Sanghamitra but also Kunal and Charumati; issues of Asoka's other wives. And Devi/Asandhmitra is said to be the prime reason for Asoka's initial affinity to Buddhism. In fact in Asokvandana, Asoka and Devi's romance is talked in great length. She is the only Buddhist emperess that ever ruled India! 
Edited by Meself - 9 years ago
LadyMacbeth thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
 My mother is a MA of ancient history, my house is a dump of history, I can say from source that Asandhimitra and Devi were two completely & absolutely different individuals . 
Asandhimitra was a PRINCESS, that's why she was chosen queen over Devi ( who was an ordinary civilian ) to be the chief consort of Mauryan emperor Ashoka . Therefore it is laugh inducing to claim that Devi and Asandhimitra was the same person . 
Devi's only importance in Ashok's life was she was the mother of two of Ashok's children- Mahendra & Sanghamitra .

PS. Will you please mention the source of your wrong information ? Devi was NEVER an empress, it's even mentioned in our general history books that Asandhimitra, who was an princess by birth was the chief consort of Ashoka for most part of his reign .

PPS. There is a separate corner for fanfictions, you know ? You can write Devi as an empress there . Thank you . 
Edited by VasusenaRadheya - 9 years ago
mistofshadows thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
I have researched a lot about Ashok after the serial started but nowhere does it mention about MahaDevi and Asandhamitra being one and the same.
DanmeiLover thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks for posting this. Even AshokaVandana clearly differentiates between Devi and chief queen Ashandhimitra .
Only certain Devi fans claim them to be the same person to enhance Devi's importance.
Meself thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: VasusenaRadheya


 My mother is a MA of ancient history, my house is a dump of history, I can say from source that Asandhimitra and Devi were two completely & absolutely different individuals . 
Asandhimitra was a PRINCESS, that's why she was chosen queen over Devi ( who was an ordinary civilian ) to be the chief consort of Mauryan emperor Ashoka . Therefore it is laugh inducing to claim that Devi and Asandhimitra was the same person . 
Devi's only importance in Ashok's life was she was the mother of two of Ashok's children- Mahendra & Sanghamitra .

PS. Will you please mention the source of your wrong information ? Devi was NEVER an empress, it's even mentioned in our general history books that Asandhimitra, who was an princess by birth was the chief consort of Ashoka for most part of his reign .

PPS. There is a separate corner for fanfictions, you know ? You can write Devi as an empress there . Thank you . 

Sorry if I instigated anyone with an otherwise sense. My history teachger, Mrs. Sanghamitra Roy was the my go to sources of all thing history. In her research papers she wrote Asandhmitra and Devi to be one and the same and honestly until very recently I had never come across this rebuttal over her identity. Infact there are other historians as well who wrote the very thing that our history teacher devoted her time to.

@ red. 

Secondly and more importantly I as far I see my post I haven't used any language that would make my comment look derogatory so can I ask that why are you hurling invective with such strong sense attached to it? I am no historian. I like to read and it might be that I am wrong, why take it out that way?
CaptainSpark thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Ashoka had many Queens among which Asandhimitra was his chief Queen. But I dont understand how it makes her Ashok's "One and only soulmate" or "First love" etc. 😕 AFAIK, All folktales, all kinds of writings suggest Kauruvaki to be Ashoka's favourite Queen. I cannot claim that.. surely. But I thought it wsd evident.. and Devi is his first wife, and also mother of Mahendra and Sanghamitra...

BTW regarding Asandhimitra and Devi being same, one had no issue, other had two children and they are most important of Ashoka... how can they be same? I am just asking really...😊
Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks for shedding light on this aspect 👍🏼