Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 75


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ltelidevaralak thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago
Sahadev brought Iravan on stage while Bheem who is waiting there proudly introduced him to the gathering. Our son Iravan, son of Arjun and Ulupi It is our pleasure to have Arjun's Eldest son among us. I am sure he will glorify the clan of Maharaj Pandu. Iravan touched his feet and Bheem gave a pat on his back and said. How I wish your Eldest brother Ghatotkach to be here. He would have become the leader of children squad. Abhi ran to him and started Call him Jyesht Pita. I want to learn magic from him. Bheem lifted him and assured. You will meet him at a proper time . Krishna and Arjun came together and hugged Iravan together. Dhaumya did Asirvad and gave Akshatas to every one to bless him. My son also will join shortly. Rekha told Alli. And my son takes some months. Allireplied with a wink. Then Yudhishtir gave Asirvad. Keep The fame of your Father flying. He said. I will Jyesht Pita Iravan promised. Arjun approached Ulupi and asked. Are your doubts cleared or still you have suspicion ?tell frankly. Ulupi replied with a smile. Ofcourse no doubts left. Almost certain of my place in your life. Arjun knitted his eyebrows. Almost? So still you have your own doubts it seems. Ulupi said with an endearing look. Just want to live the same experience same way. Would like to abduct you this time not for a nite. Arjun laughed and challenged. Try it again. Now I will be fully alert. I won't give a scope for your illusions. Chitra who heard the last part demanded. No illusions entertained because we all are here to stake our claim. Ulupi folded her hands in fun. Princess Chitrangada, How can I take him from right under your nose? Not done. I beg pardon.Arjun laughed at their comradiarre and moved ahead. Duryothan who is observing Arjun commented. We should accept it Karn. Arjun became Krishna's replica in managing to win hearts. See so many wives are there. But no sign of displeasure is seen.Dussasan said. Bhrata observe them when they see Panchali with their husband. Surely there is envy in their faces. I observed. Duryothan agreed. Ofcourse they may feel jealous. Just look at The Daughter of Drupad. She is extraordinarily beautiful . I blame on myself for not being able to hit the Fish Target. Sakuni teased Karna.Even your dear friend also failed to hit it. One who competes with Arjun but could not even fight with him in the war that followed the swayamvar. Karn's face became red with anger. Yuvraj, Tell your MamaSri not to demean my valour. I. Will definitely defeat Arjun one day in future. Duryothan assured. I am sure you will. Don'ttake Mamasri seriously. Just then Panchali and Subhadra Satya and Rukmini came on stage with Pragati. The baby is looking the cutest ever seen and every one applauded her looks. They did Arti to her and Dhaumya blessed her with sacred mantras. Abhi and Kirti vied with each other to hold her on stage. Krishna and Arjun went on stage and together lifted the baby on their shoulders. Kunti shouted at them. Drop her down Kanha,Phalgun Pragati laughed with delight. Arjun then took her down to his Eldest. Yufhishtir blessed her with long life. Duryothan came forward and commented. Your daughter is too cute Arjun. Must have taken after her mother. Krishna gave a fitting reply. Daughters always will have mother's influence in them. But can't you observe her eyes exactly are like Parth's eyes. Karn remarked. Ofcourse Govind, Arjun 's hazel eyes are inherited by all his sons and daughter. In fact I am forced to think if I see hazel eyes anywhere I may certainly feel that particular child may belong to Arjun only. After all he became too famous for his flirtatious nature. Dussasan laughed loudly while Arjun's face turned red. Krishna laughed and said. Ofcourse flirting can be done by those who can get away with it . And Parth has the charm to win over anyone and every one. Dussasan don't try to flirt with girls ever. It won't suit you.Am I correct AngRaj ? He winked at Karna whose face became pale. Arjun smiled and extended Pragati to AngRaj. Your blessings for my daughter? Karn couldn't help but take the baby in his arms. Looking at her cute face he wondered. Why would God bestow the Best on Arjun? The Best wife in the form of Panchali,The Bestson in the form of Abhimanyu and The Best Daughter in the form of Pragati. Panchali who is watching all this got irritated and approached them. She asked Krishna to hand over Pragati to her. Krishna took Pragati from Karn and gave her to Panchali. She said to every one in general. Mata and Gandhari Mats asked for Pragati. I beg pardon. She took her and walked away the musical soumds of her waist belt tinkling with her beautiful gait, the jasmine flowers in her hair nodding in rythym the blue lotus fragrance mesmerising every one and Duryothan and Karn felt the pangs of defeat and disappointment.Surely the most beautiful woman alive is the crown jewel of Arjun's achievements. Absolutely unparalleled in beauty and dignity.
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Mahiima16

Amazing update!! Really loved it... 😳
Btw congratulations 🥳

Thank you Mahima, Thanks For being here on Hundredth Page.
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Thank you Yukti for your presence on hundredth Page. Yes I do remember you are the first one to post your comment on my discussion thread. Same sentiment continued here for me. Your encouragement helped me proceed with grit and determination. Thanks again.
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
The Yajna Sala was completed almost much to the relief of our architect Maya. It looked grand and spacious with mostly wooden work that brought an ethnic feel. Ved Vyas Rishi came and checked every corner of it. Finally he turned to Arjun and expressed his delight. You outdid your job. He praised. But it is the work of Maya not mine. Arjun admitted with humility. I know the extent of your contribution. Don't be too humble. He said with a smile. He then supervised the Asrams built around Yajnasala to host the Ritviks and chanters. He informed Arjun that within ten days he will come with his chanters far prior to the sacrifice as he needs to demonstrate them the whole process of the sacrifice to avoid any discrepancy or confusion. He said there are delicate points of ceremonial etiquette that is to be discussed before the commencement of the sacrifice. Arjun grasped every instruction of him and Still he requested Vedvyas. If I forget anything remind me Rishivar. Vedvyas patted his back. You have your soulmate to fall back. Why do you worry? I know you have great memory power. Arjun then took Bheem and Draupadi to check the enormous dining halls built to provide food for rich as well as poor on the same basis. The halls were wide and long that can make thousand people eat at one time. Bheem is speechless. Draupadi is speiibound.In such short period how is it possible to make such arrangements on that grand scale? Bheem felt proud thinking of the glory that will be attached to The name of The Pandavas once the sacrifice is done. Draupadi asked Arjun. Do we have enough to proceed with the sacrifice after such expenditure for all this? Arjun smiled and Krishna laughed. Sakhi you are the Finance Minister and you should know the answer. Why are you asking Parth? Panchali could not answer as she knew how she left every thing on Arjun that nite without paying attention to figures and accounts. Arjun answered sharply. Even after spending for all this we have three forths of our accumulated money left for our purposes. And we still get so much in the form of tributes from the Kings when they attend the sacrifice. The vast treasure they offered me in Hiranyapur and Nagalok was still there . Vasuki Mahasay sent me message that he will come with all that. Bheem is extremely delighted.He assured Panchali. You need not worry about anything. You just sit at the Yajna Vedi with Eldest. Rest will be done Ofcourse mostly by my perfectionist brother Arjun. I would start appointing new cooks tomorrow onwards as we need more manpower. Panchali kept silent. Arjun took Bheem to show the store rooms built to keep the groceries and food materials. Krishna sat on a bench and made her sit beside him. Why are you so dull Krishnaa? Are you not happy with all this? Or the forthcoming Rajasuya? Tell me frankly. He asked in a soft tone . Draupadi looked into his eyes and questioned? Don't you know my apprehensions Govind? You still ask me Why? Then listen I am afraid if we perform this with such grandeure we will be the centre of attraction and envy.You know their cousins. Already I see intolerance in Duryothan and Karn so.clearly. What will be the outcome of this? I am worried. Govind how much hard work he is putting up to make things happen! Right from the day we came here I see his effort in every brick,every corner every where. The Khandav Dahan, The conquests How can I rest in peace Govind seeing him work that hard to make his father happy to make his Eldest The emperor. Panchali's last words are sarcastic. Krishna placed his hand on her shoulder. Krishnaa, you are getting hyper. He did everything wholeheartedly. Then why do you worry that much? I know you love him too much. But keep aside your love and think for a while. After Jarasandha's death the path has been cleared to establish the Empire of Dharma. Rajasuya is the main step in that direction. Aryavarth should get a righteous Emperor and Parth is doing his best to fulfill that. Stand by him Krishnaa. Anything may happen tomorrow. Be his inspiration and energy. I promise you I will be with you at every step. I won't let you and Parth get lost in the struggle of survival. We three should face everything together. He stopped on seeing Arjun comeback with Bheem. Take Panchali back Parth, Pragati must be waiting for her. Bhrata Bheem and me will come in a while.Krishna told Arjun. As they got into the chariot Arjun observed her serious face. What is that you are thinking so serious? He asked. Panchali did not answer. She crawled nearer to him and placed her head on his shoulder. Her silence spoke as usual. Her Arjun understood. Don't worry. Everything I will manage. Just be with me...always. He said with confidence pulling her nearer. Yajnaseni closed her eyes feeling safe and secure.
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Iravan stood there behind the Mango tree observing Arjun practice his archery. Ulupi told him it is necessary to watch his father so that he would know to what extent he needs to work hard . And he was awestruck observing the greatest archer live . And the Gandiv. It just complemented him perfectly. Will he ever be able to match up to the skills of his father. He is not sure about it. As the sun rays pierced through the leaves Iravan moved a bit to avoid them.' Morning Rays are good for the health. They improve your energy levels. Expose yourself to Sunlight. Come out Iravan, Arjun's voice made Iravan apprehensive . How did his father know that he is hiding there. Iravan slowly approached his father and touched his feet. Arjun read the question mark in his eyes and replied. By instinct I knew you are there. Learn your first lesson my son. Always be alert. Kshatriyas should look through eyes and heart.Kshatriyas should hear the minutest sound by the ears . Use your eyesight and ears to such an extent that you can feel the presence of another being whether they are nearer or far away. Iravan felt immensely satisfied. I will always remember my first lesson from you Pitasri.he promised. ...Kunti sent message to Arjun to meet her in private.Arjun went to her chamber after breakfast. Kunti is sitting with Priyamvada making a list of worship materials that are required for the inauguration of Yajnasala after ten days. She smiled at him and made him sit beside her. VedVyasji told me you made a dream Yajnasala of sorts . Arjun brushed it off. You know how he is. He praises even the smallest contribution of mine to the skies.Kunti pinched his cheek. Don't be too humble atleast with me. It won't suit you.I want to see my pampered Phalgun only . She taunted. Arjun smiled. When did you find me arrogant with you? Pampered yes. But I never crossed your word.isnt it?he demanded. Kunti's face changed colours. Yes. He did not question her even when he has to share his wife with his brothers. She composed herself and said. By the time Rajasuya starts Bahu has to be completely into the Yajnic formalities. She has to spend most of her time in YajnaSala. I give you the responsibility of looking after her day and night. Arjun could not believe his eyes. Such words from Mata he wondered. Kunti continued. I know your allotted time may come to an end within a short time But you spent most of your time outside Indraprasth. So instead of moving over with the rule,I feel it is better to continue your time with her. Karenu is pregnant. She needs Nakul by her side.,You be with Bahu take care of her health physically and mentally during the sacrifice. Whenever Pragati needs her bring them together. I hope you understand what I want to convey. Arjun is relieved and excited. He and Ktishnaa need not get separated that soon. Especially Panchali can be taken care of as she is still week due to continuous deliveries. Arjun hugged Kunti and placed his head on her shoulder. Kunti put her hands round his waist. She knew how relieved he is on hearing her. Priyamvada wiped her eyes and thanked Gandhari in het heart. Princess you be happy with your Arjun for some more time. You deserve it. Priyamvada thought in her heart.
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Arjun received the first quota of the tributes that are the extensions of the vast gifts he brought after the conquest from Northern Kashmir. The king sent thousand varieties of perfumes and scents along with beautiful worked up Carpets along with Kasturi scents that are extracted from Kasturi deer,famous in that region. Every one opened their mouths to see what they never saw before.Nakul is delighted and quipped. I am living in my own ignorant world. These many flavours are there I can't dream. Thanks. Bhrata. Northern direction certainly is a gold mine. It is our good fortune that you explored North. Arjun smiled and entrusted them to Nakul . They are to be gifted to guest Kings and used whenever the occasion demands. He also asked Nakul to take charge of dress code of attendents and maids so that there won't be confusion for Royal guests in identifying them. To make his wish fulfilled he luckily got tributes in the form of finest silks and all varieties of textures in huge bundles from Madhrai and other southern parts like Kanchipuram and other famous parts of South. Arjun told Nakul ' Even the servants should look regal and elegant. You take care of these things." Satya teased Arjun. Wah. Great planning Arjun.I wonder Are you planning for a sacrifice or any festival celebration? Arjun retorted. You think Sacrifice is not celebration? Many people assume that it is meant only for those who take interest in dharmic matters. I want to prove it wrong. It can be done with vibrance and colour. Madhav also agrees to it . Isn't it Madhav? Satya pouted. I still have to find some thing that makes you two differ in view. Swami I am waiting to hear from you. Well said Parth. Satya's imitation of Krishna made Arjun and Krishna laugh heartfully.Obviously I am always right. Madhav knows that. Arjun said with attitude. Satya warned. Don't be overconfident. You may take a wrong decision at a crucial time.Krishna immediately said. I will stand by him in that crucial moment. Arjun hugged Krishna. Satya stared at them with delight and envy. ...Priyamvada informed Panchali about Kunti's decision. Panchali who is trying to make Kirti sleep could not believe her ears. Her mother in law considered the long periods that were spent by Arjun in battlefield ? Priyamvada understood her confusion and smiled. Ofcourse Maharani Ganthari effect worked again.she revealed. Panchali had tears in her eyes. Why would Ganthari feel so much for her and Arjun? She bent her face so that Priyamvada won't see her tears. Kirti looked up as the teardrop fell on his cheek. He stretched his little palms to her eyes.He felt the moisture and looked at his palms. Who scolded you? I will tell Pitasri. He said in his cute way. Priyamvada smiled and lifted Panchali's face. Princess,you can hide yourself from anyone but not from your kid. The relationship between mother and son is special. Your husband's hug to Kunti in the morning stands as a proof. Panchali looked with wide eyes. Arjun knew this? She hugged Priyamvada closely. Masi, I feel indebted to you for your love. Priyamvada replied. Don't say so . You are like my daughter I never had. My princess. ...Kirti slept. Pragati is in the Jhoola in deep sleep. She didn't sleep in the evening. So she slept early. Panchali walked towards her Jhoola . The night is mesmerising.The irritation,the uneasiness,the anger she is feeling to move away from Arjun got subdued on hearing Priyamvada's words.she got peace of mind. Her Arjun will stand by her through out that Rajasuya. He will take care of her,her Pragati who needs her the most. Panchali smiled in relief. The gentle breeze got stronger and blew away her Pallu. It covered Arjun who just came in there. Arjun took it away and closed her waist from behind. Panchali got the thrill that is always fresh and new that makes her feel herself totally belonged to him and him only.
Mahiima16 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Good 😛 Plz update soon 😊
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Panchali turned to him.Arjun smiled and remarked. Looking tension free today? Hope you are in good mood. Why? Panchali understood his question and pretended innocence. Both my children slept early. So I am in a relaxing mood. Arjun looked into her lotus eyes deeply and said. But your eyes are telling a different reason . Panchali asked with a smile May I know the reason ? That you are update with accounts till yesterday. Arjun answered seriously. Panchali moved away from him expressing her anger by throwing het long plait back almost on his face. Arjun caught that in his hand and pulled her close again. You know I know the reason. I want to see your frowning face you look too beautiful. Why? Is it because you are Fireborn? Panchali smiled and retorted. If I am fire you are the Thunderstorm. You know it. Arjun replied with passion. Let the fire burn with desire then the thunderstorm will take pleasure in pacifying it. Panchali understood his lovelorn expression and blushed . Where did you throw my Pallu that fell on your face? She searched for it as she feels inhibited to expose herself even after that many seasons of togetherness. Arjun smiled his disarming smile and embraced her tightly . Come into my arms. I will cover you better, I will cover every pore of you completely. Panchali's face turned red and she hid her face in his heart . ...The day saw Sage Vedvyas come with his first batch of Brahmin sages who are more than hundred in number. As a separate kitchen was established near Yajna Sala, the food specially is arranged for them there. Bheem,Panchali, Arya,Rukmini and Vijaya stayed there and looked after the arrangements. Ved Vyas told Arjun that ten more batches will arrive in due course.. He entrusted Dhaumya the preliminary phase of training and he supervised the proceedings. Arjun and Krishna formed the first groups of attendents to be present there with the sages . Arjun told Nakul to make different colours of dress code so that they can be allotted the work with clarity. He selected light colours for the first group of attendents in duty towards serving the sages. Ved Vyas felt happy for the facilities provided and the food served. Bheem praised Panchali and gave full credit to her ' without your suggestions I may not be able to carry out the work. Especially these sages they are too rigid and strict. But I fear what would happen if you sit there in Yajnasala ? He told Yudhishtir in good humour. Eldest, why can't you carry on the sacrificial formalities with Devaki Bhabhi instead? Yudhishtir smiled at his brother. Bheem take the help of Rukmini Bhabhi ,Arya and others. You can very well manage . Devika has to take care of months old nephew of yours . Panchali looked at Arjun. He very well read the question ' isn't my Pragati still four months old? Arjun turned to Krishna who answered on his behalf. Bhrata Bheem,Not every one would posess the strength,the integrity and knowledge that Krishnaa posess. Only she is fit to carry on the Yajn. She is an alrounder. Don't worry,Whenever you need her inputs I will become your messenger and convey your message to her. Bheem laughed and admitted. Actually the reason for my concern is my affection for her. How can she sit there before the fire that long hours,surrounded by smoke ,I feel for her sake. Krishna assured. Don't worry. She is Fireborn. She absorbs the heat and smoke. She will be as fresh as you see her now.
Mahiima16 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Fantastic update 👏 i love the way you write ;) and i just love ArDi
Edited by Mahiima16 - 8 years ago
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Balaram,Revati Vasudev ,Devaki Pradyumn Satyali and other Yadava Chiefs came with so many gifts and other rewards. Indraprasth got festive look and they were welcomed with great pomp. Kunti is elated to have her brother and Bhabhi at her place. She welcomed them and touched their feet. I am blessed Bhrata to have you here. I felt doubtful whether you come or not. Devaki smilingly said. My daughter is your daughter in law. Why won't I come? Balram scolded Krishna. You came so early and brought Rukmini with you. Dwaraka can't do without her. Where is your Parth? I heard all his wives are called to be here. Does he take care of my Subhadra? He thundered. Subhadra came forward and touched his feet. When Revati took her in her arms Subhadra got tears in her eyes. After Rukmini she is very much attached to Revati. Balram mistook her tears and decided she is not happy with Arjun. Abhi came running to Balram shouting Mama Sri, Balram forgot everything and showered kisses on him . Where is your father? He asked. Abhi looked around and enquired Krishna ,Where is Pitasri? Arjun is at the Yajnasala looking after the sages and observing them trained by Dhaumya. Sahadev came to him hurriedly and informed him of Balaram's arrival. Arjun who is busy with Maya told Sahadev. I entrusted welcoming the guests to you and Dhrisht. I will come in a while. Sahadev told him of Balaram's angry mode and Krishna's message to him to come and meet him immediately. Arjun understood the situation and reached the royal mansion.As he entered Malini just is carrying Pragati to Kunti's place as Panchali is busy in dining chamber. Arjun took Pragati from her and approached Balaram who is pampering Abhi and he found Subhadra in Revati's arms shedding tears. He looked at Krishna whose face bore a relieved look on seeing Pragati in Arjun's arms. He nodded his head indicating his appreciation. Krishna moved towards Arjun placed his arm round him protectively and addressed his brother. Bhrata,Parth is here. Arjun went and touched Balram's feet with one hand . Balram blessed him and wished to scold him but he was mesmerised on seeing Pragati. Krishna made Arjun give Pragati to Balaram. Pragati who is too friendly even with strangers giggled and stretched her little hands. Balram is fascinated and forgot about his shoutings.The baby touched his moustache making every one laugh. Abhi jumped in joy and introduced her to Balram. Meet my cute sister Pragati. Balram enjoyed the baby's antics and Casually asked Krishna. Where did I stop? I am saying something. Subhadra interfered and reminded him. Bhrata,you are asking him if he is taking care of me or not. She enjoyed Arjun's expression and hid her smile. Rukmini taunted Subhadra. Now don't tell lies. Bhrata Balram is too clever not to believe your lies. Who will think you are unhappy seeing your face? Krishna looked at Rukmini with love. Balaram still is under the spell of Pragati's charm. Bhadra you also should get a daughter. What do you say? He asked. Subhadra folded her hands. Please Bhrata,Handling Abhi itself is a big task for me. Bhrata Krishn and my husband already made him uncontrollable. Any way Pragati is my daughter also. Abhi treats her with so much love. Isn't it Abhi? She asked. Abhi confessed his love for Pragati. I don't want anyone else. Pragati is my dearest sister. Balram looked into Arjun's eyes penetratingly. Are you keeping my sister happy? You got five more wives it seems. Sakuni came to the outskirts of the city with Duryothan and told me about your wives. Are you competing with Kanha in having that many wives? He asked straightly. Krishna and Arjun looked at each other. They understood Sakuni's foul play. Subhadra who is enjoying Arjun's situation and having fun got miffed on hearing Sakuni and Duryothan's name. She approached Arjun and took his hand into her's posessively. Bhrata Balram,Tell those well wishers not to interfere in my life. I am very happy with my husband. I won't tolerate if anyone says bad about him. I don't have a problem even if he married multipletimes. He loves me and Abhi so dearly. They are jealous of him that all beautiful women are besotted with him. Bhrata,My co wives are too good. I will introduce all of them. Subhadra said proudly and touched Balram's feet along with Arjun. Krishna laughed heartily and little Pragati giggled again. ...Arjun brought Pragati to Panchali and handed over her. My daughter saved me today. He told her and informed the whole incident. Panchali looked here and there and not finding any one nearer wiped the sweat drops on his forehead with her Pallu. See how scared you are. Now you must have understood the result of flirting no? She teased him.Arjun smirked and asked.Did they come after me or I went after them? Panchali smiled and admitted. Ofcourse you are the most sought after. Proved by the fact that Krishnaa Yajnaseni loved you from the moment you walked towards the bow. Arjun smiled and added. Ofcourse it is natural . You are created for my sake only by my beloved father in law. He just gave a peck on her forehead but stopped on hearing Bheem's voice. Panchali is every thing ready to serve dinner?