Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 35


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aishwarya48 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Even though ardo scenes are nice..
i still have that pain in my heart knowing that he will break her promise
anyway but the update was 😳jaldi jaldi jadl!!
we need a new update now yaar
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Panchali thought it is a dream only. Arjun and herself away from Rajbhavan's noise and kolahal,in the middle of Yamuna it must be a dream . She closed her eyes and murmured. Arjun, I feel it is a dream. How is it possible for me to be here,?Her voice sounded unsure of her present state. Arjun felt sorry for her,she is now in a state where there is no scope for this kind of outing,or a different kind of setting . She is the Maharani ,an expert at handling any matter related to financial matters,a Bahu who single handedly carries the Harem responsibilities and above all attends to every need of his mother. He never saw the other bahus involve in these things including his own wife Subhadra. So it is not a surprise that His Krishnaa is considering it a dream where as such outings and enjoyment is so common for others. He and Subhadra enjoyed so many nights like this in Dwaraka ,Draupadi could not even open her eyes lest her dream may disappear and she will be in her own chamber. Arjun understood her state and took her in his arms possessively.He is not against her involving in the matters of state. He admires her talent and knows her commitment. But he feels it is his duty to see to it that she also should enjoy the thrill of youth and whatever limited period they may spend together,he wanted to make it special and memorable. He took her inside the boat where a beautiful bed of jasmines is waiting for them. The moonlight is showering on the flowers making the atmosphere filled with romantic splendour. Arjun whispered in her ears. Open your eyes and feel the bliss. This is not a dream.Panchali opened her lotus eyes and fondly gazed into his hazel eyes. She felt the shower of moonlight,the smoothness of jasmines under her slender body and the music of Yamuna waters and above all her beloved husband by her side,anxious to carry her into a world of passion and bliss. She sat up and took his face in her beautiful palms and passionately kissed on his eyes. Arjun made her lie down and asked, Is my queen pleased with my hard work? I am always enslaved to you my love ..He said in a husky voice. Panchali smiled with pleasure. I am enamoured by you not now Arjun,the moment I saw you get up and approach the Fish target. And this is the night I always cherish in my heart.Arjun removed her earrings and necklace and made her roll sideways . He untied the white silky upper garment and exposed her beauty to his passionate eyes and to the moonlight. Draupadi closed his ryes with her hand Arjun warned her no inhibitions tonite my queen and hugged her as close as he can . Draupadi placed her hands round his neck and pulled him nearer and nearer. The night remained the night of nights for the eternal lovers Arjun and Krishnaa.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Mani vart is the city that the northern regions are in awe of. The city is rich grandly built and independent. It was ruled by Vidyadharas and vaidutas . They don't belong either to gods or demons. They cause headache even to Indra by disobeying his orders.People there are not generous and feel they are superior to others . There is a safe distance between Manivart and Indraprasth but it is nearer to Hastinapur. The Vidyadharas are brave but they depend more on their miraculous powers rather than valour. Very often they trouble the people of other regions who happen to pass through their land to reach Kamarup or other Himalayan regions. They make them prisoners and then convert them into labourers who have to work day and night in construction work or in any other work. Yudhisthira received a complaint from a group of his citizens that their own people who travelled north to have a Darshan of Vaishnavi Mata were not traced even after a long period. After some days again another complaint was registered that a very big group of farmers with their families went to attend a wedding and went missing. Yudhisthir discussed it in the assembly. Bheem suspected foul play. There must be the hand of some one behind this. How could that many people go missing ? He argued. Arjun agreed. I received message from Grand father. In Hastinapur also groups travelling by Manivarth disappeared and the number is more. Grandfather asked me to pursue the matter as early as possible. Yudhishthir is worried. Arjun,if Grandfather asked us we should not delay. Think about solving the matter.Draupadi who attended the assembly along with Kunti curiously waited for Arjun's reply. In the meantime Bheem became impatient. Let us attack Manivarth and punish them. Otherwise we can not save people. Arjun nodded his head.No Bhrata Bheem, We can not attack without proof. They are independent rulers. More than that they have illusional powers. Nakul interfered. Bhrata Arjun you know how to break illusions where is the problem? Arjun smiled at him. Yes Nakul,But first let us confirm their offence. Then illusions can be broken at will. Every one laughed at his words. Yudhisthir is worried. Arjun justice should not be delayed to our innocent people. How can we confirm their misdeeds? It is not possible. Arjun replied with confidence. It is possible Eldest. I will send six of my strong officers along with ordinary soldiers in the guise of travellers. If something happens one of them will escape and give us information. I already selected them as soon as I got message from grandfather. I trained them also how to break the plan of rivals. I am sure we will get correct information within one week. They are starting tomorrow. Bheem praised Arjun. Why did'nt you tell me before? Always hide things from me.Mata your Arjun is too smart. He commented fondly slapping on Arjun's back. Why should I trouble you Bhrata This is a small matter. Arjun replied sheepishly.Nakul retorted. Well done Bhrata. Otherwise Bhrata Bheem already would have reached Manivarth by now.Bheem rolled his eyes at Nakul . Kunti smiled endearingly looking at the comradiare of her sons.She side glanced her Bahu who is stealing glances at Arjun.Kunti sighed. Who will not fall for her third son? He is desirable to each and every one. Draupadi is no exception.Nakul said seriously. By the way Bhrata please enquire if any Vidyadhara maiden is waiting in the wings for Bhrata Arjun. We should be prepared to welcome her no? Draupadi tried to control her laugh looking at Arjun's embarrassed face. Abhimanyu entered Indraprasth with his mama Krishna and mother Subhadra. He brought so much joy to every one around. Draupadi was mesmerised on seeing the little wonder who resembled her Arjun in every way but Got his mother's complexion. Kunti is so elated to have the beautiful boy in her hands and said. I feel I am holding my Phalgun in my arms. She had tears of joy rolling from her eyes. As for Arjun he hugged his Madhav and said Welcome back.Thank you for bringing them here. Krishna laughed mischievously and replied. I understand Parth. That is why I even overlooked Bhrata Balram's displeasure and brought your son to you. Be happy now. Arjun forgot himself and the surroundings holding his bundle of joy in his arms.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Krishna met Panchali who is in her chamber before she could run to make arrangements for Celebration of Abhimanyu's entrance into Indraprasth. How is the queen? Hope you are enjoying exclusive time of your life. Krishna's taunt was received by a smirk and an instant retort . Of course exclusive only. Well said,Govind. I never know when I have to be ready with Arti thali either to welcome a cowife or to put virtilak to wish victory in war. I tuned my mind for both. Krishna laughed at her sarcasm . Why is the fire born so possessive about him? You are his first wife. You should be magnanimous to offer space to accommodate others. Panchali sulked . Govind, what is that I am doing till now? Still you call me possessive? It is easy to say but only those who are actually there can feel the pain. Krishna comforted her. Now don't take offence. I just wanted to see your sulking face which is more enthralling. You look beautiful. Arjun who just entered teased Krishna, so the great Krishna Vaasudev also has joined the group of her worshippers. Now that is quite praiseworthy. Already I have become obsessed with her beauty. So who are left? Krishnaa frowned at him and said. Your words, I never believe. You are an opportunist. Krishna pretended to be hurt. Now Sakhi that is too much. If you can't see his obsession with you I will tell you. He asked me to bring Subhadra and Abhi here because he can not come to Dwaraka. Reason? He is unable to move away from his dearest wife even a short while.Panchali laughed. He told you so?False. He is into finding out that Manivarth mystery. That is the reason. Arjun made a serious face. See Madhav, My own wife has no belief in my words, How can others like Nakul ,Bhrata Bheem believe me? Krishna consoled him. Don't worry Parth, A day will arrive when Panchali herself will admit your genuine love.Panchali nodded her head in disapproval and left the friends alone to attend to her duties. Draupadi along with Bheem organised the poojas and Asirvad for Abhimanu followed by a grand lunch that was attended by many royal guests. Every one blessed Abhimanyu and said that he is a mixture of Krishna and Arjuna both. So many donations were given by Kunti on the occasion of the birth of her grandchild. She always felt Draupafi's four sons are there but Arjun's son is not there in Indraprasth. Now her desire was fulfilled. She presented Subhadra many valuable ornaments and kissed on her forehead. These are nothing compared to the special gift you gave me in the form of Abhi. She told Subhadra. Every one retired to their chambers . Draupadi just reached her chamber when she felt reeling sensation in her head. She lied down on her couch,trying to overcome her giddy ness which she thought might be due to her hectic day.and lack of sleep.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun sent his officers to Manivarth according to his plan . Ordinary soldiers also went in the garb of normal citizens. Arjun gave the necessary instructions to his officers and told them to be alert as the Vidyadharas happen to be experts in creating illusions. Krishna smilingly said. So gearing up for another war, Parth? Arjun replied. Most likely Madhav. I am sure Manivarth is behind this . Grand father also hinted at that only in his message. So Hastinapur is dependent on your valour even after Kauravas and Pandavas got separated. Krishna said thoughtfully. What happened to Duryothan's dear friend and your competitor , Angraj Karn? Arjun replied with detachment. I don't know Madhav. Somehow Grandfather does'nt seem to have confidence in him despite his prowess. Krishna said. And your grand father is right. Valour only is not sufficient to emerge victorious. We should be cool and composed and magnanimous to acknowledge the competence of the rival. Karna lacks that trait. Arjun made his point. Whatever it is, Grandfather's word is Veda to me. I feel privileged to do anything for him. I want to show Abhimanyu to him. He will be too pleased to play with him. I am unfortunate not to have my grandfather with me. I am unable to serve him in his old age. Krishna consoled him. Don't get disheartened. He will certainly visit Indraprasth when Yudhishtir performs Rajasuya sacrifice.But still time is there for that. Before that Jarasandha should be killed. Arjun asked immediately. Then let us go to Gitivraj with Bhrata Bheem and tackle him. Krishna smiled at his enthusiasm. Wait wait Parth, I told you that will happen only at the proper time. In the mean time I will return to Dwaraka and you tackle the Manivarth issue. Arjun was surprised. Why should you go so early? Let us go to Manivarth together. It will be fun. Krishna laughed. Arjun is enough to teach Vidyadharas a lesson.Krishna is needed back home. Arjun quipped. By Satya? Krishna did not answer but threw his most charming smile at him. ...All through the day Draupadi felt uneasy and restless.She did not make any one sense that but Priyamvada observed and asked. Are you fine? You look indisposed.Draupadi said. Nothing to worry. just lack of sleep made me feel restless. If I had my sleep properly I will be fine. Draupadi assured her but she started feeling the same way even after sleeping well the next day. She started to have doubt as she is not new to that familiar reeling sensation , She may be again ...This time it will be special for her and desirable. But she does'nt want to tell any one especially the one person till the right time arrives . Arjun is staying with Subhadra at nights as she is miffed with him for not not being with her when Abhi was born. Panchali did not expect him to come to her and as she is not well, she finished her work earlier,told Priyamvada to manage and went to her chamber. When Krishna and Arjuna went late to have their dinner,they did not see the queen there. When Arjun asked Priyamvada briefly said. She is not well and retired to her chamber. Arjun's face expressed his anxiety. Why? What happened? Did she take any medicine? Sahadev is informed or not? As he is about to call Sahadev to enquire Krishna told him. Finish your dinner and find out for yourself. I will manage Subhadra. It has been one week since we came and you very well attended on her. Now it is time to attend on your queen,Parth ,Krishna's eyes are mischievously hiding dome thing. Arjun thought...Panchali dressed herself in her simple clothes and lied down on her spacious bed. She asked Malini to keep the lamps dim as she is unable to bear too much light. She kept her hand on her forehead to get over the reeling feeling and closed her eyes. After a while she felt his arms round her ,hugging her close and his husky voice made her open her eyes completely and feel his presence.Even after all these long years he still manages to evoke the same thrill in her heart just like he find when he walked Howard's the fish target.Yajnaseni felt elated to have him by her side,and kept her head on his chest clasping his neck lovingly,Arjun,I missed you,she whispered.
draupadidevi thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Well written. I have just one small comment. Every child is special for her mother and Draupadi was not an exception. Her grief and concern for them was equal and the epic never indicate a slightest hint that even in the case of her sons Draupadi had any kind of partiality and special desirability for any one of them. Motherhood is a blessing for every woman and to be a mother for the first time is perhaps the most unique feeling for all of them either she is a poor woman or a queen. She might not love her husbands equally but her devotion to her children never showed any kind of partiality or special preference.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: draupadidevi

Well written. I have just one small comment. Every child is special for her mother and Draupadi was not an exception. Her grief and concern for them was equal and the epic never indicate a slightest hint that even in the case of her sons Draupadi had any kind of partiality and special desirability for any one of them. Motherhood is a blessing for every woman and to be a mother for the first time is perhaps the most unique feeling for all of them either she is a poor woman or a queen. She might not love her husbands equally but her devotion to her children never showed any kind of partiality or special preference.

If Arjun's child is special and desirable to her ,it does'nt mean others are not special for her or not desirable. Just like the first born is special for being born first for any one including Draupadi, Arjun's child is special for her as she loved him heartfully as per all ArDi fans like us. He is desirable since he is Arjun's son. That does'nt demean her love for her other sons or or the speciality each and every child has. Only thing is I bother about Arjun,Draupadi and their son but no one else.
MsChanadlerBong thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: draupadidevi

Well written. I have just one small comment. Every child is special for her mother and Draupadi was not an exception. Her grief and concern for them was equal and the epic never indicate a slightest hint that even in the case of her sons Draupadi had any kind of partiality and special desirability for any one of them. Motherhood is a blessing for every woman and to be a mother for the first time is perhaps the most unique feeling for all of them either she is a poor woman or a queen. She might not love her husbands equally but her devotion to her children never showed any kind of partiality or special preference.

okay I should be interfering but anyways I m . 😆
First of all it is nice that you are commenting in her story but why are trying to prove or show here something . Like I read your comment before also and there too you said such things such as Draupadi did not only have space for Arjun and loved all Pandavs or something like that I don remember but I remember that you were trying to indirectly pointing that the os written by the member is faulty . I would like to remind you that this is a piece of fiction and this the imagination of the writer so you can not say what to write and what not . You may not be trying to but you are sounding like . Draupadi loved her children equally oaky good but if the writer wants to add that she was a bit more excited about this child then what is wrong with that ? I don think she is changing Mahabharat ! Ps she may know the epic well that is why she is writing here and I don think it is necessary for you to provide such information every time trying to prove something . Just a small note . Hope you care on from next time .
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
This story is exclusively written by an ArDi fan,for ArDi fans and only for Arjun and Draupadi. I firmly believe in Ar Di love that I elaborately discussed in my Discussion forum ,Did Draupadi Love Arjuna More? as per the Epic, Don't expect Pandav, Panchali love story here. It is only Arjun Draupadi love. No one else. Never.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun observed her seriously. What happened? You look unwell. He asked placing his head on her forehead. Draupadi pressed on his hand. Nothing. Just I got exhausted. Lack,of sleep. She avoided looking into his eyes. Arjun scolded her. Why do you spoil your health.Share some work with other queens. When do they learn? Ask Subhadra also to share your duties. Otherwise they will never learn anything.Draupadi know I don't want to sit idle even for a moment.Arjun gazed into her lotus eyes. And I know why. He said with a tinge of guilty ness.Draupadi tried to divert his attention. Is Abhi sleeping? I did not see him tonite with Subhadra in the Dining chamber. Madhav and I held him when Subhadra came there. Otherwise he is not letting her eat properly. Arjun softened her curls and said. Panchali said with excitement.Arjun His eyes exactly look like yours. And the eyelashes He looks so cute. Arjun laughed proudly. Like Father, Like know.Draupadi pushed him away fondly. So much attitude. Hope he won't get this at least.Other wise he is your replica. Arjun retorted. Of course he will get every trait of mine. I will make him the best. Let him be three years old. I wil start teaching archery to him. Draupadi exclaimed. Three years? How is it possible Arjun? You are too much. Arjun assured her. Do you know My father made a toy bow for me when I was three years old and started teaching how to fix a stick on that. I learnt how to shoot at the target perfectly by the time I became a give year old. From then it became an obsession for me. I can't imagine my life without Archery and without Krishnaa. Draupadi bit her lower lip and teased him. The second part is false. May be you gold this to Subhadra also. Arjun took her face in his hands. I said this only to you. Believe it or not,you are my prized possession obtained through my archery skills. So there is a connection between you,me and my archery, we three are inseparable. People always refer to me with the feat associated with your swayamvar. That bond is inseparable. Draupadi realised the truth and honesty in his words. His eyes are piercing through her eyes reaching the innermost layers of her soul. She is mesmerised and started floating in his river of passion. She forgot her unwell feeling,tiredness and the vibrations of his energy passed through her body. Arjun is pulling her closer with passion and love. He hesitated thinking of her disturbed health. Will my queen bear with my passion or shall I keep distance from you my love? He sincerely asked her in a low voice restraining himself from advancing further. Draupadi melted in her heart seeing his care and concern. She hugged him closely indicating him that yajnaseni will always like to be worshipped by her Arjun in whatever state she is. Arjun felt her ultimate love and proceeded to absorb himself in the exquisite beauty of his queen.