Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 34


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ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: aishwarya48

update jaldi karo!
give us a nice,long update fast yaar!
and lets keep the ardi scenes going before alli comes😭

Dont worry. Alli won't come that soon.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
All the brothers essembled in the Sabha and discussed the matter of Jarasanth. Bheem said. Arjun,let us March over him and vanquish him in battle. That way we can save them before he kills them before kal Bhairav.Arjun differed. Bhrata Bheem, we should wait till we get a suggestion from Madhav, I heard that he still have to reach the number he wants. Let us wait . Yudhisthir agreed to Arjun's proposal. Then Bheem and Arjun went to the military camp at the borders to honour the soldiers that participated and lost their lives. The whole army welcomed the brothers wholeheartedly. They accepted the gifts given by Arjun and danced in joy. All the soldiers requested the brothers to stay with them as they want to entertain them with songs and dances.Arjun and Bheem agreed and enjoyed with them. Some of them sang on Arjun's valour and Bheem's might. ArJun danced with them heartfully .Bhkeem drank Madhuras and elated. Arjun also got intoxicated and sat near the campfire.He remembered his words to Draupadi He definitely did not mean to cause inconvenience to her.That is not his nature.Let his queen sleep peacefully . She deserves rest.he thought.Draupadi waited for Arjun in her chamber.Malini came and informed her that both the brothers have sent message that they may not return in the night.She felt bad for Arjun. He came after fighting severe war and wished to have her company. She is unable to oblige him. She gave more importance to her duties rather than her love. She should have asked him to comeback early. Draupadi lied down on her couch and closed her eyes. A single tear rolled down from the corner of her eye. It made her cheek wet and reached her neck.She suddenly felt his warm lips swallow that tear drop and opened her eyes in surprise. Arjun smiled and asked. You thought I won't come, no? Draupadi felt it a dream. You sent the message you won't come,then how did you come? Arjun explained. We wanted to stay back. But After midnight Bhrata Bheem felt it was not comfortable to sleep there. He asked me to ride the horse and land Him safely in the palace.Otherwise I would have stayed there happily,you know I enjoy sleeping under the umbrella of stars and the moon. He winked at her. You are unpredictable.Draupadi smirked.Arjun placed his head in her lap and asked. What are you thinking that the tears have to appear in your eyes? Tell me frankly.Draupadi hesitatingly said. I thought you got angry. That is why you stayed back. I did'nt fulfill your wish even though you came after so many days. I felt guilty. Arjun mischievously raised his eyebrows and questioned. Is this the fire born speaking? I wonder. Draupadi looked seriously into his eyes and said. The fire born spits fire for others. With you the fire will completely get extinguished.And be comes cooler and vulnerable. Arjun laughed and teased her. I don't think so. Still I feel you as hot as it can get. Draupadi understood the inner meaning and tried to keep him away from her. You are impossible to deal with. She pretended to be angry and got down to reach the place of her dreams,the swing and the bunches of Jasmines that invited her spreading fragrance.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun approached her and turned her towards him.What made you think that I will get angry for that reason? I thought we understood each other well. No it seems.Draupadi could not say any thing. I don't know Arjun,Why I felt like that. I can't give you a reason.She is frustrated. Arjun took her close kept her head on his heart and said softly. Krishnaa never ever think that I may get angry. That right I am giving only to you, Panchali placed her hands round his waist. She closed her eyes relieved. She felt her husband's grip tighten. Slowly she raised her head and glanced at him. Arjun 's eyes are light reddish at the corners. He must have had the drink with the soldiers. Arjun smiled down knowing what she is thinking.He bent down to take her lips and remarked No drink is as intoxicating as your beauty. Draupadi's face turned red. Why did you do that and you came all the way riding the horse. Arjun laughed. Indraprasth's queen behaves like a typical wife,now listen. I will never take that much to lose control over myself. That is why Bhrata Bheem asked me to ride the horse. But now I don't think Ican stay controlled. Arjun lifted her in his arms and took back to the couch.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
The moonlight is peeping through,the cool breeze is blowing over the passionate lovers. Arjun admired the beautiful slender frame in his arms that is so perfect and sensuous. The dark complexion rendered. the swelty figure an unusual glow added to that the blue lotus fragrance that enhanced the desirability of the fire born . The lotus eyes are brimming with love ,the full red lips inviting him to take over Arjun got absorbed in worshipping his Beautiful wife.Draupadi teased him . You have had the love of your Rekha,Why are you so passionate now,You have wives wherever you go.Dont pretend now.
aishwarya48 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
would love to see arjuns response now!!!
update jaldi karo and give us a long update!!!
cant wait!😃😃😃
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun understood her taunt. You know your husband's charm. So girls are falling for me. Rekha is besotted not me,you know that ? Arjun said with his so familiar attitude.Draupadi raised her eyebrows. Such a nice pretext. But I know you enjoy the situation very much.She said with a suspicious face. Why do every one doubts my integrity? Even Bhrata Bheem and Nakul says the same. Arjun expressed his annoyance and took his hands away from her. He side glanced at her to see her reaction. Draupadi smiled at him and teased him. Who will believe you looking at your face? I won't at least.Arjun grabbed her by her shoulders forcefully and looking deep into her eyes asked. What is there in my face that makes you believe I am a womaniser? Draupadi hid her smiles and answered. Your eyes . They do the magic. Even if you say no in words your eyes say yes.Draupadi said smiling with her eyes.Arjun started to enjoy her analysis. He said in a challenging tone. Continue I am listening. After all you are the first one to have fallen for my charm.Draupadi pouted and continued.Then you make yourself aloof and disinterested.Arjun is curious. So? He asked again.He is impressed by the cute manner in which she is indirectly praising him but making him realise how she felt of his other wives.Draupadi ruffled his hair and said So what? Haif the battle is won by the great warrior without trying much. The girls will fall flat. Arjun caught hold of her hand that is still having fun with his hair. Why did the Fireborn fall for me then? He pulled her closer and kissed on her cheeks. Draupadi again pouted and replied. She is innocent. She thought he would forever be busy in loving her only.But that did not happen. Arjun bent over her heart and listened to her heart beat. But your heart is telling another story. Draupadi smiled. I am listening. She said. Arjun pulled her nose fondly and continued. Your heart tells you know Arjun's heart.with whomever he stays he chants Yajnaseni's name only . He is afraid of her anger. Draupadi pushed him away. Liar,always tell lies.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Let us compromise. Now onwards no more further marriages. Fine? Arjun asked putting a serious face. Draupadi replied seriously. Did you know when your Bhrata Bheem asked me to extract a promise from you ,what I said? Arjun looked at her curiously. Panchali biting her lower lip,glancing at him with besotted looks slowly revealed.' That you will break the promise after crossing the boarders of Indraprasth." Arjun expressed his displeasure by making the fire born breathless with his tight hug and drowned himself in the waves of passion that madr the queen regret her statement but respond with equal passion in the game of love...Grand father Bheeshm was sitting on the terrace of his palace gazing at the wattteers of Yamuna. He just heard the news of Arjun's victory over Vasuki and Hiranyapur. Vidura came in with a serious look. Bheeshm looked at him raising his eyebrows Now what problem happened Mahatma Vidur? He said in a sarcastic tone.Vidur sounded desperate.Duryothan can not bear the flourish of Pandavas.Arjun's victory over Vasuki and Hiranya pur made him insecure.The treasury of Indraprasth is the cause of his envy now. Bheeshm sternly looked into his eyes and declared. . It is bound to happen. Arjun symbolises victory. None can equal his skill not even that boastful Angaraj karn. Duryodhan would have benefitted.if Pandavas are here. United Kuru kingdom would have prospered under Yudhishtir's rule and Bheem and Arjun's able military organisation. But The wrong headed Duryothan could never see sense.Vidur agreed. You are right. Ta tsri. He is a fool and is influenced by that prejudiced son of Radha whose sole aim is to defeat Arjun in battle. Grandfather is sarcastic. He can't defeat my Arjun not even in his dreams. He is a man of words while Arjun is man of action. How smartly he attacked Hiranyapur and made the treasury of Indra prasth golden. And his victory over Vasuki? Arjun made me proud with thatspectacular feat. Vidur laughed. Tatsri I never saw the glow that comes into your eyes when you talk about,Arjun. I know he is special to you. Why don't you go and stay with them for some time? Bheeshm refused the proposal.I don't want to leave Duryothan totally under the guidance of Shakuni and karn. I can't take that risk. Indraprasth is elated to hear the news of subhadra's sons' birth. Celebrations were made with much grandeure. Why not? The infant is special as he is the son of Arjun and nephew of none other than Vasudev Krishna. Kunti asked Dhaumya to write his janmpatr. Every one is curious to hear. Dhaumya studied the planets and declared . He will be on par with his father in valour and beauty. He will be the flag bearer of pandavas' clan. His children will rule for many years. Arjun wondered. Why are they saying his children? Anyway when Prativindhya is the successor to Yudhishtir's throne how could Subhadra's son be the continuer of the dynasty? He expressed the doubt boldly as he has the freedom and closeness with Dhaumya. The Purohit again prophesied.Son of Indra. Stars will never falter in telling future. Every one kept quiet. Draupadi also was confused. She is not against Arjun's son hogging the limelight. It is natural. He is Arjun's son. But with Prativindhya there how could subhadra's don will be the flag bearer of Pandavas? She then reconciled.The five brothers have the required unity and understanding among themselves. Their children will never fight for power among themselves.That night Arjun asked what would be her reaction to Dhaumya's prediction? Panchali replied softly. I don't bother Arjun, All I know is our children will have unity among them like you five have. So why to worry about predictions? Arjun is relieved. His Krishnaa is class apart . She has the maturity to deal with any situation. Moreover like him she also is waiting to hold Abhimanyu in her hands. Arjun rewarded his wife with a beautiful kiss for her selfless love and endearing nature.
aishwarya48 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
its so sad to hear that😭
because then alli will be here and panchali just🤢
about how many times would arjun seriously have broke his promises!?!😲
pragiti srutakirti coming soon?
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun went to Kunti who sent a message through Priyamvada,to meet her at her private chamber. What happened Mata? Arjun asked. When are you leaving for Dwaraka? She enquires. Arjun was surprised. Who told you so? I am not going Madhav will bring Subhadra and Abhimanyu here. It was pre decided. Kunti reasoned. But they will have the formalities to follow. How is it possible without you? Draupadi who came there for Priyamvada heard her mother in law's words and felt dejected. She moved away from there . Arjun understood his krishnaa's heart. Already half of their time together has completed. With half only remaining she will naturally feel hurt if he goes. Dwaraka people don't leave him that soon.Arjun told Kunti . Mata if the formalities are to be followed, Msdhav will definitely intimate me about that. So I wait for Madhav's instruction.'kunti kept quiet. This pampered son of her always had a take on anything. He will follow his heart. Only time he followed without argument is at the time of share of Draupadi.He looked gloomy but did not negate his Eldest.She should be grateful to Jim for that. Draupadi is off mood.Ever since she heard the conversation of her husband and Kunti, she realised that it is inevitable go to Dwaraka. She got angry on Arjun who lured her saying that he won't go but the newborn will come to Indraprasth.He may naturally feel anxious to meet his son.She mechanically finished her workShe went to her chamber to take rest unable to overcome her gloom .
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun came inside like a whirlwind,He pulled her up and said. Let us go. Panchali was stunned by his weird behaviour. It is almost nearing midnight. Where would he want to go? She wondered.He almost dragged her outside and got her into the chariot.There is no driver ,he only is driving the chariot.with Gandiv kept on one side. Draupadi asked him with apprehension. Where were we going? Arjun? Stop the rath please, she tried to distract him but in vain. The rath stopped only after it reached the shores of Yamuna.Arjun got down and helped her down. When she tried to speak he silenced her without speaking anything. He took his gandiv in one hand and lead her with another. A beautiful boat is waiting in Yamuna and Arjun got her inside lifting her up clasping her waist. After they got into it he drove the boat into the middle of the waters. Panchali is looking at him wide eyed. Arjun stopped the boat and approached her. The moonlight is making the waves shine and falling into the boat space. The whole boat is flooded with jasmines the fragrance pervading them both giving a feel of love and passion around. Arjun pulled her closer to him and asked. Is'nt it beautiful? Draupadi could not answer. She is concerned more about what will Kunti say or what would Maharaj think? Arjun looked into her eyes and understood her predicament. I told mother that I am taking you here and return before dawn. Tell me now Is'nt the ambience intoxicating? Panchali is relieved that her motherinlaw was informed but wondered how could she approve Arjun's ways that also when it involves her,who has to follow so many norms and principles. Arjun brought her out of her thoughts by krrping a large garland of jasmines in her hair and inhaling the fragrance. Draupadi slowly overcame her fear and started enjoying the experience. The musical notes of Yamuna, the silvery moon rays the milkwhite jasmines and more than them her husband's charm elated her tiredbody and mind. Arjun, it is wonderful and awesome. She admitted gazing into his eyes. Arjun smirked. Is that the way to tell that you liked my endeavour? He turned his face away. Draupadi smiled softly and curled into him. They stood as one soul and one body so close to each other. She shivered in ecastacy when he caressed her everywhere,every pore making her believe in his love which is eternal.she kissed on his eyelashes that are curvy and long and mused. You know I never see such beautiful eyelashes ,they make your eyes special. Arjun smiled and commented. The most beautiful woman praising me? I accept it with regard. Draupadi laughed at him and remarked. I wanted to tell this always but cannot. Now finally...Arjun taunted her. You can tell whatever you want ,or do whatever you wish. This is not the chamber with closed doors. This is nature's lap on which I want to experience the divinity of love with you Krishnaa Arjun's voice sounded mesmerising penetrating through silence and reaching innermost layers of her soul.