Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 33


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ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: .FairyDust.

I didnt read the whole text yet and i'm unaware of such details.
So he had 6 wives in total ?

Well in South there is the popular story of Arjun's marriage with Alli ,a beautiful princess who hates men ,it has its source in Jaimini Mahabharat. The southern people believe that Arjun has many wives in fact countless,though there is no authentic source for that. His popularity among ladies is well described . When he went on conquests beautiful girls used to throng into the streets to have a look at him. Vedvyas described his beauty throughout the Epic even in war episodes, He praised his looks through other charts such as Yudhishtir,Draupadi etc.His curly hair got much attention from the it was beautifully described, Vedvyas stressed on his youthfulness also by always referring to him as Yuva,youthful Arjuna. Then no need to speak of his valour as it is world famous.He is a complete package. There is no wonder if our most beautiful woman fall for Him and love him the most.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: .FairyDust.

I didnt read the whole text yet and i'm unaware of such details.
So he had 6 wives in total ?

There are many stories regarding Arjun's marriages. The legend of Alli is so popular in South. Alli who hates men ,a princess who ultimately is tamed by Arjun with krishna's help. This has its source in Jaimini Bharat. South people believe that Arjun's wives are countless. Arjun's charm is indisputable as Vedvyas himself described his beauty many times even in war episodes. His youthfulness is much stressed by the author himself. His curly hair is time and again described by Vedvyas even during the war narration.Ex. Curly eyed Dhananjay became the commander over even DrishtDyumn and the whole seven Akshohinis of army. It is described that when Arjun goes on conquests Girls used to throng into the streets to have a look at his handsome form. So there is no wonder if the most beautiful woman of the time passionately loved him with her heart and soul.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Indraprasth's treasury is flooded with gold,Diamonds,jewels what not? The treasurer has to make arrangements to accommodate all that in other places as it is limitless. The one who takes count of every thing the head of the finance Department The queen herself found it difficult to keep track on the newly added treasure.She needed help but no one came forward. Bheem is very much interested to help her but he is not good at accounting and related things. Nakul and Sahadev also are not adept in such matters. Maharaj is least bothered about finances and their maintainance. Who is left? The man himself who is responsible for such commotion in treasury and Finance department.Arjun is happily relaxing in his mother's lap . Kunti is asking every detail about his conquest and combing his curls in her own way ,known only to her.Priyamvada is assisting her by handing over oils and other needy things .Arjun did not go straight to Draupadi's chamber as he is feeling guilty to face her in connection with his marriage with Rekha. Even though he got a good reception from her he is not ready to face his dear wife. Draupadi went there and Kunti as usual asked her to do the remaining with Arjun's curls. Draupadi refused. Mata I have to check the treasury ,the newly added things are not entered in lists yet. She said with a vexed face as her attention is fixed on her immediate duty. Arjun thought it better to dilute his offence get nearer to her so that he could gauze her real feeling regarding Rekha issue. He said in a complaining voice. Mata,the queen is more interested in the treasure counting rather than attending on the one who brought it. Kunti and Priyamvadha laughed at his comment. Panchali's face became red . She retorted in a challenging tone. If the one who brought the treasure can sort it out,his queen will definitely attend on him. It is not that easy, Arjun smiled at her and accepted the challenge.Why not? It is my pleasure to do so. If you wait till Mata finishes her work, Kunti goaded Arjun, Help her Arjun,she needs assistance. Then Arjun got up and followed Panchali. The treasury is in dismal condition. The officers of Draupadi are drowned in the vast heaps of gold not knowing how to sort out every thing. Arjun asked them how much was there before the new addition came in. Then he asked them to keep equal amount of new gold and measure how many more such measurements can be done depending upon the weight of the old one that forms the base of calculation. The officers were awestruck at his intelligence. How simply he solved the matter. They had the weight of the old one in their accounts so they can measure the new gold without wastage of time. Draupadi looked at her husband in admiration.nothing is impossible for him . How nicely he solved her problem, Within two hours Arjun made them count every thing and enter into the accounts. He turned to Draupadi and asked.Is the queen happy now? Then he lowered his voice and whispered. I hope now I can get your personal attention. Draupadi smiled and replied. Of course,With pleasure. That night the whole Indraprasth celebrated lighting up streets,homes and burning crackers they celebrated the victory of their Rajkumar Arjun. Yudhisthir donated so much gold to the citizens and they felt happy. The grand dinner was served with Bheem organising most of it as Draupadi is busy with her Treasury work. Dhaumya Purohit made Arjun do Homa and worship . He chanted the mantras that will make Arjun free from Buri nazar. Important business people attended the dinner and praised Arjun's valour. Before midnight the celebrations came to an end leaving every one exhausted. After mid night as Draupadi reached her chamber she felt as if she will sleep anywhere ,that much tired she was. Arjun rushed inside and made her lie down on her couch and hugged her close without speaking anything. Both of them remained together absorbing each other's warmth and Arjun did not say a word but she understood. He is feeling guilty of his marriage with Rekha. She remained in his arms without disturbing him conveying through her heart beat that she is not angry and she love him and love him and that is the ultimate truth of her life.
MsChanadlerBong thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing updates all of them !
Loved the way u explained everything . I love it when u describe Arjun 's valour and how u describe all his wars . But Arjun marrying again though he does not want to 🀒
Poor Draupadi but she was very understanding enough . Don know how does she cope I was her then πŸ˜† . But that's why our ArDi are special cause they love each other though anything . πŸ˜ƒ
Now please even if the history says Arjun had many more wives please do not mention it here . It is really painful to read and especially about Alli u mentioned above . I have read a story on Arjun and her and then 🀒🀒 please don bring her here . Right now Subhadra is also out so keep some more ArDi scenes .
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Texie-Shady

Amazing updates all of them !

Loved the way u explained everything . I love it when u describe Arjun 's valour and how u describe all his wars . But Arjun marrying again though he does not want to 🀒
Poor Draupadi but she was very understanding enough . Don know how does she cope I was her then πŸ˜† . But that's why our ArDi are special cause they love each other though anything . πŸ˜ƒ
Now please even if the history says Arjun had many more wives please do not mention it here . It is really painful to read and especially about Alli u mentioned above . I have read a story on Arjun and her and then 🀒🀒 please don bring her here . Right now Subhadra is also out so keep some more ArDi scenes .

Yes. I agree. It is painful to read about others. But we should be able to see how ArDi remained true to each other despite Arjun's other wives and Drau's other husbands. The thrill and magic of ArDi love lies there. That is the reason why even today we are all having the pleasure of consuming the nectar of their love and feel the bliss. Yes. Now they will have their moments of joy along with the flow of story.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
The night strolled off with both of them sleeping peacefully after so many Yugas it seemed like. Draupadi got up as it is a habit for her to wake up before Brahmi Muhurt. She saw her husband sleeping blissfully by her side with his beautiful curls covering his face. They did not speak they did not make love nothing happened except the sound sleep the deep slumber they had through out the night. Draupadi smiled looking at him in that deep sleep. The conqueror of sleep finally succumbed to a much relieving sleep,relaxed and peaceful. She understood the extent of his guilty ness by his behaviour last night. He asked her forgiveness through his silence through his touch . That is enough for her. He cares. He feels for her. Panchali could not control herself from showing het gesture of love. She bent down and kissed his fingers lightly fearing disturbance to his sleep. Those were the fingers that made the great Vasuki submit before Indra prasth. Those were the fingers that killed the horrible demons and made the treasury of Indraprasth flooded with gold. Heis unconquerable to gods,demons,serpants. Any one. She kept the curls back and uncovered his face. What surprise is there if girls like Rekha become obsessed and gethimwith devinehelp.She felt they are right in desiring him as their husband.Draupadi silently got out of her bed and became ready to go to worship room.She suddenly felt dis interested to leave him. She reluctantly bent over him to arrange his blanket properly .She is about to turn away when she is imprisoned in Arjun's arms. Arjun did not open his eyes.but pulled her into his blanket. Draupadi struggled to free herself. Arjun,leave me. You know I took bath . I have to go for worship.She pleaded with him.Arjun kissed her forehead and replied in his sleepy voice. Worship your husband first. God will be pleased. He did not give her scope to move at all. Arjun I already took bath leave me. Draupadi repeatedly tried to change his mind. She is afraid that Priyamvada may come to accompany her to the worship room. Arjun did not leave her instead he inhaled the blue lotus fragrance and passionately kissed her all over her face , Priyamvada called from outside. Princess Are you ready? I am waiting outside. Draupadi tried to reply but Arjun closed her lips with intensity not giving scope to her even to move. Priyamvadha waited patiently. She thought since Draupadi was too much tired she must be taking time to get ready. Draupadi started feeling the unmistaken desire in Arjun's eyes that is enveloping her gradually but without any intention of leaving her at all. She tried again. Arjun,Priyamvada masi is waiting. Let me go. Arjun teased her you tell me first . Do you want to go leaving your husband to his fate? Your eyes are telling no. Let us have a wonderful experience of passionate love. Draupadi blushed and said. Who told you so? I am not thinking like that. Any way mother will be waiting for me. She wanted me to do puja to show gratitude to mata Durga for bringing you back safely. Do you want to upset her? Arjun left her as soon as he heard his mother's name. Now go,Don't stay for more and test my patience. He indicated his displeasure by turning to other side. Draupadi smiled at his tantrums. She got down from the couch and as she is about to get out of the room Arjun's voice is heard. I know you will become busy with your queenly duties. But Arjun can not wait for you till mid night. Not possible.Draupadi stopped and looked back raising her eyebrows. What would her mischeous husband do? She is scared even to think. Arjun smiled at her and said in his husky voice. Wait for me my queen any where any time my love and passion will sweep you off your feet. Be careful . No be ready to get plunged in the ocean of love. Draupadi nodded her head desperately walked fast and joined Priyamvada. Sorry Masi I could'nt get up in time. She gave explaination.Priyamvada smiled at her. Princess I understand. You should have stayed back. Draupadi firmly denied. No masi,He came back safe . It is time to thank Maata for her grace. As she walked towards the worship room Arjun's voice rang in her ears. Be ready anywhere,Anytime.
Edited by ltelidevara - 8 years ago
aishwarya48 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
update yaar😳
lets keep drau busy and see what happens to arjunπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜›
Edited by aishwarya48 - 9 years ago
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun did the worship of Narayan as per kunti's instruction. His daily Abhishek also finished he relaxed . He felt refreshing due to his sound sleep last night. He missed his Madhav and wished he should come as early as possible with Subhadra . and the newborn. Still time is there for Subhadra's delivery it seems. Arjun then met his brothers at breakfast and saw Draupadi's tense face. He then remembered his words to her and smiled to himself. He just said whatever he said impulsively. Sahadev said. Bhrata Arjun,Eldest asked you to come to the assembly as important matters are there to discuss. Arjun nodded and asked. Bhrata Bheem,Is everything proper in all our borders? Why is it Eldest wanted to discuss? Bheem replied. There is no lapse anywhere Arjun,However Bhrata is worried about Jarasanth's misdeeds increasing day by day. The kings have no security it seems as they were kept prisoners to be sacrificed to kalabhairav. Arjun said thoughtfully. I think we should wait till Madhav arrives and suggests us the needful. He can guide us well.
aishwarya48 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
update jaldi karo!
give us a nice,long update fast yaar!
and lets keep the ardi scenes going before alli comes😭
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: .FairyDust.

I didnt know Arjun had SO many wives. πŸ˜•

Read the latest update? Did'nt see your like there. Got used to you either like or comment. Waiting for both.