Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 3


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ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: ltelidevara

. On the out skirts of Kampilya, Arjun is on horse back waiting for some one. He very well knows madhav is coming to attend the marriage after sending Balrama to Dwarakanagar.He should meet him first and get rid of the burden that is making him feel guilty,,angry frustrated what not.Finally his wait is over. His Madhav is before him,smiling reassuringly. What happened Parth why do you look so gloomy and agitated ? Surely the bridegroom to be should not look as if he is bearing the burden of earth instead of Adisesha. Krishna affectionately took Parth in his embrace. Arjun smirked at him and said As if you don't know any thing you are asking me. And I have to explain every thing. Krishna laughed at his irritation.Arjun can not help but wonder at the enchantingly handsome cousin of him who he heard had done miracles since childhood. Ever since he met him in their hut he sensed such familiarity with him that he never felt before.

. Tell me frankly are you not comfortable with the explanation given by Sage Vyasa? Krishna looked into his eyes penetratingly. Arjun's answer is sharp like his arrow. I am not bothering about that at all.I feel guilty about the one who is made to face all this without any fault on her side. Well certainly her previous birth story can be the safest answer for this... Krishna's straight answer made Parth angry. I don't know about the truth of such previous birth connections.I am more worried by the practicality of the solution found by the eldest. Arjun 's desperation is crystal clear in his words. Krishna lightly said with his usual smile that wins hearts and Parth is no exception. Parth,Draupadi should have rejected the option given by Yudhi.Right?
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: ltelidevara

. Tell me frankly are you not comfortable with the explanation given by Sage Vyasa? Krishna looked into his eyes penetratingly. Arjun's answer is sharp like his arrow. I am not bothering about that at all.I feel guilty about the one who is made to face all this without any fault on her side. Well certainly her previous birth story can be the safest answer for this... Krishna's straight answer made Parth angry. I don't know about the truth of such previous birth connections.I am more worried by the practicality of the solution found by the eldest. Arjun 's desperation is crystal clear in his words. Krishna lightly said with his usual smile that wins hearts and Parth is no exception. Parth,Draupadi should have rejected the option given by Yudhi.Right?

Arjun looked confused. I don't know Madhav show me the way. He placed his hand on his head Krishna looked at his innocent and endearing Parth with affection.He said with a soft voice. Listen to me Parth.the first option is to marry her yourself as you are the winner.But if that happens you will always have the guilt of disobeying his mother and brother...Now look at the second option. If Yudhi alone marries her... Then Maharaj Drupad will bear the sin of not keeping the oath taken at the time of swayamvara that he will marry his daughter to the winner of the contest.It will be difficult for Draupadi as she already positioned you as her husband and placed the garland also. Now look at the third option.All five of you marrying Draupadi. It will be a tight rope walk for her as she will always be cross examined,criticised. What not?You also will suffer as you won't get her can not exhibit your feelings for her. It will be a testing time for you also.But on the positive side you will obey your mother and brother.The famous pandava unity will preserve. Arjun understood the motive behind all that happened.It is impossible to negate the fate. He hugged his Madhav with tears in his eyes. Krishna patted his back. Come what may ,I am always with you parth you will always win whether it is battlefield or Not.We are always together ,forever...the peacock feather danced with joy along with curly locks of Parth.
Pooja-- thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Another gem. You are genius. I never got satisfactory answer why drau married 5. Not even from my sis. But I liked yours.👏
How I hate Yudhi now.😡
One request. Pls do not quote while writing. Very difficult to read.. You may also get dt warning and it will be shame if this wonderful thread is closed.
Pooja-- thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
By the way. At the top you will find Post Reply button. This way you can post without quoting anyone.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Thank you for your guidance.I will certainly follow .Sorry for inconvenience.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
The three krishnas. The pooja had finished with all the rituals.All the pandavas should come and wear the sacred thread now.It is essential for rajkumar Arjun to be present at least by now. The royal priest informed Drupad.The king ways helpless.Kunti's anxiety is clearly visible on her face.She looked at Yudhi who bore an expression that hardly is conveying any thing .Bheem is irritated as he is unable to bear the feeling of anguish on the face of his bride to be.Nakul looked at Sahadeva who nodded his head indicating his ignorance about Arjun's whereabouts.Draupadi got up as the pooja had finished, Where did Arjun go? Leaving her in anticipation? Post swayamvara events are as stressful to her as they must be for him.But who is to be blamed in all this? She bent her head down so that her tension filled face can not be seen by others. Suddenly there is so much excitement and cheers around her.She looked up and saw the two krishnas enter hand in hand.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Drupad went forward to welcome Krishna .I am waiting for you to give a grand did'nt send any intimation.Forgive my lapse.Welcome to Kampilya and krishnaa's marriage...he said. Krishna smiled at him. Your son in law came to welcome me on your behalf.Is'nt it great?..He winked at Arjun. Drupad laughed at him.But Rajkumar arjun. Kept us in dark.We are all worried as he is not present for the first pooja...Then he turned to arjun and said Rajkumar Arjun Please do the formalities and Wear the sacred thread.Then only the pooja will bear fruits. Arjun felt embarrassed and went to the priest.After he wore the sacred thread he approached his mother and eldest .Forgive me mother,Sorry Eldest I just wished to meet Madhav first .I should have informed you..Kunti' touched his head .Phalgun, Today onwards the celebration begin.Dont go out of the city..She said...Krishna came and touched her feet. Don't worry Bua ,He will be with me only I won't allow him to share space with anyone .Not even with the bride..He mischievously winked at Draupadi.Krishnaa gave a sulking look.As if your Paarth is disparate to spend his time with me...She muttered under her breath.Krishna approached her and said in a voice that would be heard only by her...Don't be that sure princess.My Parth is not heartless. Dhrisht desperately threw his hands in the air.He addressed his father.Pitasri,our troubles have multiplied.Now we have to search for two krishna's instead of one.I am jealous of you Madhav,now my brother in law will have time only for you.He smirked at Krishna that made everyone laugh. Krishna teased Dhrisht.Prince you finally realised the truth. Saying so he held Parth by his shoulder and walked away.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Promise Me son. Kunti is sitting with Yudhishthir in her personal chamber.She hesitated a moment and said.Eldest,I want you to listen to me carefully.You know Arjun well.Since birth he is impulsive,carefree and possessed wandering spirit.His love for nature is a trait that is inherited from Maharaj Pandu.But he will never be disloyal to you or me come what may. Yudhi gave an assuring smile. I know Maata, our Arjun is committed to the unity of the pandavas. Kunti said softly.That is the truth son.Phalgun agreed to share panchali with you all is a proof.I have faith in my son. He will never cross the code of conduct.He did'nt even try to interact with Panchali. I did'nt see him like share a formal interaction with the bride like Bheem or Nakul.But...she stopped abruptly...Yudhi understood his mother.He looked at her face and questioned.Maata,are your concern pointed at Panchali? I don't doubt her integrity. Kunti's continued. She is well brought up,virtuous and noble.But she is a woman.It is a very hard task to treat you five with same respect,love and commitment,it needs a lot of effort on her part.I am sure of her strong will and dedication.But... Kunti lowered her voice and continued .If her heart rules over her duty she may falter.My son,You know why we took the unusual decision of sharing her.To establish an empire and be the emperor,Arjun's talent is must for you.The prediction at the time of his birth also indicated the pivotal role he will play in making you the chakravarti of Aryavarth.So if he alone marries her we can't be sure of even Drupada'sassistance.Dont you see how besotted he is with Arjun? Yudhi said..What is there to be surprised,Maata?Phalgun is the beloved child of father.Grandfather Bheeshma pampered him like he does his own son,No need to mention guru dron.He loved Arjun more than his own son.Maata gandhari's beloved son Even Duryodhan who hated me and Bheema is fascinated by him.And Krishna ..His Paarth is more precious to him than his life. Kunti's heart melted towards her Eldest son who accepts the bitter realities of life with a smile.But what could she do?Arjun is the culmination of every desire of Pandu.Pandu'svoice ringed in her ears.I want the best kunti.My third son should be the personification of Kshatriyas splendour.He should posses every thing needed to make him the best.And Arjuna is the bets .Kunti smiled proudly reminiscing her Cynosure of every one,her third son. But if the princess also feels the same and shows preference,the unity of her sons will be put in danger.She already sensed Draupadi's fatal attraction for Arjun. Kunti firmly put her hand forward.Eldest, promise me the unity of pandavas even at the cost of Panchali's partiality.You know what I am talking about. Yudhisthir heavily sighed. Yes I know maata.i promise the unity of the pandavas at any cost. He placed his hand in his mother's.Kunti smiled with relief.
Pooja-- thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
You seem to be in love with Arjun.😳 You describe him so well. I feel like kidnapping him now and marry him. 😆
I showed your os to my sis and mom they both are hooked on to it.
I just cant take that scheming Yudhi anymore. 😡 Pls continue to write. I love your writing.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
The Forbidden love. The pre marriage festivities are in full swing.Krishna along with king kuntibhoja,the foster father of kunti,took active participation in attending to the formal rituals.On his behest satyaki came along with satyabhama from Dwarakanagar.As Vaasudeva the brother of Kunti' can not travel due to ill health,he sent many valuable presents to the bride and his nephews. Satya instantly connected with Draupadi and became her bosom friend.Ofcourse her jealousy towards Arjun who monopolised her husband slowly started to convert inti admiration for the super archer with charming presence.She tried to intrude in their conversations and enjoyed their sense of humour and lightheartedness. One sunny afternoon Draupadi and Satya are in the Royal garden chit cheating about all the things under the sky.Satya suddenly asked.Panchali, what are your plans to deal with Five husbands?It is your personal matter still I can not curb my curiosity.Please don't think otherwise. Draupadi said .It is ok Satya,Today you asked me and you are a friend.Tomorrow many people may try to gossip on this peculiar situation.And I know I will be the target more than the pandavas.Right now i don't have any plans.I accept what ever is thrown in my share.Surely I am not the one who can take any decision even if it concerns me. Satya gazed at her. Are you angry with Arjun ?If I Amin your place I would definitely blame him.Why should he give in? He could have protested with the Eldest..She said. Draupadi nodded her head.No satya.It is equally shocking to him as it is to me.I spent only a brief time with him.But I can very well understand his agony.His loyalty towards his Eldest won't let him protest.I sense his hesitation even to look at me when his brothers are around.Bheem and Nakul are expressive they freely interact with me any time they want.Sahadev is friendly he does'nt need words at all to convey his feelings.As for the Eldest he is the privileged one Who will be obliged in everything concerning me.The rich meal is served even without trying for it. Where does that leave Arjun in the scheme of things?Satya could'nt help feeling bad for the third Pandav Who won the contest but not the exclusive Trophy. Well,I am his forbidden love.He is inhibited to the extent of not even looking at me when his mother and brothers are around.That leaves me in a fix and the more I try not to I would go on dreaming about him. .. Before Draupadi continue further the mesmerising voice of Krishna heard nearer. In a moment the two ladies found themselves before Krishna with an enchanting smile and arjun with his bow in hand. To be contd.