Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 15


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ltelidevaralak thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Kunti asked Draupadi what happened to her and why she has fallen. Draupadi said she lost her balance suddenly and felt sorry for that. Gandhari intervened and said. Kunti sometimes such things happen .Dont give much importance to those. Everything happened perfectly. Draupadi thanked her jyesht maata in her heart. Back in her chamber she felt awkward thinking of the happenings.she in Arjun's arms before the kauravas and other pandavas. How did she lose balance?she must have got absorbed in looking at Arjun who is gazing at her in appreciation. She knew her husband instantly liked the way she dressed up as per his taste. Still her mother in law must be thinking otherwise. Draupadi felt depressed. Sahadev came in and said in a low voice. Panchali, Don't blame yourself. It happened due to Dussasan. He explained her everything. Only Bhrata Arjun and me observed that.Thank god,Bhrata Arjun held you with perfect timing. Warrior's instinct,no? He smiled with pride. I got angry and about to move towards Dussasan but he signalled me not to.He asked me not to tell Matas as they may get hyper. Sahadev informed her that a very confidential meeting is going on to discuss the case of Yavana king. Draupadi felt frustrated. He would never find time to be with her. She should cope up with it. Draupadi composed herself and attended her routine work. She went to Kunti and helped her in her daily worship. Kunti prayed to maata Durga. Bring back my son victorious and safe always. Draupadi Also joined her and expressed her gratitude to Maata for Arjun's safe return. The lunch time approached but the meeting continued. Kunti got tensed up. Didi,they should have taken a break .After many days of being away from home Arjun deserves to relax. He took after his father .Pandu also so obsessed with his duties that sometimes she used to protest to make him get out of his busy affairs. She looked at Draupadi who has a detached expression on her face. The princess of Panchal must be feeling the same way as she did with her husband.Sahadev came with the news that the meeting was finished finally. Gandhari enquired him the outcome. Maata, Grand father asked Kakavidur, Eldest, Duryodhan and Bhrata Bheem to tell their opinions regarding Yavana king . Jyesht Pitasri said he would follow whatever they decide. Kakavidur said that he is hoping The king would learn a lesson now. Eldest said he should be restored back and given another chance. For once Duryodhan and Bheem expressed the same opinion. They both said that he should be punished severely for violating the peace treaty. Sahadev laughed at Draupadi's confused expression. Gandhari and Kunti for once felt relieved that both the warring cousins supported each other. What did Arjun say? Gandhari asked. Sahadev smiled with pride. Mata, he is very cool and composed. When Grand father asked his opinion he said there is only one way to deal with such rigid rivals. He can be placed on his throne but Hastinapur's official administrator will be appointed for Yavan. Any decision financial or administrative should be taken only in consultation with our officer only. The Yavana king can not take any decision single handed. Moreover he should pay an advance tribute for one year now itself as a compensation for his revolution against us. His army has to work in coordination with Hastinapur's commander in chief. That way his army also will be loyal to us only Once in two months the Havana king has to submit the financial, administrative and military report to Hastinapur along with our appointed officer. Draupadi was spellbound listening to Arjun's awesome analysis of the situation and the perfect judgement. Gandhari could not help praising Kunti for being the mother of such an extraordinary child. Kunti you must have done something too good to give birth to Arjun. I wish I would have been his mother. Kunti smiled at her. Didi, your brother in law wished to have the best as his son. The prediction is coming true. Sahadev continued. As soon as Grand father listened to Arjun's opinion he got up from his seat and hugged brother. He addressed Guru Dron who is proudly watching them. GuruDron. You have made a gem out of our simple, naughty but smartest Arjun. See the fruit of your training. He then turned to Eldest and said. Arjun's idea is too good. That way the king will be the king for outsiders but he has to bear with the punishment given by Us not being able to take any decision. What say, Bheem, Duryodhan? Jyeshth pitasri liked Bhrata Arjun's idea so much that he immediately asked Kaka Vidur to prepare the orders.Draupadi could not help but glow every inch in her face. There is only one Arjun Krishnaa Drupad's words reverberated in her ears. Dussala came in hurry. Mata, my friends are ready for the evening. Did you inform Bhrata Arjun?
.FairyDust. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
I like the way you are stressing on the military exploits and all the other day to day happenings of the Kuru household. They are all like a big family here, I like how we are getting to see the pandavas and kauravas together..many authors don't show a lot of this. Absolutely loving how you are going about with your story ! πŸ‘πŸ˜³
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: .FairyDust.

I like the way you are stressing on the military exploits and all the other day to day happenings of the Kuru household. They are all like a big family here, I like how we are getting to see the pandavas and kauravas together..many authors don't show a lot of this. Absolutely loving how you are going about with your story ! πŸ‘πŸ˜³

. Before the division of the kingdom happened and Pandavas went to Indraprastha, they stayed with Kauravas in Hastinapur for almost five years as per the original Mbh. Hence the way they co existed with all their differences still intact, arises curiosity. Thank you for enjoying the moments.
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Gandhari got irritated .Dussala, your brother can not allot time even to his wife. He is that occupied with his duties. I did not tell him yet. I can not assure them of the evening programme. Kunti saw the disappointed face of Dussala. She also wanted Arjun to relax a bit. She told Dussala not to worry as she will inform every one about the evening programme. Kunti called Priyamvada and asked her to inform vidur about it. She knows if Vidur looks into the matter everything will be planned well. Within half an hour, Priyamvada came back successfully. Maharani, Mahatma Vidur agreed to finish of their matters by evening. He informed all the princes to attend the royal treat. Dussala hugged Kunti. Choti mata you saved my promise to my friends. She hurriedly went to inform her friends. Draupadi could not restrain her despair. She took leave of the queens and went to her chamber. Arjun did not attend the lunch even. He ate with Grandfather in his chamber as they discussed the details of the just concluded battle. He gave the exact number of those killed and wounded in their side. Not only army he gave the exact number of horses and Elephants killed and wounded. Pitamah caressed his hair and asked inside calculating machine is there I think. Arjun laughed and said You only kept it there. Gandhari called Kunti privately in the afternoon and said. Kunti, you should send Arjun to Bahu to spend sometime. She deserves it. Kunti got frustrated. Didi why Arjun, there are four more sons. Gandhari shouted at her. I know but they are all here spending time with her as per their wish. Kunti asked straightly what do you want to say Didi? Gandhari is too frank. She said. Your Eldest daily spends time with her either before or after the court. Sometimes he even takes her to temple also. Bheem literally attends on her for her needs and takes her yo the royal kitchen and trains her new recipees. Nakul took her to the royal stables to show her the new horses. Sahadev visits her regularly in the evenings and discusses astrology. All your four sons allot quality time and never miss to spend time with her. But Arjun? Did you ever see them spend time together,save that day when I sent them to Gurukul? Kunti did not answer her. If Draupadi spends time with the other four, it is a matter of comradiare and companionship. But Arjun, she can never control her feelings for him. When she had fallen in the morning, into Arjun's hands she saw her besotted expression, There are 100 Kauravas and karn who will spread gossips if the slightest hint reached them. Don't you think our Arjun deserves the company of his beautiful wife after his great victory? Kunti did not answer. She has no answer. Priyamvada came inside. Arjun came to your chamber . He is asking for you. She told Kunti. Arjun hugged his mother and made her sit. He sat at her feet and placed his head on her lap. Mata, where' did you go . I want to be with you for a while. Kunti stroked his curls and asked him to lie down on the couch as he is so tired. Arjun disagreed. No I am fine here. He was already in sleep.he can be without sleep and can sleep wherever whenever he feel like. Kunti started combing his curls without disturbing his sleep. He is her dearest son who can do anything for her. He is the valourous brother who will never disobey his Eldest. He is the precious kuru descendent who will make the flag of Kurus fly high. Then what did he get in return. He won't even visit his wife like others do. He is very busy also.Shayad Gandhari didi is right.Arjun deserves his wife's company. Kunti called her maid and asked her to call her daughters law here. Draupadi just then untied her hair and asked Malini to arrange it in one plait. She got the order of her motherinlaw then. Hurried ly she tied up her hair and went to Kunti's chamber. She was shocked seeing Arjun sleeping on her mother's lap Kunti signalled her to come inside and asked the maids to leave. She made Draupadi sit beside her and asked her to comb his hair making it into parts. Draupadi felt embarrassed but Kunti insisted and showed her how to do. She then changed Arjun's head on to her lap and left signalling Draupadi she wil come again.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Kunti came out and told Priyamvada. Be here. Don't let the maids disturb. Priyamvada smiled in approval. Kunti went to Gandhari and told her she followed her word. Gandhari was immensely pleased. Kunti, finally you understood my point. Let them be together atleast for a while. Duryodhan is quite disturbed. He could'nt swallow the growing popularity of Pandavas. As soon as they arrived in Hastinapur, people had gone mad over them. And Arjun! It is impossible to beat him in popularity poll. He just appeals to all age groups . Shakuni watched him and asked. Why are you so restless today? Karn said. Yes. Ever since he returned from the meeting hall he was like that. Dus sassan questioned. Jyeshth, how do we know what is troubling you if you don't tell? Did that Bheem again said something? Duryodhan kept quiet. Sakuni asked him. Did they disregard your suggestion regarding Yavana king? He could not digest the fact that Bheeshm did not allow him to participate in the meeting. Duryodhan questioned Karna what would you have done with the yavana king. Tell me mitr, Karna straightly answered him. I would have given him life imprisonment. Dus sassan sided with him. Shakuni disagreed. No. We should not spare such rivals. I would advise Death punishment for him. Any way what was decided in the meeting. Duryodhan elaborated him on everything. When he told about Arjun's decision, they were spellbound. It was better than death punishment. Shakuni exclaimed. Karn and Dussasan nodded in approval. Mamasri, I wish I got a brother like Arjun or Arjun "'himself as my brother. Duryodhan revealed his wish. Karn got hurt. You are not satisfied with my friendship that is why you are praising my rival. He said. Duryodhan reasoned. He is my rival also. But what an intelligence and practicality, if he is only valourous it is different. But such sharpness, quite rare That yudhishtir. Did not deserve him. Duryodhan said scornfully? Dus sassan agreed. Yes it is true. See how he caught Draupadi within two seconds, so fast his mind works. Dus sassan reminded the incident. Karn felt a pang in his heart. He is destiny's favourite child. I am not. He said bitterly. Shakuni advised Duryodhan. Tune your father's mind so that he will find how the presence of Pandavas is unbearable tous. Then only we can drive them away from Hastinapur. Duryodhan nodded in frustration.
Edited by ltelidevara - 8 years ago
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Draupadi sat in trance. She has her husband on her lap and her mother in law asked her to arrange his hair without disturbing him. She is perplexed at her mother in law's sudden change of behaviour as she always sensed a kind of displeasure at her equation with Arjun. But today is different. She herself endorsed their togetherness. She looked down at Arjun who is in deep slumber . She carefully decided his curly hair into parts as told by Kunti and started softening the unkempt curls. Soon, she got immersed in her task and almost completed except the final part. She wondered at the thickness and the deep black colour that is a rarity among men. And the curls they are so lovely and enhance the beauty of his face. Arjun inhaled the familiar fragrance and half opened his eyes. He immediately understood he is not in his mother's lap but his beautiful wife 's lap held him as she is so busy doing his hair. Draupadi who is busy with her work did not observe him. As she finally finished the last part to her satisfaction she laid back and stretched her palms that started aching. Arjun suddenly held her waist and drew her nearer. The fact that his mother had got them together made him get rid of his inhibitions. Draupadi realised what happened and tried to get up. Arjun held her tightly and said Thank you for the great welcome you offered after a tedious battle outside. Draupadi understood what he meant. Her falling into his hands at the time of Arti. She blushed and then questioned him putting an angry face. Why did'nt you expose Dussasan when you saw him do that nasty thing. Sahadev told you already? Arjun seriously answered her. Actually I wanted to strike him there itself. But...Draupadi stressed. So why did you stop? Arjun said with a naughty tinge in his eyes. Actually he helped me by getting my wife so nearer to me, he did a favour only. And you look awesome in that attire. Draupadi could'nt help feel on top of the world. Finally she is becoming successful in making him acknowledge her beauty. She tried to release herself from his arms but he did not oblige. Any way you have a habit of losing yourself and forgetting where you are occasionally. You should see the path and walk no? Draupadi understood his taunt. He indicates her obsession for him indirectly. So cocky. She thought. Arjun suddenly took her feet in his hand and checked her wound. Draupadi tried to take it away. Did'nt I tell you not to touch my feet? She scolded him. Well. I can touch whatever I want. You know krishnaa, I don't believe in such things. Even Madhav also says the same. Between a wife and husband no such restrictions are valid. Arjun casually said but immediately he realised what his words meant. As for Draupadi , she just could not look into his face and her beautiful face became more endearing with red colour that made Arjun mesmerised and besotted. He sat beside her and took her face in his hands. Draupadi opened her eyes and looked into his hazel eyes. Arjun recollected the jealous faces of karn, Duryodhan and dussasan when they saw Her in his arms. Draupadi shivered in ecstasy and drops of sweat formed on her forehead . Arjun bent down and wiped the drops with his lips. The warrior extraordinaire, the most desirable hero lost himself in her love and kissed her on her eyes, the lotus eyes that always invite him and tempt him even when he is away. The fact that his mother allowed them feel their moments together made him expose his suppressed love by even crossing the line to some extent. Draupadi placed her hands round his neck and closed her eyes in bliss. As she just put a band yo her long hair it got out and her long hair fell down making her look more gorgeous. Arjun took her silky hair in hand inhaled the fragrance. You got awesome hair,Krishnaa he praised genuinely. Priyamvada tapped on the door and called out. Bahurani, it is time to get ready to go to the dancing mansion. The princesses are waiting there. Tell Arjun also as it is happening in his honour. Maharani Kunti is coming in a short while. Draupadi taunted Arjun, see your admirers will give a memorable performance in your honour. Arjun laughed at her and said. They are most welcome.Poorgirls, waiting since a long time. Draupadi turned her face away and asked. You must have enjoyed the way the wholebHastinapur girls ran after your chariot Malini told me. Arjun teased her. Why not? They all love me waited for me in sun heat just to look at me. So I greeted them properly. Arjun enjoyed Draupadi's sulking face . Just then Kunti came inside and looked at Draupadi's lose hair and remarked. What did you do Bahu, you arranged Phalgun's hair and spoiled hours? Now go with Malini and get ready to watch the performance. Draupadi side glanced Arjun and left with Malini.
.FairyDust. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Aww he kissed her forehead ! ☺️
Ah such free and unrestricted show of love from Arjun towards Draupadi is soothing and very wonderful to read. 😳
It's like a soothing balm to people who love this couple and yearn to see such displays of affection between them. Looking forward to reading more on this. 😳
Thank you.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun got ready for the dance performance of princesses of Bahlika's clan. He felt relaxed and fresh after his brief sleep , but mainly due to the conditioning of his hair by his dear wife. He made his Tilak properly on his forehead as he knew many of his admirers like his Tilak also. Suddenly he remembered draupadi's sulking face when she refers his admirers. He smiled to himself,thinking of her jealousy which he knows is a ark of immense love. When he is about to start Gandhari's personal maid came to him and conveyed her word. She asked him to go to Draupadi's chamber and get the black Teeka. On to avoid Buri nazar. Arjun laughed at the message . His mothers are superstitious. Anyway he has to follow their word but he is a little bit embarrassed after he lost his control and advanced a bit with his wife which should not be done. Sahadev came to him and asked Bhrata Are you ready? Let us go .Every one reached there. Mothers also. As they are passing by Draupadi's chamber Priyamvada came to them and questioned. Arjun, why are you late? Bahu is waiting for you to finish the teka formality,without which you should not go there Drishtidosh is to be avoided. Hurry up. I have some work to arrange Diyas Sahadev will accompany me. You come with the princess. Before Arjun could say anything, Priyamvada started with Sahadev who signalled Arjun to go ahead. Arjun entered Draupadi's chamber and there she stood mesmerising as ever in all her elegant beauty. She wore a white saree with long Pallur and pink golden work on it.Her hair is half plaited and half let lose with jasmines as usual. The pearl set she wore and the pearl nose ring enhanced her beauty. She saw him inside and taunted him why did you delay'? Your admirers will blame me if you grace their mansion so late. She approached him and got struck in his hazel eyes which are absorbing every inch of her beauty without inhibition or hesitation. Unable to move her hand to do the teak Draupadi stood before him feeling the passion and love that pervaded her whole existence.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Krishna smiled his enchanting smile. He is in his private mansion, in his spacious balcony yard on the top floor. He is lying down on his jhoola, with closed eyes. His two prominent wives Rukmini and Satya are there which is the rarest of rare occasions. Rukmini is tuning up the veena ,humming her favourite song on her natghat husband, Satya is making a very big garland of jasmine flowers and the smile that flashed on her Lord's lips did not escape her sight. She immediately questioned him unable to restrain herself. Lord, Why are you smiling? Who is that beauty that made you smile so well? Satya always suspects her handsome husband's every move. Rukmini looked at her husband who opened his eyes and again flashed his beautiful smile.Swami, Tell us who is the reason for your smile? Rukmini also is curious to know. Parth. Krishna said still smiling. Satya smirked. So you are dreaming of him leaving all your beautiful wives.satya is desperate that as much as she tried, she can not occupy the place Arjun has in her lord's heart. Rukmini asked. What happened to him swami. Krishna replied mischievously . Plunging neck deep in love. The already United souls are yearning for togetherness. He winked at her. Physically. Satya is curious. So finally Arjun got rid of his inhibitions?she asked. She is happy for her friend Panchali. But still the time had not come yet. Don't forget. She is the wife of Five not Parth only. Satya got angry. Lord, you know how much she loves him. Still why should'nt she belong to him only? Rukmini felt sad. Swami. My heart goes out for them. Why should they endure such mental trauma. Let Panchali be happy. Rukmini can not see any one suffer. Krishna pacified her. Rukmini. Krishnaa came to this earth for a purpose.without her Dwaparyug will not see the greatest war ever fought. My Parth will never fulfill his life's purpose without her. Both of them are united in soul since ages.and will be united forever. But to unite in physical plane they have so many obstacles ahead. But the day will come if not now sometime in future. Well, where will that leave your sister Subhadra who is getting obsessed with Arjun day by day?Rukmini asked. She has daughter like love for Subhadra. Satya who is more inclined towards Draupadi firmly said. Let Panchali enjoy marital bliss with Arjun first. Then only Subhadra's turn will come. Krishna made a thoughtful gesture and said. Don't be so sure Satya. You never know whose turn will come first. He asked Rukmini then. Devi, Bhrata Balram called me and said Subhadra has grown up. Before she makes her own decisions let us send our proposal to Duryo than. I stopped him by saying till two years, Subhadra's stars are not favourable for marriage, What did Subhadra do? Rukmini smiled She is your sister only, Swamy, Your Bhrata raised the issue of marriage and praised Duryodhan's valour She out rightly questioned him why did'nt he hit the fish target if he is so valorous. Bhrata Balram got shocked and called me . He gave me a lecture saying that as Subhadra spends much time with me I should teach her sensible things. Satya laughed and clapped her hands. Finally your ladli sister is growing up. Krishna smiled at them. He knows still time is there for Arjun to come to Dwaraka. Right now his Parth is realising his eternal love for his Sakhi.
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun took her hand which has the Kajal at the tip of her fore fonger, and slowly made a tika on the corner of her cheek. Draupadi realised what he did and blushed. She restrained herself and questioned him. Why did you do that? It is not me who will be the target of Buri nazar it is you. Arjun answered her looking deep into her eyes. But you need it more than me otherwise every one will swoon over your beauty like they did at your Swayamvar day. Draupadi 's face flushed with memories of her Swayamvar day. She retorted slowly. But except the one who hit the target. Arjun understood her complaint and smiled. If I swoon over you who will hit the target. Your father would have been disappointed. He reasoned with her. I assume you are more inclined towards hitting the target rather than any thing else. She still is not in a mood to retreat back. Arjun said with his by now familiar attitude. Yes. I was so enamoured by the whole thing. The great bow, the revolving fish that challenged my skills. Draupadi's face became pale . Arjun relented. He should'nt have hurt her like that. Krishnaa, I did'nt mean to hurt your feelings.Especially before going off for a longer Trial. He said in a soft voice. Draupadi got the shock of her life. He just returned. Again going off leaving her starve in separation? Is her fate so bad that she can not enjoy sufficient time in bliss with him who is the reason for her existence? Draupadi was shattered beyond her control and lost the energy to stand on her feet. As she is about to collapse on the ground Arjun caught her with both his arms and gathered her near his heart. He felt sad on seeing her beautiful face which just tempted him to lose himself but had tears falling over her cheeks. He made her sit on the couch and almost bent over her so nearer with his arms tightly clasped round her . Krishnaa look at me. I did'nt even tell mother about it. It was a secret mission assigned to me. I should suppress the mountain regions which are dictated by demons and yakshas. Hastinapur should stand by their ally kings who are at the feet of the mountains and losing their hard earned crops and finance to these to these trouble makers. Arjun's soft voice did not make Draupadi regain her composure. She has only one thing that is extracting her lifeenergy that he has to go. Arjun 's emotional persona dominated his actual persona and made him submit before his beloved wife whose love is plunging him neck deep into the ocean of Devine love. Why do you love me so much? He asked her with frustration. Draupadi still closed her eyes, that reflect her pain even when she closed them. Arjun saw the black Teeka on her cheek and pressed his cheek on it so that the mark applies on him also. Draupadi opened her eyes feeling him so nearer but Arjun passionately kissed her eyes and Draupadi felt her whole identity slowly merging into him. She uttered his name as if in dream Arjun,Arjun. The valiant archer melted in the passionate shower of love and experienced ultimate bliss.