Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 14


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Posted: 9 years ago
Draupadi looked at his bow and his quivers which he carefully kept in a corner. She wondered if he will ever be identified without his bow. Arjun and Archery became synonymous with each other. It seems she has to share him with his bow,battles, expeditions and of course Govind. Arjun observed her facial expressions. He made her sit on the spacious seat covered with silks and cushions . He removed the curtain that separated the charioteer and enquired him if the horses are fine and they can reach the destination at the exactly planned time. The charioteer is an experienced old man who knew Pandavas since their childhood. He assured Arjun. Puthr, No need to bother. We can reach in time. You take care of Bahurani. Arjun laid the curtain down and informed her that they may reach in an hour. He removed the side curtain and looked at the cloudy sky. I hope we reach Gurukul before the drizzles start He desperately tried to keep his curly locks back. Draupadi could not help but ask him. What would you do with your hair when you are in battlefield.How would you take aim? There is an amused smile on her lips when she is observing his luscious hair go uncontrolled. Arjun took a long white ribbon that he kept round his waist and tied it on his forehead thereby making the hair pressed backwards. Draupadi looked at him with eyes wide open and thought that she liked him that way also. Then there will be diadem which is mandatory you know he said. Gurumaata took so much care and arranged my hair every day in top knot. I was hardly seven years old and missed mother so much.
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Posted: 9 years ago
The chariot stopped suddenly. Arjun enquires what happened. The path was spoilt to a great extent due to continues rains the water from the side by lake is flowing on the path . The charioteer told Arjun the wheels will get struck if the chariot runs into it. Arjun thought for a second and told him to ride the chariot back and reach the Gurukul from that route. Since it is into the deep forest he said he will cross the small path way with the princess and come by walk. The charioteer agreed to that and asked Arjun to be careful as the water may get deep. The second chariot that is bringing the maids with other requirements followed the first one as the maids have to take care of the gifts sent by Gandhari and Kunti . Arjun regretted not bringing his horse which should have helped him a lot. He held Draupadi's hand and tried to help her walk but she simply struggled to put her feet in the mud. As she is feeling bad for not being able to proceed, She felt his hands lift her up and when she realised what happened he is already half way into the water. He is holding her just like he is cradling a small baby in his arms. He looked into her eyes and said. Krishnaa, close your eyes .It won't take much time. But I can't risk your feet which already is wounded. Draupadi did not close her eyes. Above her is the partially clouded sky and just nearer to her is her beloved's charming face. She wished the journey should continue forever. No, not that far. But if you want I can carry you till you had your fill. Draupadi blushed but defiantly said looking into his hazel eyes.Fine.Arjun, don't put me down till I ask you to. There is a tinge of mischievousness in her tone. Think for awhile . I will never lose a bet. If you say so I will ask gurumata to come and see her Bahu. Arjun challenged her. Suddenly strong wind blew over them and made Draupadi's long curls cover her face. As for Arjun ,luckily he tied his hair up with the white band. Draupadi had her two hands one around his neck and with the other she tried to throw her hair back.Arjun bent down and blew off the curls from her face. Draupadi blissfully closed her eyes feeling his hot breath over her face. Arjun got mesmerised on seeing her beautiful face so nearer,the most beautiful face ever seen.
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun dropped her neare to Gurukul Asram. He looked around and inhaled the fresh air ,bent down and touched the soil. He kept some of it on his forehead. As he stepped forward with Draupadi, Aswathama came before him. He smiled at Draupadi and blessed her. Then he turned to Arjunand said Welcome back to Gurukul. Your Gurumata is waiting for you. Arjun did Pranam and moved ahead. Aswathama addressed Draupadi. Princess , Do visit the places that reflect your husband's glory and Guru Dron's partiality for him. Draupadi sensed sarcasm and looked at Arjun,who shrugged his shoulders. As they entered the premises of the Asram Gurumata Kripi ran from inside. Her fragile body shivered with ecastacy on seeing Arjun. As Arjun touched her feet with Draupadi she placed her hand on her head and blessed. but immediately turned towards Arjun and wept placing her hands round his waist. Arjun made her sit on the stool and sat on the ground beside her feet. He wiped her tears and said with choked voice. Gurumata, enough of crying. See I am here to serve you.see how week you became. Draupadi observed them awestruck. How can a Gurumata love her husband's disciple that much. She remembered Govind's words. Sakhi Parth can weave magic over those who come into his life. He is irresistable. Arjun tried to divert Kripi's attention as she is still sobbing uncontrollably . Guru mata, Don't you want to see if my wife matches me in looks and otherwise? So saying he pulled Draupadi beside him to sit on the ground. Draupadi glanced at him feigning anger but a smile that is there at the corner of her lips. Guru ate forgot her sorrow and looked at the two beautiful faces before her. She carefully observed Draupadi's extraordinary beauty and thought that her Arjun deserves such beautiful girl only as his wife. Is it true,Princess of Panchal that your father beget you to be Arjun's bride? She asked Draupadi who felt shy and blushed profusely. Arjun laughed at her and answered Gurumata. Yes. Mata, My father in law created this fire born for my sake. And she is a firebrand. Gurumata laughed and said stroking Arjun's curls. Then,good for you,Arjun. Her fire will compliment your coolness. Gurunath then did Arti and properly welcomed Draupadi inside. The maids also came in the chariots and asked the princess to change her dress which got dusty. Draupadi went inside the Asram to change. Kripi could not control herself. Arjun, why did you agree to share your wife with your brothers. How can you do this to her? Arjun could not answer her. He knew if any one can question him it is either Gandhari or Gurumata. Gandhari's displeasure is directed towards Kunti but now what can he answer Gurumata. Mata it is in our Destiny . More than that I can not say any thing. He said in a low voice. Kripi understood his dilemma and kept his face on her lap. She smothered his hair praying the Almighty happiness for her Arjun and his innocent wife.
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Posted: 9 years ago
Gurumata served food to them with so much affection. She reminded Arjun of his childhood when he never paid attention to his food. She used to sometime throw the morsels of food by pressure. Draupadi, Arjun will never ask for any thing especially when it comes to eating his food. You should take care of him properly. She tole anecdotes on Bheem who despite Drona's strict discipline finds his way to lure her to cook what he wanted. She then told how Drona went into a Trance for three days outside Gurukul,after he heard about the Lakshagrih Fire . Arjun, I became unconscious and bedridden after hearing the news. After three days I got back consciousness andI saw him before my eyes.He has a relieved expression on his face. Kripi, don't worry. Nothing happened to them. He is fine. He answered me after three days when I contacted his inner soul. No one can harm Dron SishyaArjun and the heights he will purvanirdesit. Ordained before. Together our names will remain immortal and a praman for Gurusishya relation. Arjun was listening with awe. Yes after they went into the forest escaping the Lakshagrih Fire, he heard his Guru's voice asking him how he is. He immediately answered Fine Gurudev. Bharata Bheem laughed at him when he said he heard his Guru's voice and said he was daydreaming. When she told his experience, Kripi had tears in her eyes. Arjun, you two have soul connection. I bless you Puthr, you will be successful in making your Guru proud. You already did so by hitting the fish target. May god bless you with long life. Draupadi is listening to them and was spell bound. Govind says he can not spend one minute away from him. Grand father treats him as his long lost son and literally makes him stay with him only.Gandhari loves him so much that she fights with Kunti for his sake. And guru Dron and Gurumata they treat him like their own son and their life comes standstill if something happens to him. She forgot one name. Her own FatherDrupad loves him to that extent that he begets a daughter to offer him. What sort of magic he creates around him? Her conscience reminded her she forgot to mention the most beautiful princess of Panchal so obsessed with him. Arjun touched her forehead and asked with concern. Are you feeling tired? You want to rest for sometime? Draupadi came out of her thoughts. No. I am fine. She replied. Gurumata asked Arjun to take Draupadi round the Gurukul and they both got into the chariot. Arjun went into a trance reminiscing his Gurukul days . Drisht stayed in Gurukul and told Draupadi about the bird target,the lake where Arjun saved his Guru and others. Draupadi asked Arjun to show her those places. Arjun took her to the very big tree on the hill to which the artificial bird is tied up. It was still kept there to inspire the new students. Draupadi got down the chariot and looked at the historical bird target that paved the way for her husbands success as the foremost archer of Aryavarth. Dhrisht used to narrate the story of how Yudhishter and other princes answered that they are seeing every thing around the bird. She remembered her father's beaming face on listening to Arjun's exploits. A soft smile adorned her face remembering her father. Arjun asked her why she is smiling. She told him how his father used to enjoy his favourite son in laws heroics. I miss him Arjun, she said with feeling. Arjun took her nearer and tried to divert her attention. Now tell me if you miss me equally or not. Otherwise I will lose before my father in law. He complained. Draupadi's face filled with gloom thinking about his yavan Expedition. When will you return? How many days you will take to vanquish him ? She questioned seriously. Arjun laughed with delight. So much authority ,you are like a typical wife now. He teased. Draupadi moved away from him making a sulking face. Arjun came so nearer to her and hugged her tightly from back. He placed his lips close to her ear and whispered. Just call me by name and I will be before you in your service. He whispered in his husky voice. Draupadi lost herself in his presence and stayed silent .Gurumata arranged a very beautiful jasmine garland in her hair. Arjun inhaled the fragrance and smirked. As if your natural fragrance is not enough you have this jasmines also to throw me into intoxication. Draupadi could not look up into his eyes. She knew both of them are besotted with each other and sometimes it becomes difficult for both of them to stay composed. Rarely he loses himself in her beauty and she can wait all her life for such coveted moments. Especially this moment is making her so week and urging her to enjoy freely the special moment of her life without inhibitions. She turned to him and looking into his eyes asked. Shall I remove this? So saying she placed her hands on her jasmines and Arjun stopped her by taking her hands into his.
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Posted: 9 years ago
Don't take my words seriously. Madhav and me sometimes turns wierd but we are like that. I hope you will get used to it. Draupadi understood he is trying to get back his control over himself. She felt her love for him is growing by leaps and bounds. Despite winning her himself he never showed any ego over that fact and so committed to norms and codes. She knew how luring her beauty is and admired him for not crossing the line even when they are together alone. Arjun is aware of her unbound love for him,still he withdrew himself into his own shield. Draupadi blamed the circumstances that made both of them walk on a tight rope. In Govind's words, God will test only those who have the capacity to withstand. Arjun called her softly. Krishnaa, what are your thoughts that took you away from me, Not fair. He pretended to be hurt.Draupadi smiled at him and said. Nothing. Just I am trying to imagine your Gurukul days. How did you get such concentration,at such young age, she questioned him. Arjun laughed it off. I just got it. Nothing great. Then he showed her the lake where he saved his teacher from crocodile. Draupadi wondered how could a small boy l had the presence of mind and quick action in the face of a mortal danger for his teacher. I just wanted to save my teacher and I did. He said briefly. He then hurried her back to Gurukul as they have to reach back before it gets dark. Gurumata called Draupadi inside and said. Princess of Panchal take care of Arjun. He always puts others before him.His commitment to his Eldest brother is legendary. It is unfortunate that he has to share you with his brothers. Don't blame him for that. He has no option at all. I understood your love for him the very moment you entered here. Help him get rid of his inhibitions. Then only you will experience the fulfilment of your love completely. Draupadi. There is no one like him He is unique. Be happy and always make him happy.
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Posted: 9 years ago
When Draupadi came out of the Gurukul she saw the chariot ready and the charioteer informed that the water has receded and they can go without any problem. Arjun again and again pleaded with Gurumata to take care of herself as now there is no need to feel tense about them. He promised her that he will come to her after he returns from yavan. Despite what had happened between her father and Guru Dron , Draupadi liked Gurumata, her genuine love for Arjun and her simplicity. As soon as she got into the chariot, she felt tired and taking the support of the back wall of the chariot she closed her eyes and went into deep sleep. When she opened her eyes after a while she saw herself lying down on the cushions, placing her head on Arjun's lap. She was embarrassed and tried to get up but Arjun prevented her and said. Still much distance is there. Take rest. He said in a friendly tone. She looked into his eyes and asked. Is it true that you conquered sleep? Arjun smiled and questioned in turn . What do you think, is it possible for me? Draupadi said spontaneously. How do I know. I won't be there with you at nights..she stopped abruptly as her face turned red with embarrassment . Arjun laughed at her heartily and remarked. Genuine answer krishnaa, I will give you benefit of doubt. You will get your answer at a proper time. Draupadi blamed her sharp tongue that always puts her in trouble when she is with him. She got up and sat putting the pillow in her lap. As the destination is approaching fast, Draupadi felt miserable. How could she bear separation?it is just like her whole identity, her energy every thing is getting lost in him. Back home she should lead her life as the dutiful bahu. Princess, wife of four more husbands whereas the love of her life will move away into fierce battles, vyuhas etc. Suddenly she looked at his ring finger to see if the ring given by his father is there or not. No. It was not there. Her heart missed a beat. Did he lose it somewhere? What will her father think? She asked him in a shaky tone. Arjun, where is the ring? He looked at her deeply and did not answer. Draupadi lost patience. She burst out at him. Did your Eldest asked for it? Just like he asked hour locket chain, she stopped for a moment and said in a desperate tone . Just like he desired your other prized possessions. She turned away from him feeling lost and hopeless. Suddenly she felt his hand on her lips. The long artistic fingers she loved, the ring shining on one of them.,the ring finger. She wondered and he answered. I changed it to the other hand as it suited there perfectly. Draupadi felt bad. What would he think of her for blaming his dear brother. She said not looking into his face, I am sorry I should'nt have said so. Arjun made her look into his eyes. Krishnaa, Dont think bad of him. He is really good. Just that he was compelled to take that decision. I know you are the one who will suffer maximum. But try to connect with him. Be positive. He really cares for you. Arjun's soft voice made her calm down. She slowly kept her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Samyam. Yes that is needed for her. And that is what she lacks. She prayed to Krishna . Govind, give me strength and be my strength. She heard krishna's magnetic voice in her heart. I am with you Sakhi. I will always be .
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Posted: 9 years ago
When she is about to go inside the palace, Draupadi turned back and came nearer to him. Arjun was apprehensive as his Eldest and Nakul are there on the highest steps waiting to welcome them. Draupadi did not observe anything. She came to him and seriously told him not to be careless regarding his food, sleep etc. Then she wished him success and confidently said, It is mandatory only. I know you will win. Before going off she said tie up your hair properly. Arjun could not suppress his smile. What else ? He said sounding humble. Draupadi pretended to be angry and ascended the steps. Yudhishtir enquired her. How is your trip? Before she could say any thing, Nakul smilingly said it must be nice. How is Gurumaata? She told them Fine. And went inside. Yudhishtir told Arjun Pitamah is waiting for you. Arjun nodded his head and went to Pitamah.
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Posted: 9 years ago
It has been nine days since Arjun had gone and Draupadi tried her best to accustom herself to the routine of Hastinapur palace. She followed her mother in law kunti 's orders and did whatever is entrusted to her. Compared with Kampilya Hastinapur has a different style of functioning. In Kampilya it was a small unit as per the royal family is concerned her father,brother, his wife, Satyajit and family. There is more casual atmosphere than the royal norms. Here in Hastinapur everything is done as per the strict code of conduct supervised by kaka Vidur and grand father. Gandhari is easy going whereas her mother in law is rigid in following norms. The hundred Kauravas are riot with their friend Angraj karn meddling in every single matter. He was scornful for not being able to go for yavana Expedition and often let out his frustration in the royal court. Whenever his name is mentioned Draupadi saw an anguish filled expression on kunti's face. She thought she must be considering him as Arjun's strong opponent. But she knows how karna failed to hold ground against Arjun after the swayamvar and abruptly retired hurt. Draupadi often thought of her precious moments with Arjun at Gurukul and in Kampilya and wondered if he would think of her at least once in a while. There isn't news from yavana yet and Kunti started feeling impatient and asked Yudhishtir to gather information about Arjun. Gandhari is cool and said that Arjun definitely will teach a lesson to the yavana king. On the eleventh day news came about the surrender of yavana king .he was taken a prisoner after he admitted defeat at Arjun's hand. Sahadev came with the good news and could not control his excitement.Gandhari asked him to elaborate on Arjun's victory. Sahadev narrated. Yavana king made arrangements to continue with his resistance as long as he can. As he was already defeated by Arjun once he is doubtful of himself but his ego made him refuse the peace treaty which Arjun put forward. Arjun asked him to immediately pay the tribute or else he will be tackled in the battle ground.yavana king delayed his reply and in the meanwhile tried to get more number of soldiers from his friend,the king of sauvir who was also defeated by Arjun and nourishing a grudge. After four days of sitting idle Arjun sensed something wrong and just checked in time to stop the military help entering yavan. He captivated all of them and sent message to Sauvira king to join the battle if he feels like. The sauvira king repented and asked for forgiveness. He could not forget his humiliation in his previous battle when Arjun literally made him flee for his life. Arjun became serious and asked Yavana king to enter the battlefield and save his dignity. He said he would not extend a friendly hand now as he crossed his limits. The yavana king faced Arjun but was defeated within a short while and Arjun killed his commander in chief who is a great warrior and supported his king with his might. Arjun took him as a prisoner and took over yavana Kingdom . He appointed his second commander there as our representative and may come in four five days. Sahadev finished his narration and said with excitement. Maata, if Bhrata Arjun did not stop the military help it would have been more bloodshed and unnecessary delay in tackling Yavana. Now Bhrata did a good thing by taking him prisoner. Father Pandu could not tackle him but Bhrata Arjun knows how to tackle such people. Sahadev smiled at Draupadi who is listening with attention. Kunti's face lighted up. If only his father is here to see his son's glory. Sahadev took her into his arms.Maata he is seeing his beloved son's exploits,I am sure. Gandhari proudly stated. That is my Arjun. Your Pitamah certainly did the correct thing by not sending Duryodhan and Angaraj. ready to welcome your victorious husband. Kunti looked at Draupadi's face glowing with overflowing love for her heroic son. Kunti desperately wished her Bahu to be not that much transparent.
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Posted: 9 years ago
Yudhishtir visited Draupadi after his court session next day. He complimented her for being the good luck charm for pandavas as Arjun became victorious in yavana battle. Draupadi firmly denied his praise. How can you attribute his success to me? I can not take credit for his achievement. Yudhishtir reasoned with her. Panchali. This is his first encounter after marriage. So your presence certainly worked in favour. Draupadi argued with him. Arjun's achievements can be traced back to his childhood days. The bird target, protection of GuruDron, Conquest before Lakshagrih, Defeat of Havana,sauviras, vanquishing Chitraratha and the fish target,followed by victory at the swayamvar of hostile kings including karna. All this happened before my entrance . She stopped to take breath. Yudhishtir looked at her with surprise. You are well informed about his triumphs. I am proud of my younger brother. He said wholeheartedly. You know in the court today every one praised Arjun's valour. Grandfather and Guru Dron you should see their faces, how proud they are. And that useless Duryodhan and his foolish friend karna could not raise their heads. Bheem who just entered said with excitement. Panchali smiled at him and welcomed him. Yudhishtir scolded him why do you always take every thing about them negatively ? As such I could not support Arjun's decision to make yavana king a prisoner. He should have been restored back in his kingdom. Draupadi could not control herself. How could you feel so? If given a chance every one witnessed how he rebelled and even tried to spoil other kings. Arjun's decision was perfectly in sink with the situation. She retorted sharply. Bheem's face flushed with admiration for her. You are right Panchali. Even grandfather supported Arjun's decision in the court. You know only jyeshth Bhrata thinks otherwise. He said so and took leave of them to go to mother Kunti. Yudhishthir looked into her eyes and said. So I was left with no support. You sided with Bheem and it will make him even more aggressive. Panchali kept silent. Day after tomorrow Arjun will return to Hastinapur. I hope you will be ready to welcome him as his veerpatni. He said ina calm voice and left. The whole of Hastinapur our is gearing up to welcome their Rajkumar Arjun,who taught a bitter lesson to the arrogant yavana king.youth were any way thrilled with his exploits as their hero surprises them with another glorious feat when they are still basking in the pleasure of the previous one. The fish target victory is still fresh in their minds and Arjun moved on to the next one. The yavana invasion. The beautiful girls of the city try to get as nearer to him as they can when his victory procession marches by them. They fall head over heels. For the handsome Arjun with curly hair who keeps the flag of kurus high with his extraordinary valour. Dussala came with anew proposal to Gandhari. Maata, my friends want to welcome Bhrata Arjun with their dance performance. As usual Gandhari denied permission. But Dussala was adamant. Maata, why do you deny their pleasure?you refused their marriage proposal ok. But like all the citigens, they also would like to celebrate his victory. Permit them please. Kunti said Didi, it is fine. Let them dance in the royal palace before only the royal people. Gandhari addressed Draupadi . Bahurani, what do you say? Now you should grant permission. Not Kunti or me. Kunti had a grim expression. Draupadi was embarrassed. Her whole being is against making them dance before her Arjun but she can not go against her mother in law. Maata, I don't have any objection. She finally said. Dus salsa hugged her and said. You are so nice Bhabi, Thank you. Gandhari warned her. Ask them not to come any where nearer when Panchali welcomes him with thali. It is her exclusive right as his wife. Kunti, prepare our daughter in law to do everything as per kuru tradition. She told Kunti. Then she called Draupadi nearer and told her in a soft voice. My child. You are so fortunate to get an opportunity to welcome a victorious husband. Kunti got that because of Pandu. I never had that. Now present yourself in such a way that every one should wonder,Arjun 's valour is the best or your Beauty. But I can say my Arjun won't lose even in that aspect. Is'nt it Kunti? She said. Remember Draupadi your husband should forget all his fatigue and physical strain on seeing your beautiful face before him. Kunti kept silent as it has become a futile exercise to remind Maharani Gandhari that Draupadi is the prized possession of her five sons but not Arjun only. She looked at Draupadi who is already floating in the ocean of her nectar like love for Arjun.
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Posted: 9 years ago
Draupadi is sitting before her mirror. Her personal maid Malini and Karmali are giving her suggestions about her hairstyle and ornaments. She was in confusion as to how to present herself before Arjun. She missed Satya so much and remembered how she made Arjun praise her beauty. A slight smile came on her lips and Arjun's voice whispered I like natural beauty. But how could she be like that ax the decorum has to be maintained and Hastinapur's Putravadhu should follow the code. Still she would try to be different and win Arjun's heart. Draupadi asked them to arrange her hair in a single,plait. Malini did the same and arranged jasmines in her hair. Draupadi remembered Arjun's words in Gurukul and had goosebumps. My dear Sarvasresht Dhanurdhar, I can't help it if I make you drool over the jasmines, she fondly said to him in a low voice . Instead of a lehengas she wore along cream colour saree with red boder and put a golden waist band round her slim waist. She wore less ornaments and finished her make up. There is a lot of kola half since morning anticipating Arjun's return. Grandfather went to the outskirts with Bheem to receive him. Dhritarashtra ordered his sons to be present outside the royal palace. Duryodhan agreed with a grim face along with karn. Yudhishthira and Nakul stood at the entrance along with Vidur. Sahadev came to fetch Kunti , Gandhari and Draupadi, Dussala. When Draupadi came with Malini Kunti and gandhari who were on the highest steps made her stand in between them. Gandhari asked Kunti how her Bahu is looking like. Kunti looked at Draupadi and said. Extraordinary Didi. No one can come close to her in beauty.Draupadi heard her genuine praise and blushed. Kunti can not help but wonder Herlove for Arjun enhances her beauty. Kunti asked Malini to hold the thali of Arti with Priyamvada who despite her illness came out to see Arjun. Draupadi held a garland of white flowers as instructed by Gandhari. Bahu place the garland first and then put the Tilak and do Arti. Kunti told her. She is desparately waiting to see her valiant son who is fulfilling the prediction of gods at Satasrunga mountain. She is very much worried that Arjun may get affected by Buri nazar. She told Gandhari to put black Teeka near his ear. Dus sassan who is standing at the lower steps with Vikarn looked at Draupadi and felt jealous. Duryodhan also thought that she would have been his if Arjun was not present at swayamvar. With the help of karn he would have definitely abducted her. Sahadev stood beside Kunti holding her hand. Arjun's procession came nearer as shouts were heard hailing his victory. Arjun and Grandfather and Bheem alighted from the same chariot. Vidur took the blind king forward who blessed Arjun heart fully. He touched Arjun's hair and said I feel Pandurang beside me Putr. He is proudly showing you to me. Arjun then touched Vidur and Yudhishtir's feet. Both of them together blessed. Glory to Kurus depends on you only. Nakul hugged Arjun happily and kissed him on his cheek. Grandfather instructed Arjun to go up and meet the mothers and his wife. Kunti and Gandharidescended the steps and hugged him together. Kunti wept continuously keeping her face on his chest. Gandhari scolded her would you stop for a while now give way toBahu then you can continue again. Arjun hugged Kunti and said Maata, nothing happened to me. It is a simple battle. Gandhari hugged Arjun and blessed him May you always brighten up Kuru splendour. She. Then called out to Draupadi to come down with Sahadev and do Arti. Draupadi started climbing down the steps with Malini holding the thali. Dussasan who was standing in the middle of Draupadi and Arjun suddenly put his foot forward and Draupadi who is looking at Arjun lost her balance and before she could fall down on the bottom steps Arjun swiftly reached there and held her in his arms. Dussasan's mischievous deed did not escape his sharp eyes. As Draupadi fell into Arjun's arms the garland in her hand was placed round his neck without Draupadi's knowledge. Sahadev who also observed Dussasan got furious but Arjun looked into his eyes signalling him to calm down. Dus salsa laughed and told Gandhari what happened. Kunti was in shock not knowing what happened. Draupadi closed her eyes in fear and embarrassment. Arjun whispered slowly. Krishnaa open your eyes. Nothing happened. Duryodhan,Dussasan and Karn could not control their jealousy. The most beautiful woman safely landed in Arjun's arms. Dr aupadi opened her eyes and saw Arjun with garland round his neck. Whe did she place that she wondered Sahadev helped her stand properly and Gandhari came down and stood beside Draupadi. Bahu the garland reached the deserving place now do Arti. Draupadi composed herself and placed red Tilak on his forehead. She then did Arti and prayed for his wellbeing. Gandhari then instructed her to put the black teeka taking kajal from her eyes. Draupadi looked at him and took Kajal from her eyes and placed it near his ear. Yes, he really needs it. She knows how Hastinapur girls have gone mad after him.malini gave every information. Now the royal treat awaits him with the dance performance of that obsessed girls in the evening. Arjun, come down, Grandfather called out. Before going off Arjun smiled at Draupadi as he knew what is going on in her mind.