Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 11


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.FairyDust. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Such an amazing chapter ! You're doing a great job ! 👏
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Kunti looked at Yudhishtir's face. He was calm and composed. How could her first born cope up with. Drupad's unwavered adulation towards Arjun? Why would every one forget that Draupadi is wedded to five pandavas not one. She was miffed with Gandhari's message also. She said..Kunti, I very much wanted Draupadi to be my daughter in law. It did'nt happen as I heard her birth is motivated by Arjun's valour. I feel redeemed on hearing about your well being. Forgive my sons for what they had done.I know you will. Anxious to meet you all especially Draipadi.Want to see if she compliments my Arjun in looks and personality. Kunti looked at her Phalgun who is laughing at some joke cracked by Krishna. Then She heard vidura's voice. Maharaj Drupad,Krishna Vaasudev, what did you decide in answer to our invitation? Krishna spoke in his usual calm but imposing voice. Mahatma vidur.I don't have clarity regarding the. Intention of king Dhritarashtr? I agree you and grand father love pandavas a lot. But how can it help them in winning their due in the face of Duryodhan's resistance?What guaranty can you give that Doryodhan would not attempt treachery again? Drupad supported Krishna . By god's grace they are happy here. Even I am apprehensive of sending them there. Yudhishtir said I can understand you both our well wishers. Still if Jyesht Pitasri wanted us to come I would like to honour his word. Bheem got angry on hearing this and ridiculed. Honouring Jyesht pitasri? People will laugh at us if we still believe in him.Eldest. Don't be that sobre. Remember how mother also suffered in the forests only due to Jyesht pitasri's partiality to Duryodhan. Nakul made him sit and tried to calm him down.Panchali went to them and offered Bheem cool flavoured. Buttermilk. She gave Nakul his favourite orange juice and proceeded to Yudhishtir to offer him badam milk and sahadeva who is sitting with Kunti was given his aushadhi milk. Kunti took lime juice from her daughter in law and said. Krishna likes. Flavoured curd. Serve him that. Arjun drank Aushadhi milk? She questioned. Sahadeva answered with relief. Maata, due to krishnaa only Bhraata Arjun made my job easy. He drank it on her insistence. Draupadi got embarassed. She turned away on the pretext of serving Krishna. Vidur. Continued the discussion. Arjun?why are you silent? What do you propose to do? He asked Arjun as he has immense confidence in his nephew's intelligence. Arjun replied with a certain detachment. Kakasri,With Duryodhan around, how can we expect any thing better to happen? It is waste of time and energy. Better than that Bharata Bheem and myself should go and defeat vulnerable kings who are kings by fate but not fit by nature. We can establish our own kingdom. The confidence with which he said those words captivated everyone. Krishna patted his back and ran to him and hugged him. I am proud of you Arjun. You are worthy to be called my brother. He kissed him on his forehead. Draupadi tried to hide her lovelorn expression as she very well knows she will be scrutinised every minute she knows by whom, by kunti. Drupad proudly admitted. I fully support army is at your disposal. Dhrisht will wait for your commands. Yudhishtir intervened. Forgive me Maharaj, it is not needed at the moment. Then he turned to Arjun?Arjun I can't believe you are talking the language of war? Looks like you are impressed by Bheema's ways. Arjun kept silent. Krishna tried to calm the atmosphere. Now Panchali, where is my flavoured curd? You served your husbands and forgot me? Satya laughed and reminded. She did not serve Arjun also. Arjun looked at her with irritation and said.Would you mind your own. I don't need anything . Krishna laughed at him and remarked in a low voice. Parth. You experienced how nice it is to make your wife arrange your hair. Now see for yourself how exhilarating it is to eat or drink from your wife's hands.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Correction. Bheem ran to Arjun and kissed him on the forehead not krishna.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun looked at krishna in a pleading way. Krishna smiled and assured him. Don't worry Parth, I won't put krishnaa in trouble. Draupadi brought flavoured curd to Krishna. Govind, maids delayed in making it. Lapse on our part. Accept it now. Krishna affectionately scolded her. Why do you take every thing to heart. I did'nt mean it. It became a habit for both Parth and me to say everything with satires and wired humour. Often I become the target of my wives due to my sense of humour. Arjun said in a low voice. And I am facing the same problem,Madhav. Even I am becoming a source of suspicion. He side glanced Draupadi meaningfully which only she could understand. Draupadi immediately realised his taunt. It is about the way she reacted on hearing Arya's name from his lips. Satya is smart enough to grasp that some issue is there that became a cause of sulking on part of Draupadi. She immediately jumped to her defence. Arjun, I am too experienced in your so called sense of humour. You both are impossible. Draupadi, don't believe him. If there is smoke, there will be fire. Arjun tried to give a retort but stopped as Vidur called the attention of them. You all must have known the kalingaking who attended the marriage of Draupadi . He is an acquaintance to Hastinapur and a friend to brother Pandu. Kunti nodded in approval. Draupadi's face turned pale. Her suspicion is turning into reality. She desperately tried to hold herself boldly. Vidur continued. He left today. Yesterday he brought up a proposal of his daughter Arya, for Arjun to Bhabhisri,kunti in the presence of me and Yudhishtir. He said that if Arjun marries his daughter he will happily offer his kalingakingdom to him and Pandavas can establish themselves there . Drupad listened with utmost attention. He sensed something like this when Kalingaking praised Arjun to sky level and said he is jealous of him for having him as his son in law. Arjun is looking at Draupadi's face only and feeling bad for being the reason for her pain. His joke became true and how? Vidur continued. The princess of kalinga is on a vow of sarvamangala,umadevi, and sincerely hopes her wish will be granted. Bhabhisri, myself and Yudhishtir told him this is not the proper time to discuss an alliance as the marriage celebrations are not completed yet. We told him right now we are not in a position to either accept or deny his proposal.We told him that We will definitely consider his proposal after pandavas establish themselves in Hastinapur. Drupad got relieved. He knew how alliances will happen. He won't grudge kalinga king if he is after Arjun. He knew a father's heart. But right now it is krishnaa's turn to enjoy marital bliss. He said. Mahatma Vidur, Maharani kunti you took a good decision. Hastinapur issue is to be solved first. Why only kalinga king,I will be the first one to offer my kingdom to them. Yudhishtir. Politely said. We know Mahraj. How can we forget your magnanimous gesture? But I feel it is our duty to honour our grand father and Jyesht Pitasri by accepting their proposal. Bheem is so frustrated and threw his hands up. Arjun, the other option is better. Be clever and accept Kalinga princess. Otherwise Eldest will parcel us to Hastinapur and I hate to see those bunch of jokers day and night. If kalinga king gave me the offer I would have grabbed it with delight. I am sure Krishnaa will have no objection. Krishna laughed and said. Bharata Bheem you and me we are practical people . We know we should not hurt the sentiments of women. How nicely you accepted Hidimba,Parth should learn from you. Satya protested looking angrily at krishna, lord you are not enough to go on wedding as many as 16000and eight,you want your Parth also to be like you? Arjun stopped her and said.You know Satyathere is only one Krishna ,
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
You are also krishna. You are also Krishna, Parth's Madhav. Stated firmly looking deeply into his eyes. Arjun asked curtly. What do you mean by that statement ? Yes,Maata calls me thus because I am dark. Madrid maata. Used to call me so as she finds the name exactly define my appearance. More than that I don't see any significance to that. Both the friends are walking tn the garden after coming back from dinner. You will know it when the time comes. Remember one thing. Our association traces back to ages unknown. Arjun looked confused.Madhav, sometimes you talk in puzzles. I can't understand at all. Any way I will come with you to Dwaraka. I don't want to go to Hastinapur. He looked dejected. Krishna turned his face to himself and asked.Is that the reason or you want to move away from krishnaa? Tell me frankly. Arjun answered firmly. Yes,I want to move far away from her. I can't see her disappointed,frustrated face .Did you see her face when Kakasri is telling about kalinga princess? That lost expression is haunting me Madhav. I can't bear the intensity of her love. I am not worthy of it. I am the culprit who made her life an eternal test. Any wife has to serve her one husband but she has to serve Five. I can't forgive my self. Arjun placed his head on krishna's shoulder . Krishna smooth ended his hair and said in a soft tone. Parth, compose yourself. You will come to Dwaraka,certainly.But not now. At a proper moment, you will come there and I will keep ready my most cherished one for you as a present. Now don't run from krishnaa. Her heart will be broken.give solace to her with a small praise, a genuinely loving touch, a moment to remember. That will make her face the hardest trials of her life. Arjun hugged him tightly like a small child hugging his mother. Krishnaa is your responsibility more than any one else. Arjun stared into his eyes,trying to absorb his words.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
The Bond That Shines The dawn that imparts knowledge, energy, activity ,that welcomes the sun god. Sees the greatest archer of Aryavarth practice archery, memorise the mantras associated with astras and it is a visual treat to the eyes of his father in law, Dhrisht, Satyaki, yudhamanyu, Uttamaujas and the list goes on. Arjun never likes to get disturbed when he practices archery. He will forget his surroundings till he is satisfied by his daily ordeal. He proceeds to the temple of Uma maheswar after that mainly accompanied by krishna. Not today as his Madhav is busy with participation in the final round of talks with Vidur, yudhishtir, Bheem and Drupad. Arjun was also called by them bur, he refused as he thought his Eldest will definitely make them accept Jyesht Pitasri 's invitation. So all these discussions are sheer waste of time. As he stepped into the main temple, he saw Kunti and Draupadi offering flowers and fruits to shiv shakti. Kunti observed him and felt happy. As that day happens to be having Ardra nakshatr that is said to be of Lord Siva, she wanted any of her sons along with Draupadi to attend the pooja. To her dismay her Elder sons are busy with talks and the youngest ones have gone to visit Drupada's stables. She did't call Arjun as she knows that he will never skip his daily practice. But Arjun came just in time when the priest is pronouncing the sankalpa. Kunti made him stand with Draupadi and started praying for the good future of her sons. Draupadi could not believe her eyes. The man who became the cause of her sleepless night is innocently standing with her. His face is pious,beautiful and what not? She controlled her emotions and prayed for the prosperity of Pandavas. She pleaded with the goddess to give her strength in following the path of dharma. The pooja was finished. They were blessed in accordance and given prasad. Kunti looked at Draupadi who is shining like the twilight in her orange red attire. With red bindi on her fore head she is like the incarnation of Lalita Bhavani.And her son ,as he came just from practice the mantras he recited made his face glow with lustre that illuminated his whole presence. Kunti called him. Phalgun,accompany the princess to the Royal feast Hall. I will join later after my special pooja to goddess. Arjun nodded in ascent and both of them touched her feet. The couple silently walked with Arjun with a faster gait and Draupadi lagging behind. Draupadi could not maintain his pace and decided to walk at her own pace. Arjun looked behind and stopped. He observed her eyes which are reddish and reveals her sleepless night. Why did'nt you both come in Pali? It is still distant,the mandir. Arjun said with concern. Draupadi said with detachment. Mother wanted to come by foot. She does' nt want even the maids to accompany. If you have important work you can go fast. I will come on my own. Arjun was hurt,looking at her expressionless face . Just then she lost her balance as a very big rock came in her way. Arjun caught her with one arm and removed the rock with another arm. Draupadi's right foot got hurt in that process. She remembered that same tender part came across a thorn on her way to the temple. Since Kunti is with her without making a fuss she proceeded to the temple. Now she saw her delicate skin pierced and blood coming out of it.Arjun saw that and scolded her for walking despite her bleeding foot. Draupadi tried to throw his hand away from touching her foot. I can manage. Don't touch it. Arjun looked at her sharply and lifted her up with ease and started carrying her to the shelter shade a little away from the temple main route. The shelter shades were built to enable devotees take rest when they visit the temple. As it is early hours and the temple is mostly meant for royal people no one is there in the shelter house . The small pool of water adjacent to it and a very big sitting bench with so many creepers and flower plants making it picturesque Arjun admired the ambience . He placed her on the bench and tried to take her foot in his hand. Draupadi turned her face away and covered her foot with the edge of her lehenga I told you not to touch no? She shouted at him. She knows how besotted her whole being, Is towards her Arjun. Even after hating him through out the night she felt the thrill of being in his arms,how shameless she is she grumbled under her breath. And who is going to listen to you? Ask mother if Arjun wants to do something,nobody can stop. That includes Krishnaa also. He said with attitude.
Edited by ltelidevara - 8 years ago
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Correction. It is Lehenga not legendary,bear with typing mistakes.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Draupadi kept silent. She understood once he is bent upon some thing he would never leave it in the middle. Arjun drenched his uttariya in the pool of water and wiped off blood from her wound. He then brought some leaves and squeezed the juice on to the wound . Draupadi is observing him with surprise. She thought that living most of their time in the forest they must be aware of herbal plants. As he bent his head so nearer to her and attending upon her wound, she has the golden opportunity to have a feast for her eyes, She looked intensely at the bow marks on his strong shoulders, the pointed chin that is a symbol of his attitude, the sharp nose ,well shaped lips, long eyelashes surprisingly curved, the hazel eyes that make her drool over him, and the curly hair, Arjun suddenly raised his head as he felt her looks worship him with her undaunted love. He laughed at her mischevously. That is better . Go on. I can finish my work without disturbance. Draupadi 's face became red and she forcibly took her foot from his hands. Leave it Arya,I have to go.The time to serve morning breakfast. Arjun stopped her. Wait till I bandage your wound. You can not walk like that. It will get infected.. He tore off his upper garment and tied it up perfectly. Now go and finish your work but catch some sleep .Your eyes are reddish. Draupadi retorted sharply you must have slept so well. You look so fresh. Perhaps dreaming about kalinga princess,in between . If you want to think that way and feel satisfied it is fine.But don't torture yourself for no reason,krishnaa. Droupadi flared up. No reason? After all that happened yesterday you say this? Arjun 's voice became soft. You know if some one proposes some other responds why do you find fault with me? He tried to reason. Then why did'nt you say anything? It shows your willingness. Did any one ask me at all? Why should I bother when I know my priorities? Arjun took her face and looked deeply into her beautiful eyes. Krishnaa don't give that much stress to your heart and mind. It will effect you in the long run. You are my wife and you have. every right over me. More than any one else. Believe me. You mean a lot to me. Draupadi stare into his eyes mesmarised, trying to absorb the essence of his words.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun helped her walk and she slowly managed herself. Why did'nt you take part in the final discussions? You don't want to go to Hastinapur,is that the reason? Draupadi asked. I will never skip my practice for any thing. Any way with Madhav present where is the need? Arjun said. You did'nt answer my next question. Draupadi persisted. Listen Krishnaa, I never developed any connect with Hastinapur. It was a grand city. Rich and sophisticated Still I loved our stay at satastinga mountain peaceful and I took so many days to adjust. Luckily for me we were sent to GuruDron's Gurukul. It was an enriching experience for me. With Duryodhan and his friends always trying for one upman ship, the atmosphere is always polluted. After the Lakshagrih incident,I want to maintain as much distance as possible. Arjun explained patiently. Then why don't you convince your Eldest? You should have put your foot down. Draupadi still could not understand his detached stance. I can not convince my Eldest when he has already taken the decision. Draupadi understood. He can never go against the wish of his brother.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
How do they receive me there?Draupadi hesitatingly asked him,Arjun understood. She is apprehensive of the reactions she has to face regarding their extraordinary marriage. He felt bad for her . She has to go through so much now onwards. Till now she is in her Father's territory. So no one raised a finger at the unusual situation. But now she will be exposed to the outside world which is rude,manupalative and selfish. He can very well imagine how Duryodhan,his brothers and especially that karna with his rude tongue react to their marriage. Arjun protectively placed his arms round her shoulders. Listen,Krishnaa whether right or wrong we all went ahead with Eldest's decision. Now collectively we should face the consequences. You are not alone in this lifelong struggle .We all should stand by each other and answer them in the face. If united we stand together, we will win. Draupadi looked at his hazel eyes intense and filled with concern. She clasped her fingers into his long fingers and asked him with so much anguish. You will be there for me.Arjun, ? Don't ever leave my side, I can't survive without you. Arjun tightened his fingers around hers. I promise. My soul is connected with yours.nothing can separate us at all. Now call my name again, sounded so nice. Draupadi blushed on realising she called his name. Her heart chanted the name again and again while she savoured the beautiful moment by closing her eyes and feeling him all over her heart and soul.