FF : Neapolitan City - Page 103


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behirlover thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: LadyMeringue


Thank you so much, dear! πŸ€—πŸ€—I'm so happy that you liked the chapter! ⭐️⭐️

Yes, I know you could sniff that from a mile away. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰And yes, Ishaani and Claudine are sort of mommy best friends. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒTbh, Claudine was always meant to be the friend that Ishaani never had. 😳😳Show ki toh jitni tareef ki jaaye, kam hai. 🀒

And you have the exact same view as myself. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†I am certain that should Ishaani ever be pregnant in the show, it is going to be nothing short of torture for all of us.

But I'm glad that you liked the way I described Ishaani's emotions. 😳😳I was a little worried whether I was giving that part justice or no. πŸ˜›πŸ˜›And Ranveer's reaction was practically playing in my mind when I was writing this.

Thank you so muchonce again, sweetie! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒAs always, you praise me much more than I deserve. ☺️☺️I'll try to update soon enough. πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

Dear u desrvd to b praised fr wrtng such a beautiful story πŸ‘
Nd tht too a normal one which hppns wid evry1 a sane story 😲
V hv quiet similar chain of thoughts though u sumtym astonish me wid turn of events in dis story 😳
LadyMeringue thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: dvprt418.py

Dear u desrvd to b praised fr wrtng such a beautiful story πŸ‘
Nd tht too a normal one which hppns wid evry1 a sane story 😲
V hv quiet similar chain of thoughts though u sumtym astonish me wid turn of events in dis story 😳

Its all of you people's support and love also that inspires me more and more and make me become a better writer each day. ❀️❀️
Twists and turns are fun. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰  If you can predict everything, the element of mystery is lost. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†  But then again, our chain of thoughts are too similar again. ⭐️⭐️
matsh thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hey LM !!!

So  Vaghela baby is on the way !! How wonderful !! I was going to post comment on last chapter saying that now you have given them a dog, only a child is missing !! Waise bhi you dropped enough hints in the last chapter !! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

This is wonderful chapter.. I was grinning from ear to ear πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

And Ranveer would soon go crazy I suppose with happiness !! Being a  father is best thing that can happen to him !!

Keep writing dear !! Love to read your chapters !!

NidsJ thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hey Lm... what a sweet update... πŸ‘ πŸ‘
claud and ishani's convo was too good... loved their bond there... claud is too much supportive... πŸ‘ πŸ‘
and the way u described ishani's thinking was awesome... her anxiety, happiness, confusion and everything... u wrote it beautifully... loved that part... β­οΈ β­οΈ
she wanted to keep it secret for 3 days... bt how... n it came out... his happiness is beyond everything... but but but... 3 days to go for reports... i think they should wait for reports b4 celebrations... πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰
waiting for next... update soon... πŸ€— πŸ€—
LadyMeringue thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: matsh

Hey LM !!!

So  Vaghela baby is on the way !! How wonderful !! I was going to post comment on last chapter saying that now you have given them a dog, only a child is missing !! Waise bhi you dropped enough hints in the last chapter !! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

This is wonderful chapter.. I was grinning from ear to ear πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

And Ranveer would soon go crazy I suppose with happiness !! Being a  father is best thing that can happen to him !!

Keep writing dear !! Love to read your chapters !!

Matsh! πŸ€—πŸ€—
Yes, Vaghela baby is definitely on the way now. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Yes, my sole reason I gave them a dog was to metaphorically hint the fact that they are ready to have a child. 😳😳 I was trying to hint of something else altogether but I failed miserably so I gave it up. 🀣🀣
Oh yes, Ranveer will certainly go crazy with so much happiness. ⭐️⭐️ And being a father will perhaps be the best thing that ever happens to him. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Thank you so much, dear! ❀️❀️
LadyMeringue thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: NidsJ

Hey Lm... what a sweet update... πŸ‘ πŸ‘

claud and ishani's convo was too good... loved their bond there... claud is too much supportive... πŸ‘ πŸ‘
and the way u described ishani's thinking was awesome... her anxiety, happiness, confusion and everything... u wrote it beautifully... loved that part... β­οΈ β­οΈ
she wanted to keep it secret for 3 days... bt how... n it came out... his happiness is beyond everything... but but but... 3 days to go for reports... i think they should wait for reports b4 celebrations... πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰
waiting for next... update soon... πŸ€— πŸ€—

Thank you so much, dearie! πŸ€—πŸ€— I'm so happy that you liked it! StarStar
Yeah, Claudine and Martin have always been voice of reasons in IshVeer's lives. In the first half of the story, it was Martin who used to always play peacemaker and advisor, now it's Claudine. 😳😳
I was so tensed about that part, but I'm glad it turned out alright. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ Yes, they should wait for the reports to have a confirmed news. πŸ˜†πŸ˜† But well... πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
I'll try to update soon enough! ❀️❀️
Phir_Mohabbat thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
I was so off the mark this time. There was no shrink. Not that I mind, it's good to be proved wrong every now and then.πŸ˜†

I prefer more that IshVeer talked. Finalle they are ready to put it all behind them, not move on, coz their past is not something they can move on from. Their bickering in Claud, Fred and George's presense was hillarious, and the PDA. Poor others are scarred for life.πŸ˜†

Timothy! He is so cute, his antics are even cuter. All are so fond of him. I never went near any pet, don't think it's in me to care for someone hairy.

Ishaani is so damn stubborn when it comes to her health, ignorant. If her ankle din't sprain she would have kept procrastinating to go to Doc's.

So Claud not thinking to go back to job now. Maybe someday. She achieved so much in life, she should have it all. Many people try so hard to reach where she did, and most often that try is not enough. She should not give it up. Maybe once the kids are old enough to live without her for some hours. Glad to know Martin's rocking in office.

Ishveer are pregnant. Yeah yeah they should wait for results but those sticks are 99% right, right? RV is so elated, they will be great parents.

Btw Ishaani's mood swings going to be worse than Claud's, right?πŸ˜† the way she scowled at all during her ankle episode, they are so in trouble.

Thanks for PM.

LadyMeringue thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: .Avengers.

I was so off the mark this time. There was no shrink. Not that I mind, it's good to be proved wrong every now and then.πŸ˜†

I prefer more that IshVeer talked. Finalle they are ready to put it all behind them, not move on, coz their past is not something they can move on from. Their bickering in Claud, Fred and George's presense was hillarious, and the PDA. Poor others are scarred for life.πŸ˜†

Timothy! He is so cute, his antics are even cuter. All are so fond of him. I never went near any pet, don't think it's in me to care for someone hairy.

Ishaani is so damn stubborn when it comes to her health, ignorant. If her ankle din't sprain she would have kept procrastinating to go to Doc's.

So Claud not thinking to go back to job now. Maybe someday. She achieved so much in life, she should have it all. Many people try so hard to reach where she did, and most often that try is not enough. She should not give it up. Maybe once the kids are old enough to live without her for some hours. Glad to know Martin's rocking in office.

Ishveer are pregnant. Yeah yeah they should wait for results but those sticks are 99% right, right? RV is so elated, they will be great parents.

Btw Ishaani's mood swings going to be worse than Claud's, right?πŸ˜† the way she scowled at all during her ankle episode, they are so in trouble.

Thanks for PM.

Riya! πŸ€—πŸ€—
Oh yeah, there were no shrinks this time. 😳😳 But as I said earlier as well, it's always fun to have an element of mystery and unexpected twists at the same time. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Yes, you've once again summed this up astutely. It was something they were finally ready to put behind rather move on from. Their past defines the people they have becomes, so natural, the essence of their old selves still linger. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ 
That bickering was fun to write. πŸ˜†πŸ˜† And their PDA - well let's just say that Claudine intervened at the right time. πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ  Timothy is a real dear! ❀️❀️ I never keep any pets, because well, I'm pretty much incapable of handling them. πŸ˜›πŸ˜›
Ishaani has always been stubborn.  As Claudine put it rightly, it was God's sign that she needed to go to a doctor. πŸ˜†πŸ˜† As to Claudine not wanting to go back to her job now - it's something she feels right now because her children are barely two months old. She may probably give it a thought once they are older. Besides, Martin has always been a person who has taken the back seat and let Claudine achieve all the success in her career. He won't let her abandon it that easily as well. πŸ˜›πŸ˜›
Yep, they should wait for the results, but these sticks are nearly perfect accurate. ⭐️⭐️ And yes, they will certainly be wonderful parents.  As to her mood swings, well, she may not be as bad as Claudine, but she is certainly going to wish for some weird stuff from now on. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
You're welcome!  
LadyMeringue thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Chapter 58: The Circle of Life

A/N: Hey there everyone! The next update is here! :D :D

Happy Reading! :D :D

If the mansion had become a much better place after Ishaani had started living with Ranveer and even better after they had taken it their relationship to the next level, then the mansion was nothing less than heaven in the days that followed. The news of the arrival of the new baby was confirmed by the reports three days later, and an official celebration went about the place.

Claudine and Martin had thrown the couple a small party in celebration of the news and for the next few days, this became the talk of the town. But for once, Ranveer and Ishaani were pleased about their forthcoming new guest to be worried about their privacy and they took pride at the fact that they were going to be parents.

The house portrayed just as colourful a picture, with Martin and Claudine doing their best to make Ishaani's days memorable. But the three new members of the family were just as absorbed with the joy that surrounded the house, with Timmy always running about the place happily, and Fred and George being just as happy spirited. But the couple in mention were the ones where the joy emanated from.

Ishaani and Ranveer both had a newfound glow on their faces, their moods now never knowing darkness or sadness anymore. Ranveer now gave double efforts in making each and every day memorable and special for Ishaani, while the latter took full pleasure. Ishaani's mood swings from prior had suddenly disappeared, and apart from craving for out of the way things, she was surprisingly calm and well-tempered.

But the person who took the news best was Martha. She was nothing short of elated that the couple were expecting their first child and cut down Ishaani's working hours, so that she now had to work only four hours a day.

Ishaani wasn't very happy with the newfound arrangement, but Martha wouldn't take no for an answer. When Ishaani made to argue, Martha simply raised her hand in mock offense and told her that she still had enough strength to handle the library singlehandedly. Ishaani did not take the courage to bring forth any other point from that day onwards and Martha preferred it keep it the same.

The next three weeks passed with easy grace, the same heavenly touch that had bewitched the minds of everyone. April's glorious sun was amongst the prime reasons for Ranveer and Ishaani's excellent spirits, but there was something more.

The fortnight of April saw Ishaani sitting behind the desk after five rounds of the library, panting slightly. Martha gave her a reprimanding look, clicking her tongue in disapproval.

"The library is peaceful. There wasn't a need for you to take those many rounds." Ishaani shook her head dejectedly.

"Come now, Martha! It's bad enough that you don't let me work professionally." Martha cocked her eyebrow in question.

"I don't need to remind you about your condition, young woman." Ishaani gritted her teeth irritably.

"Martha, I like taking a tour about the library. It makes me feel at home. Besides, given that you people keep subjecting me to bed rest, taking a walk around the library gives me good exercise as well." Martha gave her a guilty look before speaking hesitantly.

"I know that... it's just... I'm concerned for your health." Ishaani's expressions softened and she spoke understanding.

"I know. And I love you for the love you give me. But-"

"I get a little smothering, I agree." Ishaani smiled at her sweetly before Martha spoke. "How did your appointment go with the doctor?" Ishaani's face brightened at the mention of her appointment.

"It was... magical. Had my first sonography. Ranveer didn't sleep the whole last night because he was thrilled." Martha gave her an endearing look before asking with fascination.

"How is the baby?" Ishaani gave the question a deep thought before replying truthfully.

"Really, really tiny." Martha laughed and Ishaani spoke sheepishly. "The doctor says that it's healthy. It has a strong heartbeat." Martha gave her an approving nod, before stroking her head affectionately.

"What about you?"

"Three weeks ago, the doctor was a little concerned about my health, given that the pregnancy was unplanned for and my body was a little weaker than it should have been. But I've slacked down on most of my activities now, and my vitals are back to normal. The doctor is pretty satisfied now." Martha smiled at her, remembering something suddenly. Her face brightened up suddenly, asking Ishaani eagerly.

"Did you get an image?" Ishaani's face broke out into a huge smile as she nodded her head happily.

"Yes. The doctor says that the baby is growing at a healthy pace so far." Ishaani opened her purse and removed an envelope from it. She handed it over to Martha, who emptied the contents of the envelope, only to reveal the image of the sonogram, where a very tiny fetus was present. Martha stared at the image transfixed, tears forming in her eyes, before Ishaani placed a worried hand over her shoulder. Martha gave her a watery smile and handed over the image to her, before wiping away the tears from her face hastily.

"It really is beautiful." Ishaani stared at Martha's as her emotional turmoil was evident. Her smile was replaced by a frown as she asked her in concern.

"Martha, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Ishaani shook her head and gave Martha a meaningful look.

"Please, don't lie to me. What's wrong?" Martha stared at her palms, a tear falling into it, before speaking resentfully.

"It's just... when I was married to David, we always talked about having a child. Fantasized about it rather. Then one fine day, we found out that I could never conceive. We tried treatment, but it didn't worked either. Besides, back then, things weren't like now. It was one of the major reasons why I and David had our fallout. Once we got separated, I did want to adopt a child, but then David passed away, and I fell into a rut. By the time I gathered myself, I found myself incapable of shouldering the responsibility of a child, far less nurturing it."

Ishaani now understood why Martha remained so strict and over-protective around her. She now felt guilty for having told her off several times. Taking her hand in her own, Ishaani asked Martha soulfully.

"Is that why you are so protective about me?" Martha nodded her head, speaking sincerely.

"Yes. You may not understand it now, Ishaani, but a child is the biggest gift a couple can hope for in their marriage, apart from love, trust and honesty. It's what makes the relationship between two people much stronger, yet you shower it over an entirely new life. A half of each of you resides in that new soul and that new soul is your entire universe. You have the world's biggest gift growing within you this moment - make sure that you take full care of it. Promise me that you will." Ishaani smiled at her gently.

"I will." Martha kissed her palm lovingly.

"Good." Just before any more conversation could take place, Ranveer entered the library, a smile on his face. "Oh good, Ranveer is here as well." Ranveer smiled as Ishaani walked up to him, while Martha gave him a warm smile.

"How is work going on, Ranveer?"

"Greece is getting from bad to worse. I've been trying to steer my company away from the way the markets have been drowning, but it's getting really tough now." Martha and Ranveer shared a momentary look of worry, before the latter gave a reassuring nod.

"Don't worry... I'm sure things will be alright soon enough."

"I hope so too." Smiling at Martha broadly, he gave her a small bow, before Ranveer kissed her palm. "I'll take your leave now."

Martha nodded her head and Ranveer smiled at her, simultaneously linking Ishaani's arm in his own. Ishaani stared at Martha for a few moments before she broke herself free from Ranveer's grip and hugged Martha. The latter looked surprised but hugged her back warmly, while Ranveer stared at the two of them curiously. Ishaani broke apart and kissed Martha's cheek affectionately, before walking towards Ranveer, her eyes teary.

Ranveer gave her a concerned look, but she simply shrugged her shoulders. Putting his arm around her in a loving embrace, he led her outside the library and into the car, while Martha waved them goodbye. Ranveer drove the car away for some time before he stopped it in front of the park. Ishaani smiled at him and got down, Ranveer following suit.

Both of them walked towards their favourite bench that remained vacant in the cool shade of a palm tree and took a seat. Ahead of them sat a family consisting of a couple and their two kids. Ranveer and Ishaani interlocked their fingers within each other's as the latter sighed.

"It feels weird at times doesn't it? Seven months ago, you took the first step in our newly based relationship and we became friends. Here we are today, engaged and pregnant with our first kid. Funny, how time changes."

"If you ask me, it isn't weird at all. We fought against time and fate to be united. But if you were to truthfully ask me, it wasn't our time back then. But it's our time right now." Ishaani smiled at him and rested her head over his shoulder.

"All this time, we were the kids, and one fine day, we are parents. Or atleast, we are going to be."

"That's the circle of life."

Just then, a ball came and hit her leg, following which, one of the girls from the family ahead of them and her mother quickly walked up to them and apologized. Ishaani smiled and handed over the ball to the girl. The girl smiled at her and apologized quickly while the mother mouthed a 'Sorry' as well. Ishaani waved her hand to them as the duo walked away steadily, chatting away merrily.

Ishaani stared at them sadly and she felt the grip of Ranveer's hands over her own become stronger. Their eyes met and Ranveer gave her a gentle look, understanding her state of mind.

"Is that why you cried over Martha's shoulder today?" Ishaani nodded her head truthfully. After a few minutes, she contemplated before speaking reluctantly.

"I miss her so much." Ranveer rubbed circles on her back as he spoke gently.

"I know you do." Ishaani remained silent for a few minutes as she felt conflicted. She did not know whether what she wanted to do was rational or crazy, but either way, she knew that she needed to do it. Finally finding her voice after a few minutes, Ishaani asked worriedly.

"Can I ask you something?"


"You always tell me that I'll ask you for anything and you'll give it to me right? As long as it makes me happy?" Ranveer gave her a puzzled look before nodding his head.


"Will you do something for me?" Ranveer now had a curious expression on his face as he signaled her to continue.

"Go on."

"Will you take me home?" Ranveer's brows contracted in confusion as he asked her, bewildered.

"What do you mean?" Ishaani let out a deep sigh before she spoke morosely.

"Seven months ago, you told me that I needed to come back home, that I had strayed away for far too long." Ranveer's features grew turbulent, as part of her implied meaning had begun to grow clearer in his mind. He gave her a scrutinizing look, before giving up.

"I don't understand." Ishaani raised her head from his shoulders, before she looked at him pleadingly.

"I want to go home, Ranveer. I want to go home and meet my mother."

Weee! :D

Constructive criticism will be more than welcome and sorry for any typos.

Edited by LadyMeringue - 8 years ago
fan.matsh thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Wonderful LM! High time Ish met her mom! I can't imagine anyone staying away from ur mom for so long!
Hey BTW Ishveer aren't divorced right?! I mean I remember Ranveer saying that he nvr filed the papers...