Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar Forum Rules

Posted: 9 years ago
Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar Forum! 

Like every other forums, before beginning we provide you with some India-Forums rules and regulations that must be followed all time. If being warned and repeat the incident then actions will be taken. Firstly,

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar Development Team consists of:

Viewbie  -Anarkali.
And Global Moderators *Shruti*Aahaanagk_09 

1. Criticism and Bashing

India-Forums is a platform to allow everyone to express their opinions freely within the IF COC and respectable limitations. Constructive criticism is welcome but bashing is strictly not a part of this. Bashing and making personal attacks against any actor/actress/CVs/members is strictly not allowed.

Please make sure you know the difference between bashing and criticism. Constructive criticism is when a member voices his/her opinions in a civil manner, without using derogatory words and phrases to prove his/her point. He/she is able to state, without subjugation and with complete objectivity, as to where they have derived their opinion. Having said that, dislike, disagreement and or contradiction is not considered bashing.


2.  Comparison Topics/Instigating Topics

Comparison topics/posts as well as instigating ones on this forum are not allowed at all. This includes comparisons with previous shows from Balaji's Productions, as well as previous shows of the respective actors, even comparison polls (ie: "Who made a better couple" etc). Posts meant to instigate, rile up different members/groups of the forum are also strictly not allowed. Action will be taken as per the DTs discretion with these threads.


3. Name-calling/Stereotyping

While criticizing something, there are times when members go overboard and use derogatory and offensive words, which shouldn't be used for any celebrity/member. Please remember that any derogatory references, including comparing celebs/members to animals or name-calling any person is against the forum rules and strict action will be take against anyone who indulges in the same.


4. Discussing and Mocking Members/Personal Attacks

Refrain from pointing fingers or taking direct/indirect or sarcastic digs at other members. Fans can be passionate towards their favorite celebs but it does not mean that they can be judgmental towards other members/fans. Calling other members/fan groups "haters" "bashers" etc in a snide manner is considered provocative and an attack.

Please comment on the show itself and not the viewers of the show. Do not pass snide remarks at viewers of the show just because their interest lies in something different from yours. Everyone has the right to his or her own point of view, and let's respect that. Avoid making posts that are abusive, derogatory, insulting or sarcastic enough to affect the sentiment of another member.


5. Multiple IDs (MIDs)

Creating MIDs on IF is strictly not allowed under any circumstances. Creating a new account in order to instigate and bash in this forum will result in your WL being raised without any previous warnings. If you suspect someone of having an MID or being an MID, then please PM the DT and we will look into the matter; however, openly accusing members of having MIDs will also not be tolerated.


Please remember that simply because someone is a newbie/groupbie does not mean that they are an MID.


6. External Forum Issues

This is and therefore, please do not bring in fights from Twitter/Facebook/Instagram, and other forms of social media and websites over to this forum. We are not interested in what fan wars are happening elsewhere, but are striving to maintain a healthy atmosphere on IF itself. 


7. Appreciation Threads

Appreciation threads are used to praise and appreciate any particular actor/actress/characters. All discussions related to the looks/performance/style/personality of an actor or actress should be confined to the ATs. Any negative comments/opinion on other characters/actors/storyline/scenes that are not relevant to the actor/actress in question should not be discussed.


ATs/discussions threads cannot be used to target other members and NO pinpointing activity/mock or taking digs here toward other fan groups. Any derogatory references or name calling against actors /characters/members/development team members are strictly PROHIBITED here.



If the DT sees more than 3 people breaking the AT rules constantly for a week, the effects of violations will kick start, which go as follows:

First Violation - Warning Note

2nd - Another Warning Note 

3rd - Another Warning Note

4th - Close the AT for 24 hrs (1 Day) 

5th - Close AT for 72 hrs (3 Days)

6th - Close AT for 1 week (7 Days) 

7th - Get rid of AT completely from the Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar  Forum/Shift it to Celebrity Fan Club Forum!

The rules are applicable for multiple violation and not single post as it will be dealt individually! Having said that, please do not assume that every report submitted by opposite fan group will be entertained. We will go through the reports and only if we find the report valid based on above rules, then we will speak to the Admins of the AT and action will be taken accordingly as stated above.


8. Fan-Fictions/One-Shots/Short Stories

Members are welcome to post their creative writing based on the show in this forum; however, please keep in mind that there are limitations on IF as it has members from a number of different age groups. Please refer to the  *Fan Fiction Forum Rules & Regulations* rules in the Fan Fictions Forum.


9. Avatar & Signature Rules

India-Forums has got many great talents and amazing creations. However, please keep in mind that members are restricted to used only 3-4 signatures in the signature boxes.  Please refer to the  from the Avatar & Signatures forum regarding the rules for the same.


Anyone who does not abide by the rules will be asked to take down their signatures and may face consequences by the DT.


10. Discussing Personal Lives of Actors & Link-Ups

Unless there is a statement from the actors, discussing an actor's personal life is not allowed on IF, not in ATS and not in the general forum either. And please don't encourage any further discussion on such rumors. Any such topics will be closed.


11. Repeated Topics

Please check a few pages before making a topic on the same point. Repeated topics (including repeated articles) will be closed or merged.


12. No Chatting/Spamming

 Please refrain from chatting/spamming on the forum. Don't start personal chatting in threads opened for various discussion topics. In addition to this, posting only emoticons will be considered spamming, and is not allowed.


13. Quoting Posts/Members/Creations/Pictures

Don't quote long posts especially when it messes up the coding which makes it look bad. If you want to reply to someone use the @ format like @A:  , @B: & so on. Only up to 3 quotes are allowed in a post given the fact they are relatively small quotes and not page long essays, unless the purpose of quoting the long post is to provide inline replies to the entire thing. Definitely avoid quoting pictures or creations when responding to them, since they already slow down the site to begin with, particularly for readers who don't have high bandwidth.


14. Posting Articles

 Before posting any article please check to make sure that the article has not been posted before. IF has launched its own news hub Telly Buzz. We are now in direct competition with IndianTelevision & Telly Chakkar. See to it you do not post articles from these two websites. Also, do not copy paste articles from TC/ (Telly Tadka by changing the names or titles. No direct content from any of these sites will be allowed here. Do not post articles from Telly Buzz directly on forum. Provide link/source of the articles. 


15. Organizing Contest/Activities

Please take permission from the DT before organizing any contests, activities, games, or ATs in this forum.


16.  Promotions

 I know some of you all are very excited that you have become senior member, goldie, IF dazzlers, IF rockerz.. and we are truly happy for you all, but since this is the Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar forum, those topics need to go in the Meme4u Forum.     


17. Typing in CAPS LOCK

Please do not write in Cap Locks, not in any of the posts, and not as the titles for the threads that are opened. If you continue to do so it will result in a WL increase.


18. Utilizing Report Feature

 If anyone sees a thread/post/comment which is offending, please do NOT take law into your own hands to teach a lesson to that person. That aggravates matters more and you also become liable for action for reacting. Instead you should simply make use of the "REPORT" button and report the thread by stating the reason clearly. As soon as the DT comes online we will take the necessary action and try our best to resolve the issue. However, please do not report the same post multiple times, and if you do so, you will receive a PM warning.


The DT is not only 24/7, so please give the DT a reasonable timeframe of 24-48 hours after you have reported a post or sent us a PM to take action/get back to you before escalating the issue to the higher DT.

All of that being said, the DT is not allowed to disclose what we are doing with certain threads or what action we are taking, so please don't try to judge our decisions based only on what you might be seeing in the forum. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, and just because you might not see it, does not mean action hasn't been taking.


19. No Stretching the Issue or Discussing the Matter After DT has Posted Warning

 Though we urge you all to ignore and report, any of you ignore that and reply back. Also, despite DT posting warnings, members still stick to that incident instead of discussing the topic at hand. This stretches the issue. There is no need for you to reply back if the DT has already dealt with the issue. If people are so found of doing so, action will be taken.


20. Problems/Issues with the Development Team

 If you have any issues with the DT, please PM us and let us know! We are not biased towards any fan group, but that does not mean that we don't have our own opinions regarding the leads or any of the respective characters. However, that does not make us biased. If you have any problems, then let us know and we can try to resolve any issues that there are.


If you have questions and queries regarding anything, then please PM us. We would be more than happy to help you out.

In addition to the above mentioned section guidelines, the Participation Guidelines & Rules will be in effect.


If you have any doubts/suggestions/objections regarding anything then feel free to PM the DT and I will be more than happy to help you. The primary aim is to maintain a healthy atmosphere for discussion in this forum, and we hope that the members and the DT can work together to achieve that!



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