REBLAST 1 Episode 1 - 5 - Page 27


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kizh72 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Katelyn

One more from episode 4

It's getting deadlier and deadlier!😆
bluemoon255 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: kizh72

It's getting deadlier and deadlier!😆

yep and  its getting harder n harder to breath *fanning myself*

wiwy thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks dear Kate⭐️ for tempting me here with his edits! He is one hell of a man isn't it! And you have caught the essence of ASR so magnificently in all the edits and gifs!⭐️ 👏
If he had belonged to the age of the renaissance michaelangelo would have definitely sculpted his imperfect perfection!
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Katelyn

^ Me too...drooling.  I think Indi would really appreciate this...his neck...

me dead. such a deadly moment, that profile against a dull grey sky, still... then the turn. i need to write about 3. that is if i ever recover.
wiwy thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks Indu, Bhavi, In di on your comments on my vague rambling😳 on eps 1. Sorry I havent been on reblast in ages. 
Indu loved your digressions. I read your poem deep your thoughts run, how many in rivulets, deltaing on the heart
In di that bit you wrote on ASR being immobile yet massive is one of the most beautiful pieces I have read...he expresses through you best, I dont think even he knows himself like you know him..take a bow for you spew best when in  mess ! Yes no man registered to her like a man except him...instantaneous it was, their magic, and that smouldering dark but oozing light, that pyaar but groping for a name! Great di! 
Edited by wiwy - 9 years ago
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago
hi all...

super sannata on thread.

but i'd like to leave a thought here and in case you pick it up, do holler, shall come to chat.

okay, firstly, i think reblast should be free flowing, since we are going to watch episodes we feel like seeing... and get stomach ache giving, heartbeat scrunching questions from the things we see.

so while this is reblast 1 to 5, does anyone mind terribly if we discuss anything and everything?

anyway... the thing i am finding really interesting now is what has always been there but rarely discussed in any meaningful way...

the asr la khushi story.

it's gripping, intricate, real and far more exciting than the loud villainy around shyam. he is so obvious and even in terms of writing he is so clearly a "solution" to the necessary issue of creating conflict, something around which the story evolves.

but asr and la and into the equation the gradual infusion of one pompom queen... is subtle and sweet and somehow beautiful. because this can happen maybe? maybe we've seen it happen? and it really hints at the unpredictability of our inner workings, how an emotion completely takes us away from what we think we want to what we really want... can't do without.

asr's thing for la... natural... how it evolves around his own sense of i want to live my life as also severe irritation caused by a girl whom he is not being able to get his head around... her power over his thoughts evident in all his uncharacteristic moves...

that whole mysterious mayhem of her doing all she can to bring his gf back and then a tear that escapes saying what who knows...

just now while writing 100... i thought about that moment when he holds la but talks to khushi. should have put me off totally... but didn't.

did anyone else find the la asr kkg story exciting? it felt grown up and yet innocent... and rather cool.

made this edit for 100... have left a similar ponder on #29.

Horizon thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Indi, I am glad to have caught your inner mayhem about this story just the day you posted..believe it or not..  I was watching 86 a min ago.. and had some similar thoughts...
be back ...

kizh72 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Indi di,
The asr la khushi story. You put it perfectly, there was something clean about it. We didn't feel put off seeing a man fall for a girl when he had a live in girlfriend. When I read what you had written on the blast thread, I went and watched the episode where la is introduced. What fabulous delineation as far as that look in the eye is concerned, between the two girls! With la its a more indulgent, amused look, with madame gota pom pom, its chaos, almost helpless at times! Yes, I think he was fond of la, found her attractive, she fit the type which some one like him would be expected to date. He was not in love with her, they had an easy contemporary relationship in all the contexts its understood, even though nothing really was shown. That bringing of la to rm was an act of shoring up defenses against the gota pom pom attack. Would he have grabbed the phone and flung it with any one else, especially a woman, I don't think so. Yes, he had his gussa, but he knew how to control it, and he liked been in control. But when gota pom pom hits with a dash of sanak, there's not much one can do😆
The shyam angle is where ipk became the usual. That unsavoriness of it all, do the audience really want such things? But they could've done things with it too, which they didn't.
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: kizh72

Indi di,

The asr la khushi story. You put it perfectly, there was something clean about it. We didn't feel put off seeing a man fall for a girl when he had a live in girlfriend. When I read what you had written on the blast thread, I went and watched the episode where la is introduced. What fabulous delineation as far as that look in the eye is concerned, between the two girls! With la its a more indulgent, amused look, with madame gota pom pom, its chaos, almost helpless at times! Yes, I think he was fond of la, found her attractive, she fit the type which some one like him would be expected to date. He was not in love with her, they had an easy contemporary relationship in all the contexts its understood, even though nothing really was shown. That bringing of la to rm was an act of shoring up defenses against the gota pom pom attack. Would he have grabbed the phone and flung it with any one else, especially a woman, I don't think so. Yes, he had his gussa, but he knew how to control it, and he liked been in control. But when gota pom pom hits with a dash of sanak, there's not much one can do😆
The shyam angle is where ipk became the usual. That unsavoriness of it all, do the audience really want such things? But they could've done things with it too, which they didn't.

so liked what you said about the different notes in the look in his eyes. at la that indulgent, totally in control gaze. at khushi, turbulence rising, pretty much from the first shot. some weird connection and she gets under his skin. la doesn't.

no one's fault or shortcoming. that is how it is.

and yet, he does care for her. in the way he can. his defence of her way of thinking, her right to be respected, is to my mind pretty magnificent though in the too devised story line and in a conversation with jija ji... asr however is always saying things in all earnestness, he doesn't care it's a serial.

i was also extremely touched when he yells at la... haan parwah nahin hai tumhari... that's why i brought you home. said so much. he sounded hurt and tender, if that is possible with all that shouting.

the best and most that asr as he knew himself to be, could give in terms of emotion, he gave la. and what he couldn't give with his emotion... he gave from his intellect, his conscience. always defending her rights. love the takkar with nani. and also going back and apologising for his boorishness, bringing her back. while yes, khushi pranced around him and made sure he did it... he also went because he knew he had been too harsh. hurt la too much.

he had walked away from khushi and though he did meet her a couple of times more before we saw him with la, her thoughts were not in his mind all the time then. it was in 14 when he saw her again that he was highly irritated and slightly powerless again... and then she was in his office... then onward, she never left his mind, though he tried not to be aware of it.

la perhaps even became a bit of a defence against all those disturbing thoughts. in fact, he possibly raced toward the next step in his relationship with la thanks to those very thoughts and of course the head on with nani. ooh loved that i shall leave home moment... haan ussike saath he will live. that taking matters to ahead.. real drama, the sort that happens. he would move in with her... not the other way round... aaargh exciting, real, asr-ish.

i also found the story of khushi and la becoming friends convincing. and since i don't think the man is a complete idiot i am sure she has something in her to attract him, i liked seeing the positive elements of la... she was an interesting girl. plausible, including the silliness (okay all the dal and kitchen ha ha with mami were stupid but giggle worthy nonetheless), a funny vulnerability in her too and a streak of generosity hidden below the layers of inaneness.

i enjoyed the tone and tenor of the asr la relationship. she was never his plaything as many such stories project taking the simple way out. she was a girl he found interesting, he liked hanging out with, he liked getting physical with... his girl friend. he cared for her and sending her a bag was not a way of establishing she is a silly moron and he the all powerful asr, it was possibly what he knew she liked and so got for her in the most efficient way... he wanted to make her happy... because he is asr and that tender side of him peeps out no matter how laad governor he thinks he is.

and la too, she did love him... the egg eating for his sake was a nice touch... that was perhaps the hint that she would do crazy things just to get close to him, into his life... and so the agreeing at last to learning how to be adept at things his fam likes/expects of daughter in law. now i am thinking, her being deemed totally unfit possibly got triggered by la's own hasty decision to visit nani without telling him.

the intricacies of this tale are not written with huge serialish strokes, there's a nice development of the stories of three people's lives there somewhere... three young people, who have no idea where emotions take you, three people who will learn and experience much... and at the stage of life when there's resilience to deal with many things... something of the sort of relationship shifts you saw in "friends" was there... that lovely no hard feelings attitude at the end.

hmmm... was nice. could have done more with it.

the story suddenly decided to eject la permanently, i felt she could have been seen at some point other than that extremely badly devised suicide plot.

as for does the audience really wants such thing.

i think if you try to catch everyone with one thing, you finally end up depending on unsavoury stuff, the high villainy and lasciviousness, all the seven "sins" so called teehee, because that always attracts the human being, appealing to our nutty crazy creepy places within and what the h, 8 in the evening, let's catch some high menace in someone's life... gives that added pleasure of schadenfreude perhaps too.

i really don't know.

but going "mass" in a country with some 800 million (or whatever) tv viewers and that too with weak devices like trp to assess your impact and who likes what can be hazardous.

so the serials are what they are.

plus a lack of really good writers.

however if they tried to focus on a segment and told the tale with integrity... even shyam may not have had to be that done up.

again, i don't know.

after being hung up on a serial for this long, and knowing what all went wrong i ask myself then why am i still here. and then these thoughts come. there was something here. it was good.

actually mami ji is another one that intrigues me,
would have liked to know a bit more about her.

canny as hell. complex. vulnerable. sting in her tail... and capable of big love. that maid serbhaynt story, sigh i wish i knew. mama mami equasson bahutei intereshtingwa.

Posted: 9 years ago
Some edits to share.
