REBLAST 1 Episode 1 - 5 - Page 25


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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: wiwy

Indu eps 1 well thought out. โญ๏ธ Yes there was not the tragedy of losing his maa, but there was the betrayl of his father, broken marriage of his Di, his uncles betrayl, turning them out of their ancestral home, the cornerstone to the making of ASR. Yes the young boy grew and by leaps and bounds, he was forced to, how terrifying it must have been. Yet all accolades to him. He emerged strong not only for himself but also his Di and also became the chief breadwinner of his maternal family. The more he was burnt by life the more he shone like gold, the sun, the dhoop...

I wonder sometime what was Dadi doing when her grandchildren were going through such a grave crisis. Why didnt she stop her son, their uncle from throwing them out on the streets? I am not sure if it was Nani that took them in or Mami, Mama. I could be wrong but I feel Arnav was more attached to Mami than Nani, and there was a reason for that. He said himself that mami had sold her jewellery for him.
 Sorry for the digression๐Ÿ˜ณ what I wanted to say that I agree with you absolutely that both Arnav and Khushi were lonely inside, a permanent scar of the past had shaped their present life. Only their defense mechanisms were different as you say. Khushi in spite of her chirpiness could never share her innermost thoughts about Arnav with her Jiji. And Arnav he was openly the quiet withdrawn kind. Basically deep down their heart and soul had the same hurt. No wonder they found each other. Or DM ensured they did. The time for sukoon was here. And your poem reflects that so beautifully. Did he call? Did she seek? There was definitely something there, you cant see it but the feel was all over the first his arms! Lovely edits too Indu. Every bit you write and create is meanigful and connects so well! ๐Ÿ‘ Thanks!

Ritu,  much pleasing to read your views.

About that dadi, nani, mami role during arnav, anjali testing times, i wish we got to see that back story a bit when dadi was here, just a matter of shaping fine edges when all the clues were right infront.

ASR said when dadi was there that she left them that fateful day and went away  to Ashram.  she was too shocked and took care of only her own emotions but not the state of the two young kids. and left them to her other son who turned out a complete opportunist. There is no positive light left to be shed on her seems...

but I don't think asr loved mami more than nani. He did carry that immense gratitude for mami for being there for him at a crucial time but his respect for his nani is immense . Mami's maternal was not a very well to do family as reminded by nani many times when ever the former taunted Gupta sisters for their financial status, so guess  the jewelry sold by mami for asr must have been passed to her from nani as the DIL of the Raizada family. But even then it is indeed a huge sacrifice on part of mami to sell off all the glitter that mattered to her a lot for the sake of her orphaned nephew. Kudos.

But nani was always shown to have the poise to take care of her loved ones and their emotions in times of need. If we think of it, her trauma of loosing her daughter and SIL is identical to dadi's but she seemed to have dealt with it much more maturedly giving the kids the support they needed in time of need.

As an adolescent, asr did learn a thing or two from nani while being at Raizada house as he frequently referred in his arguments with nani, like to have the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them once made..

He loved, respected that lady immense no doubt that he took pride in taking her last name... what did malliks give him anyway.. one royally cheated his wife, one left her grand kids to their own fate and the other thrown them onto the streets...Raizada he is..

digression.. digression...did i royally eat your head??๐Ÿ˜Š.. thanks for reading / sharing your precious views ritu..

Horizon thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Holi is episodes 208-212.

Horizon thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: wiwy

Episode 1

Captainji and Archiverji Durgey  asked me if I had written Eps 1 since I had posted 2. And I realized I had simply jumped to eps 2  and given eps 1 the grand miss. That is because I did not really plan on writing on the episodes. But I guess I can  scribble some thoughts. So this goes out to you dear D!

While watching Eps 1 again, I was wondering why destiny brought them together in their first and dramatic meeting when it did ! I mean look at the timing. 
Having already gone through the episodes innumerable times we know now that the day was very important for Arnav. At long last he had succeeded in taking revenge against his,uncle. Today it was his turn to throw his uncle out of Sheeshmahal! And he did just that ruthlessly! This was the day he must have imagined so many times as he grew up as the ASR ! And now that he had achieved success...happiness, that sense of deja vu was missing. How come? He knew in his heart of hearts and Di pointed out to him as well that all this was meaningless. A wrong done by his uncle could not really be corrected by another uncompassionate, unkind move by Arnav. Why so? He had kept the fire of revenge burning inside him for years and he had destroyed his uncle in this fire at last! Yet that sense of satisfaction was not there today. Why? As he sat in his fashion show, he was restless somewhat, distant, preoccupied. Perhaps looking for answers to these questions and only coming up with more questions as he sighed deeply..what now! What was there to life for him now?, what goal! What purpose  ? When will the hurt in his heart cease to cloud his eyes?
And the answer fell into his arms!!
  If she had not occurred to him when she did I wonder where life would have led him? He would have remained the dhoop he had become...without her chhao...burning himself long and fast, yet remaining dark...

For Khushi, the timing was perfect too. She was overburdened with the sense of guilt, of the love her adopted family had given her. And now after her Jiji's marriage they would start looking for a groom for her! Her babuji would give her  away in marriage. ...Kanyadaan, the biggest charity of  all was yet to be performed and Khushi would definitely feel more overburdened than before. Likely she would feel the same sense of guilt when her husband loved her, took care of her, protected her...
She needed to break out...not to feel ever that she was living at the mercy of her adopted family, not to sacrifice her beliefs, her delights to bring smiles to their faces, that sense of guilt omnipresent...that had to go! 
And with her Laad Governor she could do just herself inside and outside without any guilt! Sprew anger as well as share her little joys and lurking sorrows with him as if it was the most natural thing in the world! She had every right to be  loved and be cherished by him, it was her haq! 
Indeed jodis are made in heaven by Devi Maiyya with perhaps some help from certain stars...who want to light the way and weave roses in the path of two fighters who refused to bow down to the obstacles life threw on their path...
The crackers burst in the background as he held her in an enthralling moment!  Its time! Let the journey begin...
...Iss Pyaar ko Kya Naam Doon?

Another brilliantly articulated piece wiwy. streamlined flow of thoughts... specifically loved that pondering in purple..๐Ÿ‘that happens some times when eve long fought battle is won yet leaving a sense of incompleteness..more than all the mortal revenges, he did miss his mother's presence and sukoon she offered which as much as tried to shun away  he knew some thing that couldn't be bought with you beautifully said it fell into his long waiting arms, heart..

As much as khushi's deep sense of gratitude is understandable, not sure if i appreciated it much after a point. Becos babuji never really seem to have treated her any different from payal and there was no dearth of love, its almost like as much as they gave all the unconditional love she has that paraya feeling for the Guptas.. not sure if I am being too harsh, guess its a fine balance of love and gratitude..
Lucid read, enjoyed much..

Posted: 9 years ago
Episode 3  ๐Ÿคข

aarwen thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
I can't look away Katelyn..
Posted: 9 years ago
^ Me too...drooling.  I think Indi would really appreciate this...his neck...Edited by Katelyn - 9 years ago
kizh72 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Katelyn

Episode 3  ๐Ÿคข

O mee gaaad!!!! Spare me this that shall not be named!๐Ÿ˜†
Crazy4IPK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Horizon

Episode 1:


His trust in general goodness around is long lost. It is one grave tragedy to lose both the parents on the same day quite shockingly and it is completely another to be left stranded on the roadside without a roof over one's head with no caring arm around the shoulder at a tender age. He may have gone miles ahead in life, but his heart is pretty much caged in that one moment... without a closure.. as Anjali said on that stage. His uncle's betrayal is a center stone in shaping his personality.

It's a good point you mentioned.  I agree with you. How they were abandoned and threw out from their own house sure impacted him severely. I wish if they would've shown ASR taken his revenge and punished his uncle.

Khushi, although unfortunate to have met the same tragedy as his, is blessed with a caregiver in her testing times. But her plight is different, to be heavily bogged down a gratitude for this family. With happy, chirpi, sanka ness as her defense she has evolved to mask her loneliness.

yes indeed. And that is a very divine quality of a person who knows how to hide her pain and agony behind her laughter.

Most of these seem to have been talked about in the past few pages by all and I totally agree with them all.

They both may have distinct self defense mechanisms and may have diametrically opposite functional modalities in life.. but their urge to seek a closure to a years long hurt remains similar. "Shayad mera dil tumhe pukar tha hai"  he said...his voice reaching, touching depths of soul..and she needed him as much as he needed her!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Note: wrote the following lines, an entire symbolic depiction, a month ago.  But took another full month to make any relevant edits. Now this seems almost obsolete..but once I scribble it has to reach these pages..:)


In Your Arms:


I have set out like I never did

As things were urge to mend

No cue to my kith

At risk was my dear one's wedding


Gawky I ride those narrow lanes

Slamming and turning ...

Was there a need to reach.. ..a wish to blend?

Into the azure astronomical expanses

I peek

As if there was a sign...

as if that was the scheme..

Did you hear me seek??


Lost was I in the maze of this world..

Looking for you??

Eyes closed ...I prayed to show me the way..

Eyes closed ...

You longed.. you waited.. you called


Fumbled.. startled...scared..

Here I step ...into your world...

An uncharted...palatial sphere..

Open your eyes...and hold me tight..

Here I am..

 in your arms!!


absolutely wonderful.
And the poem is so deep, so insightful and all the spectacular edits.
mind blowing write up.

Edited by sohara - 9 years ago
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Katelyn

Episode 3  ๐Ÿคข

i screamed almost when i saw this...

kate, this is one of my most fave shots of the man.

he seems to draw all elements into him... almost one of the elements himself. what is he thinking, what makes him so immobile yet massive... he is thinking of the night in sheeshmahal... a throbbing gutted man whose tenderness keeps its hold on him, every time he screams "maa", his softer gentler sweeter heart... but outside, like those old stones he stares at.

yes i know i sound mad.

he lets me. he makes me.

love your gif... that slow turn of head like trying to pull himself back to this world, his most ruthless self. and please how good is he looking.

that profile is unedited. every time i come to that scene, my mind goes places. that and the dupatta on his face. yes, episode 3.

Edited by indi52 - 9 years ago
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago

lovely read on episode 1. i am always amazed at how many different thoughts it sets off.

nice ponder on the timing of their meeting. why at that point?... he so inert, she so very vulnerable. what a meeting it was. filmi really. act it wrong and it's banal. or silly.

but barun and sanaya just made it explosive.

i could never figure out what all were in his eyes... was he even looking to be happy after getting the task of throwing chacha ji out of sheeshmahal? i feel he had severed all ties with happiness, joy and any such feeling... the little need for that feeling he may have, he reached for through his sister. when she was happy, watching her he was a little too. this was a task, he had focussed on and now it was achieved... done... next.

yeah i felt his immense weariness... his need for solitude. i think he is also the sort who immerses himself in work so as not to feel any pain... ever. no feelings. that's why his dimaag is paramount. that keeps him alive, afloat... for deep inside that there is a fabulous heart, his dil, with a tremendous need to love an be loved which is utterly shattered. betrayal charring it, leaving it wounded and raw.

i should have felt he is all darkness, they sure worked on that. his clothes, his tone of voice, his grimness, the night itself...

and yet his eyes smouldered with a peculiarly bright light.

that layer of simmering emotion beneath. he was lost in thoughts of his mother, that night, the sheer bludgeoning pain of it. but his dimaag was trained to say, he is fine, all is well.

ah, in that state of mind to have this completely strange bundle, all shiny and pouty fall into your arms.

and ruin your show.

oh boy.

khushi was still a happy go lucky girl, covering up her sadness with to much talk and food and sanka perhaps. still a child in many ways. 18 they had said, right?

i felt in that moment of impact and looking up into those dark unfathomable eyes, her childhood, for a moment, vanished and she was suddenly woman. this was not just a stranger... it was a man, very male.. holding her, perusing...

she had been very confident with the receptionist of the rose earlier, also a stranger, one spewing shayri... but she was just khushi with him, no real registering of this man... with asr, it was so instantaneous, breathtaking. of course, as i said, filmi... but these two just seemed to make it magical and real both at once.

here there are all sorts of things i can't decipher, but feel.

wiwy... very bad, you speak of that meeting so ruminatively and well, now i am in a mess.

Edited by indi52 - 9 years ago