A Journey To The North Pole || Merry Christmas!

.LilGreenRobot. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago




Joy to the World, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her king
Let every heart prepare Him room
and Heaven and nature sing
and heaven, and heaven, and nature sing

Christmas is not just a time for excitement. This season brings along with it bliss, happiness, serenity and love.The frosty airwarmed by the naive smiles of the children. This beautiful season brings people together from across the globe from all corners. Presents lying under the trees and we sit there shaking the boxes trying to figure out what's inside. The house aromatised by the scintillating scent of candles, pine, berries and cookies.  Sparkly garlands all over the house. As the year approaches it's end, Christmas greets us all with laughter, warmth and blessings.There are no adequate words to describe the magical feeling this holy season brings.

Edited by Aahaana - 9 years ago


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.Username. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Edna : Hey Ladies and Gentlemen of this wonderful India-Forums. May I have your attention,please?


Renu: So you all may be wondering " What's so special in this year's C h r i s t m a s Thread that we're welcoming you in such a strut manner?".


Mishti Well,if that is so,then not to worry.We'll tell you.


Abhi : So,IFwasis, as we all know this is the special season of Christmas and we gather on IF and wish each other a Merry Christmas every year by the means of the Crazy Creatives who,every year, work hard and bring out an indeed wonderful and marvellous Christmas thread. But,this year, we, Teammates of the ea m   R u d o l p h The Reindeer have been given the golden opportunity to introduce to you people the joy of the enchanting Christmas in our way. So,this year,we aren't going to repeat same things you see in the Christmas thread. Instead we will take you on a f u n -f i l l e d and thrilling ride on S a n t a ' s    s l e i g h! Yes,Santa's sleigh. Isn't that exciting,people?


Hridey : We'll go round the Liberty statue,Move down the London Bridge,Touch a number of Egyptian Pyramids,Awe at the Taj Mahal,Slide through the China Wall and much more. So,hop in and join us on this jolly ride.


Linaya : Oh people!First,may we go to Santa,please?


Krishna Why not,Linaya? But where is that m a g i c a l Christmas book we have to touch to reach Santa?


Mariyam : Oh,here it is. I kept it with utmost care!


Hridey : Really? We know how much you've cared for it while watching your Asher and Ashlok!


Mariyam : Hri, Don't you dare taunt me!


Edna : Stop it guys,can we please move?


Linaya : Everyone touch this book please and say...


*Everyone touches the book and says : Oh The Book sacred ,Take us to the Santa's house Greeny-Red*


Abhi : Where are we?


Mishti : We are in the mystical place of the N o r t h   P o l e !


Renu : But where is he?


Krishna : He must be here,somewhere...


Abhi : Look there...There's something on the table.


Edna : Looks like a note...ermm book...yeah,It's a diary.


Mariyam : D i a r y??! I will read it.


Hridey : What? We are here to find out Santa and go on the ride,not to read and laugh.

Mariyam : How do you know that here will be some jokes? You read it before me?


Hridey : Nope. I was just saying...


Abhi : Look it's the diary of Santa.


Edna : So what? 


Abhi : He must have written where he is supposed to be.


Linaya : Give it *snatches* let's see at the last page...


Abhi : *snatches it back* Ufff...Try to enjoy the life young lady... Read it from the first page.


Linaya : Okk...Mr. Entertainment. Read it aloud.


Abhi And here it starts...To do list and the date is 2 5 t h December,2014.


5 AM : Get up and take a warm bath. *Giggles* 


Krishna : What? Dont you have that habit?

Abhi : Can you concentrate...


5 : 30 AM : Have a cold coffee to start the day with fresh mind.


6 : 00 AM : Prayer time.


6 : 30 AM : Wake Rudolph up.


7 : 00 AM : Make him a delicious breakfast. And make him ready.


Abhi : At 7 AM ? Why?


Renu : Let's see...*Getting interested*


7 : 30 AM :Breakfast time.


8 : 00 AM : Take a pen and make a long list of gifts.


9 : 00 : Finalize the list. Make a fair copy.


11 : 00 AM : Get ready to do shopping.


11 : 30 AM : Off to shop.


Abhi : Guys, don't you think Santa has forgot something to write.


Mariyam : No,I don't think so...Everything is right.Why?


Abhi  : *shows the diary* See its 11 AM right after 9. Has he missed something...or he is hiding something.


Hridey : Abhi ,Do you think Santa only gifts you and us...He gifts lots and lots of good children around the world.


Abhi : Then delete your name from that list.

Hridey : *angrily* Can you read...


Abhi : That's it.


Renu : What? That's it...?


Abhi : Nothing ahead is written...


Santa : Ho! Ho! Ho! Because I have a sharp memory power.


Edna Santaaa...*Hugs* 

Abhi : Edna, he is also a guy...

Edna : ermm...Not bad as you are! 


Santa : OK,children stop fighting... So what do you wanna know? You were so interested in reading my diary!


Krishna : Santa,we would like to know your s t o r y of riding on the eve of Christmas.


Santa : Ho..Ho..Ho..I shall tell you.


Linaya : Not now...not here...


Mishti : You have to take all our IFwasis on the sleigh and you have to narrate.


Santa : Sure...I'll make the sleigh ready.




Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way...

Oh what fun it is to ride in an one horse open Sleigh...


Santa : My dear wonderful children of India-Forums,Once, I used to ride all the way with fun and laughter around the globe. It was a great time. C h i l d r e n   w a i t e d for me under the tree. They fell asleep and their parents carried them to their beds. And it will be exactly midnight of Christmas Eve and the Beautiful Christmas day when I     d r o p p e d   g i f t s  inside the chimneys of good children. *sigh* It was a time...it WAS.


Nowadays, Children are n o t anymore children nor innocent. They all are grown ups...even at the small age. And people of the world don't have time to set  up even a Christmas Tree. N o   t i m e to enjoy and laugh. Its so sad. My work is done in this...


Edna : No ,Santa this not what we want to hear from you. 


Abhi : See still we are eager to h e a r     s t o r i e s from you under a candle light and with the warmth of the chimney. We want you to come every eve of Christmas.


Renu : To drop in the gifts and we are very eager to open them next morning to find out what we have got.


Krishna : Ok guys...Now lets change the mood. Santa we have some q u e s t i o n s  for you.


Santa : Questions for me...?


Linaya : Yes, and you have to answer them.


Santa : Ho.Ho.Ho... Ask me...


Mishti : How do you find out what a child want?


Santa : I'll be w a t c h i n g over the child for the whole year. Each child...I will observe their prayers and with the angels help I find the thing what they want. Even the kids who are bad, I leave them something. No child deserves to have a gift-less Christmas. 


Mariyam : How do you carry all the gifts in such small bag?


Santa : I have a b i g Sleigh that you all can see where I store all the gifts. When I reach a area I carry only few on my bag and distribute.


Edna : Don't you get tired of  sleighing all night?


Santa : No...The s m i l e s in each and every child's face makes me more and more energetic.


Renu : Smile is the secret of Santa's energy.

What will you do if you reach a dark place? Are you afraid of dark?


Santa : The bright Spirits show me the way. They shine all the way I go... So no.


Abhi : Tell us something about Rudolph.


Santa : Rudolph is my another f l a s h - l i g h t when it is too dark. His bright red nose always manages to show me the way. But honestly children, Rudolph is no more special than my other reindeers. All of them are special for me. Just because he has a bright nose, it doesn't make him more or less special to me. I l o v e all my children, reindeers and elves e q u a l l y


Hridey : One last question. what message would you like to leave for all IF members?


Santa : Children of India-Forums, Please don't bash other people. All of us need to live in harmony and peace. And, I hope each and every one of you prays for all the deaths occurred this year. Especially the children that died in the school. Take a initiative to stop these crimes. Even a small step makes a difference. More so, Celebrate life. Live, Party and Laugh. But please, Don't drink and drive. H a v e  A  B l a s t

Edited by .Username. - 9 years ago
.LilGreenRobot. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

"Merry ChristmaSanta!!!"

Thm e m b e r s of  India Forums shouted joyfully as soon as Santa opened the door for them. 

"Merry Christmas kids ..Get in"

The members rushed into the house. The members were offered drinks and sweets, whilst Santa went to work. That was when someone approached Santa. 

"Santa what are you doing?,"  Asked the kid.

"I'm wrapping the gift which will be gifted to the kids all over the world tonight. Would you like to help me?" Santa answered.

"I would love to, "  the kid started helping Santa,  "Santa, Can I ask you something?"

"Sure ," Santa replied

"Santa we celebrate Christmas every year,but what's the story behind it??can you please tell me the back story of it?"  The kid asked, while Santa smiled.

"Yes, Santa we all want to know about it please tell us the back story of Christmas," the other members joined in

"I surely will kids. Now every one take your seats."

All the children gathered around the fireplace while Santa began his story.

"The meaning of Christmas in old English means is "C h r i s t ' s   M a s s" which  is a annual f e s t i v a l commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.

According to the biblical accounts Jesus born to virgin M a r y in the assistance of her husband J o s e p h at a stable surround by the animals  in B e t h e l e h e mAn angel from the  heaven informed  the shepherds  about the arrival of  the Christ saying  "good news of great joy""to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord."  The shepherd were the first ones to visit the infant Christ. 

Some popular traditions also speak about t h r e e  k i n g s named Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar visiting the infant Christ but these aren't mentioned in any of the biblical account. 

In the biblical account of G o s p e l  o f   M a t thew,  it is mentioned that lots of magi/ a s t r o l o g e r s also visited the young Jesus bringing the i f t s of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to the infant  Jesus. It is believed that all the visitors use to follow a  m y s t e r i o u s   s t a r, commonly known as the "S t a r   O f   B e t h l e h e m ", believing it to announcement of the birth of "A   k i n g   o f   t h e   J e w s"

Soon The king of Bethlehem, H e r o d The Great also got aware of the Christ's birth and the treatment he received as if he was a holy spirit. He felt Jesus was to be a t h r e a t to him and thus he ordered that all male children in his country under 2 year should be s l a u g h t e r e d.

But even before this could happen, Joseph was w a r n e d by an angel in his dream about Herod's bad intention. In order to save his son, he moved to Egypt. And after Herod's death, the family returned from Egypt, but they were afraid to return to Bethlehem because Herod's son who was the present king, Hence they moved to 
G a l i l e e "

As Santa completed the story, he saw that all members still had more questions! They were not done interviewing him!

Edited by .LilGreenRobot. - 9 years ago
.Username. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

"That's it kids... Shoo away now, I have a lot to do!"Mr. Claus said after narrating to the kids how important Christmas is. It's not that Santa didn't enjoy their company; it was only because there was so much to get done as it was Christmas Eve.

Abhi: But Santa...

"What is it now kids?" Santa asked after heaving out a sigh.

Hridey: Well... You've told us all about Christmas and why it's celebrated. But we're still confused.

"What's there to be confused about my child?" Santa asked.

Linaya: Why do people have a tree in their homes and all those beautiful decorations?

"Ah, I see. Gather around again kids and let me enlighten you all. Along with the story behind Christmas and why it's celebrated; all these decorations have a very important meaning behind them." Mr Claus said while he headed to sit on his couch near the fireplace.

Renu: Really Santa?!

Edna: Does that mean you'll be telling us another story?

All the kids started screeching in exhilaration. They were all excited to hear more about their favourite season of the year.

"But before I start telling you about all the important symbols; can anyone tell me if they know any important symbols?" Santa asked the kids to test their knowledge.

Mariyam: Me! I know an important symbol! I know the Angel!

Abhi: So do I! I know about the Star!

Krishna: I know some symbols too Santa! I know about the candles, candy cane and the bells too.

"Very good. But. There are many other very important symbols which you should know about." Mr. Claus told the kids with a warm smile on his face.

Edna: I know the story behind why people believe in you Santa.

Hridey: Santa can you tell us about the mistletoe?

Renu: Calm down everyone! I know you're all excited and so am I. But will you let the man speak.

"There are many important Christmas symbols. But what I'll be telling you about the wreath, star, angel, candles, bells, mistletoe, stocking, Christmas tree, candy cane and about myself." Santa explained to the kids while he sat back in his huge couch and relaxed.

Linaya: What about the reindeer Santa?

"Ah. Thank you for the reminder my child. I will also tell you about the lovely reindeers that help me throughout the night." He replied back in assuring the children he will tell them everything.

" I will start with the wreath. Listen very carefully children." Santa told the kids.

Santa: A   w r e a t h   is an assortment of flowers, leaves, fruits, twigs to form a ring. In keenness of Christ's birth, a candle is lit each Sunday before Christmas. The wreath is made from evergreens and symbolizes s t r e n g t h because evergreens last even through the harshest winters.

"What do you want to know about next?" Santa asked the children to keep them engaged while increasing their knowledge about the holy season.

Mishti: Can you please tell us about the angels. Do angels really exist?



 Santa: Yes, indeed. A n g e l s do exist and they are around us everywhere keeping us safe.  Angels play a big part during Christmas. As it is known that angel G a b r i e l  revealed to Mary that she will give birth to Jesus, an angel visits Joseph in his dreams and an angel tells the shepherds about Jesus' birth. Often, people would place angels on the very top of their Christmas trees to symbolize the significance of the angels who appeared high above Bethlehem to joyfully a n n o u n c e Jesus' birth on the first Christmas.

Hridey: Wow! That's so cool, we have angels around us.

Krishna: What's next Santa?!

"Patience, children. I will tell you everything you need to know about Christmas."Santa laughed.

Linaya: But Santa, if an angel is placed on top of the tree, where is the star placed?

Mariyam: I was thinking about that too. Are they both placed on top together?

"People choose what they want on top of the tree. Either the star, or the angel." Santa explained.

Santa: As I mentioned to you in the story behind Christmas, the S t a r   o f   
B e t h l e h e m  which guided the Magi to where Jesus was when he was born. This is why the star is an important symbol for Chrismas.

Renu: Tells us more about the symbols Santa.

Edna: I want to know more about the candy cane. I love candy!

Santa: The c a n d y   c a n e looks like a shepherd's crook.  The shepherd used his crook to keep the sheep from wandering away from the flock and getting lost or eaten by a wild animal.  The Bible says, "The Lord is my shepherd."  The candy cane should remind us that Jesus is our s h e p h e r d and he will keep us from wandering away and getting lost or hurt. The candy cane is mostly white with red stripes.  White is a symbol of purity.  The red stripe symbolizes Christ's s a c r i f i c e and the white background his p u r i t y.

"Honouring our Saviour's sacrifice is very important during Christmas. Never forget that my children." Santa advised the kids.

Krishna: We'll never forget that Santa. But, I wanted to know why bells are rung in the morning during Christmas.

Santa: B e l l s were rung to announce the b i r t h of Jesus and now they are rung welcome Christmas with a "joyful noise" (Psalm 95:1;98:4)

Mishti: My mum always lights candles during Christmas. She tells us to never let the candle blow out. Why does she do this Santa?

Santa: At Christmas, a large c a n d l e symbolizing the Lord used to be set up in the homes of the faithful on the eve of the Feast. It was placed in the centre of a laurel wreath and kept burning through the Holy Night, and was lit, thereafter, every night during the holy season. The candles illustrate the light that Jesus bought. Christmas is known as the "f e a s t   o f    l i g h t", as Jesus, the Light of the World, the Rising Dawn, the Light to be revealed to the Nations (Luke 2, 32), is born. 

"Does anyone know what sort of tree is used during Christmas?" He again enquired from the kids.

Abhi: I know! It's a fir tree!

Santa: That's correct. The evergreen f i r   t r e e was used by Pagans for thousands of years to decorate their houses during winters. It is knows that these beautiful evergreen fir trees reminded them of the s u m m e r which was coming. In many countries, it was believed that these evergreen trees keep away witches, ghosts, evil spirits and illnesses. Today, the Christmas tree is traditionally decorated in secret with lights, tinsel, and ornaments by the mother and is lit and revealed on Christmas Eve with cookies, nuts, and gifts under its branches.

"Who always hangs a few stockings in their home during Christmas?" Mr. Clause took off his round framed spectacles and placed them on the little coffee table by the side of this huge couch.

All the kids put up their hands in unison causing the old man to smile.

"And do you know why the stockings are hung in the house?"

Edna: For decorating?

Hridey: I'm sure there's another meaning behind it.

Mariyam: I don't think anyone knows why Santa.

Santa: Very long ago, there lived a p o o r man and his three very beautiful daughters. He had no money to get his daughters married, and he was worried what would happen to them after his death. He thought they would become prostitutes. I (Saint Nicholas) was passing through when I heard the villagers talking about the girls. I (St. Nicholas) wanted to help, but I knew that the old man wouldn't accept charity. I then decided to help in secret. After dark, I threw three bags of 
g o l d  through an open window, one landed in a stocking. When the girls and their father woke up the next morning they found the bags of gold and were, of course, overjoyed. The girls were able to get married and live happily ever after. Other versions of the story say that I (Saint Nicholas) threw the 3 bags of gold directly into the stockings which were hung by the fireplace to dry. This led to the custom of children hanging stockings or putting out shoes, eagerly awaiting gifts from me, Saint Nicholas.

Renu: Santa, you've told us all about the Angel, star, stockings, wreath, candles, bells and candy cane. What's left?

Krishna: I think, the mistletoe and about Santa himself!

Linaya: Guys, you're forgetting the poor reindeers again.

Mishti: Tell us about the mistletoe first, please. Save the best for last.

Santa: Very well. M i s t l e t o e is a plant that grows on willow and apple trees. The tradition of hanging it in the house goes back to the times of the ancient Druids. It is supposed to possess mystical powers which bring g o o d   l u c k to the household and wards off evil spirits. It was also used as a sign of love and friendship in the Norse mythology and that's where the custom of k i s s i n g under mistletoe comes from.

Linaya: And now the reindeers!

Krishna: Calm down Linaya. He'll tell us.

Santa: My r e i n d e e r s form an imaginary team of flying reindeers traditionally held to pull my sleigh of Santa Claus and help me d e l i v e r Christmas gifts. I have 9 reindeers whose names are: Dasher; Dancer; Prancer; Vixen; Comet; Cupid; Donder; and Blitzen. And I also have a very lovely red nosed reindeer known as Rudolph who leads the pack.

Abhi: A red nose reindeer, that's pretty cool. Don't you think so guys?

Edna: Yeah it is cool. Can we find out about Santa himself now?

Renu: Finally! We're going to find out about Santa, from Santa himself!

Mariyam: I never thought I'd see this day.

Linaya: So the idea about coming to North Pole wasn't so bad after all.

Hridey: Even though I wanted to go and explore the world, I must say; this is one of the best trips ever!

Krishna: I think we should visit next year as well.

Santa watched the kids emote their excitement in awe.

Mishti: Okay everyone, will you let Santa talk now?

Santa: Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," I, Nicholas used my whole inheritance to a s s i s t the needy, the sick, and the suffering. I dedicated my life to s e r v i n g God and I was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. I was known as Bishop Nicholas and I became known throughout the land for my generosity to those in need and my love for children. Santa Claus is generally depicted as a portly, joyous, white-bearded man sometimes with spectacles, wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots and who carries a bag full of gifts for children.

"That's it children. These are some of the most important symbols of Christmas. Don't you ever forget." Santa instructed the kids.

"We won't forget" The children said in harmony.

"Hurry off home now kids. I still have a lot to do." Santa put his spectacles back on and got up.

Krishna: No Santa wait. There's still more.

Santa: We can talk more after a break!

All: Everyone don't leave, We will return in a few minutes. Tab tak, please enjoy the post about how to make Christmas special!


Check the next post to see how to make Christmas special!
Edited by .Username. - 9 years ago
.LilGreenRobot. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

The Christmas season may seem merry with presents under the tree and
decorations in the house and yard, but there are many ways to make
Christmas special. Take this holiday season and slow down to truly
appreciate your friends and loved ones by spending some quality time with them.

Here are some pretty small steps so that this Christmas is extra special.

Make Your Own Christmas Cards and gifts them to your loved ones

Buy A Present To Give To A Children's Charity

Give Your Unwanted Clothes To A Homeless Shelter

Spend time outside absorbing the natural beauty of this time of year.
The smells, the sounds, the climate of December are all part of the joyful anticipation of Christmas.

Avoid Christmas Day Arguements

Turn Off The Television And Spend Time Together

Write a love letter. One of the most meaningful gifts you can give is a hand-written letter expressing your love and gratitude to your spouse/beloved, your parents, your children, or a treasured friend

I'm sure you guys know many more ways to make this day special . Lets make this Christmas special and memorable one 😳

Edited by .LilGreenRobot. - 9 years ago
.Username. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Mariyam: Here's a g i f t for you from us Santa.

Mishti: Thank you for teaching us all about the importance of Christmas.

Renu: This is the best trip of our lives!

Hridey: If only we could stay longer and explore other place around here.

Krishna: Sorry guys but we're running out of time and we have to leave.

Abhi: But I wanted to see the red nose reindeer.

Edna: Not this time. Maybe next time when we visit.

LinayaOk guys it's time to leave. We've stayed long enough. Santa make sure you open the gift when we leave.

Santa: Come over here kids.

Santa opened his arms wide and embraced the kids showing gratitude and appreciation.

"T h a n k   y o u for visiting and keeping me company. I will surely send you whatever you wish for." He told them as they all picked up their belongings, ready to make an exit.

"Bye Santa!" The kids said mutually.

As soon as the kids left; Santa picked up the gift he received from them which he had placed on the coffee table. The box was beautifully adorned by red wrapping paper and adorable green, gold and white ribbons. Inside the box, he found a scroll held together by a small strand of Christmas lights. The letter inside read:

"C h r i s t m a s   is not just a time for excitement. This season brings along with it bliss, happiness, serenity and love. As the year approaches it's end, Christmas greets us all with laughter, warmth and blessings. There are no adequate words to describe the magical feeling this holy season brings. We wish this Christmas greets you with utmost cheer. May this season bring you all the love, happiness and laughter you desire. We're grateful for all the gifts you send us. We're grateful for all the things you do. You're someone who loves another and seeks to make everyone happy. While everyone waits for gifts, we take a pause and remember Santa Clause. The man dressed in all red and white fur spreading cheer all around. May your life be filled with good luck and prosperity! We take this chance to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Don't Leave Everyone, We have more gifts for Santa!

Edited by .Username. - 9 years ago
.Username. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

When ever we think about Christmas, the first thing we think about is Santa's Christmas gifts.

Every year, it is Santa who gifts us for Christmas, so we thought that why don't we gift Santa this year?! He deserves some gifts for all the hard work he does for us. 

H e r e   a r e   f e w   g i f t s   f o r   S a n t a . ! !

Have Merry X-mas people..!!
Edited by .Username. - 9 years ago
.LilGreenRobot. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
C L O S I N G 

Write ups:



Edited by .LilGreenRobot. - 9 years ago
Sexylicious. thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Merry Christmas 
Beautiful thread guys 👏
RoseWine thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Lovely Thread! Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Guys!