Maharana Pratap Rules and Regulations

Sadme-Me-Hu thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago
Hello Everyone,

With the leap taken place in the show and new members, fan-groups joining the Bharat Ka Veer Putra - Maharana Pratap forum. It is time to re-introduce some rules for the section in order to have a free flow of ideas/discussions in a peaceful manner on the forum.

BubblyR (Incharge of the MP forum)
Amor. (Provides Written Updates)

Permissions regarding any forum important threads viz. Appreciation Threads, Activities Thread must be taken from the DT of the section.

The Viewbie will be your 1st point of contact.
You may contact the Global Moderators ONLY if the DT is away or you are not convinced with the work or decision taken by the Development Team of the forum. Coolbies are not part of the DT and only provide Written Updates. They do not handle forum issues and hence all issues should be directed to the DT (Viewbies and above).

1. Criticism and Bashing: India Forums is a platform to allow everyone to express their opinions freely within the IF-COC and respectable limitations. Constructive Criticism is always welcomed. However bashing is not part of constructive criticism. Things can be said in a more civilized manner rather than being brutal.

Please know the difference between bashing and constructive criticism. Constructive Criticism is when a member voices his/her opinions in a civil manner, without using derogatory words and phrases to prove his/her point. He/she is also able to state [without subjugation and with complete objectivity] as to where have they derived their opinion from. Having said that dislike, disagreement or contradiction is not considered bashing.

2. Name Calling: While criticizing something, there are times when members tend to go overboard and use certain derogatory and downright offensive words which shouldn't be used for any celebrity/member/DT member. Please remember that any derogatory references, comparing celeb/member to animal or name calling any person [celeb/member/DT member] is against forum rules, and strict action will be taken against those who indulge in it. That being said, we do allow pet names and couple names for the celebs, as long as they're not offensive to anyone.

3. Bringing physical attributes into discussion: Lately, many members have been found to do the same at time even indirectly. Such negative posts are strict NO as far as IF rules go. Anyone now onwards found making negative posts on physical appearances of a character/actor/fellow member will face strict action, even indirect mention of the matter will not be entertained.

4. Discussing and Mocking Members: Refrain from pointing fingers or taking direct/indirect or sarcastic digs at other members. Fans can be passionate towards their favorite celebs, but it does not mean they can be judgmental towards other members/fans. Calling other members/fan groups 'haters', 'bashers' or "real fans" in a snide manner is also provocative and comes under fandom attack.

You cannot say that other members were mocking, and what you did was in retaliation to that. Being part of a the MP forum you are responsible for your own actions and the circumstances are insignificant there. If you have any issue with regards to any member, contact the section Development Team member. DO NOT TAKE THE RULE BOOK IN YOUR HAND. There is absolutely no need to discuss/talk about members/fan groups who are not part of the section.

5. Personal attack:
Each and every one are entitled to having their own point of view, likes and dislikes. Differences in opinions are bound to exist in a forum like However, this does not permit one to attack their fellow members for not sharing the same point of view. Let us respect our fellow members and refrain from making any provocative statements, which may only lead to unnecessary quarrels.

Members come here to relax and unwind. Quoting some one's post and making a harsh comment begets displeasure. You have no right to post any abusive, derogatory, insulting or sarcastic comments which is enough to hurt the sentiments of your fellow member. All these fictions are not worth hurting a fellow IF members. Please do remember this.

6. Instigating/Entire post in CAPS: Recently we have had a spate of topics opened with the sole purpose of riling up fans and disrupting decorum of the forum. This includes but is not limited to stories, theories, comparisons, images, cartoons or other content which is intentionally sarcastic, mocking and derogatory to cause discontent and rile people up. At the same time simply because there is an instigating topic does not mean that other members should respond and carry on such a topic.

  1. Topics created to instigate fan groups or cause chaos in the forums will be closed and addressed per Devt. Teams discretion.
  2. The Devt. Team will also take appropriate stringent action based on the level of bashing/rule violation.
  3. Regular members are expected to refrain from commenting on responding to such topics and posts. Members who continue to comment and extend such arguments will be held liable for continuing and adding to the instigation.
  4. If you find a topic to be instigating report and stop at that. Do not reply, argue, or talk back.

Posting in all Capital Letters/CAPS is not permitted. This represents "SHOUTING" on the internet and it also can be viewed as offensive. If u want to stress on a word, couple of words can be typed in Capital but DO NOT type the whole Post in Capital Letters.
Comparisons posts or polls which state 'Who was better?' 'Which is a better couple?' etc to do with actors/characters or couples will not be allowed on the forum.

7. Appreciation Threads: Appreciation threads are to be used to praise and appreciate particular favorite actor/actress/characters. All discussions related to actor's/actress performance, looks, style and personality can be confined to ATs.

Any negative comments/opinion on other characters/actors or on storyline that are not relevant to the thread's topic, scene or actor/characters scene with other characters should NOT be discussed here. Members can discuss relevant scene where other characters are involved but no speculation or hint about non-existent couple/love angle! We are forced to implement this restriction because many members asked for a place where they can discuss about their favorites while being free of the negativity towards them that they might encounter elsewhere in the main forum. Main purpose is bond here with other members who likes the same thing, while being free of negativity towards what they likes.

.:Penalties associated with the ATs: If the DT sees more than 3 people breaking the AT rules constantly for a week, the effects of violations will kick start, which go as follows:

First Violation : Warning Note.
Second Violation : 2nd Warning Note.
Third Violation : Another Warning Note + Warning PMs.
Fourth Violation : AT will be closed for 24 hours (1 day).
Fifth Violation : AT will be closed for 72 hours (3 days).
Sixth Violation : AT will be closed for 7 days (1 week).
Seventh Violation : AT will be moved from the MP section to the CC section.

The rules are applicable for multiple violation and not single post as it will be dealt individually! Having said that, please do not assume that every report submitted will be entertained. We will go through the reports and only if we find the report valid based on the above mentioned AT rules, then we will speak to the Admins of the AT and action will be taken accordingly as stated above.

8. Multiple ID's (MID): Code of Conduct strictly prohibits members from having multiple IDs. Please refrain from making MIDs. MIDs are prolly used only to bash celebrities, characters and/ or member. If ever convicted with having MIDs, all except the most active ID will be inactivated, followed by a raise in W/L to the active ID. And not every newbie is an MID - some are genuine members so do NOT attack members who belongs to newbie ladder by generalize them as MIDs.
If Members suspect MID they are requested to contact DT. We DT will look into the matter but under no circumstances are members allowed to bully newbies or groupbie claiming then as MIDs in the Forum.

Furthermore, we request all the members to refrain from creating MID's with a sole purpose to cause chaos, instigate members and disrupt the decorum of the forum. If any member is found doing so, that member will be questionable and the original ID will get a warning level raise and MIDs will be banned without further question.

9. Spamming and Quoting/ Unnecessary Chatting: Do not spam with just emotions/numbers/gibberish to increase post count/pages. The MP forum has a Chat Club and it will be appreciated if members use only and only that particular thread for any sort of chatting and any casual discussion. It has been noticed that these days literally EVERY thread ends up with members chatting irrelevant things. The discussions just get lost in the pages due to excessive and unnecessary spamming, quoting and chatting. Members should avoid doing so.

If any topic gets deviated from its original premise - from discussion to chat zone, the DT has every right to lock the thread with discretion. Also, Quoting more than required just for the sake of increasing pages will NOT be allowed.

10. Discussing Actors Personal Life and Link Ups: This is yet another important issue. Any thread on the MP forum that revolve around rumors or promote baseless assumptions in terms of non-existing relationship about two co-stars will be strictly prohibited! For example, any particular thread that links two actors in real life without proper official source/confirmation, when they are simply co-stars/professional colleagues will be immediately locked down.
However, you are more than welcome to discuss the characters and the actors with respect to the show and their roles thereof, without breaching the boundary.

11. External Forum Issues/Promotion: This is hence keep external issues out of this forum and do not drag in fights from Facebook/Twitter etc. over to this forum. We are not interested in demeaning anyone here neither are we interested in those fan wars so whatever happens on Facebook/Twitter or other sites should be dealt there only and not here. It may sound harsh but that's how we operate here.

Do not promote other sites/forums on I-F. You want to share link of the site with your friends you can do it via PM. Any site or blog demeaning the celebrity and link given to the same in the signature or on the forum is NOT allowed. For more information refer - External Content from Social Networking Sites

12. Fan-Fictions/One-Shots or Short-Stories and Mature content: Since the show is a mature show, there are bound to be some stories that are mature and for older people to read. But remember that there are limitations on India-Forums as it has members from age group of 10 to around 60. Hence, please remember where to draw the line. Refer - **Adult contents and the mention of rape in FF** which will erase any kind of doubts about the mention of Mature content in your writing.

*Imp: India-Forums does not permit any FF/SS/OS made on the ACTORS of the show. Members have full privilege to write stories on the characters but not on the actors and these ofcourse must be within the FF Section Rules and IF-COC.

13. Avatar & Signatures rules: India-forums has got many great talents and their creations tempt us to adorn our signature boxes.  And with many new TV shows , TV couples and new hot hunks, our addictions increase and we just want to fill our signature box with our latest obsession. But it has come to the  attention of I-F Development Team that many members are using more than 3-4 signatures and some of those signatures are way too large in size.

Furthermore, we've also noted some stacking many signatures into one big signature and use it.  We also have come across wallpapers as signature. By using wallpapers over the size limit, the page orientation gets messed up, hence we wish to implement and reinforce rules. Refer - ATTN: Signature/Avatar Size - Guidelines.

Anyone who doesn't abide by the rules, will be asked to take down their signatures and may face consequences by the Development Team! Refrain from posting fake or morphed images intended to defame/ ridicule /abuse any celebrity &/member. This includes posting animal images with the intent to be sarcastic and bash any member/celebrity. Signatures attacking taking dig at any fan-group will not be tolerated. At all times Avatar & Signature Shop Rules rules will apply towards any creations.

.:Creation & Picture Gallery Rules:
While there is no stop on displaying your creations in the creation gallery, there are some minute rules that you NEED to follow while commenting/posting in the creation gallery. Incase you do want to have a quick recap about the Creation gallery rules you may check this:

Also, while posting pictures/screenshots or caps from a particular episode, members are requested NOT to share any picture which promotes or advertises any rival site. Pictures having such tags will be trashed on the DT discretion.
Posts/Topics having pictures with such tags won't be trashed but the pictures having the tags will be removed by the Development Team.

14. Reporting an Issue: Please do not report the same post more than once. This rule certainly does not intend to discourage the members from reporting but often same post is reported multiple times from the same member. Please do understand that DT needs at least 24 - 48 hours to work on the reported post and simply pressing the report button multiple times will only delay the process. Some situations demand the time and consultation of people and hence take time to get back, but we will surely get back as soon as possible.

15. Report Button/Response Time: Please keep in mind that the Moderators are also members like yourself. We would also want to have the time to make posts like yourself and discuss with our friends; and we also have a personal life. Meaning, we cannot be around to babysit the forum 24/7. Please allow a reasonable time frame of 48 hours before creating a hullabaloo and/or escalating the matter to the CMs/GMs. We try to address issues and respond to PMs and Reports as soon as we can get to them, but we request you to grant us some leverage as well. Instead of mass PMing it would appreciated if one person PM's the concerned DT with regards to the issue.

16. Problems/Issues with the Development Team: Have problems with the Dev Team? Well, then come us, please PM us and let us know! We DT members are not biased towards any fan group but that does not mean we aren't fans of the leads or any other characters in MP. We have opinions too, about the show, and what improvements we might want to see in the show. But that does not make us biased. Once a problem is reported, it is the DT's worry and responsibility to deal with the problem, and just because someone is not aware of what is happening to the topics they reported, it does not mean that we are not doing anything to stop/help.

Also, the DT is not allowed to disclose what we are doing with certain threads or what action we are taking so please don't try to make judgments on our decisions because we just don't go through the topics you guys report but through EVERYTHING in that particular thread. Just because we don't highlight step by step as to which action was taken against which member, it doesn't mean action wasn't taken. If you have a problem, PM the Dev Team members.  Also once a DT member has posted a note on a thread regarding rule breaking, please refrain from further dragging the matter in the thread.

If you have questions, and queries that you'd like us to answer, please PM us. We'd be happy to look into it.

A reiteration of other minor Rules and Reminders [Above rules including some other reminders.]:
  • Do not make headings or posts in ALL CAPS.
  • Do not chat/spam or flood with irrelevant issues. Do not post only emoticons.
  • Do not post personal information on stars.
  • No advertising.
  • Do not create games, activities, ATs, contest's without permission of Devt. Team
  • Do not create threads to introduce yourselves.
  • Do not create threads to Congratulate members on post count ranks.
  • Do not post morphed pictures.
  • Do not quote long posts or quotes with several pictures. Reduce Quoting of comments in threads.
  • Use like button instead of one line appreciation posts.
  • Do not post articles from rival/external sites.
  • Do not post pictures/screencaps/videos from external sites.
  • Do not make help or questions topics, refer to the Helpdesk

In addition to the above mentioned section guidelines, at all times Participation Guidelines & Rules and Please read and heed! *LAST WARNING* will be in effect.
We hereby hope that all of you will abide by these newly implemented rules as well as the forum rules and IF-COC.

Important Forum Links can be found here:
All Important Links [Music/Sound tracks, EDT, Leap, History]

Global Moderators: *Shruti*Aahaanagk_09 (Final Point of Contact)

We hope to have everyone's understanding.

Best Regards,
Edited by BubblyR - 9 years ago