I am mainly a BI fan, ZaYa comes next.

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Posted: 9 years ago
I know; for most of the people here BI is ZaYa. When CVs separate them, it implies they killed the story.
But there must be some people like me, who peep into this serial not because of its leads, but because of the story. I watch BI because of its twists. Yes, I have left the serial couple of times like during Barkat track. But this time I am really enjoying this twist.
First it made me wonder whether Rehan is a negative character. (He is a solicitor. He was the one who advised Aliya not to leave her share in Barkhat empire). Then Suraiya back again. Now, I am ready to watch Zain and Rehan fight as equals.
First of all, I do not consider ZaYa's attraction as an example of beintehaa mohabbat. If they wanted, they could have save their marriage. (Not just Zain, even Alia never came out in open and blamed her parents for their fault. Both were busy protecting their parents. They prioritised it over their own relation). All beintehaa mohabbat returned to Zain, only after he listened to a taped conversation. Halala is punishment for both, for not respecting and value this relationship.
I get diabetic with a long running sugary romance. The day when ZaYa are united with no more struggle for them, I think I would quit the show. Instead, I am willing to watch a relation with no passion, but only respect and trust. Lot of people are expressing, how they want this track to wrap up soon. I just wanted to share an alternative view.