TSHJA written update 7th oct'14 -giving up on dreams

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Posted: 9 years ago
srry guys ...was away frm IF so cudnt update for last week episodes srry for dat
here is todays update

Imran watches frm his window Mariam kissing
Najma and smiles broadly. Najma too gets happy
that she has been forgiven. The mother daughter
duo share a hug and then a big group hug follows.
Imran observes it all from his window. He turns and
suddenly can see and hear Mehak asking him to
play with her. he imagines her circling around him
while repeating the same. He has tears in his eyes.
He holds out his hands happily but finds her gone.
Her voice continues to echo in his head. he looks up
Bilkish is talking to Nasima about Najma. Younis
bhaijaan should take some firm action now or your
name will be ruined after all. She agrees to visit
them in the evening. Amma tells Bilkish that she is
doing wrong by instigating Nasima against Najma.
Bilkish doesn't want her to interfere in her
household matters. Amma knows it well that Bilkish
only supports the people who have money. Jamaal
comes home. They both banter and Jamaal tells
them to be quiet. He got tired because of the work
(a 20 kg parcel that was to be delivered). He tells
Bilkish to get hot water for him. Amma is all
sympathetic while Bilkish points out that he will get
tired if he works occasionally.
Mariam gives Najma her favourite lunch for school
which makes Najma happy. najma hugs her Ammi.
Are you still upset with me? mariam declines. look
in my eyes and see for yourself. Najma smiles.
Mariam wonders whose idea was that (to act as
Charlie Chaplin). Najma took Waqar's pant while
Saba had made mustaches using her liner. Mariam
remarks that she is naughty just like her Abbu.
Najma takes it as a compliment. Mariam recalls
that she has to sign on Najma's diary. A paper falls
out in the process. Mariam is taken aback to see
the form. Najma herself declines to take part in
the tennis competition. She tears the form in small
pieces in front of Mariam. Mariam is touched.
Najma says nothing is more important in my life
than you. They share a hug. Najma agrees to abide
by everything that she will say. I wont go against
your wish. Please don't get angry with me again.
Altaf takes a chair and sits beside Imran. Imran
too wakes up from his sleep. Altaf demands an
explanation. Why did you take Mehak's name
throughout the night? And why are you looking for
her in the bottle of alcohol? She dint die because
of it. Imran knows it well. But I want to be all
engulfed in alcohol so that this life finishes over
soon. tell me one reason why I should stay alive.
Altaf points out at Mariam'w window. They too have
lost the most precious thing of their life still they
are living it. you saw yesterday how that little girl
made her Ammi smile. She did so much to bring one
smile on her AMmi's face. Imran has no one whom
he can make smile or be angry with. Maula mere
maula plays. My Charlie Chaplin is gone. I have
nothing left with me now. Altaf gives him a big
Rehmat Bi is waiting for the kids. I made tiffin
and I have to look for them now. Salman baig
teases her about her still being here. Waqar and
Fiza greet him. he gives them their pocket money.
He calls out for Saba and Najma too. They come
there and greet him. saba asks for Rs. 20 today.
najma notices Sania's news clipping sadly. She
continues to look at it without blinking her eyes for
a second even. She comes out of her thought as
her Dadajaan calls out for her. She dismisses when
he asks her about where she was looking. She takes
her pocket money and leaves.
Mariam picks up the pieces of the torn form from
the floor. Next she notices Sania's photo and talks
to tauseef. Your daughter is mad about sports just
like you. Nowadays she is a fan of Sania. She keeps
all that stuff in the cupboard.
Mariam hears Imran's voice. He is trying to iron a
shirt but the bed is quite far from the plug point.
The plug keeps coming out of the socket every
second later. Mariam watches in amusement as he
tries to pull the bed closer. He finally plugs the
iron and keeps a foot over it so that it doesn't
come out again. he stretches and reaches out for
the iron. He irons his shirt while standing in that
awkward situation, all the while muttering to
himself that it is all because of Mamu. Mariam
smiles watching him thus. Altaf comes back and
laughs seeing him thus. Imran scolds him for
disappearing at such a crucial time. Why dint you
change the socket yet? Altaf shows him the socket
that he had gone to buy. Imran has ironed it now.
He moves his leg and his veins pull. Altaf tries to
help him. in the process, the shirt falls and Altaf
even touches the hot iron by mistake while Imran
writhes in pain. Altaf tries everything he can to
help his nephew but in vain. Mariam goes from
Younis meets Jamaal who is on duty. They taunt
each other yet again after which Jamaal heads to
do this work.
Najma hears excited murmur and finds all the kids
anxiously handing out their forms to their coach
and Imran. Afshaah is there too. Najma hears
everything from a distance. Imran talks about how
passion is very important to pursue anything in life.
This passion will take you forward in your life and
sports. Passion alone cannot do anything. You all
will have to study well too. All the kids nod. Your
training wont be easy. Badminton can be played
anywhere but you need a proper tennis court,
passion and strong arms for it. we will train hard
for the same. Coach notices Najma. She joins them.
Coach introduces her to Imran. She can be our
best player. Coach asks for Najma's form. He talks
to Imran (in lower tones). It must be a financial
problem. She was very much tensed for a racket at
the time of badminton championship. He tells her
not to worry about the racket. Imran has arranged
for it from his school. You will get it for free. You
can get you form tomorrow. She declines to play
tennis as it doesn't interest her. There is no
problem from my home. Imran recalls Younis
scolding Najma for watching tennis match. Coach
looks at her in disbelief while Imran tells him to let
it be. He tells Najma to go to her class in that
case. She leaves from there sadly. Imran watches
her keenly.
Precap: Saba storms in her house and breaks down.
Everyone rushes to her in concern. They all wonder
what has happened to her. saba reveals she was teased by some goons on her way
