TSHJA -27 september 2014 WrittenUpdate -Dawat e Ishq ;-)

Posted: 10 years ago
The epi starts with Najma wondering if Imran will really come for which Jamaal gives his guarantee. Amma and Bilkish are waiting for Jamaal. Amma wonders if Jamaal got beaten for his stupid shayaris finally. Landline phone rings. Jamaal asks Bilkish to come over her mayka asap. There is a dinner celebration here. He does not disclose the reason though. Bilkish is really curious about the feast.Nasima is giving a list of things to Younis to buy from the market. Saba tells him to add dry fruits as per Choti Ammi's askance. She will need it in kheer. Younis tells Nasima to give the ones she has kept in her cupboard. She has kept them secretly for her kids. You please bring some more. younis is again irked at his monetary loss. I will have to pay for Jamaal's stupidity.Naima comes there and greets them all. Nasima heads for the kitchen. Saba calls her khala a liar.You have come to meet us or our new neighbour.Naima wants to keep it a secret from her sister. Saba tells her that she need not make any excuse today as that new neighbour is coming over at our house on dinner. Naima is immediately worried about her appearance, clothes, etc. Saba assures her that she is looking really pretty. They head upstairs.Mariam tells the menu to Rehmat Bi.Rehmat Bi does not want to make so much for them but Najma reminds her of what her Dadajaan had said. They should treat their guest nicely. Rehmat Bi wonders if their new neighbour will like koftas. Najma runs off to ask him. mariam tries to stop her but in vain. Rehmat Bi cannot understand why Najma is so happy about this dinner. Mariam reasons that he had saved her forwhich even Rehmat Bi is thank ful but she still fails to understand the logic behind Najma's happiness. Altaf is busy in making space in his stomach for food. Imran cannot understand his anxiety / enthusiasm for a simple dinner. Altaf reminds him of how he used to do the same in the past. We have enjoyed so many free feasts together. Imran knows that it was a different time back then. Altaf misses that Imran who used to be happy over small things in life. Najma excitedly calls out for her new neighbour from her balcony. She asks him about the menu forwhich Altaf replies in affirmative but Najma wants Imran's opinion. You are coming to our housefor dinner so we must know what you like. Altaf offers to tell but Najma wants to hear it from Imran. She tells the whole menu and spices. Altafis really excited whereas Imran tells his Mamu to tell Najma to go inside. She is disturbing me. najma agrees to tell her Ammi. And if you like the food then please don't leave this locality. Imran goes tight lipped while Mamu nods in response. Najma runs inside to tell her Ammi. Imran wants his Mamu to say no to them for the dinner tonight.Mamu insists as they have called you so sweetly. Naima does her makeup, hairstyle differently and dons a new dupatta. Waqar and Fiza are confused by her preparations.Fiza suggests her to put a little less lipstick as it is looking too much but Naima thinks herself to be someone who knows it all. Najma loves the fragrance of kheer. She praises her Ammi for it. Abbu always used to ask you to make kheer for him. mariam reminisces how he always used to call her to make kheer whenever he used to win some match. Najma teases her that she used to take kheer for her in college before their wedding too. Mariam wonders who told her about it. najma replies that Abbu had told her this. Mariam turns to go and scold him for it but stops. Maula mere maula plays. Najma is sad thather Ammi would have fought with Abbu if he was alive. This is what Mariam could never do. He should have spent a few more days with us. Mariam notices Najma's sad face and composes herself. They share an emotional hug promising notto cry as it will hurt Tauseef. We should pray to Allah that new neighbour likes our food. Najma is sure he will change his mind after eating this kheer.He will drop the idea of going from here. Mariam wishes for the same. Nasima and Bilkish come there. Nasima is relieved at the fact that Imran will leave from their locality very soon. Jamaal is all intrigued by the fragrance of the food.Younis comes there with his Abbajaan. Please talk to Shameem about his house this time.Jamaal pacesanxiously as he waits for the kids. Younis as usual bickers with him over nothing. Altaf and Imran arrive at Baig's. Altaf envelops Younis in a hug. Jamaal welcomes them inwith a shayari. Altaf wonders if this was his sheras it was a good one. Younis agrees with him on this one.Salman Baig smiles and tells them to come inside. Altaf's nose is overwhelmed by the fragrance. He has brought sweets for the kids. Salman Baig thanks Imran for helping his Choti DIL. Mamu takes the credit. Jamaal wants to do some more shayari.Mamu relates the afternoon incident. Younis makes full use of the opportunity to taunt Jamaal over it. naima and all the kids come there to greet them. naima is continuously looking at Imran who is looking down throughout. Younis asks Naima as to what is she doing here. Naima replies that she had only come to see the guest. He sends them all inside. Altaf asks about Naima from Younis but Jamaal answers this time. Salman Baig finds Imran all quiet. Imran replies that it is better to be quiet if you lose the meaning of words. Maula plays. Salman Baig can see that he is hiding a lot of pain inside his heart. You belong to Allahabad? Altaf gets worried. Younis tells him to let it be if Imran does not want to talk about himself. Maybe there is some secret which can become his reason for guilt /insult. Bilkish likes the food. She eyes kheer too for which Rehmat Bi teases her. the kids come inside.They all praise Imran as he is looking too good today. naima calls him a hero but Nasima sticks to her view point only. He will remain a killer after all. Najma tries to tell her thetruth but Mariam holds her hand to stop her. Younis calls out for them to set the table. naima too wants to help but Nasima warns her not to evengo near that drunkard. She asks Rehmat Bi to do it. All the men take their seats. Rehmat Bi is anyways irked to serve them while Altaf is all happy and high. Salman Baig is curious about Imran.How old were you when your Abbu died? Imran was almost Najma's age when his abbu died. My Ammi and Mamu have raised me up after his death. Salman replies that Najma lost her father insuch a young age. Who can understand it better than me! Najma looks sad. Younis asks Imran about his daughter out of curiosity. Imran looks athim angrily. Altaf diverts the discussion to food. Rehmat Bi again taunts him because of which Salman sends her inside. She goes inside murmuring to herself. They all start eating food. Salman relates how Imran has taken Tauseef's place in Al-Habib Pubic School.Imran nods.People often talk about him. They say that he was a very good human being. Mariam is happy to hear it and so is her FIL.Jamaal remarks that he might have taken Tauseef's place but their temperaments are way different. He dint used to be so quiet. He was very lively. Younis too agrees with him. He was very fun loving and had a great sense of humour. He only knew how to laugh. Mariam is lost in some memories again when he used to tell jokes to her so that she can think of them and smile when he is not with her. she smiles at the memory. PRECAP: Jamaal goes to offer something to Imran but by mistake drops it on his clothes. Younis callsout for someone to bring a towel. Mariam brings it and gives it to Imran.
Edited by thejazzgal - 10 years ago