Dhanyawad ........RR Team !!!!! Updated .

-Shwets- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Rangrasiya brought into my life such joy and laughter, how could I not pay tribute to the actors who gave their 100 % to entertain us. Your portrayals of the characters was awe-inspiring, intriguing, and although the plot was set in a village, the story line was global. Each of us can find our positive and negative selves reflected in the many nuances of the show.

Thank you ST for this superb production. Kudos to you Shekahwat for the brilliant dialogues.

As promised ...A VM I made on Parud , one of my favorite songs πŸ˜ƒ


Up, close and personal -Rangrasiya fans have been in the lap of luxury for a nine mths ,as they feasted their eyes on the handsome Rudra Pratap Ranawat, the lead character in Rangrasiya. BSD's Finest and bravest Major saab !! His mystique is fathomless, and his layers innumerable. It seems as though he should have choked on his inner suffering, as he ranted about his pain and anguish. Despite his angry glares and wounded glances, he portrayed his anguish most elegantly, and we were treated to a character who flowed into his suffering like a glove. His rants and his silence both spoke of his bottled-up pain which was allowed to overflow only during his solitary moments.

Rudra's path through Rangrasiya was one of "one step forward, two steps backward." He took a step towards trusting in the goodness of his beloved Paro, then as soon as something from the past triggered his vulnerabilities, he took two steps backwards, which he manifested in harsh rhetoric. The show s rapid-fire plot did not allow the viewer to look back, no matter how many times Rudra clutched his past to his chest.

In one tender and tragic lifetime, Rudra lived through the joys of childhood, the searing agony of seeming abandonment by his mother, the adrenalin of his job, the ecstasy of being in a love relationship with his beloved, and the intense pain of her death. He had to come to terms with his frailties, and accept them as part of what made him "Rudra." He stared down the face of love, as though it were a hungry lion waiting to devour him, and it took him a while to realize that in front of him was a doe waiting for him to clasp her in his arms. He was forced to grasp the thorns, get pricked by them, to get to the rose of love waiting to suffuse him with her fragrance.

Ironically, marriage to Paro was a singular act of courage for Rudra. After his pre-teens, he had distanced himself emotionally, and suddenly found himself married to a woman for whom he felt a maelstrom of emotions. He found himself like a rebel tree being planted against its will. Once planted in the garden of marital love (at least for Paro), Rudra had no option but to explore his own feelings for Paro, the dynamics underlying their relationship, and the reality that there are no concrete black and white answers to life's problems. All we have are shades of grey. Only his job gave him some black and white scenarios, because that was when he could separate the right form the wrong, and the good from the bad. When he got home, all he got was a complex fabric of "maybes." "Maybe my wife has a point of view that might just be right." "Maybe my mother was not a monster." "Maybe, frailty in the guise of my beautiful wife might be an embodiment of true courage."

I thank Sharma for juggling between JDJ and Rangrasiya, getting by with a scant three hours of slumber, only to keep us awake wondering what Rudra will do next. I so appreciate the minimum use of body doubles. I wish him the best for his path ahead. Thank you for adding a sizzle to our days!


A butterfly gives and gives till its death. It is a being of beauty; as it flutters around a flower, it radiates love and joy; as it lands on a wrist, it radiates tenderness. Its gauzy wings embroidered with the most intricate colors and designs leave us enthralled at the beauty of creation. Our titli Paro, is all this and more. From her youthful days running like a butterfly in Rajasthan to the day when she breathed her last, she manifested innocence, selflessness, and kindness.

It looked as though she was always tethered to her destiny, bound by sorrow, imprisoned by life's unfairness. Yet in reality, here was a character that has never been more free. She is the most free-spirited character in the show, unbound by the dictates of "shoulds" and "musts." Her path was simple. Go to love; give love; ask for love. Paro discovered her joys in the simple minutiae of everyday life, the tiny things that escape our radar.

Her Mamisa and her Baapusa were her early anchors in life. They respected her inner core of immense goodness and gravitated towards it. They knew that only she could teach their son to live again.

The champion of the helpless - that was Paro's mantra. It led her footsteps to Rudra, the troubled boy she met in the bus during her childhood. As she gave him her gudiya, she thought only of his joy. Despite her "giving" self, we could never label her a martyr. She was far too feisty for that, and would never take insults lying down. In her quiet dignified way, she stood up to her convictions. She knew that ramming the truth down Rudra's' throat would never work. Despite Rudra's initial intense negativity towards her, like a gentle, persistent butterfly, she drew out the bitterness from him, and showed him that love was an emotion worth exploring.Paro saw through Rudra's bitterness to the sweetness beyond.

Paro was a bold, beautiful woman who declared her emotions to the world. She was unafraid of being scorned, because she believed in her love for Rudra. Paro's love for Rudra was boundless and daring. She did not know the outcome of her declaration of love. Even though she was married to Rudra, she lived her days in unrequited love. All she wanted from his was his surname and his presence in her life, and she had enough love in her heart for both of them. What she was confident of was, that she would win him over with the truth of her love for him. Her emotional IQ far surpassed his, hence her ability to withstand his barbs.

Sanaya, you played Paro and Myrah, two individuals different in temperament, yet with the same essence of goodness, kindness, and sweetness. You did a fabulous job playing Myrah.

Thank you Sanaya for taking us behind the curtain of romantic love, and showing us what true love is. Thank you for upholding your simple, village ways and daring to live in the blinding light of truth. Thank you for embracing your cultural traditions, yet not allowing yourself to be shackled by them. Thank you for giving your sweat and your tears and your all to this show.Thank You for supporting Ashish in his journey of Jhalak. We will miss you and wish you the very best.

Edited by ultimaterudra - 9 years ago



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-Shwets- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Kali Prasad Mukherjee, what a tremendous role you played as Dilsher Ranawat! You carried within you a cauldron of searing emotions: anger, betrayal, love, loyalty, loss of control, deep regret. You knew in your heart why Mala had to leave. You knew the truth underlying the apparent abandonment of her beloved son. You knew why Rudra harbored such bitterness and skepticism. You knew your paternal flaws in all their rawness. Your strength was your sense of duty, and you wore it like a shield. Ironically, in Mala's absence, Rudra and you mutually nurtured each other. And of course, your relationship with Paro was a bonus. She enjoyed the protection of your blessings, and basked in your belief in her goodness. And you tried your best to right the wrongs. You were not a perfect dad, but we know how hollow perfection is!

Danveer, oh what a gloriously spineless character you were. You never stood up for your wife or your children. Somewhere along the way, you left your courage behind. Your redeemed yourself through your special bond with Paro. You knew the truth, and you saw a side of her that no one else could see. You also did not give up on your nephew, Rudra, and eventually broke through his barriers. You silently were "there" for him and he knew it. You did well, Sanjiv Jotangia!

Ananya Khare,no one could bring as much venom to a character as you brought to Mohini! What a fantastic job! Your crocodile tears did not fool us. Mohini epitomized a hunger for power, and you gave us a glimpse into the devastation this hunger leaves in its wake. I actually spent some time trying to distinguish between the fake and the true tears. Mohini, you were not just a simple villainess! You indulged in deep villainy. You are the product of your past, and every layer of negativity is a legacy. You spotlighted the impact of sibling rivalry. Could competition with Mala wreak such havoc? You wanted Dilsher, and had to settle for Danveer, a mere consolation prize. To do you justice, you slogged for the haveli. Nothing could get in your way. You had a cause to fight for, and that kept you going. You were determined to make a go of things, no matter what!

Mala, everything you touched turned to gold. Tejawat and Dilsher yearned to have you as the queen of their hearts. You reigned supreme as Mohini's jethani, and wife of the property owner, and as Teju's thakurain. You had it all, and yet ultimately, all the material richness you thought you had disappeared like frothy bubbles. The dark shadow of abuse engulfed you and you had to flee, for the sake of your dignity. The loss of Rudra for all those years weighed on your heart so heavily, you thought you would drown. Thankfully, Paro was balm to your wounds. You loved her so much, and she loved you back! It kept you going. No one could comprehend why you did what you did. Only you had the answer. You wore your suffering with dignity. And then you made your way back home. Wow! Sadya Siddiqui, you did a great job!
Edited by ultimaterudra - 10 years ago
-Shwets- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

We pity you, our golden-hearted Samrat. As Danveer and Mohini's older son, you had no choice but to follow the rules dutifully. But your ultimate support of your wife endeared you to us. We rejoiced when Maithili and you brought home your little girl. Thankfully, you had a couple of bonus gifts that came your way- money from your Uncle Dilsher to start your business, and Rudra's gift of the haveli. In your defense, you had your arms around Rudra and Paro, and among their pitiful support system, you stood out! You did well, Prashant Sharma. What a telling blend of compliance and courage, with courage winning out in the end.

Sumer, for you, the gleam of money was everything - it corrupted your morals, and sucked you into its temporary embrace. You played a very convincing role as your mother's lackey. Rudra and you were like oil and water, and he wore the gash you inflicted upon him through his adult years, a mark of your cousinly hostility. How you belittled him about his mother's abandonment. What chance did you have to a nobler path? Not much. Your mother wielded so much power over you, you were tied to her side by ropes no one could untie. Who could you please, Shatabdi or Mohini? Thank you Udit Shukla for portraying Sumer in all his weaknesses.

Khushbu Thakkar, you brought light and laughter to the show in your portrayal of the bubbly, vivacious Sunehri Ranawat, youngest child of the Ranawat family, and Danveer's and Mohini's only daughter. How skillfully you deflated the tense moments, and made others around you dissolve into infectious laughter. You clutched to her bosom your fondest dream of riding into the sunset with Prince Charming. Alas, even Aman could not make this dream come true. Fortunately, you had staunch allies in your bhabisa Maithili, in Paro, and in Rudra. Thank you Sunheri for befriending Paro when she was so alone and friendless. No worries, we have taken in stride your ongoing love affair with food because your lovable, spirited self transcends all!

Maithili you were the wise one! You discerned that the biggest positive force in the Ranawat household, is the force of love, and you shared this with Paro and Rudra. He looked up to you, called you his bhabisa and Paro her Jija . The truth of your words struck a chord in his heart. Your poise and calm descended like the morning dewfall on the household, and was a blessing to the troubled waters swirling around. You suffered intensely - the cruel barbs and devious deeds of your mother-in-law, your childlessness, the lack of husbandly backbone. Thankfully, you enjoyed the fruit of your suffering- your baby girl you adopted. Thank you for standing your ground, and for surmounting all the hurt and humiliation your mother-in-law heaped on you. Thank you, Gitanjali Mishra for playing this remarkable character.

Shatabdi, what you thought you were getting - Samrat, and what you got - Sumer, were so different, it's laughable. Yet, love won! And the sweet fruit of your union, Koyal is testament to that love. Who can predict the twists and turns of life. You navigated these rapids bravely and boldly, and even took on Mohini! Kudos to you, Mansavi Vyas.

Edited by ultimaterudra - 10 years ago
-Shwets- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Tarun Khanna as Tejawat wow! Thank you for providing us a triple feast - your superbly acted villainy, excellently delivered dialogue, and your rugged good looks. Your life in the show was brief, yet its brevity was delightfully wicked!

Laila, oh Laila! For 7 years, Rudra lit a flame in your heart that you never could douse. And then he became Paro's. You were not about to stomach such defeat! No, you went to battle and broke many rules, even resorted to attempted murder, but you were determined to get back what you believed was rightfully your own - Rudra! And what did he do? He had the audacity to ask you to respect Paro. You wore the "hell hath no fury than a woman scorned" really well, Ankita Sharma!

Loyal to Rudra, and a broad shoulder for Paro! Aman bhaisa, thank you for being there for Paro during her dark moments. Thank you for being Rudra's right hand man. Good job, Padam Bhola!

Bindi , Thank you for holding Paro's hand through childhood and her youth. You shared a beautiful, affectionate bond that helped Paro through her early life. Sadly, Tejawat's villainy snuffed out your life too early. Congratulations Neha Narang for a great job!

Dhruv and Koel you two were twin rays of sunshine in the show. Your cousinly love and loyalty were so endearing. Koyal, we admire your firm belief in Dhruv's insistence that his mother Paro sent him Myrah.We are so happy that you both had Maithili on your side. Great job Kapil Chawla and Loveneet Rajput .

Thank You Sayed Zafar Ali , Vishal Karwal , Gurpeet Singh and to all other character actors and behind the camera team for your contribution to Rang Rasiya .
Edited by ultimaterudra - 10 years ago
Tennessean thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Hi Shweths- What a sensational post and what a fitting and a brilliant tribute to all the actors.πŸ‘πŸ‘ Your collages rock, your post rocks and you rock. We are so glad to have you in RR forum.😊

VM- You have selected some of the best scenes of the show and made a great VMπŸ‘

I am just glad that I got a chance to watch RR because of its brilliant actors and the supporting cast has been awesome.πŸ‘

Here is a description from my side for all the characters and I have made it in acrostic form and also according to Shweths's collage.😊

Can anybody be as dashing as our own Major and that is Rudra Pratap Ranawat?😊

R- Rugged ( Don't we love our tough Rudra and nobody dare mess with him)😊
U- Unique- (He is tough from outside but soft from inside and we love that )
D- Dashing (Don't we love it when he gets on his phatphatiya?)😊
R- Remarkable (Loved how he turned from Jallad to a lover)😊
A- Adorable (Loved how he cared and cherished Paro and made her a complete woman)

Rudra- You are a wonderful person and people like you come once in a lifetime.😊

Can there be another amazing woman as Parvathi Ranawat?😊

P- Phenomenal ( She was incredible because she never hurt anybody)😊
A- Aboveboard (She always helped people above and beyond her means)
R- Relishing (She enjoyed and valued every moment of life )😊
V- Victorious (She did fill life into our Mati ka Putla and made him into a lover)😊
A- Admirable (She believed in "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" )πŸ‘
T- Touching (She touched everybody with her heart and soul)😊
H- Happiness (She made everybody happy with her ways and habits)⭐️
I- Inspiring (She will always be cherished today, tomorrow and always)😊

Paro Bai Sa- You are a special woman and people like you come once in a lifetime.😊

I loved Dilsher because of his dialogues and how he cut up with Rudra, how much he valued Paro and how he changed the tempo of the episode.😊

D-Doting (He loved Rudra and welcomed Paro as his daughter-in-law)😊
I- Introspective (He threw Mala out and then accepted her as her daughter-in-law)😊
L- Leading edge (Accepted Paro so that she could change Rudra and he was right)😊
S- Sassy (Loved how he joked and cut up with Rudra every time)😊
H- Humorous ( Enjoyed his sense of humor and how he teased Rudra about Paro)😊
E- Elemental (His acceptance helped a lot in building Parud relationship)😊
R- Renewal (Accepted Mala and moved on with his life )😊

Dilsher- We love you for your sense of humor and thanks for accepting Paro Bai Sa and helping in Parud relationship.😊

M- Massive (She accepted her mistake and returned which made Rudra move on in life)
A- Accountable (She did blame herself for leaving Rudra and making him miserable)
L- Large (Rudra was finally able to spend his life with her and got his peace of mind)
A- Accomplished (She did live her last few years with Parud and blessed them)😊

Mala- Thank you for coming back and removing that bitterness from Rudra and it did help Parud move on.😊

D- Dutiful (He always gave his full to BSD and and supported people at Ranawat house)
A- Appreciative (He cherished Paro and that also helped in Parud relationship)😊
N- Nice (Can there be another nice person as him in the Ranawat house?)😊
V- Valuable (He never made fun of anyone and wished well for every one)😊
E- Empathetic (He was always sensitive to people's needs )😊
E - Encouraging (He applauded Paro which made her feel at ease at Ranawats)😊
R- Remarkable (For putting up with KCM all these years and always smiling)😊

Danveer- Thank you for appreciating people and for maintaining happiness and positivity in Ranawat House.😊

M- Manipulative (She always said and did things which could go her way)😊
O- On target (She always knew what she wanted and was not afraid to go for it)😊
H- Heavyweight (She tried to dominate every body and pushed her way through things)
I- Incontestable (Nobody had the guts to tell her anything except for Rudra)
N- Natty (She was always spruced up for every little thing in running the haweli)
I- Irrepressible (She fought till the end for every advantage and never gave up)

Mohini Kaki Sa- Thanks for changing and making life easier for people at Ranawat Haweli and for us.😊

M- Magnanimous (Can anybody have a bigger heart than hers?)😊
A- Accomodating (She catered to everybody's needs and demands)😊
I- Impeccable (She set an example for other people and what an example she is)😊
T- Tender-Hearted (She treated Dhruv and Koel as her own child)πŸ‘
H- Helpful (Helped everybody and never expected anything in return)
I- Irreplaceable (There cannot be another woman like her and kudos to her )😊
L- Level Headed (Because of this quality she could handle the Ranawats)😊
I- Integral (She is the backbone of the Ranawats and they function around her)

Maithili Beendni- I am very happy for you that you got your life's biggest wish fulfilled and you do have a child of your own. You deserve to be happy.😊

S- Sweet (Never hurt anyone and was always nice to everybody including Myrah)😊
A- Affectionate (He loved and cared for everybody and adopted a child)😊
M- Modest (He never bragged about himself ever )πŸ‘
R- Respectful (Never spoke back against KCM and respected everybody)πŸ‘
A-Allegiance (He was always faithful to Maithili and never betrayed her )⭐️
T-Thoughtful( It was a very nice gesture to adopt a baby girl on his part)⭐️

Samrat- Thank you for adopting a child and she is a blessed child to have you as a dad and also thank you for fulfilling Maithili's wish of becoming a mom.

S- Sharp-witted (Can anybody be hilarious than our Sumer Bana?)😊
U- Uncommon (He is one of a kind and is always cracking everybody up)
M- Mischievous (He is always up to something but Shatabdi can guess his intentions)
E- Elemental (For him, money is the top priority)😊
R- Running after (He is always running after money)😊

Sumer Bana- Thanks for entertaining us with your tractor wala dil and for cracking us up with your jokes.😊

S- Straight-out- (Loved how she told KCM that she is not Maithili)😊
H- Humorous (Like how she cracks up jokes with Sumer and KCM)
A- Aspiring (Always trying to be better )😊
T- Tenable (Liked how she held her own ground against KCM and Sumer)
A- Aiming (She loves competing and beat KCM at the Achar competion)
B-Bold (Loved how she refused to bow down under KCM's pressure)😊
D- Daring (She held her grounds against Sumer and KCM)πŸ‘
I- Impartial (She always supported Maithili and Myrah)πŸ‘

Shatabdi- Thanks for keeping your head high and for not giving in to KCM's pressures.

S- Smiling (She always had a smile on her face)πŸ˜ƒ
U- Uncomplicated (She was a very simple person and got along with everybody)😊
N- Nourishing (She loved and lived life)😊
E- Easy going (You could talk to her about anything)😊
H- Happy-go-lucky (She never had a reason to worry about anything)😊
R- Rosy (She was very nice and cheerful to her Bhabhis too)😊
I- In fine fettle (She was always in good spirits)😊

Sunehri- Thanks for being a positive factor and for bringing the cheerfulness in Ranawat house which was so needed at the beginning.😊

A-Accurate (He was always bang on with his predictions regarding Tejawat)πŸ‘
M-Modest (He was always very down to earth person)😊
A- Astute (He had a very calibre and that is why Major depended on him so much)😊
N- Nice (He always had a nice attitude and respected Rudra from the beginning)😊

Aman- Thanks for being a major factor in BSD and also for helping Rudra and for addressing Paro as Bhabhi right from the start.😊

T-Tejawat (He tried to keep a firm control on everything )😊
E-Exceptional (He dealt with arms and poetry at the same time)😊
J-Jazzy (He could flash his eyebrows up and down)😊
A- Adroit (Exchanged arms on his terrace when marriage was going on)😊
W- Weighty (Made friends with Laila to counteract Rudra)😊
A- Ambitious (His ambitious were soaring high and even put his son on the line)😊
T- Tactful (He poisoned Paro against BSD, used Laila and hid truth from Mala)

Tejawat- You were a different kind of villain who could deal with arms and poetry at the same time😊

L-Long standing (She tried to take advantage of her relationship with Rudra)
A- Aiming for Major (She played a game with Paro but failed miserably)
I- Illusion (Her myth was broken when Rudra told her that he belonged to Paro)
L- Liked (I liked how she freed Mala from Thakur )😊
A- Accepted (She accepted her fate and walked out of Rudra's life)

Laila Bai Sa- Thank you for freeing Mala from Tejawat and also for walking out of Parud's life.

D- Delightful (He always looks at the positive side of things like Paro)😊
H-High spirited (He always cheers up Rudra when he is down)😊
R-Respectful (He respects everybody the same way as Paro did)😊
U-Upbeat (He is optimistic like Paro)
V- Valuable (He is precious because he is Rudra and Paro's child)😊

Dhruv- Thank you for being so positive like your mom, cheering up your dad when he is down and for loving and caring everybody like your mom.😊

K-Keen (She is curious about everything and loves giving knowledge to Dhruv)😊
O-Open-minded (I like how she passes her judgement after listening to things)😊
E-Encouraging (I like how she cheers up Rudra and Dhruv when they are down)😊
L- Lovable (I like how she cares for Rudra and Dhruv so much )⭐️

Koel - Thanks for being such a good friend to Dhruv who needs your friendship and your support all the time.😊 Kudos to the little lady for being so mature at such a young age.😊

Thank you Myrah for bringing in a breath of fresh air in the Ranawat Haweli.😊

Thank you to the dialogue writer who made dialogues memorable, to the cameraman who made Parud so appealing, to the dress designer who made Paro look so gorgeous and Rudra look so dashing, and everybody else who contributed to the story of Rangrasiya.πŸ‘β­οΈ

Ashish and Sanny rock and may they get the best in life because they deserve the best.⭐️

Beautiful Collages made by Shweths (ultimaterudra)⭐️

This has been a beautiful journey for Parud from hatred-like-love-adore. Loved how Paro Bai Sa discovered the goodness in Rudra and turned him from a Jallad to a man who could love and also give love. She filled life into the Mati Ka putla and we got to see one of the most beautiful stories on Indian Televison. I am proud to say that I was a part of Rangrasiya and Ashish and Sanny motivated me to make posts and acrostics every day.😊

P- Precious (Can there be a more precious couple than our Parud?)😊
A-Adorable( Can there be a more adorable couple than our Parud?)😊
R-Romantic (Can there be a more romantic couple than our Parud?)😊
U-Ultimate (Parud are, were and will always be made for each other)⭐️
D- Delightful (The Parud journey was a pleasure to watch from the beginning to end)

Edited by Tennessean - 10 years ago
DiyaS thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 10 years ago
AWESOME, AWESOME post, Shwetha!!! πŸ‘
Adding my thanks to the entire cast and crew of Rangrasiya for a beautiful show ... sadness that it was not allowed to live up to its full potential ... but happiness that we got to watch such a path breaking show on the small screen for a few short months.
The show was mounted like a movie on the small screen, with the initial shooting on location in Rajasthan, in the middle of scorching deserts ... the cast and crew gave it everything to get the show off to a flying start.

Thanks to the team for bringing to life some of the most beautiful characters seen on screen ...

Sanaya Irani ... Paro ... a girl who believed in love, in life, in positivity, believed in looking forward and not back ... believed in the good in everyone, and in doing so, drew out the good in everyone, specifically in a Jallad, who had lost his faith in everything good and beautiful in life. A girl who had nothing of her own to give, except for love ... and she gave that in plenty ... to everyone who came in touch with her ... a girl who had no relationships of her own, so she forged relationships with everyone she met ... a girl betrayed time and again by those close to her ... her adopted father, her treacherous first husband, the ex of her second husband, the aunt of her husband ... yet she kept her faith and hope intact. A girl who asked for little for herself, and expected even less ... a girl content with no material goods, but only wished to be surrounded by love, by people, by family ... a girl whose only wish was a home and family of her own. And a girl who got all she wished for ... but for such a tragically short time. A girl who was soft and fragile, yet with a strength of spirit and soul that made her invincible. A gentle girl who tamed a storm ... a girl who fell in love with the killer of her first husband, and was not afraid to shout her feelings to the world.
Sanaya's Paro exemplifies the woman that is the strength of every home ... soft, silent, unobtrusive, her presence is taken for granted ... and her absence causes the house to fall apart.
So effectively did Sanaya play Paro that loyal viewers of Rangrasiya cannot bring themselves to accept any other woman for Rudra, not even one played by the same actress ... that says it all. Thank you, Sanaya, for another iconic character.

And also, thank you for Myrah ... who is a mirror image of Paro, clad in Western clothes and with the trappings of education and westernization ... covering the same loving, giving, helping, unselfish nature.

Ashish Sharma ... Rudra ... a man pursued by his demons all his life, a child abandoned, a child taunted, a child scorned ... grew into a man who wore his anger and bitterness like a shield to hide his inner vulnerability and pain. Abandoned by his mother, brought up in an atmosphere of bitterness and hatred by his alcoholic father, he lose his faith in all things beautiful and loving a long time ago ... he lost faith in himself ... he believed only in duty ... Till a gentle storm called Paro swept into his life, and refused to allow him to sweep her out again. A woman who showered him with love, brought the stone back to life, made him believe again that he was worth loving ... worth liking. A man who fell in love with a woman he should have hated, a woman who was a traitor to the country he loved ... yet he became her protector, and could not allow anyone to hurt her, not even himself.
Ashish brought Rudra to roaring life, and made him unforgettable. Thank you, Ashish!

Geetanjali Mishra - Maithili ... sister of the heart to Paro, quieter, weaker, but loyal and supportive always ... to Paro, and then to Rudra. Her heart was always in the right place, and she was a loyal and protective older sister to Paro, and Rudra's biggest support and confidante after Paro died.
Thank you, Geetanjali!

Kali Prasad Mukherjee ... Dilsher ... bitterness shaped his life, and the upbringing he gave his son, but when he met Paro, he became her firm supporter. His caustic exchanges with Rudra were always wonderful to watch, the sarcastic acerbic exchanges underlaid with genuine affection, and later, regret for his own mistakes.
Thank you, Kali ji!

Ananya Khare ... Mohini ... the woman we loved to hate ... sharp, poisonous, filled with many of the seven deadly sins ... anger, greed, hatred ... Ananya ji had some of the best one-liners in the show, and she delivered them with aplomb. She remained the same till the end, although her poisonous fangs were somewhat drawn after the death of her sister, brother-in-law and Paro.
Thank you, Ananyaji!

Udit Shukla ... Sumer ... charming, laid back, a rogue, easily led by his mother, and later by his wife ... you could not hate him however much you tried ... he was a weak man, his mother's chief sidekick ... her favorite, as well as her nemesis ... her plans always went wrong because of him, yet she never learned. πŸ˜† Thank you, Udit!

Sanjiv Jotangia ... Danveer ... weak, ineffectual, he had to put up with Mohini all his married life ... his heart was in the right place, but he was always over-ridden by his wife. He was the first person, and for a long time, the only person, who knew Paro's full story, and supported Paro from the start. A loving uncle, he always gave love and respect to his older brother, and love to Rudra ... and no one was happier than him when he saw Rudra's stone heart come back to life.
Thank you, Sanjiv ji!

Sadia Siddiqui ... Mala ... she suffered for no fault of her own, except her own weakness ... she ran away from an abusive marriage, but left her son behind ... and he never forgave her for that ...
Tarun Khanna ... Tejawat ... the evil, ruler of all he surveyed, he deceived his entire village for his own evil gains, but was ultimately defeated by the women he betrayed ... Paro and Mala. A classy villain, a villain we loved to hate.
Ankita Sharma ... Laila ... a woman scorned, a woman betrayed ... she loved Rudra fiercely, but she loved the darkness in him ... she loved selfishly ... and selfish love never bears fruit.

Thanks to you all!

Prashant Chawla, Khushboo Thakker, Padam Bhola, Neha Narang ... you made your roles loveable. We understood and pitied Samrat's helplessness, we smiled at Sunehri's playful cheerfulness, we admired Aman's faithfulness and trust in Rudra, and we loved playful silly Bindi's devotion to Paro ... thank you all!

Vikram Karwal ... Shantanu ... the most hated villain of Rangrasiya, because you succeeded where even Tejawat and Mohini failed ... you killed our Paro. 😭
Thank you, all ... all the cameos and shorter roles ... Col VK Singh, his wife Geetanjali, Rohit Sehgal, and the two children, Dhruv and Koel ... and the cute little baby Dhruv/Chhoti πŸ˜›

Thanks also to Saurabh Tiwari .. for bringing these characters to the screen and giving us seven months of a beautiful story.

Thanks again for the post, Shwetha πŸ˜ƒ

Edited by DiyaS - 10 years ago
ddsoaps thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Firstly Shweta thank you for this fabulous, stunning and beautiful thread...You have said it all...πŸ‘
Yet I put across something I had penned sometime ago but was stuck midway for some reason... I now managed to hurriedly complete this flawed writing of mine...

A tribute to Rangrasiya and all that it was...

So what if Rangrasiya did not sell enough ads, it leaves behind an eternal love story of PaRud and a lasting impression!

ST & team weaved a beautiful tale of love etched with the vibrant colours of Rajasthan...

Firstly I found Rangrasiya as a whole, far too superior for small screen. A show that was made on a very grand scale and meant for a bigger canvas with its tight and crisp script.

Storyline - Radically different love story of a widow and her rakshak, bold in concept and male-centric.

Characters - Paro -A mystical woman who with her unwavering and selfless power of love changes a ruthless man and his household. A heroine more close to the yesteryear characters played by stalwarts like Nutan, Jaya Bhaduri etc. She depicted the falling rain, the first shower...that gives you a whiff of your soil and drenches you on a hot summer night.

Rudra - The emotionally scarred fearless soldier with a shattered past who loved only his country and no other. Who lived by his own rules. A need-based alfa male who believed that beautiful women and deception went hand in hand. He depicted the scorching sun, that set you aflame yet leaves you yearning and burning for more..

Lead Actors - Beyond brilliance chemistry, expressions and fabulous performances from start until now... There was never an instance where you felt they did not delivery as per script especially the last 4 to 5 weeks of the show when the situation turned disheartening and dejection sets in.

Sanaya - She might be called a pagal parsi fondly in the industry due to her vibrant personality. Yet an actor par excellence who created magic bringing to her polar opposite character the required mysticism and divinity. So surreal was her role as Paro that viewers were left at first confused, and unhappy yet then remained in awe of her inherent spirit of fighting her battles with overflowing selfless love, patience and goodness. Paro a no-holds barrier woman who gave her all in love. May it be spiritually, mentally or physically.

Sanaya breathed life into Paro...so much so the whole fandom cried foul over her death and fought tooth and nail over the return of her character until it's end. And this despite the star playing another character in the show. Sanaya was present and yet not present. Because the soul (that is Paro) had diminished!

Ashish - How did I miss this hidden gem and his body of work? The Dabaang Moochiyan had arrived! Wait! maybe I should have watched Chandragupta Maurya to know the potential of the actor (Head desk...sometimes the idiot box delivers great stuff and you miss it). A phenomenal powerhouse performer who can give any Bollywood actor a run for their money. What was amazing to see that within the tight script delivery (no track was dragged) how Ashish manages to peel off every layer of Rudra's very edgy and passionate character - From raging fury and ruthless passion of a soldier to battling his own inner conflicts and demons, he embraces the rain and drenches himself with a love so pure that he willingly loses himself to the battle of his heart!

Need I say more, when every media article seconds that and is rife with praise for their performances and acting skills.

As Michael Caine said, "An actor at the end of the day, when it comes to film acting, it's all in the eyes. You cannot lie to the camera. If an actor feels the emotion internally, it will show in the eyes. If not, your eyes will betray you"

This sums up precisely the acting skills of these two brilliant, give it all actors who rose above the script at times and delivered to the T.

And together they created a volatile, scorching chemistry that was never known, seen or experienced before on our TV screens...that paled every ILU voiced and put all their previous pairings on the back burners!

Support Characters - Tejawat the antagonist. A sinfully majestic personality who was a deadly concoction of evilness, shrewdness and wicked charm! He made eyebrows look like stilettos on a woman's feet.

Mala - The gorgeous scorned wife of one man who became the gracious love of the evil one.

Laila - The sexy siren...Whose intoxicating lips matched the fury and passion of Rudra's silky button-less kurtas!

Mohini - The spicy heady mix of paprikas, pickles and chilli peppers. Truly the bad weather - bigdaad hua mausam in RR...

Dilsher & Danveer - The gaajar and mattar of the RR pulao that was relished to our heart's content...

Maithli Bhabhi - A woman who built a home out of house...a never before explored relationship between a devarsa and Bhabhi that was brilliantly portrayed by Geetanjali.

Amandeep Singh - A soldier who stood by his friend and senior officer Major Rudrapratap, that he would be ready to lay down his life for his country.

Other support characters - who became the tiny threads and knots that weaved around the story and its central characters namely Sumer, Samrat, Sunheri, Maamisa, Bindi, Major VK Singh his wife, Shatabdi and the cherubic angels Dhruv & Koel.

Screenplay -Cinematic like and visually brilliant...

Sets - Richer and grander than it should have been...

Dialogues - That will be remembered for years to come. "Shaant, Jallad, Mausam bigaadna, Choodi leela, Major Saab, Bawli nahi hunn mein, the very controversial aath saal harr rath, Tu Mein Humesha, habad dabad, goochud moochud, Dhuan Kumari...and many more!

Ever famous Props - Rudra's Phatphatiya, Rudra's aviators, Paro's Rukmani, Paro's Doll, Paro's Lep, Rudra's uniform, Rudra's silky buttonless kurtas, Paro's cholis and ghagras, Tejawat's richly brocaded sherwanis, the beautifully designed costumes and intricate ethnic jewellery, and mirrors mirrors and more mirrors it was!

Music - An award-winning title song "Mein Maati ka putla", that still lingers on our lips, or the forgotten or unheard tunes, that will now remain synonymous with Parud, namely "Bol na halke halke, or "muskarane ki wajha" and many more...

That's Rangrasiya for you...a glorious oasis...that quenched our souls yet left us parched yearning and thirsting for more "Yeh dill maange more..."

So once again...Shukriya Dil Se Team RR....for it was an experience I would not forgo for another...



I am copy pasting a previous appreciation post specific to an episode that created history on our TV screens - 20-06-2014...because it has credits to all who made it happen...

Dil Se Shukriya! - A Vote of Thanks!

I am sure many of you agree, every time the PH/Creatives have faltered in giving us some faulty tracks or episodes, or messed up technically, we(me too) have either complained about a specific character, or track or expressed our frustration over things vide posts/comments etc.

Though when Friday happened, every post/comment expressed their appreciation...nonetheless I felt a separate post was deserving as well!

With 200614 Magic that I believe should go down in History of the TV industry, it's time to Thank the people concerned for creating a phenomena that may never occur again! For it happens only once!

So here I go -

To Mr. Saurabh Tiwari - The Visionary who gave us Rangrasiya, a Rudra a Paro!

To Ms. Mukhta Dhond & Team- Creative Maverick

Mr. Ghai & Mr. Romy- The Captain who led the team

To Mr. Gautam Hegde & Ms. Janaki - Who did fabulously with their screenplay...from the candles, to the cotton snow to the corridors of the haveli, to those artistic hands of Rudra sliding over that sexiest ever kamariya, hell even that jug of water!

To Mr. Raghuveer Shekhawat - Those epic killer dialogues...Tu Mein Humesha!

To Ms. Shivani - For the costume designing , Paro canary yellow/cobalt blue ghagra choli, Rudra's white kurta & pyjamas (never before have male pyjamas held this much of fascination when Rudra sat himself down along with Paro to explain himself) (ahhh and color coordinates of that Final Kodak Moment of PaRud in White!)

To Ms. Varsha Jain (ARTrageous) - Our Set designer who has created a magical haveli straight out of Jaipur, Rajasthan!

To Background score provider - The best ever selection of song -Muskarane ki wajah.

To Mr. Singh - Our cameraman who is ever famous for his rare shots

To Makeup artists - Glowing Stars in every frame - Watch Sanaya when she is sitting and talking to Rudra...from Paro's rosy pink lips to red-painted alabaster tulip toes!

To our 200 or more/less very very hard working technicians, spot boys, every technician, drivers, helpers, support staff who put in that extra effort (the unsung heroes)

And last but not the least - OUR STARS - Sanaya Irani & Ashish Sharma - Who flew out of those pages of someone else's vision and breathed life into our darlings Rudra & Paro - Respect, Admiration and whole lot of love to both of YOU in equal measure. Take a bow!

Award or no award - Do remember that Each and every one of YOU - Your dedication, hard work and every little effort in creating this Magical Phenomena that struck at the dot of 9:30 pm IST of 200614 is Sincerely Appreciated, Loved and Cherished by every Rangrasiyan...For ALWAYS! A Big Thank YOU

In ending - Mr. Nayak, Mr. Bhatt -Colors - A Special Thanks to the broadcasters who supported the Team and aired those 22 mins of a truly out of this world poetry in motion!

And to anyone I may have forgotten to mention by error - maaf kijiye...galti hui, aap ko bhi Shukriya - Dil Se!

Sorry folks - I forgot to post a poem I penned for Ashish today - as the man juggled two shows yet gave his all reaching the finals of JDJ...so here you go!


Ashish Sharma - Ek Sitara!

Iss shrasti ka ek chipa hua taara (A hidden star of the universe)

Nikla ek kathin rann ki ret ko paar kar (came out and crossed the tough desert terrain

Iss Daud ke harr badhaaon se ladkar (in this race he crossed every hurdle

Aa pahuncha apne lakshya ke paas (& managed to reach his goal)

toh hum prashansak ko kaise na ho iska ahsaas? ( so how could his fans not be aware of his feat

Aakhir woh hai humara ek Anmol Sitara...aur sabse Khaas! (after all he is our precious star...and the one who is special)

Edited by ddFan2012 - 10 years ago
Hope thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago


Shweta, Wonderful, Wonderful posts.. You penned down everything very well that I don't think I can add anything new to it... Thanks for this thread, beautiful collages and nice VM..

At first I was attracted to the show for Sanaya.. But ever since the day I saw first Promo of RR, I was amazed.. Ashish in army dress, Sanaya in bridal outfit, the gun, the broken bangles... Him pointing a gun at her, everything about it made me curious.. And as if that was not enough, the second promo blew me away and I was hooked... Because, I knew that day that this will be one awesome show... And you know what?? My husband who is strictly against Indian Tele shows was curious about RR after seeing these promos too.. He even ended up watching first few episodes of RR, which was like a huge deal πŸ˜†... He was like, I can't believe I am watching an Indian soap...

Also, I remember when the song "Mein Maatika Putla Hoon" was released, I just couldn't stop listening to it again and again and again.. Every word, every line, every bit of it was pure melody and I loved it from the very first time I heard it.. That was the magic RR created even before it started.. That was the magic SanIsh created before they even shared screen for a scene... Here was the song which ended up being my ring tone way before it ever aired... Before the journey even began, I was already drenched in the color of RR...

The visually stunning locations and the cinematography which brought out the ecstatic beauty of a desert was a treat to watch and the experience was no less than that of a movie...I never knew a scorching hot desert can look this beautiful and astonishing... It was like a painting... Every time Paro and Rudra ended up on one frame, my screen burned.. Didn't matter if they were standing at two extreme corners of the screen.. They still sizzled. RR was a joyous, emotional and painful ride... It made me happy, extremely happy, sad, devastated, blush, embarrassed, anxious, curious, confused, wow struck, cry, laugh, giggle, and many more.. It made me dreamy and it also made my heart break.. It made me believe in fairy tales and it also made me realize that all fairy tales doesn't have happy endings... Ok, I think you get what I am saying.. Basically summarizing it all, RR was one hell of a roller coaster ride... And I enjoyed every twist and turn of it however happy or painful it was..

I am so happy I got to watch this wonderful journey of Paro and Rudra.. I am happy I got to meet a pure soul like Paro.. I am happy to meet an arrogant and confident Army Major like Rudra.. A sweet lady like Maithili, A loyal son like Samrat, Totally self centered and witty Sumeer,
Bubbly Sunheri, Ever cunning Mohini, A loyal Brother Danveer, Confused father Dilsher, Substitute mother Mala, Always bringing a smile on my face by just being there Aman. And last but not the least, the villain who was hard to hate Thakur... I loved them all.. I laughed with them, cried for them, hated them, and even wrote pages and pages about them... Thanks to the CV's for not just giving me RR but for bringing all these talented actors together, who made it all worth it...

Sanaya, Thank you... Thank you for breathing life into Paro... The only character that I ever came across which was pure white.. I can go on and on about what all I liked about her or I can just suffix it all by saying.. I LOVE every bit of her.. This is one character which I will never forget and will always stay close to my heart.. And also, I will surely remember that there are two ways of looking at everything... Sanaya, Paro would have never been who she is without you.. You made her into a living person. THANK U. You are an amazing actor and I love you.

Ashish, Thank You for making me feel Rudra.. For bringing all the anguish and hurt of Rudra to the surface for us to see.. For all the expressions... Rudra for me will always remain Paro's... PaRud are soul mates... Which for me means, there is no Rudra without Paro and Paro without Rudra and that is why their love story is that special, amazing and heart melting. Thank U, Ashish for making me blush, smile, cry and laugh for and with Rudra.. For making him so believable... Happy that I came to know of such a wonderful actor like you through RR.. Love U.

I realized that writing this post is going to be difficult because the more I write, the more I would want to write by each passing lineπŸ˜›... So, trying to keep it short I would say, RR actors are Fantastic.. I loved every one of them.. They made this whole Journey wonderful.. Thank You to every one of them.. Also to the two kids Koel and Dhruv, who are so adorable... I love this show, each of its characters and ever person who played those characters... Thank you to all the actors, to creatives, dialogue writer, directors, ST and supporting crew.. Thanks to them for giving me RR... As much as it pains me to say good bye to RR, it also makes me feel happy that it happened.. Thanks to everyone... Will miss you all.

I will try to write more... Got to run for now..

Edited by Hope - 10 years ago
antiquegold thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
At the end of December 2013, a tale unfolded on our television screens, taglined "ran ki reth main rakt se rachi prem kahaani". Sounded like the stuff legends are made of, tinted by blazing sands, rich color, a tale of a beautiful girl, exquisite like a vibrantly colored butterfly, caught amidst blood, screams, death ...and a warrior. Handsome. Deadly. Brave. Reckless. The savior to his soldiers, the destroyer of his enemies. Protector of the helpless and agent of death at the same time.

The stirring background score put tune to the tale told in ballad form, accompanied by shlokas of the Ascetic, the Mahadev, the destroyer of evil. It told of the colors of passion, of love so deep and magnificient and unstoppable that it was not really an everyday, sit by the fireside and read folk tales kind of story. It was a stay up late, hide under the blanket with a torch, read until your eyes popped kind of story. A story that could be told in metaphors in the third person, of a Titli and a Jallad, of an Oonth and a Dhuakumari. Of a BSD major and his gawaah. Of Rudra Pratap Ranawat and Parvati - the Jodi that looked like Shiv and Parvati come down to earth.

And yet, when it came to Rudra and Paro themselves, they lived it so simply - raw emotions, direct speech, absolute honesty and most of all, in the silences, in the eyes, in the looks, in their touch! So much so, that her conviction and his contradiction of eyes vs words, both rang equally true!

What was this story, this legend, so grandly told?
It was a love story.
Not the boy-meets-girl-next-door story. Not the friend-becoming-lovers story. Not the rebound-love-story. Not the arranged-marriage story. Not the tragic story of two star-crossed lovers even.

It was the Divine love story. Of two souls. Do aatma ke bandhan. And the makers used blood red, jet black, pure white and murky grey metaphorically as much as physically to colour and illustrate it. They used the song of the Ascetic and the Princess to nuance it and give it voice. And they created magic on the screen.

This was the original premise of the story.

This spirit. This essence. For this, we thank you the Creatives. You the writers. You who had such a strong and clear vision. That took our breath away. A story before its time. Beautifully told. Eternally remembered.

The protagonists you ask? Well what about them?

Just this ... An actor called Ashish Sharma played Rudra and an actress called Sanaya Irani played Paro. They played them larger than life and frail and flawed at the same time. With hearbreaking innocence, intensity and honesty. No holds barred. No compromises. What we saw, what I described in the first few paragraphs was the direct result of this portrayal. That made us watch with the outer eye and gasp at the beauty and raw chemistry of this pair on screen. That made us watch with the inner eye and tremble with empathy at the starkness of their circumstances, quiver with suspense at what would happen next and debate fiercely within ourselves as we saw their layers peel off one by one.

Sanaya and Ashish:
You gave a LOT of yourselves, your craft, your skills, your psyche to this role. More than that I do not want to say, it has been said already. You captured every conscious thought and feeling in my head when you both danced that divine dance of love as Rudra and Paro, when you both were colored by each others essence as Rudra and Paro.

And for this I thank you.

I watch you end this with a tear in my eye, a smile on my lips and a prayer in my heart that you will get all that you so richly deserve - recognition, satisfaction, remuneration, love, joy and happiness and health.

We live, as Jerry Maguire said, in a cynical world. This story was extremely cheeni kum. There were crucial arcs of it that were very stark, very bitter, giving harsh substance and dark shadow to the love story.

To all the characters who brought this shadow and substance to life, from the cranky old man, the handsome and devilish villain, the estranged mother, the vicious aunt, the kind uncle, the beautiful and good daughter in law, the good son, the black sheep and his spunky wife, and the girl with the pompoms, not to mention the loyal second officer, the little kids, the babies, the commanding officer, the crazed terrorist and the fake husband , the commanding officer and his wife,the maami, the friend, the doctors, the dancer, the chudi wala, the gola wala, the naukaranis, the pandit jis, the yahaan bhi extra, salutations, congratulations on a job outstandingly done and all our best wishes for many fun, meaty and well paid roles ahead.

Kali Prasad ji, Sadiya, Tarun, Sanjeev ji, Ananya ji, Udit, Manaswi, Geetanjali, Prashant, Ankita, Padam, Vishal Karwal and Gandhi, and all the names I do not remember. A shout out to you all. You are all rock stars.

And to all my friends on the forum. Just this, my dears.

Ishq Ka Khel Naseebon Ka Hai
Jane Kya Likha Hai
Na Koi Paadh Paye Isko
Na Koi Samjha Hai
Tuhi Padh Le
Aur Samjh Le

Love to all and God bless.
Edited by Oldestfan - 10 years ago
swaram thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
That was really a fitting tribute to all the actors and their characters. You have beautifully summarized thier journey in this story which had us hooked from the start.
Will miss the show😭 and the amazing actors! πŸ‘All the very to all of them in their lives and careers!πŸ‘πŸΌ