Are u doing right??

tanu04 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
I am not understanding why sum of people are getting so aanoyed from the current track of beinteha 😡 Wat u guyz want itz just a serial and the cv's are their to enterain us and dey are doing same so wats d prblm now.. why u guyz are explaining the rules to them director is also belong to a muslim background he also well knowned by the rules..if he is showing or doing sumthing is just for us..Stop blaming guyz..When cv seperate zaya u have prblm and when d tym cum zaya will b together u again have a prblm.. Our director is not making fun of islamic relegion bcuz being a muslim he can not play wid the feelings of muslim.. But how is it possible for him to show each and everything very deeply and clearly itz bcums boring and of no sense.. Den u raise ur voice and say Why dey dragging the track.. Plz let cv's take a fresh breath.. Guyz Plz understand itz just a serial not a real life dnt be so arrogant and aggressive towards them.. Stop tweeting and stop posting statuses on fb dat cv's are making fun of their relegion.. Itz is not true and let cv's think wat next should they do for zaya's reunion itz their headache.. Why u guyz thinking so much I m not getting it.. Most of you is against the ongoing track.. And making issues related the same.. Itz my humble request plz be kind and calm 😕 towards cv's and concentrate on zaya reunion 😊 stop making post that director is making fun of relegion.. No one is making fun.. You people should understand it is really not easy to show each and everything in serials properly in a right manner 😊

I am really sorry if I hurt someone's intention 😭 no offence this post is only to defend cv's and making people realize to focus on zaya reunion..

~A big sorry @gain if sumwhere my words went wrong~