/\ MAHABHARAT /\ the epic comes to an end....

Koeli thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India.


Besides its epic narrative of the Kurukshetra War and the fates of the Kaurava and the Pandava princes, the Mahabharata contains philosophical and devotional material, such as a discussion of the four "goals of life".


Traditionally, the authorship of the Mahabharata is attributed to Vyasa. There have been many attempts to unravel its historical growth and compositional layers.

It is said that, one who reads, watches, chants Mahabharata with his or her soul, they earns punna and all their sins get washed away.

We are all great full to witness this epic story in your left and here we are to present a tribute to not only the Epic and it's characters but also millions of people who watched, enjoyed, cried together.

Before we start our journey we would like to thank few people without whose support, hardwork and dedication this thread wouldnot have been possible.

Permission : mnx12
Special Thanks : Mahabharat DTs (*Resham* , mnx12 , munnihyderabad)
Concept and Presentation and Tags: -Koeli_Appy-
Compilation and Coordination : ..snadhureet..
Main Signature : Abhishek_King
Signatures : -MallyluvsJ2M- , -Shruti , santhiyaa_J ,  Sukanya_Datta , santhiyaa_J
Write ups : luv_sakshi , riti4u , frappie , Brishti_Sarkar , amritat ,
santhiyaa_J , ...sandhureet.. , Krishnaa_Nair

Message Collection : deboleena.manna
Introduction : Wikipedia

Edited by -Koeli_Appy- - 9 years ago


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CatcherInTheRye thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

The Mahabharata tells the story of two sets of paternal first cousins--the five sons of the deceased king Pandu (the five Pandavas) and the one hundred sons of blind King Dhritarashtra (Kauravas)--who became bitter rivals, and opposed each other in war for possession of the ancestral Bharata kingdom with its capital in the "City of the Elephants," Hastinapura, on the Ganga river in north central India.

The five sons of Pandu were actually fathered by five Gods and these heroes were assisted throughout the story by various Gods, sages, and brahmins, including the great sage Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa (who later became the author of the epic), who was also their actual grandfather (he had engendered Pandu and the blind Dhritarashtra upon their nominal father's widows in order to preserve the lineage). The one hundred sons of the blind king Dhartarashtra, on the other hand, had a grotesque, demonic birth, and are said to be human incarnations of the demons who are the perpetual enemies of the devotees of the Lord.

The most dramatic figure of the entire Mahabharata, however, is Sri Krishna who is the supreme personality of Godhead himself, descended to earth in human form to re-establish his devotees as care takers of the earth, and who practice Dharma. Krishna Vasudeva was the cousin of both parties, but he was a friend and advisor to the Pandavas, became the brother-in-law of Arjuna, and served as Arjuna's mentor and charioteer in the Great War. The malice of the Kauravas displayed itself when they took advantage of the eldest Pandava, Yudhishthira  (who had by now become the ruler of the world) in a game of dice: The Dhartarashtras 'won' all his brothers, himself, and even the Pandavas' common wife Draupadi. They humiliated all the Pandavas and physically abused Draupadi, disrobing her; they drove the Pandavas into the wilderness for twelve years, and the twelve years of exile had to be followed by the Pandavas' living in disguise, without being discovered.

The Pandavas fulfilled their part of that bargain by living outside the kingdom, but the evil leader and eldest son of Dhritarashtra - Duryodhana, was unwilling to restore the Pandavas, their half of the kingdom when the thirteen years of exile had expired. War becomes Inevitable. Both sides then called upon their many allies and two large armies arrayed themselves on 'Kuru's Field' (Kuru was one of the eponymous ancestors of the clan), eleven divisions in the army of Duryodhana against seven divisions for Yudhishthira.

Before the war being declared, Balarama had expressed his unhappiness at the developing conflict and left to go on pilgrimage; thus he does not take part in the battle itself. Krishna takes part in a non-combatant role, as charioteer for Arjuna. Before the battle, Arjuna, seeing himself facing his great grandfather Bhishma and his teacher Drona on the other side, has doubts about the battle and he fails to lift his Gndeeva bow. Krishna wakes him up to his call of duty in the famous Bhagavad Gita section of the epic. Several of the important ethical and theological themes of the Mahabharata are tied together in this Gita, and this "Song of the Blessed One" has exerted powerful and far-reaching influence in the Vedic Civilization as well.

The Pandavas won the eighteen day battle, but it was a victory that deeply troubled all except those who were able to understand things on the divine level (chiefly Krishna, Vyasa, and Bhishma). The Pandavas' five sons by Draupadi, as well as Bhimasena and Arjuna's two sons by two other mothers (respectively, the young warriors and Abhimanyu, were all tragic victims in the war. Worse perhaps, the Pandava victory was won by the Pandavas slaying, in succession, four men who were like fathers to them:Bhishma, their teacher Drona, Karna (who was, though none of the Pandavas knew it earlier, the first born, pre-marital, son of their mother), and their maternal uncle Shalya (all four of these men were, in succession, 'supreme commanders' of Duryodhana's army during the war). Equally troubling was the fact that the killing of the first three of these 'respected elders,' and of some other enemy warriors as well, was accomplished only through ' trickery', most of which were suggested by Krishna Vasudeva as absolutely required by circumstances.

Yudhishthira was terribly troubled, but his sense of the war's wrongfulness persisted to the end of the text, in spite of the fact that everyone else, from his wife to Krishna Vasudeva, told him the war was right and good; in spite of the fact that the dying patriarch Bhishma lectured him at length on all aspects of the Good Law (the Duties and Responsibilities of Kings, which have rightful violence at their center; the ambiguities of Righteousness in abnormal circumstances; and the absolute perspective of a beatitude that ultimately transcends the oppositions of good versus bad, right versus wrong, pleasant versus unpleasant, etc.); but despite this, as expiation for the putative wrong of the war, he performed a grand Horse Sacrifice (the Ashwamedha Yagna), on return of the Pandavas to Hastinapur at the end of the war. 

Lord Krishna meets Gandhari. However, in anger and grief over the death of her sons and the Kaurava soldiers, Gandhari curses Krishna with the death of all Yadavas in a manner similar to the death of all her sons. She blames Krishna for his inaction and believes that he could have prevented the war and slaughter of hundred others who died in the war. Krishna accepts the curse, explains how he had tried on several occasions, to mediate peace, only to Duryodhana's refusal. He also explained how Duryodhana and the Kauravas had tried many times to kill the Pandavas, and how Gandhari herself had applauded & supported the wicked deeds of her son.

Yudhishthira agrees to reign & was then crowned as the Emperor of Hastinapur.

Edited by ...sandhureet.. - 9 years ago
-CrazySobtian- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Lord Krishna is the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, who takes birth as the son of Vasudev and Devaki, of Yadav clan, to bring upon righteousness on earth. He is cousin of the Pandavas, and shares an eternal bond of friendship with the third Pandav, Arjun. Lord Krishna also shares a special bonding with Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas, which shines through, when she is staked by her husband, Yudisthir in a dice game and is dragged to the court by her hair, followed by an attempt of disrobing. A helpless Draupadi prays for help to her Sakha, who saves her modesty, by covering her magically with layers of clothes, while all the other righteous men watch silently.  Later, as the Pandavas wage war against their cousins, to reclaim their lost wealth and avenge their wife's humiliation, Lord Krishna takes their side as Arjun's charioteer, but refuses to raise any weapon. Observing Arjun's reluctance in fighting his own kin in the war, He reveals His divinity to him. He convinces Arjun to fight, by teaching him the basic principles of life, through Bhagavad Gita and showing His Vishwaroopam to him. Enlightened by the Lord, Arjun picks up his Gandiv, and gets prepared to fight. Apart from being God Incarnate, Lord Krishna also comes across as a master strategist in the epic. He ensures that Bhishm, Drone and Karna are eventually killed in the war, through his strategies, despite their invincibility. It is through His tricks and brilliant strategies, on various occasions, that the Pandavas finally emerge victorious in the battle.

A fisherwoman with whom King of Hastinapur Shantanu falls in love with. She is beautiful and ambitious woman who is opportunist at the same time. When Shantanu wants to marry Satyavati, she sets up a condition that her sons will rule the throne which prompts Shantanu' s son from Ganga, Devvrat to take lifelong oath of celibacy. Her ambitions do make her Hastinapur' s queen but she could never give Hastinapur a real heir to rule generations after generations as her son proves unfit ruler to Hastinapur. She has an illegitimate son Ved Vyas whom she calls for getting heir to her daughter in laws after her son's death and then starts chain of events which ultimately lead to Great War fought in Kurukshetra. Satyavati's story is about how a woman's ambition overruled her sense of thinking about welfare of her people. She regrets her greed later on but then it was already too late.

Devratha,the last son of Ganga and kuru king Shantanu  was called Bheeshma .Bheeshma means "He of terrible oath" he was named so by his father after he vows life long celibacy and offered his services to the successors of his father's throne.The reason behind the vow being Santhanu smitten by love for Satyawati a fisher woman.Satyawati was apprehensive about marrying Santhanu because she wanted her children to rule the kingdom of Hastinapura.Devratha thus vowed for the sake of his father's happiness and gave up the title of crown prince .He was blessed with a boon of control over his death by his father..Bheeshma won the swayamwar of kashi for his step brother Vichitravirya (satyawati's son) .The eldest Kashi princess Amba who was in love with Shalwa was rejected by him as he was defeated by Bheeshma and requested later to marry her as he won her .He however denied due to his vow. Bheeshma fought his preceptor  Parashurama as the later challenged him on Amba's request .There was no clear outcome of the duel due to lord Shiva's intervention.Amba was given a boon by lord Shiva to become the reason for Bheeshma's death in her next birth .He was the preceptor of the children of Vichitravirya .Bheeshma was silent and suffered all the inhumanities of his grandsons later .He was aware of the jealousy among kauravas and Paandavas during childhood but was helpless.He supported Kauravas in the battle of Kurukshetra.Bheeshma's fall in the battle of kuruskhetra happened on day 10 when he gave up weapons after Shikhandini(rebirth of Amba) afflicted him with an arrow.He was afflicted from all the sides by all the Paandavas in a weaponless state.He laid on the bed of arrows till Yuddhisthira's coronation retired to heavenly abode .He was an invincible warrior who lead life in helplessness and never complained. 

Dhritrasthra was named so because the entire provenience of Hastinapura was static and eagerly awaited for his birth.He was the son of Vichitravirya's first wife Ambica .Ambica was blessed by Vyasa , however she closed her eyes as she was frightened by seeing Vyasa as a result Dhritrasthra was born blind.He possessed the strength of ten thousand elephants.He was tutored by Bheeshma and thus acquired the conventional knowledge along with weapons  training. His power to tame elephants together astonished everyone.He  was married the princess of Gaandhar whom he wanted to use a medium to see the world but in vain .Envy overpowered all the love for his brother Pandu as the later was made the ruler due to Dhritrashtra's blindness.He later ruled as temporary emperor.Dhritrashtra's  obsession for inheriting legacy to his eldest son made him accept all the unrighteous acts of his son.He was updated regarding the events of Kurukshetra by Sanjaya he lamented but it was too late.He retired to forests after spending last years of his life in Hastinapura ruled by Yuddhisthira.Dhirathrashtra's emotional blindness due to love towards his sons lead to the downfall of his sons aswell as the Kuru Dynasty.

Vidur was the youngest son of King Vichitravirya of Hastinapur. He was born through niyog, and was the biological son of Ved Vyas and a maid, who was asked to replace Ambalika, the youngest Queen of Vichitravirya. Being the son of a maid, he was not bestowed with the throne, despite the blindness and death of his elder brothers, but he remained a trusted minister of Hastinapur. Vidur was an extremely intelligent man, and was attached to the family of Pandu, his elder brother, and often aided them in times of distress. Once, the sons of blind Dhritarashtra, Vidur's eldest brother, conspired to burn down the wife and sons of Pandu alive in a Lakshagriha, at Varnavrat. As Vidur came to know about the conspiracy, he immediately sent out message to the Pandavas who, on receiving the message, escaped the house, in time, through a secret passage. Later, Dhritarashtra invited Yudisthir, the eldest Pandav, for a dice game, with the intention to extort his wealth and insult his family. Vidur went to Indraprastha, along with a messenger to invite the Pandavas, and tried to warn Yudisthir against it. However, Yudisthir accepted the proposal, and staked and lost everything in the game against Dhritarashtra's wicked brother-in-law Shakuni. His wife Draupadi was dragged and disrobed in the court, in front of everyone. Vidur was one of the very few people, who tried to protest against this. Vidur was a righteous man, with immense intellect, and is often considered as an incarnation of Dharma.

A religious devotee of Lord Shiva, Gandhari is an intriguing character of Mahabharat. She is dearest to all especially her brother in her palace. She sees her world going upside down when her father in fear of attack on Gandhar declares her marriage to a blind prince Dritrashtra of Hastinapur. She decides to vow for blindfold as dedicated wife throughout her life plunging herself into darkness forever. Her sacrifice is regarded as the driving force behind her brother seeking revenge from Hastinapur. Gandhari gets a boon from Lord Shiva that she will give birth to 100 sons. Having born with much difficulty, Gandhari sons become her biggest weaknesses. She is a mother blinded with love for her sons, her veil signifies more on how she had intentionally blinded herself to duryodhan's misdeed and her brother's ill intentions in misguiding her son. This mother's anguish comes out strongly in the end when she cursed Lord himself for destroying her clan. Gandhari's character emphasizes on utter devotion of woman to her husband and her sons but somewhere in midst of all that despite knowing what dharma is she chooses to embrace blindfold on adharma forever succumbing to her weaknesses -her sons.

Kunti, known as Pritha is foster daughter of Kuntibhoj and is sister of Vasudeva(Lord Krishna's father).She gets married to King Pandu of Hastinapur. She gets a boon from rishi durvasa for having children by calling any God. Before marriage out of curiosity she calls Suryadev who gives her a son as boon. She lets go of that child due to societal pressures. This mistake comes back to haunt her as her first son Karna returns to Hastinapur and later unfortunately due to his friendship with Duryodhana becomes enemy of her own sons. She is the foundation on which pandavas build their high morals and values and eventually fight on right side of dharma. On one hand she is perfect daughter, a perfect wife and a perfect mother to pandavas in every respect and on other hand, she is a helpless mother of her first born whom she failed in every respect. A Story untold in many aspects, Kunti is a heart wrenching tale of a woman who is widowed at very young age and gets to raise her children in difficult circumstances with a huge burden of a past mistake in her heart.

Amba was a Kashi princess, who had fallen in love with a man named Shalwa. Once, her Swamvar was organized, along with her two sisters, Ambika and Ambalika. However, Bhishm came into the Swamvar, uninvited, to kidnap all three princesses, for his weak brother Vichitravirya, and defeated Shalwa, who tried to stop him. Amba protested against this, and Bhishm took away two of her sisters, leaving her at Kashi.  Later, she came to Hastinapur, dishevelled and dejected, and asked Bhishm to marry her. But Bhishma refused, due to his vow of lifelong celibacy. Overcome with fury and agony, she went to Parshuram, and goaded him to challenge Bhishma for a duel. Seeing the Guru and Shishya fight, Lord Shiva intervened and granted Amba a boon that she would be born again, to be the cause for Bhishma's downfall. Later, she took birth as Shikhandini, the daughter of Drupad, in the kingdom of Panchal. She obtained a boon from a Yaksha, to transform her gender for one day. On the 10th day of the Kurukshetra war, she entered the battlefield as Shikhandi, and succeeded in defeating Bhishma, who put down his weapon, on seeing her. Shikhandi was killed  on the 18th night, after the completion of the war, by Dronacharya's son Ashwathama. On that night, Ashwathama entered the Pandava camp, hoping to kill the 5 Pandavas, but instead killed their 5 sons, along with Shikhandi, her brother Drishtyadyumna and others.

Dronacharya was born to Rishi Bhradwaj and was Parshuram's student. In his gurukul days, his friend Drupad, who later became the King of Panchaal, promised him He will give him half of what he owns. Drona remembered his friend's promise to him when he was in need, after years. He goes to Drupad, and is treated like a beggar by the King, who refuses to accept he promised Drona anything. Drona decides to take revenge, and in search of capable shishyas, who can fulfill his desire, reaches Hastinapur. He is appointed as the teacher of the Pandava and Kaurava princes. Very soon, the third son of Kunti, Arjuna becomes his favourite student, his strength but also his weakness. When he finds out Eklavya, A Nishad son, is almost as good as Arjuna in archery, if not better, he asks the young boy to give the thumb of his right hand as a Guru Dakshina to Drona, as the boy claimed him as his Guru. Drona was an unconquerable warrior, but as a teacher, he is seen to be partial towards his son Ashwathama, and also towards Arjuna. Drona remains to be one of the most powerful characters, both through pride and ability, but is also criticized because of his wrong choice- fighting for the Kauravas. He was killed in the Kurukshetra war by Dhristadyumna, the son of Drupada. 

Shakuni was the son of the Gandhar King, Subala. His sister Gandhari had blind-folded herself, due to her marriage with the blind  elder prince of Hastinapur, named Dhritarashtra. Moreover, due to Dhritarashtra's blindness, the throne of Hastinapur was bestowed to his younger brother Pandu. Angered by his sister's misfortune and denial of throne to Dhritarashtra, Shakuni promised himself, that he would make Gandhari's son the next ruler, or else destroy the Kuru clan, along with Bhishma, who had brought the proposal of marriage to Gandhar. Shakuni was a master strategist, and a very cunning man, by nature. He had a huge influence on the lives of the hundred sons of Gandhari, collectively called the Kauravas and often hatched plans with his eldest nephew Duryodhan, and others, to thwart the sons of Pandu. Once, Shakuni along with Duryodhan and others, made a futile attempt to burn the wife and sons of Pandu alive in a House of Lac. Later, a dice game was planned to extort the wealth of the Pandavas, and Yudisthir, the eldest son of Pandu, was invited to Hastinapur for it, by Dhritarashtra. Shakuni, who was adept at the game, defeated Yudisthir with his proficiency, along with trickery and special dice made out of his father Subala's bones. Due to this, Yudisthir lost all wealth, and was exiled along with his brothers. Later, after completion of exile, as Lord Krishna came with a peace proposal, on behalf of the Pandavas, to Hastinapur, to avoid war, Duryodhan, being instigated by Shakuni, refused it. This led to the Kurukshetra war, in which Shakuni acted as the strategist among the Kauravas, and eventually got killed by the youngest Pandav, Sahadev.

Edited by munnihyderabad - 9 years ago
Spring-Dew thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Yudhishtira, was the son of Kunti and the Lord of Judgement, Dharma. He is referred to as "Dharma Raj" or the righteous king, although, it is a big question whether he deserved to be called so or not. He was the eldest among all his brothers (Pandavas and Kauravas) and was the successor to the throne of Hastinapur, although his cousin, the eldest Kaurav Duryodhana never accepted his claim, which finally lead to the greatest war of all times. He was married to Draupadi along with his other four brothers. When the Kuru Rashtra was divided among the Pandavas and the Kauravas, Dhritarashtra, gave the Pandavs a barren land, called Khandavprastha. However, with Devraj Indra's boon, Khandavprastha becomes Indraprastha, and Yudhishtir becomes the King of Indraprastha. Yudhishtira's putting Draupadi as a bet is one of the fewest mistakes he made in his life. Despite of being the most just and pious ruler, he watched his wife Draupadi's humiliation in the middle of the court. Yudhishtira was known to have taken the oath of not speaking a lie, or "Ardhya Satya" (partly a lie). But he tricks Dronacharya into quitting his weapon in the Kurukshetra war, by telling him his son Ashwathama is dead, and not mentioning that it was an Elephant named Ashwathama who died and not his son. But despite of all this, he was a just ruler, who established Dharma in Aryavart. He was the only brother among the Pandavas to have ascended to heaven. 

Bheema ,the second son of Paandu through his first wife Kunti was blessed by Lord Vaayu.Bheema as the name suggests was most powerful .He was also called Vrikodhar.Bheema's strength was such that while his birth he apparently fell on a rock which had cracks.The seeds of enmity between Bheema and Kaurava brothers were sown in the childhood when he was poisoned and thrown into a lake.He survived and acquired the strength of thousand elephants by Vasuki.He acquired conventional education under the tutelage of Drona.The Kauravas along with Shakuni plotted to kill Paandavas in a Lac house however they escaped and Bheema played a major role.He married Hidimbi after slaying Hidimba a Rakshasa he also became the emperor of Rakshasawat.He subjugated the kingdoms of East and tore Jarasandha apart. Bheema vowed to slay all the 100 Kaurava brothers after the infamous dicehall disrobing incident.Bheema served as Paalav the cheif cook of Virata palace during their incognito stay and killed Keechaka for his misbehavior with Draupadi.Bheema not just fullfilled his vow of tearing Dushyasan's chest but also fulfilled the vow of Draupadi by drippining the blood of Dushyasana along her hair.Bheema was the last to die during their final journey to Himalayas.He loved his family and spoke his heart regardless of the fact that it may be righteous or not.These traits make him most lovable character ...

Arjuna ,the youngest son of Kunti was blessed by Lord Indra.He was the reincarnation of sage nara .He was born to destroy the evil and reestablish perishing Dharma in the society.Arjuna's assiduity, passion towards learning and skill unmatched acquired him the title of best student under Drona's tutelage.He fulfilled his preceptor's wish by defeating Drupada in a battle.His  razor sharp focus and peerless skill helped him accomplish the almost impossible task of piercing pinakin at the fish's eye.Arjuna obtained divine celestial bow Gaandeva from Agni .He was married to the most beautiful and virtuous woman of Jambudweepa whom he however had to share among his brothers but never complained .The valiant Jishnu fought Indra after he burnt the Khandavaprastha .He married Subhadra his maternal cousin and sister of his mentor Vaasudeva also married Chitrangada and Uloopi during his sojourns to far away places.He played a major role in building Indraprastha.After the infamous dice hall incident and disrobing of Draupadi he vowed to punish the sinners.During the incognito stay in Matsya he was disguised as Brihannnala a transgender as a result of curse by Urvashi during his stay in Amaravati  after attaining Paashupatha from Mahadeva turned out a boon to him.He was a one man army and won the war of Virata after he defeated the entire Kuru clan and allies.However, the most courageous warrior was a modest person and laid his weapons in the battle of Kurukshetra when he had to slay his kinsmen.His despondency was cleared by Lord himself giving him the eternal knowledge of Gita.He was the most powerful warrior of the paandava army and killed major warriors of Kaurava army.After attaining the eternal knowledge of Karma he performed deeds in accordance to the Lord's will and hence called as sinless one.He annexed several kingdoms and helped King Yuddhisthira in Ashwamedha.He was the fourth one to die during their final journey to Himalayas.He was an austere warrior who never complained during the trials and tribulations of his life .He is an epitome of loyalty purity  valor .Indeed he was a perfect human being and is the best archer.

Fifth and youngest Pandu son, Sahadev is born as a result of a boon given to his mother madri, pandu's second wife from Ashwini Gods. He is twin brother of Nakul. Sahadev is youngest and thus dearest to his mother Kunti who takes care of both twins of Madri after their mother passes away. Sahadev has unique ability to foresee future events. He gets signal from nature in some form whenever there is any danger impending on his loved ones. Through this special ability in him, we see him always warning his brothers in advance, whether be it lakshagrah, Draupadi's marriage to 5 brothers or Dyut Sabha. Sahadev also turned out to be one of the great warriors in Kurukshetra battle. He is regarded as Maharathi due to his special skills in sword battles.. He is the one who vows to slay evil mastermind Shakuni and does it successfully in the battle.Sahedev is regarded as most intelligent of all pandavas brother. Together with Nakul he was proficient in special medical treatments as well which helped their camp in many ways in Kurukshetra War.

Nakula was the son of Paandu's second wife Madri and was the blessing as result of boon by Ashwini Kumaras.He was the twin brother of Sahadeva.He had the special ability to interact with animals .Nakula was the most handsome man of his lineage as the name suggests.His ability to interact with horses was quite useful in the war with Drupada.Also his interaction with mice sent by Uncle Vidur helped in solving the mystery of Lac house conspiracy.conspiracy.During their exile Nakula pleased ashwini Kumaras by penance and acquired divine herbs with medicinal value which helped in treatment of warriors during Kurukshetra.  Nakula served as ostler during their incognito stay in Matsya.He vowed to kill his maternal uncle Shalya after the later was tricked by Kauravas and  joined their army .Nakula was the third one to die during their final journey to Himalayas.He was considerd a Maharathi and a master in sword play .

The Princess of Panchaal was born from the holy fire of a Yajna. The Gift of God to the properous Kingdom of Panchaal was named Krishnaa by the Gods, and Yajnaseni because she was born from the flames of the Yajna fire. And finally, she was referred to as "Draupadi", being the daughter of Drupada.Yajnaseni was the most beautiful woman of Aryavart, described to be the dark complexioned lotus eyed beauty. Draupadi was said to be a blessing for the whole of Aryavart, who would change the fate of it. A swayamvar was arranged for Draupadi, where the contestants had to hit the eye of a fish with the bow, that too by only looking at the reflection of it. Draupadi was refuses to accept Karna as her husband as he was a Suta. Later the contest is won by Arjuna. But even though Draupadi was born to be the blessing for Aryavart, destiny brought her only despair. Draupadi was married to all five Pandava brothers, because of Kunti's words. Draupadi's fate did not end here. She was humiliated in the worst way possible in the court of Hastinapur. All five of her husbands watched Dusshashana trying to disrobe Draupadi. But purity, and respect came back to her, through her very special one, Govind in the likeness of cloth. The most beautiful and desirable woman of Aryavart spend the next 13 years in pain. She had to spend a year as a maid. Finally the Kurukshetra war breaks in, and Draupadi's oath of washing her hair in Dusshashana's blood in fulfilled. But destiny did not hold happiness for the one born to spread happiness. Her five sons were brutally murdered on the last day of the war. Draupadi remains the most controversial and discussed character of Mahabharat. She is the symbol of virtue and feminity, and truely the best of women. 

Eldest son of Kunti, born before her marriage as boon from Sun God, abandoned due to societal pressures by his own mother, Karna is a tragic story of a man who is born royal but raised in low caste. Due to his low caste he faces many challenges especially for his quest to learn archery. He lies to Lord Parshuram about him being Brahmin and becomes a great archer of those times as a result earns a curse from him. His quest for respect and adulation brings him to Hastinapur's rangbhoomi event where destiny makes him friend of duryodhana, cousin and enemy of his brothers. Karna is an edgy character which is partly due to society bitterness and partly due to an urge for recognition. His impulsive behavior and revengeful nature forms another part of his characteristics and comes to play when he calls Draupadi as Vaishya in Dyut Sabha. Despite all his flaws, Karna possessed a magnanimous heart which was known to be forever giving. Famously called as Danveer, Karna rips apart his kavach and Kundal as daan to Lord Indra who seeks it for sake of his son Arjun. A valiant and fearless warrior unfortunately on wrong side of dharma in this dharma yudh comes to know of his real identity just before the war. His loyalty towards duryodhana and his duty towards his mother in form of a promise to keep her other 4 sons apart Arjun alive marks inner battle of a great warrior in Kurukshetra. He loses his battle of life due to his curse from Lord Parshuram but finally earns the respect that he fought for all through his life.

Duryodhan was the eldest of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari, who were collectively called the Kauravas. The throne of Hastinapur, was once denied to a blind Dhritarashtra and bestowed to his younger brother Pandu, thus, causing a permanent rivalry between the sons of Pandu and Dhritarashtra. Duryodhan was greatly influenced by his wicked uncle Shakuni, and with his aid, often conspired against his cousins. To avoid further dispute, the kingdom was eventually divided. Once, Duryodhan was invited to Indraprasth for Rajsuya Yagna. Seeing, the prosperity of the Pandavas, he was overcome with jealousy. Moreover, he fell down in a pool of water, by mistake and was laughed at, by his cousins. Overcome with wrath and jealousy, he decided to invite the Pandavas for a dice game. Yudisthir lost everything including his wife in the game against an adept Shakuni, and Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas was humiliated immensely. Duryodhan exposed his left thigh to her in an obscene manner, and paved the way for his doom.  Duryodhan was married to the Kashi princess, Bhanumati, and had a best friend, Karna. Once, Duryodhan had crowned Karna as the King of Anga, despite his apparent lower caste. Their friendship grew from there, and lasted till the end. Duryodhan was killed on the 18th day of the Kurukshetra War, by second Pandav, Bhima, who unlawfully broke his thigh, to avenge his wife's insult. Duryodhan was an ace mace fighter, and despite his flaws, died as a true Kshatriya.

Dusshashana was the second son of blind King Dhritarashtra and Gandhari. He strongly supported his elder brother Duryodhana in all his misdeeds, and followed his orders, even though they were wrong. He was a part of all of Shakuni and Duryodhana's plans against the Pandavas, including Draupadi's humiliation in the court of Hastinapur. Dusshashana was ordered by his elder brother to "drag" Draupadi into the court holding her by her hair, after Yudhishtira lost her in the dice game. Dusshashana, following his elder brother, drags Draupadi into the court of Hastinapur, and attempts to disrobe her, when ordered by Duryodhan. Dusshashan is referred to as the negative version of Laxman, but is the most inhuman and aggressive character of Mahabharat. In one way, he never questioned his brother, and was very loyal and faithful to his him. He never demanded the throne too. But on the other hand, his act is the most shameful act in Indian history. He got a brutal and gruesome death in Kurukshetra because of his deeds. He was killed by Bheema, as he had taken the oath to drink blood from Dusshashan's chest, and Draupadi has taken the oath of washing her hair in his blood. Duryodhan becomes very depressed and sad after Dusshashan's death although he decides to take the revenge from the Pandavas. 

Abhimanyu was the valiant son of Pandava Prince Arjuna, and Yadav Princess Subhadra. He was Vasudev Krishna's nephew. Abhimanyu was one of the greatest warriors of his era, carrying both Krishna and Arjun's blood. He was 16 years old when the Kurukshetra war took place. Abhimanyu's glory spread like the rays of a blazing sun in summer in the battlefield day by day. But the sun always sets, when it is time. Abhimanyu entered the Chakravyuh formed by the Kauravas on the 13th day of the Kurukshetra war. Unfortunately, although he knew how to enter the Chakravyuh, he was not blessed with the knowledge of coming out of it. The Kauravas took advantage of it, and killed the great warrior in his youth, in the most brutal way possible. Abhimanyu's death was one of the most unfair acts in Indian history. But still, his glory never faded. He remained in people's heart, still alive with his brave spirit and everlasting confidence. He indeed was one, who died to live, and sacrificed himself for the betterment of humanity and to establish Dharma. The Son of Dhananjaya was married to the Princess of Matsya, Uttara. Uttara lost her husband at a very young age but still had hope in her, and she gave birth to Parikshit, who succeeded Yudhishtir into the throne of Hastinapur, becoming the next Chakravarti Samrat. 

Edited by munnihyderabad - 9 years ago
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Posted: 9 years ago

Bheeshma's Pratigya

Devavrata,son of Ganges and Maharaj Shantanu of Hastinapur,who meets his father after 25 years and later becomes the strongest pillar of the Empire and known as Bheeshma.Maharaj Shantanu does Devavrata's crowning ceremony which his beloved Satyavati who is the daughter of a fisherman could not tolerate and tells Shantanu that she can't be part of his life as then her coming generations will become mere puppets in the hands of Shantanu's elder son Devavrata.Shantanu becomes upset which is noticed by Devavrata,when he comes to know the reason,he went to Satyavati who tells him that he himself is the reason of his father's dilemma,his father has to choose one,either me or you.Devavrata goes to river Ganges,calls his mother Devi Ganga as a proof of his pledge,cuts his hand,the blood drop mingle with the river water and a volcano kind of erupts from the water,the sky becomes red,he takes the pledge that he'll secure the future of Satyavati's sons,he'll make sure that they sit on the throne and for this he'll not marry,he'll follow Brahmacharya for whole his life.Shantanu reaches there and is shocked to which Devavrata says it's his duty.Shantanu asks him to ask any wish at which Devavrata asks him to grant a wish that until there is not attainment of peace and justice on the throne of Hastinapur,he'll not get death,Shantanu blesses him with "Iccha Mrityu",he'll not die until he wants to,he'll choose the person who'll kill him and for his pledge he'll be designated as "Bheeshma" in future.

Amba's revenge

Amba who is the princess of Kashi .She never got married in her entire life because of Bheeshma who defeated her love Salwa at the swayamvar organised for her and her sisters (Ambika and Ambalika). Amba told Bheeshma that she loves some one else,so Bheeshma left Amba there nad brought her other two sisters to Hastinapur for his Brother.Salwa,Amba's beloved refused her saying that he can's marry her now as Bheeshma won her in Swayamwar. Amba felt humiliated and went to Hastinapur and asked Bheeshma to marry her but he refuses because of his oath.At which she goes to Bhagvaan Parshurama that she wants justice and tells him to defeat Bheeshma.Both Guru Shishya started fight but no results.Mahadeva appears,Amba asks Mahadeva to give her justice , he gives her a boon that she will be born again to defeat Bheeshma in some Dharam sthapna. She tells Bheeshma that she will take birth again after 25 years when he will become so old to give him Mrityu.She takes birth as as Shikhadini , the daughter of Paanchal King Drupad after she grew young she was made as the commander of Paanchal army , when there was an war between hastinapur and Paanchal she decided to defeat Bheeshm in that war,but dint get the chance.She comes to Battle field of Kurukshetra where Bheeshma drops his weapons as per his promise to her.She becomes the reason of Bheeshma' death.

Karna-Arjuna face off

The Kuru princes after the completion of their formal education under Guru Drona returned to Hastinapura. A grand kreedangan was organized to showcase the talents of the princes to public, but it's underlying aim was to prove Duryodhana as the best. Each of the Pandavas were called one after the other and was defeated by Duryodhana. Eventually Arjuna came and disarmed Duryodhana in a matter of minutes and locked him in a ice block. Dronachrya overwhelmed by his student's performance announced that Arjuna is the best archer in the world. But this statement was challenged  by a young man. Glowing as the sun he descended from the top towers of the kreedangan arena and questioned Dronachrya. He challenged Arjuna. Upon the call for duel Kripacharya inquired his ancestry and it is revealed that he was none other than Karna,  the son of Radha and Athirath. This created an uprising among the public and it was said that Karna cannot challenge Arjuna. Smelling the rivalry of the two archers Gandhar Raj Shakuni signalled his nephew Duryodhana to stop Karna from returning. Duryodhana offered him the Kingdom of Ang.  The decision was supported by Maharaj Dhritrastr and the duel between Arjuna and Angraaj Karna began. The duel seemed to be going on endlessly and at one point the arrows of Arjuna was about to hit Karna but his Divyakavacch appeared. Seeing this Kunti recognized Karna,  the son she abandoned and  swooned. The duel went on till sunset and at sunset Arjuna caught the incoming arrow and broke it. The duel ended in a tie but the fire of rivalry was given wind.

Drupad's War

Drupad,King of Panchala,a very dear freind of Dronacharya,why suddenly started pinning his eyes?Drupad once insulted him in the Raja Sabha of Panchala and  challenged him to create a warrior who can defeat Drupad,at that time he took a vow to take revenge from Drupad.After years when Dhritrashtra was about to announce the Yuvraj of Hastinapur,Dronacharya interrupted in between that first he wants his Gurudakshina.He wants his students to fight with Drupad and bring him at his feets. All the 105 students left for Panchal. When Drupad came to know about this he tells his Senapati(Shikandini) to capture all the Kuru Princes but not to kill them as only then Bheeshma will come and she will be able to take her revenge.Duryodhana who was very ambitious din't want to share this opportunity with Pandavas.Yudhishtir let all the 100 Kaurvas to go first to show their prowess.Kaurvas reached Panchala,initially they had their upper hand but as the army changed the stance and made a Vyuh ,all the Princes got trapped easily but Duryodhana defeated Shinkandini within no time.He started fighting with Drupad and soon realised that he was trapped as could not recognize real Drupad among five clones of him and was captured.Soon Pandavas reached and  Arjun broke the formation.He shooted an arrow which toppled Drupad to the ground.Just then a voice of Drupad rangs out asking whether Arjuna is sure about the real Drupad. Soon  multiple Drupads circled Arjuna .He stood stupefied, unable to figure out the real Drupad, taking this opportunity,Drupad  launched a sneak sword attack and managed to cut through the cloth bag holding Krishna's stones. Those stones helped Arjun in pinpointing the real Drupad, Arjun tied him up using his arrow.Ashwathama was crowned King of one half of Panchal, and Drupad was allowed to keep the other half and told to rule it from Kampilya.

Draupadi's Birth

King Drupad, king of Panchaal organised yagna for getting a son to defeat Dronacharya , he got a son named Dhrishtadyumna and now he is suppose to get a daughter but Drupad was not interested in having a daughter because he thinks daughters as a burden and he also thinks his daughter shikhadini as a burden. The rishi said not to refuse of getting a daughter as the daughter who is suppose to enter this world will establish dharma ( righteousness ) , she will bring change in the world and also she will bring bright future to aaryavrata but he didn't care about Rishi's words and he thought of leaving that place but the fire surrounds him which doesn't allows him to move further hence he came back .The flame grew long and from that a girl came out who is none other than Draupadi , the Rishis said her to be called as Yagnaseni as she emerge from the fire. Then Draupadi went near as Drupad's daughter to take his blessings but he refuses to accept her but later he accepts her because of Krishna who makes him understand the value of a girl.Then Draupadi became princess of Panchaal hence Draupadi is also called Panchaali.


Following the victory of Kuru princes in Drupad war and the outstanding valour shown by Pandavas, Prince Yudhistir was coronated as the Yuvraj. Duryodhana who was furious accepted Yudhistir . Behind the scenes Gandhar Raj Shakuni, his two nephew and Angraj along with the help of Purochan was plotting for the assassination of Pandavas and Rajmatha Kunti.  Purochan constructed a palace in varanavat made of Wax, grass and meat and the plan was to poison them and then set fire on the palace.But Mahamantri Vidhur who is acquainted about Gandhar Raj's intentions learned about this heinous conspiracy. Yuvraj Yudhistir along with Rajmatha Kunti and his three brothers set out to varanavat to abide the wishes of late Maharaj Pandu as requested by Purochan. Arjuna joined them in varanavat upon his return from dwaraka. Mahamantri Vidhur sent a sack of rice which had some rats as a sign of warning to varanavat.  Shakuni ordered the assassination of Maharaj Pandu's family that very night as Mahamahim knew about the plan. But on seeing the rat , which came from the sack of rice dead upon consuming the food the Pandavas were on alert. The whole palace was set on fire and as per Kunti's request Pandavas decided to escape from there and to lead a life of Guptavaas. Mahamahim Bheeshma was not able to recover Pandavas. He informed the death of Pandavas upon which the whole kingdom wailed and conspirators celebrated.

Draupadi's Swayamwar

Draupadi,daughter of Drupad(King Of Panchala),took birth from fire by Yajnas to change to future of Aryavrata.Her father planned to hold Swayamwar for her at Kampilya(capital of Panchala),so he sent invitations to all the Princes. Anga Raj Karna arrived too with his friend Duryodhan.A contest was organised, one who will hit the eye of fish moving in the sky,looking down to its image in the water instead of looking at the fish,that Prince will marry Draupadi.Draupadi who already fell for Arjuna after seeing him in Lord Shiva temple,wanted to get married to him only.Krishna tells that only two people has the capability to win this contest,one is Arjuna and other Anga raj Karna,who is a suta putra.All tried,but failed.Karna went to fight for his friend Duryodhan which was objected by Drishtdhyumn as one has to take part for himself only. This time Karna went for himself and no one objected.He was about to hit the target when Draupadi stopped him by saying that she will not marry a Suta Putra. Duryodhan challenges Draupadi that if she has decided to marry, it must be at this swayamvar only, and with someone who can shoot the target.She asks Krishna if a princess can marry a Brahmin. Krishna says yes,but Drupad was worried, since Draupadi is meant to be a Queen, not a Brahmin's wife. Krishna reassures him, saying that if Draupadi's fate is to be a Queen then may be she has the power to turn a Brahmin into a King.Drupad invites the Brahmins too.Pandvas were about to leave when Krishna stopped them. Arjuna comes and moves to the wards of the contest fish.Puts the bow and hits the target easily.All were shocked.Draupadi was happy and she puts garland around his neck.Swayamwar is done.

Kunti asks Pandavas to distribute their bhiksa

After Arjuna won Draupadi at the Swayamvara , Draupadi got blessings from her father and went with Arjuna , both were feeling blissful and Arjuna happily brought Draupadi to the place where Pandavas and their mom Kunti were living. Kunti was doing pooja closing her eyes.Arjun said to Kunti that he has brought "daan".Kunti ask Yudhishtir to divide the daan among all the brothers equally whatever Arjuna has brought without looking at that,all are shocked .Kunti realized what she said and felt disheartened.The other four Pandavas except Arjuna decided to get Draupadi married to Arjuna and they will take sanyaas , Arjuna asked Draupadi to marry Yudhishtir and said that he will go to sanyaas but Draupadi said she is ready to marry all five but King Drupad came to that place and took his daughter and went as he don't want his daughter to be divided for all brahmins.Pandavas went to Paanchaal , Drupad was angry at them but later Krishna revealed their identity and convinced Drupad and also consoled Draupadi and Krishna said to Draupadi that he will be there for Draupadi to help her at her difficult times.All are ready for the marriage.

Edited by munnihyderabad - 9 years ago
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Posted: 9 years ago

 Chausar Pratiyogita 

The insult suffered by Duryodhana at Indraprasth Rajyasabha was intolerable by him and he wanted revenge. Gandhar Raj Shakuni devised a plan. He instructed Duryodhana to redirect his revenge over Samraggini who is the pride and honour of Pandavas. Duryodhana requested Maharaj Dhritarashtr to invite Samrat and Samraggini to Hastinapur for Utsav and a friendly Dice game there after between Duryodhana and Samrat. Mahamantri Vidur was given the responsibility to invite Samrat and Samraggini officially. Despite the objections Samrat agreed and accepted the invitation. Pandavas were received warmly in Hastinapur. But Sahadev had instincts that something bad is going to lay out as they entered the Dice Game hall.The rules of the dice game were set by Mahamahim Bheeshma himself and it strictly said no ladies other than the daasis are allowed in the Dice game hall and each player can only bet on the things that they own and are proud about . Both sides agreed and the game began. Mamashri Shakuni threw the dice on behalf of Duryodhana. But the dice used were magical which obeyed Gandhar Raj's wishes and hence Samrat lost his first bet. Second round began and Duryodhan made his brother the bet. This created havoc but was solved by mamshri's word game. Samraggini protested on staking her husband but everything was in vain and the game proceeded. Samrat lost everything he staked including his brothers and himself and all were made daas of Duryodhana

Draupadi's Vastraharan

On loosing himself in the dice game Yudhistir said he had nothing left to stake upon which Mamashri instructed him to stake his wife who is still the Samraggini. Yudhistir objected on which the whole dice game hall laughed saying he is not proud of his wife. Yudhistir corrected them explaining Draupadi's dedication and devotion.Yudhistir broke the dice and asked for new ones and played staking Draupadi. He lost her to Duryodhana and as a daasi she was called into the dice hall. She disobeyed upon which Duryodhana instructed Dushasana to drag her by her hair to the dice hall. Draupadi was dragged to the dice hall in a brutal way. Draupadi questioned the courtiers over her rights but was in vain. Duryodhana insulted her by inviting her to sit on his thigh and to make relatioship with him. Duryodhana commanded Draupadi to be disrobed. Vikarna resisted this upon which AngRaj Karna called her a unchaste woman and justified the disrobing. Draupadi prayed to her sole saviour, her sakha Govind. Dushasana attempted the disrobing but Draupadi's train of clothes never ended. Eventually Dushasana fell down tired but Draupadi stood fully dressed. Fearing the curse of Draupadi over this heinous act Maharaj Dhritrastra gave her boons using which she saved her husbands from slavery. She pledged not to wear Choodamani and not tie her hair until it is washed by Dushasana's blood

Karna sacrifices his kawatch and Kundal 

Early morning Karna was doing his morning prayer on the river side. At that time Suryadeva came and warned Karna to be careful as Indradeva will come to get his Armour and ear rings.He told him not to give his divine Armour and ear rings but Karna said he is ready to give his Armour and ear ring to Indradev .As he took oath of donating whatever he has if some one asks him during his prayer to Suryadeva.He said he trust his own ability rather than his divine armour and ear rings .But when he was with Duryodhan , Duryodhan was saying that he trusts Karna and also his divine armour and ear rings .Karna in Dilemma,
Indradev came as brahmin and sarcastically says he will get the armour and ear ring but Karna recognized Indra and questioned him that he don't trust his son[Arjun's] strength but Indradev said that not like that but he cares about his son. Next day Indradev meets Karna , Karna without any hesitation took his sword and removed his ear rings and Armour and then gave it to Indra.Indradeva asked him to tell his wish in return of that sacrifise.But Karna refuses saying he didn't sell his armour and ear rings but he had donated them but Indradeva said he wish to give something which he want hence Karna asks for an weapon using which Karna can kill a person ,Indradev gave him a celestial weapon using which he can kill one person , Karna decides to kill Arjun with that celestial weapon but unfortunately he used it to kill Ghatotkach as per the order of Duryodhan ,Bheem's son with Hidimba who was as an ogre .

 Krishna's Vishwaroopa 

Krishna,son of Vasudev and Devaki,Avatar of Lord Vishnu,lead Arjuna as his charioteer in the battle feild of Kurukshetra.When battle was about to begin Arjuna Stopped Krishna and asked him whether they will lose or gain,how will they establish Dharma??At which Krishna replies who he is to make or break,its GOD who does everything.Krishna tellS Arjun that the universe is Parmatama, and people are a part of Parmatama, then all duties are carried out by Parmatama, people themselves do nothing.Krishna tells him that the universe itself is Parmatama, Parmatama is everything.Arjun considers Krishna's words and realises that Krishna too must be Parmatama .Arjun asks whether his surrender to Krishna cannot be the same as surrendering to God. Krishna says of course.

sarva-dharmn parityajya mm ekam saranam vraja
aham tvm sarva-ppebhyo moksayisymi m sucah

Krishna gives him Gita Gyan.He requests Lord to show him his actual swaroop. He shows him his Vishwaroop which has entire universe,all Devas,the entire cosmos within him.Lord says O,Arjuna my Vishwaroop is the ultimate knowledge which even Devtas can't see,this knowledge leads to liberation.I adorn every particle of this universe and this universe lies within me.The Divine Lord reveals to the rapt Arjuna that he alone is the Truth,he alone is Complete,he alone is theLlife and he alone is the Shiva.There is nothing that isn't him.He himself is the Time ,Life ,Death.He is standing here as the death-knell for all.Even ifA rjuna will not raise his weapons he would still kill all..The lord implores on Arjuna to therefore renounce his attachments and to fulfill his duty.Krishna emphatically states"Yudh karo Arjuna,Yudh karo". 

 Bheeshma's defeat

At the 10th day of the war Bheeshma was defeated.
Krishna stops the time and went towards Bheeshm and revealed the truth to Bheeshma that he is the Lord,He gives him gyaan. Then Bheeshma said that he is ready to die from his hands, then Krishna was about to throw the wheel of the chariot onto Bheeshma but Arjun stops Krishna by falling on Krishna's leg and requested to not to kill him.Bheeshma instigated all the Pandvas to kill him,but they could not get that courage to kill their grandfather.All fought with him but could not do any harm to him. Then Bheeshma said that he is suppose to die from Shikhadini's hands and he said that he is waiting for Amba [Shikhadini ]. Then Shikadini entered battle field as Shikandi after getting blessings from someone that she will b converted to a male for one day.Shikandi entered the battle field,but was stopped in between by Shakuni who stabbed Shikandi.But later on Shikandi revived and again enetred the field.He came infront of Bheeshma and Bheeshma drops his weapons. Then Shikadi shot the first arrow later Arjun was suppose to shot the arrow but he isn't able to do. Then Bheeshma asked Arjuna to give him moksha,Arjuna hits uncountable arrows towards Bheeshma,By which he fells and lies on bed of arrows.He promises Yudhishtir that he will not leave this world till he does not see Yudhishtir on the throne of Hastinapur.

Abhimanyu's Death

Abhimanyu,son of Arjuna and Subhadra,who took birth with the knowledge of breaking chakravyuh from his mother's womb,but unfortunately din't know how to come out of it.In the battle of Kurukshtra he showed his valour that till these days he is alive in our hearts.It was the 13th day of the war , a chakravyuk was made by kauravas to kill Abhimanyu , the pandavas except Arjun were present there and they din't know how to break the chakravyuk .As Abhimanyu knew how to enter the chakravyuk ,he asked his Tatshree Yudhishtir to let him enter into it,but he refused because he din't want to take risk by sending him .Later on he accepted after Abhimanyu compelled a lot and the planned of going inside the chakravyuk with Abhimanyu.Abhimanyu enters the chakravyuk , Jayadrath husband of Dusshala [Duryodhan's sister] used the boon of Mahadev ,so none of the pandavas except Arjun could fight with him.As Arjun was not present there they took advantage of Arjun's absence.Despite all the attacks on Abhimanyu he didn't lost his courage and was bravely battling with Duryodhan , Karna , Ashwatthama , Shakuni , Dusshasan ,Dronacharya inside the Chakravyuk although Karna and Dronacharya doesn't want to battled with him by heart .Duryodhan asked Abhimanyu to surrender but Abhimanyu refused after severe attacks Abhimanyu lost his strength but not his bravery , they thought of killing Abhimanyu torturing him a lot till sunset but Karna takes his sword and went near Abhimanyu, holding him he said that neither Karna nor Arjun is the greatest warrior but Abhimanyu is the greatest warrior.He kills him with his sworddto let him go to the heavens.

Karna's death 

Karna ,son of Suryadeva and Kunti,student of Bhagvaan Parshurama,a great warrior,was cursed by his own teacher.Parshurama says that as he deceited him by not telling his reality of being a Sutputra,his education will also deceit him,when he'll need it most.This is not his curse,this is Dharma,Karma,it will hit him.Karna,at 17th day of war in the battle field of Kurukshetra fought with great valour with his rival Arjuna.Lord Krishna again played his side and brought Karna out of the battle field.Where his chariot's wheel got stuck and he had to get down of it to get the wheel out of mud.Lord Kkrishna started instigating Arjuna to kill Karna,at which Karna asks how he can do Adharma by hitting a warrior without weapons.Krishna tells him if calling Draupadi a wh**e was Dharam,if killing Abhimanyu was Dharam.Then how can he expect Dharam towards him.Karna warns that if Arjuna will hit him then he too will use Brahmastra,Karna tries to use it but all in vain.As due to curse he started forgetting his knowledge.Now Lord Krishna stops the time and gives Karna Gyaan.That he was with the side of Adharma,he got knowledge to take revenge,which lead him to Adharma.Karna surrenders himself to Krishna and asks Arjuna to kill him before the sun sets.Arjuna with heavy heart shoots an arrow which hits Karna's neck and he falls on earth.By the end moments of his life he regrets but he sayz smilingly that finally i have become Sarvsresht because Arjuna has to cheat him to kill him.

Edited by munnihyderabad - 9 years ago
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Posted: 9 years ago

I would like to thank everyone associated with this forum. 
Thanks to all the written updaters- Srushti, Appy, Nandini, Bhavaani, riti, The Watcher, Kayaani. 
Your updates have been helpful in undrstanding the epi more for those who doesn't understand Hindi well.
Thanks to all the forum members. Those who've been here since beginning, have witnessed a lot happening here. ๐Ÿ˜†Some members have stopped after some epi. but many of them are still silent readers. The actual silent readers too are part of this forum. 
Thanks to all the active members for understanding & co-operating with DT, without your support, it wouldn't have been possible to keep this forum calm & active.
Thanks to munnihyderabad, for sharing responsibalities. It's nice working with you.๐Ÿ˜Š
Thanks to CM- Resham, GM- *Shruti*, Aahana, GK- for your help & support. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Things that will stay with me from โญ๏ธBharat

1) Dushys straight locks - whenever I am doing my hair in the mornings
2) Mere bachche
3) Laddoos and Bheem forever associated in my mind
4) Suicidal Abhimanyu
5) Meri Sakhi
6) MOST DEFINITELY - Ka-Ju. I will never look at another cashew nut in the same way๐Ÿ˜†


Thank You to All those who worked hard and tirelessly to bring this epic Saga on this scale on TV screens. It has changed my opinions in many ways and introduced me to so many good actors and actresses. I have lived tale through some of awesome portrayals onscreen. My favorite character Karna has just got new face in Aham Sharma . I am sure there cant be any other perfect Karna than him. Apart from him , I really appreciate wonderful performances by SRJ and Pooja Sharma. Other actors like Arpit ,Praneet and Arav have done phenomenol Job in portraying their character. There can not be better Kunti than Shafaq Naaz and Riya Deepsi has done phenomenol in portraying Gandhari. My Best wishes to other star performer on Show Shaheer Sheikh - He has improved a lot in the show and really done well as Arjun . Rohit will be my favorite Yudhisthir and So will be Bheem Saurav Gujjar-the Action Star. There are so many other performances worth applauding -Be it Nisaar 's Drona Act or Anup's Dritrashtra and other small performances by Veebha Anand as Subhadra and Paras Arora as Abhimanyu. You all will be remembered for your roles. Actors have done so remarkably great in this show that it seemed everyone was chosen so aptly for roles they were born to play. Beside that I would like to appreciate the effort of each and every crew member who weaved this magical tale onscreen so beautifully. Kudos for success and All the Best for future to everyone associated with the role.

Bye bye starplus mahabharat! u have created a massive interest in people about the epic, which I am thankful for ๐Ÿ˜Š . Because of mb, I went through many books and discussions to know more. I wholeheartedly thank u for bringing mb onscreen after such a long time and successfully completing it. I have been a real loyal viewer of show. Many times I would have been unhappy while other times just loved ur show. I applause u for really great background scores and I specifically liked use of sanskrit shlokas. Also the actors have done their job greatly and have really well fitted their characters. thoughur mb has not been a word to word adoption still u imparted really good social values. Having said all that I wish u could have showed a bit of after war stories. Still it has been a great journey and wish a hearty farewell! I am going to miss the only serial I watch! as it has become an addiction! goodbye

This journey is quite enjoyable for viewers though there are mixed feelings about your shows. There are lots of distortions but your cast did total justice to the storyline. Apart from that, you used technology & special effects very well. Good luck & best wishes to the team of Mahabharat & cast for your future ventures! I will miss the show specially Shri Krishna ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Despite many distortions, I ended up loving this show with all my heart. I have laughed and cried along with the characters. Was it sometimes overly dramatic?? Yes. Did they overdo with sappiness? Yes. However, the amazing ensemble of extremely talented star cast and epic background music made up for all the shortcomings of the show.

What I would really like to thank the show makers is for the character of Krishna. I am not only praising the actor here but the portrayal of the character itself as well. The Krishna teachings throughout the show have been my most favorite part of the entire show. I am thankful of the writers and directors for portraying Krishna's friendship with Arjun and Draupadi in the most beautiful manner. Many previous versions showed Krishna-Draupadi bond as of siblings (mainly out of fear of social controversy) whereas in reality they were Sakha-Sakhi. I salute to Swastik Productions as the initiator of this "Nayi Soch".

The next thank you I would like to say is for the casting of Krishna. SRJ has played the role of multidimensional Krishna and one of the most difficult characters of Mahabharata so magnificently. I would not be wrong if I say that I have felt more attached to Krishna because of SRJ's serene and beautiful performance.

My only regret is that I started watching this show near to end in May. I have been an active forum member ever since I started watching the show and have enjoyed each and every moment of it. I just wish I had started watching earlier and been a part of this wonderful Mahabharat forum earlier. I ended up watching all the episodes from the beginning and there were so many interesting tracks which I would have loved to discuss with everyone on this forum. I have learnt so much more about Mahabharat and different characters through discussions and many wonderful articles/stories posted here. I have participated in many forums at IF but this forum has been the most amazing and enlightening experience for me. I am definitely going to miss the show but I will miss all of you even more.

Much Love,


Edited by munnihyderabad - 9 years ago
luv_sakshi thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

All good things have to come to an end.. The hardest thing to do in life is saying goodbye.. But the memories will always be cherished.. 

Thank you to all the actors and the crew members for bringing us Mahabharata in such a spectacular way.. Wonderful work by all of you.. You made us cry, laugh, fight, be angry and feel loved.. You lived the characters.. Congratulations to all of you for a fantastic journey..

My love and farewell to three actors whom I like very much: Saurabh Raj Jain, Anoop Singh Thakur and Aham Sharma.. SRJ, Anoop and Aham: you three were outstanding and brilliant as your respective characters.. You are fantastic actors and you touched my heart with your awesome performances.. I will miss you and thank you for being the best Shri Krishna, Dhritarastra and Karn, respectively.. I wish three of you all the very best for your future endeavours..

Saving the best for last. My heartfelt love for my favourite actor of the show, Saurav Gurjar..

I LOVE You, my Saurav .. I am so proud to be your biggest fan, admirer, lover.. I cannot express in words how much I love you ..

You are the perfect Bheema.. Whenever I think of or read about Bheema, I imagine you..You pulled off the perfect passion, obsession, aggression, anger, angst and love to execute all your scenes.. You were the true avenger and defender of Pandavas & Panchali.. What expressions !! You deserve all the praises showered on you & more..You are my Hero !!! You are my Star !!! Each & every emotion was potrayed perfectly.. You lived as Bheema..I bow down to you my love, you are the one !!

You are exceptional, mindblowing, terrific & outstanding actor.. Fantabulous, phenomenal, unprecedented, superlative performance, Saurav !!!

All I can say is I am the proudest fan/admirer today .. My best wishes are always with you, wherever you go, whatever you do.. I will miss you.. But you will remain in my memories and heart.. I love you, always & forever ..

Mahabharat the great story of History...๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Thanks a ton for Starplus who gave life to our great story of Bharat. .. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Thanks to cast & crew who gave life to the characters ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
It isn't a very easy task to recreate the magic and divine of Mahabharat again but Starplus and the cast and crew of Mahabharat brought the magic as it is ...๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
There were some changes in the story line but it made Mahabharat strong in every ones heart ... ๐Ÿ˜ณ
In this 21st century no body has time to read Mahabharat , Ramayan or Geeta Gyan,  doing such programmes will get them the knowledge of it ... ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Mainly Geeta Gyan which purifies every soul which takes birth in this world ... Star plus made many devoted fans for it show very soon ...๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Saurabh & Shaheer just rocked the Geeta Gyan.๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›Lord Krishna - Saurabh Raaj Jain๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ŠI would thank every cast and crew of this show...๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›

I thank all the cast & crew of Mahabharat ...๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Thank you :-
Sharmin Joseph, Radhika Anand, Anand Vardhan, Mihir Bhuta and Siddharth Kumar Tewary,Siddharth Anand Kumar, Amarprith G, S Chawda, Kamal Monga and Loknath Pandey

I'm sorry if I have left anyone ...๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Now I like to thank India Forums for making & giving us such a Mahabharat forum ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Thanks for all the DT who maintained a good relationship with everyone of us & helped to keep this place very divine as Mahabharat...๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›
Also I thank all my friends who were keeping this forum live with their posts and AT'S๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
You guys were really close to my heart ๐Ÿ˜ณ
I felt like a home here guys ...๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Thank you each and every one of this thread ...๐Ÿ˜›

Now its time to farewell ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
According to me fair well is nothing it's just a good bye to good start ... ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Love Mahabharat  & Mahabharatians. ..๐Ÿ˜›
Each of us like many if the characters bit we all belong to this great family Mahabharat... ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›

Yours lovey ,
Guruvishva. ..
( Radneswary)๐Ÿ˜†

Mahabarath farewell thread message

When it started I was not great attracted to it but just waiting to see how they took...  with time it just won my heart ...  I did not realize when I have fixed my time for 8 30 to star plus.. Major reason was shaheer sheikh who is arjun...๐Ÿ˜ณ  but other characters also won hearts along with him.๐Ÿ‘. They played their roles properly๐Ÿ‘ mb contain an good star cast๐Ÿ‘ ... Which I never expected๐Ÿ˜†... it is said expect the unexpected it happen with this mb๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ... mb forum is one of the forum which have good members.. who come out to praise even the opp character of their fav๐Ÿ‘...   inspite of so many distortion and destruction๐Ÿ˜ก in story lines the mb have been able to give some good message๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘... it had given bad memories so as good memories.. it has given good messages and thought morals which is actually needed in this age group. ๐Ÿ‘With each thing happened in past yug and making it  an comparison with present age  was really superb๐Ÿ‘..  some scene touches ur heart for ever... I had such scenes which I cannot forget...

The first one was arjun Krishna scene... their chemistry just started even before they met... but when they met it set screen on fire... it was bromance๐Ÿ˜ณ or not I am not going to say but for sure it was awesome pair with name of paarav๐Ÿ˜ณ...  their chemistry was best among the rest... for sure..๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Not to forget vashtrharan scene which was heart wrenching and it even make me cry remembering it...๐Ÿ˜ญ but today it is an truth where every day such sins are committed everywhere...  if people start realizing such things can be stopped... and  Krishna gave awesome words after that scene which was really appreciated able . each and every character justified their act in that scene... ๐Ÿ‘

The yudh/war takes so many life. Because of ego we stand for war but it takes up so many innocent life's too.  it showed it clearly if an person get over pride of himself what happen... whoever it is... 

Some wonderful messages were given in this mahabarat too which I appreciate... what went wrong was told here clearly and how an human should live, what he should do where he have to stop himself.. so many such good message were given.  

In all it gave an good message to society inspite of all.it told us clearly never forget ur humanity๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ which was much needed message๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

All the actors played their part very well.no complain because perfect selection I would say.no complain on u people... ๐Ÿ‘

thanks to mahabarat to make us gain some knowledge so as enjoy watching it... hats off ...  when u leave  the star plus u will live in our heartโค๏ธ... just hope u were bit longer atleast till September completing one year.  U became an part of an life making us getting attached so much to u mahabarat.. Will miss u forever... ๐Ÿ˜ญ

My craziness for mahabarat has raise soo much that I watch in star vijay. Maa tv(although don't understand much) and also star utsav along with star plus wish to see re run in star plus once again... 

mahabarat rocks๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

The longest written epic in the world!! Mahabharata is a tale that's endlessly fascinating! No matter how many times it has been told, it holds its charm!!

As the series is coming to an end I realize that it's leaving a vacuum in the minds of millions of its viewers. Growing up seeing BR Chopra's Mahabharata, I didn't want to watch another team castrating the series as other makers did in 2000s. However, quickly my skeptical views were replaced by admiration for the cast and crew. Though at times it's aptly called Star Bharat than Mahabharat - I ve thoroughly enjoyed watching the show.

The amazing background scores and songs and music were ones that captivated me the first.  It truly lifted and portrayed that the series was an epic saga. The costumes and the direction were excellent in the beginning. The cast was good and the actors were great in their performances. I was not much impressed with the visual graphics and expected much better in a magnum opus show.

It s a humongous effort and the makers need to be applauded for making a fantastic show. Though at times it was fast paced it did manage to cover the essential parts and also gave insights to many areas which wasn't looked into before.

Appreciate the makers of the show who has managed to captivate the hearts of millions of viewers, all the technical crew who has done a tremendous job. The set of Mahabharata is has been royal & should be praised for its detail regale. The creative team and writers who made such an impact with powerful dialogues and such simple and knowledgeable saar of Bhagavad Gita.

And the actors - the old generation of Hastinapur- Bhishma, Vidur, Drithrashtra , Pandu, Gandhari , Kunti , drona- all excellently potrayed by Arav, Anoop, Riya, Shafaq, Nissar etc...young generation of Kauravas - Duryodhan, Dusshasan, Vikarna and played by Arpit, Nirbhay etc... The dharam Pandavas - Yudishtir , Bheem, Arjun, Nakul & Sahdev -played by Rohit, Saurav, Shaheer, Vin & Lavanya - are now household names ...Karna - played by Aham has left his mark so deep...Shakuni - the antagonist - wow !! excellently played by Praneet Bhat ! and the sutradhar and mooladhar of this story - rightly played by Saurabh Raj Jain as Lord Krishna - It's a once in a life time role !! Pooja Sharma as Draupadi has left me speechless at times !! Drupad, Shikandini, Abhimanyu, Subhadra, Uttara- short as compared to other roles but left an indelible mark !!

Kudos to all the excellent actors !!! I've seen Shaheer Sheikh grown as an actor more in Mahabharat and was most impressed by him.  He is ARJUNA !!! The ease at which he potrays Brihannala was a treat to my eyes. The bromance of Madhav & Parth is a must watch. Arav Chowdhary as Bhishma is fantastic. Praneet has brought a new dimension into his acting.  Anoop has done justice to his role of Dritarashtra. Excellent cast !!! All have played their part to perfection!!

I wish the cast & crew very best in future !! This is Mahabharat I shall never forget !! And I'm gonna miss it terribly ! As the title song rightly says 

Hain katha sangram ki
Vishwa ke kalyaan ki
Dharm adharm aadi anant
Satya asatya kalesh kalnak
Sawarth ki katha parmartha ki

Shakti hain bhakti hain
Janmo ki mukti hain
Jeevan ka ye sampurn saar hain
Krishana ki mahima hain
Geeta ki garima hain
Grantho ka granth ye mahan hain
Mahabharat mahabharat..



OK. Let me begin with the truth. It was a few months ago that i did not believe that mythology could be interesting. I did not want to watch the show till one day when my mother was watching the Mahabharata I caught Krishna's smile on the TV and was mesmerized. From that day I have not missed one episode. I would wake up at 5:30 in the morning to watch the show. I am kind of a late riser so that was highly unusual on my part.

The show somehow got me intrigued my mythology( I read Jaya, Bhimsen and some part of K.M.Ganguly's Mahabharata after watching the show), it indirectly got me introduced to Indiaforums and the world of fanfictions. It also got me best friend and allies whom I least expected to be one. StarBharat was a refreshing experience and I am gonna miss it. So despite its many flaws I continue to love Starbharat (Love is blind they say. Applies in case of TV shows). I appreciate all the hard work, entertainment and fun the team put into the intriguing show. Good bye! I shall  miss you. 

Gonna miss mahabharat a lot after its ending as it said..all good things come to an end..so do it๐Ÿ˜Š this one year with all the amazing actors of mahabharat have been very delightful๐Ÿ˜Š..i have been a regular viewer of mahabharat๐Ÿ˜ณ and also a big Arjun fan๐Ÿ˜ณ but all the other characters of mahabharat were very inspiring..they ll all remain in our heart like forever๐Ÿ˜ณ


 Pranipaat forum-wassiyo๐Ÿ˜†
I Love ma UVK๐Ÿ˜›This show was distorted or not,gave me so much Gyaan through Krishna's Gyaan,though will not be able to remember all due to short memorybut whatever i remeber will make sure to apply that in my forthcoming actions.Through this forum came across many knowledgeable people,stalked many debates,many discussions,many valueable threads but alwayz ignored long citations.I know am at loss by that but feel blessed to atleast get a bit of that whole๐Ÿ˜ƒ.Mahabharta is truly an Epic,and Star Plus made it alive after Yugas๐Ÿ˜ƒ.Will miss each and everything about this forum,its people,its DTs,coz this was kinda home to many and so to me.I spend so many cherishing moments with dear friends,will miss u all,more then anything will miss the show,and more then that will miss ma UVK๐Ÿ˜ญ.Love you all,Love ma UVK๐Ÿ˜ณ.

                                                                        Loadsa Love
Edited by munnihyderabad - 9 years ago
MrsBellamyBlake thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Wonderful and emotional thread !! ๐Ÿ‘
I will miss this forum too much.. This had become a part of my life since the past year.. Even though I was a silent member at first, this forum made me pour my heart out for my Bheema and Saurav.. I have learnt so much more about Mahabharata here in this forum.. I will miss all the intelligent discussions, fighting and fun in Patiyogita thread, defending Bheema & Saurav and above all, I will miss the exceptional members.. I will cherish all my memories here.. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I have said it all in my farewell message to the actors of Mahabharata. I thank all the actors for giving us beautiful memories to cherish forever..

SRJ, Anoop and Aham: You three were outstanding and brilliant as your respective characters ๐Ÿ‘.. You touched my heart with your awesome performances.. I will miss you.. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

And of course lastly, Saurav, you are my Bheema โ˜บ๏ธ.. Whenever I will think of my Vriku, I will think of you ๐Ÿ˜ณ.. You are exceptional, mindblowing, terrific, outstanding, fantabulous, and phenomenal, Saurav ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ !!! All I can say is I am the proudest fan/admirer today ๐Ÿ˜ƒ .. My best wishes are always with you, wherever you go, whatever you do.. I will miss you ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ.. But you will remain in my memories and heart.. I love you, always & forever โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ ..

Edited by RonMione4ever - 9 years ago
CatcherInTheRye thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
๐ŸฅณFinally its up,will miss Mahabharta a lot,will miss the whole cast a lot,thanks to all who made it,from a spot boy to UVK,from UVK to Producers๐Ÿ˜›
Thankiu Appy di for believing in me that can help out in making this grand good bye a success๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Thankiu prep thread team...Suku,Sanz,Riti,Mallu,Chandrika, Debo,Fraps, Krish,Brish,Amrita,Shruti...it was gr8 working with u all...gonna miss u all...and the show hell out๐Ÿ˜ญ

gonna miss this place a lot๐Ÿ˜ญ

Edited by ...sandhureet.. - 9 years ago