Shekhar= Onir? - Page 2


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ashvikian4life thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
and i dont understand the fact that why always people are blaming purvi for leaving onir again and again??? onir understood that purvi still has feelings for arjun but she is suppressing everything. she is living in a compromise life with onir just because she respects him a lot . he also knew that ovi left arjun forever and the biggest factor was pari . he wanted pari to get the love of her parents who are arjun and purvi.
that's why he did that fake marriage drama and made everyone believe that he is bad so that purvi leaves him. these things were clearly shown on the show. then why everytime the same things are repeated and said that purvi deliberately left onir.

onir even knew it that purvi would not leave her easily so he did all those drama so that purvi will be convinced. and purvi left onir when she saw onir was with his first wife shallini and not all of a sudden. onir himself wanted to free purvi ,but still purvi is wrong 
Edited by ashvikian4life - 10 years ago
Acumen thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
Even i dont want Shekhar to be with Ankita, a new hero must be introduced for Ankita who helps her out during the time of need & whom Ankita respects, a new sacred relationship must be developed which is sensible.
And Shekhar loves Pari so he shouldnt be shown with Ankita as for Pari i really want her out of this mess soon.
Edited by Pheunli - 10 years ago
Tanyaz thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Pheunli

Even i dont want Shekhar to be with Ankita, a new hero must be introduced for Ankita who helps her out during the time of need & whom Ankita respects, a new sacred relationship must be developed which is sensible.
And Shekhar loves Pari so he shouldnt be shown with Ankita as for Pari i really want her out of this mess soon.

and this new hero should love and  care for Ankita's baby . That is also very important .I would love to see a new beautiful and an honest love story between Ankita and this new man that would define the meaning of Pavitra Rishta in the right sense... it does not have to be the usual mushy romance but more based on true genuine feelings and a relationship based on respect , trust and love for each other ...
But Rushali , Shirish and Naren must be punished severely for the way they treated Ankita ...These pathetic low lives  cannot get away with this  and have what they want .There has to be justice somewhere ..
Edited by Tanyaz - 10 years ago