<~{ATIMAHARATHI Karna: AHAM Sharma's AT#12}~>

...Diala... thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Names of Karna 😊

Vasusena - His original name, being born with wealth (i.e., earrings and natural armor)
Radheya - because he is the adopted son of Radha, who nurtured him as her own son
Karna - The cutter or peeler of his own cover (Natural Armor)
Vaikartana - because he had cut his natural armor and earrings and gave it to Indra
Vrisha -
Devoted to Brahmanas, truthful in speech, engaged in penances, observant of vows, kind even unto foes. Vrisha also means bull, and Karna was a bull among warriors

Karna is also known as

Angaraj - one who ruled the kingdom of Anga
Mrityunjaya - one who conquered Death
Rashmirathi - one who is riding the chariot of Light
Daanveer - for his undying charitable nature
Daanshoor - one who fought and died like a true warrior
Kaunteya - because he was born to Kunti
Suryaputra - Son of the Sun God
Shaktidhari, Vijayadhari, Kavachadhari, Kundaladhari

No figure in the Dwapar Yuga, much less the Mahabharata, is as controversial or as polarizing as the first son of Kunti. His struggle through life began as an infant - abandoned by his mother, terrified of the opprobrium that would follow had it been known that she had a son out of wedlock. From then on, his life was a struggle - adopted by a charioteer, ignored by his mother, humiliated by his brothers and insulted by his elders. By the time the truth about himself was revealed to him, there was no turning back.

Despite all that, he did his utmost to live a righteous life - being extremely generous, courageous & loyal. Unfortunately, the course of events forced him to ally w/ the forces of adharma, much to his own disgust.

Nonetheless, he lived - and died through it all, and carved himself an eternal place in history. After his death, he finally received the love & respect he always craved.

Karna background soundtrack

alternate link - https://db.tt/VoZDeS8f

Karna background theme with music

alternate link - https://db.tt/ReTmuDWt

Kunti's lullabuy song when Karna is born

alternate link - https://db.tt/6xTMjDbx

Previous discussion threads on Karna

Maha-Paravkrami Karna- Vichar Vinimaya Kaksh

Ati Maharathi Danver Karna

Karna the tragic hero of Mahabharat

More info threads on Karna

{| Karna's battles: source KMG |}

+* Pandava parivar *+ (originally from Dwarkadheesh - Bhagwaan Shree Krishna)

Jaimineya Mahabharatha- Ashwamedhika Parva

Edited by ...Diala... - 10 years ago


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...Diala... thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

Name: Vasusena
Father: Surya-dev
Mother: Kunti
Foster-father: Adiratha
Foster-mother: Radha
Wives: Vrushali, Supriya, Prabhavati, Uruvi,...(?)
Sons: Vrishasena, Dvipata, Sushena, Prasena, Satyasena, Chitrasena, Susharma(Banasena) and Vrishaketu

Karna was born to Kunti as an accident. As a young princess, Kunti had just been blessed w/ a boon from Rishi Durvasa - that she'd be able to get sons by invoking any deva. She tried that experiment using Suryadev, who she saw first thing next morning, and Vasusena was born

A terrified Kunti begged Suryadev to take back his boon, but he couldn't, due to the power of Durvasa. He blessed the baby w/ a pair of earrings and armor. The earrings guaranteed immortality, while the armor insured that any divine weapon sent @ him would get dissipated by its power.

Kunti then set the baby afloat, and downstream, a charioteer named Adiratha found the baby & took him home. They named him Vasusena and raised him in their household.

When Vasusena came of age, he approached Parashurama, pretending to be a Brahmin, and soon got to learn that and more. One day, however, an incident occured when Parashurama was resting on his lap, and he was bitten by a worm, but bore the pain.
When Parashurama saw that, he knew that he wasn't a Brahmin, and Vasusena confessed. Parashurama then cursed him that he'd forget the mantra of the Brahmashira when he needed it the most. On another occasion, Karna accidentally killed the cow of a Brahmin, and was cursed that in battle, his chariot wheels would sink, and he too would be slain while helpless

Vasusena's first appearance in Hastinapur happened @ the tournament, when Drona declared Arjun to be the supreme archer in the world. Vasusena contested that claim, and challenged Arjun to battle.

Kunti saw his armor and earrings and recognized him instantly, but was at a loss of how to deal w/ the situation. Duryodhan, recognizing his potential, had him crowned the king of Anga, and that was the start of a friendship that brought Vasusena both prosperity & respect, as well as becoming the cause of his undoing. Ironically, due to Kunti's silence, Vasusena's own brothers - the Pandavas, insulted him and caused the start of a lifelong enmity, particularly w/ Arjun. From that point on, he became a steadfast ally of Duryodhan.

He attended Draupadi's swayamvara, but was disallowed from contesting, due to being a suta's son. Following those events, the Pandavas returned to Hastinapur, got their own kingdom and performed the Rajasuya yagna.

The point of no return in the enmity b/w Vasusena & the Pandavas finally came during the game of dice. After Draupadi was dragged to the assembly, Vasusena rebuked Vikarna for protesting against Yudisthir staking Draupadi after he had lost himself. In his remarks, he called Draupadi a prostitute, and later, Bhima announced that while he himself would kill Duryodhan & Dushashan, Arjun would kill Vasusena and Sahadev Shakuni.

During the Pandava exile, Vasusena continued to scheme w/ Duryodhan & Dushashan. On one occasion, they went w/ their womenfolk to the forest where the Pandavas were staying just to gloat about their plight. That got them into a battle w/ the Gandharva Chitrasena, during which an intoxicated Vasusena was badly defeated & had to flee.

Following that incident, he resolved to repair his tarnished reputation. Duryodhan decided to perform a Vishmi yagna, (similar to a Rajasuya yagna, which Duryodhan couldn't perform since his father was alive) and Vasusena went on a conquest tour. He defeated most of the rulers that the Pandavas had defeated, and turned around a number of kingdoms (like Ayodhya) from the Pandava alliance to Kaurava. That built up confidence in him again.

When the 13 years of exile were over, Indra, worried that Vasusena would be invincible as long as he'd have his armor and earrings, decided to approach him in the evening after his evening pujas, and ask for it. Surya appeared b4 his son in a dream and asked him to decline. Vasusena refused, and when Indra appeared b4 him, he gave it to him w/o objection. This act earned him the name 'Karna', by which he's eternally known.

When Krishna's mission to Hastinapur failed, he approached Karna and revealed to him that Vasusena was actually Kunti's son. He offered him all the privileges of being the Pandava leader and invited him to reconcile & join the Pandavas. Karna refused, saying that he already owed a debt of gratutude to Duryodhan, and would die fighting for him. He also swore Krishna to secrecy on this from the Pandavas.

Finally, at this point, Kunti too approached Karna just after his sunset pujas, and begged him to join her sons. After an emotional confrontation w/ her over how he had been treated, Karna finally promised her that he wouldn't kill 4 of her sons, so that after the war, b/w those 4, and Arjun vs himself, she'd still have 5 sons.

Due to his longstanding arguments w/ Bheeshma, Drona and Kripa, Karna was excluded from the war - Bheeshma made it conditional that Karna couldn't fight as long as he was commander. As a result, for the first 10 days, Karna was a mere spectator in the war.

After Bheeshma's fall on day 10, Karna joined the Kaurava army and fought the Pandavas. On day 16, after the death of Drona, Duryodhan, on Ashwatthama's recommendation, made Karna the commander in chief of the Kaurava army. It was a much reduced army than the ones led by Bheeshma & Drona. Despite that, Karna defeated the Panchalas and held several Pandava & Panchala warriors @ bay. On that day, he defeated Nakul, but remembering his promise to Kunti, refrained from killing him.

Day 17 was Karna's last day. That day, he defeated and wounded Yudisthir in battle, but due to his promise to Kunti, he spared him. That was taken by the Pandavas as an insult, and Yudisthir ordered Arjun not to return b4 killing him. In the battle that followed, Bhima killed Dushashan.

Nakul was battling Karna's son Vrishasena, who was getting the better of him. Arjun, seeing this, reminded Karna about how he had caused Abhimanyu's death in his absence, but Arjun, in contrast, would kill Karna's son right in front of him. Arjun then killed Vrishasena right in front of him, and Vrisha was infuriated. Thus started their final battle.

The two Kaunteyas then fought an epic battle, in which all sorts of divyastras were used against each other. Finally, Karna's wheel sunk, as per that curse, and Krishna goaded Arjun to slay Karna, reminding him of the way Abhimanyu was killed. Karna then tried invoking the Brahmashira, but now, Parashurama's curse kicked in. Arjun then invoked a divyastra called the Anjalika, which slew him.

The next day, 3 of Karna's sons - Chitrasena, Sushena & Satyasena - fought Nakul. Chitrasena broke Nakula's bow & chariot, and Nakul then grabbed a sword, jumped onto Chitrasena's chariot & killed him. Sushena & Satyasena were then slain by Nakul in battle.

After the war, Kunti revealed Karna's identity to the Pandavas, and Yudisthir included Karna in his list of favorites from that time on. Karna finally received the love & recognition he always desired - unfortunately posthumously
...Diala... thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
Radheya - Duryodhan's ally

Radheya first met Duryodhan at Drona's gurukul [1], and his main motivation was the desire to exceed Arjun. It was on Duryodhan's desire that he wanted to learn the Brahmashira, which he did from Parashurama. After he was cursed, he went back to Duryodhan and told him that he had mastered the weapon.

At the tournament, after Arjun had put up a stunning display of archery, Radheya arrived there and duplicated every feat of Arjun's. Arjun felt insulted and threatened to kill him. Kripacharya denied a duel since the 2 were not of equal stature, to which Duryodhan made Karna the ruler of Anga. Thus started their life long friendship.

One of Karna's early exploits was helping - Bheeshma style - Duryodhan disrupt a swayamvara. A ruler of Kalinga, Chitrangada, was holding a swayamvara for his daughter, which was attended by several major rulers at the time - Jarasandha, Bheeshmaka, Satadhandva, amongst others. When the princess ignored Duryodhan, amongst the many rulers there, Duryodhan grabbed her and abducted her by force. Karna followed Duryodhan and battled all the rulers who gave pursuit, and defeated them. The end result was Duryodhan marrying that princess.

On another occasion, Karna defeated Jarasandha, who befriended him in return and gifted him the town Malini. As a result, in addition to Duryodhan's Anga, Karna got to rule Champa as well.

As mentioned above, in Duryodhan's Vishmi yagna, Karna went on a campaign to conquer several kingdoms, and brought them under Duryodhan's sway. He forced Drupada to pay tribute, and curbed Dhristadyumna and other sons of Drupada's. On the negative side, Karna, rather than encourage Duryodhan to seek a compromise w/ the Pandavas, encouraged him to go to war. As a result of Duryodhan's confidence in him, all peace initiatives failed. When Indra took his armor and earrings, he gave him his Shakti weapon, which Karna reserved for Arjun.

While the battle has been described above, Duryodhan's love for Karna is no better illustrated than on day 14. Bhima was on the rampage and had defeated Drona, Kritavarma and other warriors, and moved on, until Karna intercepted him. Karna and Bhima fought a furious battle in which Karna was often at the receiving end. Duryodhan sent several of his brothers, including Vikarna, to fight Bhima so that Karna could be saved, but they all ended up getting slain by Bhima. Karna mourned each of them, and that intensified his fight against Bhima.

On night 14, after the death of Jayadrath, Bhima's rakshasha son Ghatotkacha was playing havoc w/ the Kaurava army. Karna was reluctant to use his Shakti, but then had to watch his armies getting massacred. Finally, Karna used the Shakti on Ghatotkacha, and it was no longer available for use against Arjun.

Finally, on day 17, after his son Vrishasena was killed by Arjun, Karna fought his final battle against Arjun, and was slain by him while trying to remove his chariot wheel. After his death, Duryodhan tried to rally the army, but was totally overwhelmed by his loss. With Karna's death, the Kaurava war effort was effectively over

[1] Most authors usually have it that Drona rejected Karna as a pupil, and that sent him to Parashurama. However, in the KM Ganguly translation of the Mahabharata, in Shanti Parva, Narada narrates to a grieving Yudisthir the story of Karna, and there, it's mentioned that Karna actually did learn his arts from Drona. It was only after Drona refused to teach him the Brahma weapon (more likely the Brahmashira) that Karna approached Parashurama.

This also explains why Karna participated in the gurudakshina campaign of the Kuru princes against Drupada
...Diala... thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Kaunteya - the posthumous reconciliation

While Karna himself got a raw deal from Kunti, what is little known is his soft corner for his brothers, particularly after he got to know about his real identity. And their - particularly Yudisthir's - reaction once they knew who they had slain.

When Krishna offered Karna all the Pandava possessions, Karna pointed out that if he got them, he'd out of gratitude to Duryodhan for Anga, turn that over to him, and that would be injustice to the Pandavas in general, and Yudisthir in particular. He also expressed regret at insulting Draupadi in court, and also swore Krishna to secrecy over this, so that the Pandavas didn't suffer more injustice than they already had.

Karna's opportunity to fulfill his promise to Kunti happened on 2 occasions. One was on the 16th day, when he defeated Nakul. On the 17th day, Yudisthir too was defeated. On both occasions, Karna, due to his promise to Kunti, refrained from slaying them.

In the Janemaya Mahabharata - a version written by one of Vyasa's disciples on his instructions, Karna's sole surviving son, Vrishaketu, is embraced by the Pandavas, who lost all their other sons. Vrishaketu went on to serve the Pandavas in the same way that Karna served the Kauravas, and supported both Bhima & Arjun during the Ashwamedha yagna.

Karna also had a 'posthumous reconciliation' w/ his brothers. After Kunti had revealed to the Pandavas Karna's real identity, Narada narrated to Yudisthir all the events in Karna's life that added up against him. Yudisthir was filled w/ self loathing at causing Karna's death, and it took a great deal of persuasion to get him to accept the throne of Hastinapur. Yudisthir's next act, after the death of Bheeshma, was to do an Ashwamedha yagna, which would atone not only for Brahmin hatya - Drona's death, but also the deaths of Bheeshma and Karna.

Years later, when Dhritarashtra, Gandhari and Kunti were in exile and the Pandavas were visiting them, they all got the opportunity to greet their fallen kin. The Pandavas got to meet all their sons, and Karna too. This time, there was no animosity b/w them, now that everything was known

After Yudisthir went to heaven, he wanted to go to where his brothers and supporters were. In addition to his brothers, Kunti, Draupadi and allies like Drupada, Virata, Satyaki, he also asked for Karna's company. Even though at that stage Yudisthir abhorred Duryodhan's company, he wanted Karna's, despite the lifelong enmity b/w them
...Diala... thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Name : Aham Sharma

Birthday : July 22nd

Place of birth: Barh, Bihar

Age : ~24

Height : ~5'11"

Profession : Actor

Education : Engineer

Current City : Mumbai

Aham made his debut with Imagine TV show Chand Ke Paar Chalo. He was last seen in Aasman Se Aage as Angad. Currently he is playing the role of Karna in Swastik Productions' Mahabharat on Star Plus.

Aham's Quote on Mahabharata: I got a call when I was doing a film. I got excited at being offered Karna and met up with the makers, I auditioned and went through look tests and ended up being selected. I was the last character to be finalised. I like the character of Karna. The role has many shades and characteristics. He never gave up despite all odds and rejections.


Blue Oranges as Kevin

Karle Pyar Karle as Jass

Yeh Jo Mohabbat hai as Zorawar

Aham Sharma's previous TV shows

Bairi Piya (Forum) as Nirbhay Pundir

Chhoti Si Zindagi (Forum) as Shravan

Chand Ke Paar Chalo (Forum) as Rehan

Aasman Se Aage (Forum) as Angad

Hum Ne Li Hai... Shapath (Forum) as Dr Ajay

Fear Files as Kushal

Fear files

Aham played a dashing boy named Kushal in Fear Files.The story revolves around three friends and a love triangle.The two girls loved Kushal but Kushal ended up marrying the first girl,Neeta because fo her true love.And the other girl,full of jealousy started doing black magic on Neeta.So,the story revolves around some paranormal things happening all around. It was fascinating!

Aham's quote on this show: Yes, am doing the show and the role am playing is really nice. Also, I would like to add that horror genre is something that always attracts everyone and Fear Files is doing an amazing job.


Aham was playing a vigilante scientist named Dr Ajay in Shapath. In the episode, he and one of his colleagues were confronted by traitors, who demanded that they give up a secret formula to an enemy country. They refused, and Dr Ajay's colleague got killed. Dr Ajay blew up the formula, and killed the assailants as well. However, from that point, he became a vigilante and that got him in the cross-hairs of the Shapath police team. He abducted one of the businessmen that he had marked for revenge, but his girlfriend joined the police and managed to distract him from there, and feigned being injured. Dr Ajay finally had a confrontation w/ Inspector Abhigyan, which resulted in him being blown up.

Although one would have thought he died, Dr Ajay returned in a couple of future episodes. In one, he was one of 4 supernatural ex cons the cops hired to confront another group of ex cons. In another, which featured a living car gone berserk, he was hired by the Shapath team to catch up w/ the car & maneuver it, but failed: the car threw him out & tried to kill him. Ultimately, that car was destroyed by hosing it w/ acid.

Aham's Quote for this show: I am very much excited for my role in Shapath. I have been always loving special powers. I will do my best...And Hope everyone will like my new kind of role.

Aasman Se Aage

Aham was playing a character named Angad in Aasman Se Aage. Angad is a male dancer. Show starts following the journey of Meenakshi and some other participants - Karishma (a cut-throat competitor who is ready to do anything to win), the brothers Angad (who is good-natured & extremely supportive of his brother) & Akshat (who always needs to win at any cost, but suffers terrible performance anxiety), Sameer (a young desperate school kid whose parents want him to become a doctor rather than a dancer). It is for a dance competition held by charismatic & unscrupulous producer of the show, DC. Angad is the younger bro of Akshat. For TRP,DC makes Karishma kiss Akshat, telling them its important for them to be seen together in order to be seen as stars. This pisses off Anagd because he loves Karishma who challenges Akshat to a dance-off and defeats him. However, Angad is disgusted by the show and leaves ASA.

Aham's quote on this show: Feeling great!!!! Like all of us, I am equally excited about the show and my character Angad. Ever since, I was explained about my character, I had no doubts about it. In fact I am very happy with it!!! I am very sure that our show Aasman Se Aage will do extremely well. I wish all the best to everyone who is associated with ASA (Aasman Se Aage)

Chand ke par chalo

Aham Sharma is playing the role of Rehan. Rehan is a young boy from Lucknow and is very much filled with attitude.Rehan's mother sent him to a big town hastily as soon as his father died.Rehan pursued and became a successful man.But he was very much depressed of being thrown out in this vast world by his own mother.So,he came back to Lucknow to meet again with his beloved Dadi,his fun-loving childhood friends and his true love Sana. He had many troubles on his way of this.But he conquered them all and married Sana.Then,the two together lived happily.

Aham's quote on this show: I am from Bihar but have stayed away from my family for a long time so I can relate to Rehan. Every character in this show is simple and viewers can relate to them easily.

Choti se zindagi

Aham is playing Shravan in Chhoti Si Zindagi. The show revolves around two sisters-Isha and Ira. He enters when he saves the ring and Ira from the robber who Ira hired to steal Isha's engagement ring that Samarth gives her.Shravan loves Isha but hearing the engagement news, he gets depressed. And so,the story moves on. Isha marries Samarth and Shravan gets married with Ira.And the most funniest thing I seen in the show was Aham in mustaches.😆😆

Aham's quote on this show: Well! I am very much excited for this show. I hope viewers will like my act as they loved it earlier. I will be playing a bit negative role in the show but I am not like that in reality.

Bairi Piya

Aham played a character named Nirbhay Pundir in Bairi Piya. He is the shown as an ideal son. He is the son of a Thakur named Viraat Pundir. The stroy revolves around a long-lasting family drama. And then comes Nirbhay's wife- Surbhi. Surbhi has a negative shade in her chacter.

Aham's quote on this show: I will play the dutiful son of the house. It's a very soft and sweet character. Viewers will enjoy my act.

Videos about Aham Sharma


Articles about Aham Sharma

"Midnight calls can be scary" : Aham Sharma

Threads about Aham Sharma

Interview of Aham Sharma aka Karna

...Diala... thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

The story - in this serial

Karna's first appearance in this serial was at his birth, where Kunti gets flashbacks of her youth when she got a boon from Durvasa, and decided to try it w/ Surya deva. Karna is born, and Surya-dev tells her that he'd be known by that name, and that the armor and earrings he gave him would ensure that he'd always be secure as long as he wears that. Kunti sang him a tearful lulluby and set him afloat, in a basket filled w/ lotuses, and a cushion for his comfort. (When Kunti got married, she wanted to reveal this secret to her new husband. However, her close maid Priyamvada dissuaded her from doing so, and tied a black talisman around her wrist. Initially, Kunti untied it and was all set to tell Pandu, but when Pandu returned from his war w/ a new wife Madri, Kunti decided against it. Later, when Pandu's niyoga became the only way for him to get sons, Kunti tried to tell him, but an over excited Pandu was too happy to listen.)

When Pandu & Kunti come to Hastinapur as newly weds, Karna, who's now a boy w/ an enthusiasm for archery, wanted to welcome the new king & queen demonstrating his archery talents. He shot an arrow into a lake, and set off a shower of lotuses on the new royal couple. Pandu was impressed and wondered who it was, and a group of soldiers emerged to take the credit. Young Karna was chagrined, but Adiratha, who was strongly opposed to Karna practicing military arts, dragged him inside and scolded him for using his bow. That night, Karna discarded his bow.

Karna next appeared in a contest overseen by Bheeshma. He was a charioteer to a warrior whose wheel got stuck in the mud. Karna jumped off and pulled it out and kept advancing. The warrior fainted, and Karna took over, and fired an arrow that penetrated the target. Bheeshma was impressed but suggested to Adiratha that Karna leave for Magadha, since Hastinapur wasn't conducive to sutas learning warfare.

When Pandu died and Kunti along w/ the Pandavas were returning to Hastinapur, Kunti & Karna accidentally bumped into each other when citizens were rushing to greet her. Karna was thrown on her feet, and she almost blessed him, when Yudisthir pulled her away.

Karna's next appearance came in Drona's gurukul when he tried to join, but was rejected. So he approached Parashurama, and while the Kurus were learning from Drona, Karna practiced under Parashurama. Until the worm incident happened and Karna was exposed & cursed.

When the tournament in Hastinapur took place, Duryodhan was frozen by Arjun, and Drona proclaimed the latter as the greatest archer worldwide. When he asked Arjun to release Duryodhan, an arrow from nowhere melted the ice. They looked up and Karna was seen, and he jumped to below. Drona pointed out that the contest was just for Kuru princes, and Karna agreed, but pointed out that once Drona, in his excitement, proclaimed Arjun the world champion archer, Karna too was forced to respond, since he may not be part of the Kuru family but was definitely a part of the world.

After a number of barbs were exchanged, which included Karna being crowned Angaraj, a battle b/w Arjun & Karna started. Both fought a fierce battle. In course of the battle, a divine arrow from Arjun struck Karna, making his internal golden armor visible. On seeing that, Priyamvada recognized it as Karna, while Kunti fainted.

The next day, when the newly crowned Karna was leaving, he called on Kunti, and told her that the position claimed by Arjun was actually his. The Pandavas then joined and a number of barbs were exchanged b/w them & Arjun. Karna finally left after Bhima insulted him by stamping a lotus that he had laid @ Kunti's feet.

A few days later, when Subhadra was visiting Hastinapur and Arjun was entertaining her on the veena, Karna accompanied Duryodhan and joined him in mocking Arjun. This resulted in Arjun almost ready to stab him, and Shakuni alleged to Dhritarashtra that Arjun was about to start a war w/ a friendly country Anga. As a punishment, Arjun was ordered to wash Karna's feet.

When Drona came for his gurudakshina, Karna was all set to join the Kauravas, when Drona told them that he'd not have his achievements contaminated by having someone who wasn't his pupil attempt to pay the gurudakshina. Karna therefore stayed out, and the Kauravas were defeated by Drupada. Later, when Dhritarashtra denied Duryodhan the yuvraj role, Duryodhan asked Karna to avoid dharam for his sake. Karna refused, but stated that from that day, obeying Duryodhan would be his only dharam.

When Duryodhan, Dushashan & Shakuni were plotting the house of lac, Karna protested, and Duryodhan emotionally blackmailed him into agreeing. When they saw off the Pandavas, Kunti blessed Karna that he'd always follow the path of dharma. Karna was tear stricken, and that raised Vidura's suspicions. On top of that, Adiratha too reported strange things to Bheeshma, who set off to prevent any untoward incidents. Shakuni told Duryodhan that Karna's piousness would make his very appearance betray them.

After the news of the house of lac arrived, Duryodhan, Dushashan & Shakuni rejoiced, but Karna was too grief stricken and refused to join in the celebrations.

After the coronation of Duryodhan as yuvraj of Hastinapur, they went off to Draupadi's swayamvara. On the way, they had an encounter w/ the disguised Pandavas, who Karna helped in getting their cart wheel out of the mud. The Pandavas were appreciative of his gesture.

Along w/ Duryodhan, Shakuni & Dushashan, Karna attended Draupadi's swayamvara. After everybody failed to even move the bow, when Duryodhan's turn came, he asked Karna to contest on his behalf. Karna went, but was forbidden by both Dhrishtadyumna & Krishna from participating on Duryodhan's behalf: he could only participate on his own behalf. Duryodhan then permitted him to do so, and Karna went. He plucked the bow from its stand and picked up the arrow, but just as he was taking aim, a nervous Draupadi announced that she would not marry a sutaputra. Karna then withdrew from the contest.

After Arjun won the contest, Karna recognized him, but prevented Duryodhan and the other kings from fighting the Pandavas. They then withdrew from there.

After the Pandavas married Draupadi, Duryodhan persuaded Dhritarashtra to abdicate the throne in his favor. While Duryodhan was in the process of being crowned, Bheeshma came & challenged him, and called on anybody to oppose him. Karna, in support of Duryodhan's coronation, stepped up and told him that he was willing, but Dhritarashtra refused to authorize a battle.

After the Pandavas returned to Draupadi & staked their claim to the throne, a new argument arose as to whether their claim to the throne was valid. When Yudisthir was about to assume the throne, Duryodhan asked how a yuvraj who had just committed the adharm of polyandry could sit on the throne, and how his wife, who had committed adharm, could guide them on matters of dharam.

On hearing this, Arjun drew his bow, ready to shoot Duryodhan, but Karna stepped in b/w. At this, the Pandavas withdrew, and Vidura proposed the partition of the kingdom.

After Dhritarashtra agreed to let Yudisthir choose a part of the kingdom that he wants, he allowed him to go, but detained Kunti in Hastinapur, thereby upsetting Karna. Among the people who left w/ the Pandavas was a soota family of Vrushbhan, who was headed to Indraprastha w/ his daughter Vrushali. Vrushali was upset at having to leave her comfortable home in Hastinapur and settle in a new place, and didn't see the differences b/w different rulers.

When Takshak's Nagas/snakes attacked, Vrushali, who was attacked by a snake, jumped into a river and was washed away to Hastinapur 😆 There, she was retrieved by Adiratha, and heard the message that the Pandavas had defeated Takshak and everybody, including her father, survived. So she decided to accompany the next batch of exiting Hastinapur citizens to Indraprastha.

In the meantime, however, Duryodhan was discontented on seeing most citizens of Hastinapur leaving for Indraprastha, and Shakuni instigated Dhritarashtra to stop the exodus. Karna & Dushashan were given orders to prevent people from going. At the city gates, Karna let a child join his father, but then sealed the gates of the city.

Vrushali, who was among the party and an old acquaintance of Radheya, told him that she needed to go to Indraprastha since she had originally gone there, but had been washed back to Hastinapur due to the snakes. Since her father was alive, she needed to go back. However, Karna refused permission, and this started an argument b/w them. Karna then warned her that he'd order her arrest if she dared cross the line, and when she did, he ordered her arrest. Suddenly, Kunti appeared from nowhere and ordered Karna to release the girl, and that she would herself take Vrushali to Indraprastha. Karna had no choice but to release her.

Next day, on Dushashan's insisting that Kunti be punished, Dhritarashtra announced that nobody from the Kuru royal family - Kunti included - would be allowed to go to the Indraprastha bhumi puja. That upset Karna, and he went to Duryodhan and begged him not to extend the enmity w/ the Pandavas to Kunti. Duryodhan refused, and Shakuni told Karna that sometimes, as a ruler, he'd have to do adharm. In protest, Karna announced that he was abdicating as the king of Anga, and a furious Duryodhan, addressing him as a suta-putra, accused him of ingratitude. Shakuni however persuaded Duryodhan to accept Karna's request to give up the crown. Karna, despite the insult, vowed never to ask for his life from Arjun, and never to spare him either.

Next day, Karna offered to take Vrushali to Indraprastha since Kunti could no longer do so, due to her city arrest. She also gave Karna a message to deliver to the Pandavas - an order to declare their independence from Hastinapur, following which she would go to Indraprastha. Vrushali and Karna set off for Indraprastha.

On the way, Karna met some Brahmins and wanted to donate some wealth to them. The Brahmins declined. Karna asked them why, and the Brahmins told him that since he was no longer a king, it would be adharm for them to accept alms from a sutaputra. A furious Karna reminded them that he was still just as capable of scaring them, and drew his dagger 😆 to which the Brahmins agreed to accept it. However, Karna told them that he couldn't accept their tainted blessings. Vrushali then asked them why they disrespected Karna. They told her that it was probably a sin from a past life that Karna is now suffering. Vrushali asked them whether they were prepared for the consequences of insulting someone like Karna coming back to bite them in their next life. She then went up to Karna & stood beside him, and they continued.

Karna & Vrushali arrived @ Indraprastha just as the Pandavas were getting ready to leave for Hastinapur to ask Dhritarashtra to release Kunti. After a brief hostile face-off, Karna gave the Pandavas the message from Kunti, and told Krishna that he didn't need his protection - he got his from Surya Narayan. He then asked the Pandavas to return Vrushali safely to her father, and left. Vrushali looked @ him sadly, and Krishna encouraged her to follow him, and not to let the chance go.

Vrushali then approached Karna and asked him to give her something as a gift. Karna told her that he had given away everything and had nothing left to give. Vrushali asked him for himself - she wanted him in marriage. Karna told her that it would be a tough life for her if she married him, but she assured him that being w/ him would make it easier. On that romantic note, the sun set on the new couple 😳❤️

A few years later, when Shakuni, Duryodhan & Dushashan were captured by Jarasandha, he sent Sukhra to Karna to get him to release them. Vrushali & Karna had now been married, and she begged him not to go, revealing to him that she was pregnant. Karna however went ahead and saved them just in time from being executed, and then went on to fight & defeat Jarasnadha. In return, Jarasandha now made him the king of Malini, and Duryodhan persuaded him to accept it, and apologized to him for his words. Karna accepted, and Vrushali was disappointed when he returned as a king. However, Karna told her that he didn't want her unhappy, and to live w/ his parents and raise his son well, which she could do equally well be it in a palace or in a hut.

Karna then joined Duryodhan, Dushashan & Shakuni & went to Indraprastha, joined on the way by an insulting Sishupala. At the sabha, after Sishupala was slain for exceeding his count of 100 sins, Duryodhan confronted Krishna, and had a face-off w/ the Pandavas. Karna & Dushashan joined him w/ drawn weapons, and on Draupadi's advice, Yudisthir ordered them to surrender their weapons. Karna pleaded for an execution but was denied. Duryodhan stormed out of the place, but on the way, fell into a pool. Everybody laughed, and a maid remarked that a blind man's son is also blind. Duryodhan turned around & saw Draupadi. He returned to Hastinapur & attempted suicide, but Karna prevented him.

They now decided that they wanted to humiliate the Pandavas, and to that end, sent them an invitation for a game of dice.

At the game of dice, since Duryodhan had no legal possessions beyond his personal wealth, he decided to stake things that were of pride to him. He staked Vikarna & Ashwatthama against Nakul & Sahadev. When it came to staking someone against Arjun, he chose Karna. Bhima derided him for equating Karna, a sutaputra, w/ Arjun, a prince, while Karna protested to Duryodhan for equating him w/ a pervert like Arjun who abducted other people's brides from their marriage. Duryodhan assured Karna that he'd make Arjun his slave, and requested his consent for staking him. Arjun helpfully answered for Karna, assuring Duryodhan that Karna had already sold him his soul, so requesting his permission was redundant.

Shakuni then played Yudisthir and won again. Duryodhan then ordered Arjun to surrender his Gandhiva to Karna. Arjun did so and offered to gift him a bow from every deva that existed. Karna retorted that he had the knowledge of how to use any bow, and told him to keep it.

When Duryodhan urged Yudisthir to stake Draupadi, there was an argument of whether she was a source of pride or not. Karna announced that she didn't know how to respect guests in her swayamvara, and so there was little about her to be proud of. Arjun then cursed him that he'd lose his knowledge of weaponry when he needed it the most, and Krishna endorsed that curse.

After Duryodhan had won Draupadi, he ordered Pratikami, his charioteer, to fetch her. Draupadi retorted that Yudisthir didn't have the right to stake her if he had already lost himself, and the elders of the court agreed. Karna then pointed out that they were arguing out of both sides of their collective mouth: that Draupadi could not be staked if Yudisthir had already lost himself, while arguing that she was not lost when Yudisthir lost himself. He stated that if they allowed Draupadi to be staked despite it being illegal, then they allowed a great wrong to be done, and were unworthy of sitting in court.

After Dushashan dragged Draupadi in and Duryodhan ordered her vastraharan, Vidura pointed out that even if Draupadi was a dasi, that was not an appropriate punishment. Karna then perked up and said that in Indraprastha, the punishment that they received from Draupadi wasn't appropriate either, but Vidura had nothing to say to that. Draupadi then mocked him and said that if they were warriors, they'd have challenged them in war, rather than in a game of dice. Karna wanted to retort, but Drona stopped him.

After Duryodhan ordered her vastraharan, Vikarna intervened and pointed out that defeated warriors did have to surrender their weapons, and that it was not the equivalent of a woman surrendering her clothes. He also mentioned that Draupadi was the Kuru kulvadhu. Karna sneered @ that and pointed out that she had relations w/ 5 men, and just as a monkey w/ a mane didn't become a lion, a woman w/ a churamani didn't become chaste. After Dushashan was unsuccessful w/ the vastraharan due to the elongating sari, everybody's vastras, including Karna's, flew off.

Karna next appeared during Duryodhan's invasion of Matsya to try & uncover the disguise of the Pandavas. After Brihannala had emerged following the passing of the deadline, a battle ensued b/w him & the Kauravas. Brihannala fired an arrow @ Duryodhan, which was intercepted by Karna. The 2 then started a battle in which they launched divine weapons against each other. Bheeshma intercepted them w/ an arrow of his, and ordered them to stop. They then withdrew to their sides.

After the exile of the Pandavas were over, they demanded that Indraprastha be restored to them. At the behest of Arjun, a message was sent to the Kauravas that told them that the death of 101 of them - the 100 Kauravas and Karna - would be the goal of the Pandavas. Karna read out the message in court.

Some time later, Draupadi wrote a message in her blood, which Yudisthir tied around his javelin and hurled @ Hastinapur. It landed @ Karna's balcony. He picked it up and headed to the court, where an argument was on over whether the Pandavas had successfully completed their period of disguise or not.

Vidura was trying to persuade everyone to return Indraprastha to the Pandavas, when Karna arrived , telling them that the Pandavas had issued them a challenge for war, and so accepting any peace w/ them was worthless.

When Krishna went as a messenger to Hastinapur, he asked that the Kauravas return Indraprastha, and touch Draupadi's feet, so that their lives would be spared, w/o their honor. Karna asked him to offer a solution that had neither vengeance nor any loss of honor nor war attached to it. Krishna then suggested that the Pandavas be given 5 villages. Everybody was enthusiastic about this, except Shakuni & Duryodhan. So Duryodhan rebuffed Karna, and then made his attempts to capture Krishna, which ended disastrously for him.

Gandhari then apologized to Krishna for her son's misdeed, and told him that of Bheeshma's, Drona's & Karna's vows, Karna's was the most breakable, and suggested that he persuade Karna not to support Duryodhan. Krishna suggested that that's something that only Karna's mother could pull off. Nonetheless, he visited Karna's home, where Karna joined him, and then had a private meeting @ the Ganges beach. There, he told him that he was Radha's adopted son but Kunti's birth son, and suggested that he should therefore join forces w/ Arjun for the restoration of dharam.

Karna refused to believe it & returned home agitated. He slammed Krishna to his mother Radha, who shared his pain. However, at the end, she blurted out that she hadn't given birth to him. Karna was shocked. Adirath arrived and admitted the truth that Karna was their adopted child however they dont know who his biological parents were. He added that Krishna is being considered Lord Vishnu's incarnation and hence cant be wrong.

Karna walks away to the shore of Ganges and cries his heart out thinking of how the rivalry developed between him and the Pandavas (particularly Arjun) and also remembers his attraction towards Kunti. Vrishali comes there and Karna shares his pain of being caught between brothers and friend. Vrishali consoles him to seek Kunti's guidance to get his confusion clarified.

Krishna while leaving Hastinapur after the failed peace mission asks Kunti to give a try to bring Karna to the side of Dharma. Kunti approaches Karna when he is done with his morning prayers and awaits Brahmins, the Poor and beggars to donate on charity. Kunti says she, his mother, is both poor and a beggar and asks him if he can donate to her.
Edited by ...Diala... - 10 years ago
...Diala... thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

{|How to join this AT|}

How to enroll:
  • Members from the previous AT have already been added here
  • Hit the LIKE button for this post ONLY if you want to be a member of this AT. Don't do it otherwise.
  • This list will be periodically updated as new members join
  • No need to PM anyone
How to un-enroll:
  • Undo your LIKE and PM .Vrish. or ...Diala..., your name will be removed.


Edited by ...Diala... - 10 years ago
...Diala... thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

DT Note on all ATs

Hello Everyone,Dedicated Appreciation threads (ATs) for an actor/actress/characters of the show will be subject to specific rules, from here onwards. These rules will apply to all current ATs in the forum and any new ATs created in the future. Rules:[Credit for Rules: -Deepzz-/jyoti06 - Zee Tv Forums]
  1. The word "Appreciate" in itself means to have a highly favorable opinion of someone or something. You are supposed to appraise the value of the work of the actors and express them in positive light. A thread where all the fans of the Actor/Character/s gather to discuss what they liked.
  2. In an essence Constructive criticism/Positive Outlook towards Actors/Characters, must prevail in these threads.
  3. Members must understand that, discussions are restricted in ATs. ATs are safe zones for the Actor/s fans to exchange information without being subject to negativity. You have the main forum to present opinions which calls for discussions and debates. All discussions related to actor's performance, looks, style and personality can be confined to ATs and keep the discussion of story tracks restricted to just the character and his/her scenes with other characters. Please refrain from analyzing and discussing scenes which are not directly/indirectly related to the actor/character of this AT , in particular when they imply stating negative opinions. However we do allow minimum chatting in ATs, provided it is related to this AT alone.
  4. Please refrain from bringing and discussing other general topics of the main forum into the AT. If you find anything offending in the main forum, report it with crisp and clear notes, without bringing them to the ATs.
  5. Please refrain from any negative/bashful/insulting comments against any actor/character/member/DT. If members of an AT are caught discussing other actors/characters/fan groups/DT negatively, then AT will be held liable for it and may be subject to warnings & eventual closure/Ban as follows.
  6. Admins/Monitors of the AT (Those who are opening the AT will be called the Admins/Monitors) will report the troublemakers or problematic members of the AT to the DT in a timely manner, so that the AT/other genuine fans are not penalized for it. Here the Admins have a big responsibility and so we believe them to be totally unbiased as the whole responsibility of a AT is on them.

Note to Karna AT members - Karna and Draupadi has no love angle so any inappropriate speculations or any excessive romantic imaginary scene about them will NOT be ALLOWED here!The scenes being discussed/speculated should normally have some basis through the show/storyline (direct scenes between them). From the past record we understand Draupadi has been criticized a lot, it should be done in the context to the scene. We welcome constructive criticism but demeaning destructive criticism that is meant to tear another character or insult will not be entertained here. Remember there is a very thin line between criticism and bashing which the members easily forget. Just because a character is negative or disliked by particular fans , it does not give members the license to resort to extreme character bashing so please co operate with us as we have amended the AT rules for Karna AT members and expect the members to met us half way by taking up the responsibilities! A forum can function well only if the mods and members cooperate and have the same goal - to achieve a peaceful forum.

Lastly - When an AT reaches 150 pages, hit the report button and add this "AT reached 150 Pages", the DT will close it as we can not have two ATs open at the same time.
Admins of the CC - One member of the AT along with the Mahabharat DT (mnx12) - When the AT is about to end, please wait until one of the AT admins create the next. If the assigned admin for a certain AT isn't around, drop in a quick PM to the Dev Team member (mnx12) to open the next AT, any other ATs which are made by any other members will be closed without further notice
If the DT notices more than 3 people violating the AT rules constantly for a week, the effects of violations will kick start, which go as follows:
First Violation - Warning Note2nd - Another Warning Note
3rd - Another Warning Note4th - Close the AT for 24 hrs (1 Day)5th - Close AT for 72 hrs (3 Days)
6th - Close AT for 1 week (7 Days)
7th - Get rid of AT completely from the Mahabharat Forum/Shift it to Celebrity Fan Club Forum
Having said that, please do not assume that every report submitted by opposite fan group will be entertained. We will go through the reports and only if we find the report valid based on above rules, then we will speak to the Admins of the AT and action will be taken accordingly as stated above.

List of Current ATs in the Forum:

  1. Krishna AT
  2. Arjuna AT
  3. Draupadi AT
  4. Karna AT
  5. Kauravas AT
  6. Pandavas AT

NOTE: All AT admins should make sure that the second post in every AT on the forum, has these rules posted for members to be aware of the rules at all times.

If anyone has any questions/queries/concerns regarding the AT Rules imposed in the forum, feel free to PM the Mahabharat DT member (mnx12 , *Resham*) Regards,
Mahabharat Development Team
{|Rules which everyone must follow|}

* This thread is meant purely for the discussion and appreciation of Aham Sharma playing Karna in Mahabharata. Please refrain from discussing other shows or other co-stars (unless they are related to the show).

*No fighting, no fan wars.

*Clean and healthy conversations & discussion.

*Bashing of the show's actors and characters will not be tolerated. Consider this a warning before you enter. Any member caught bashing shall be given a warning, and if it continues, will be asked to politely leave the AT.

*Analysis of controversial interpersonal enmities b/w the characters, particularly Karna & the Pandavas/Draupadi should be discussed in the Pandava or Kaurava ATs, and avoided here

* Discussion of distortions in the story by the show should be done only in any of the following threads

*New rule on Embedded audio - if you do want to embed audio add-ons, make sure that they do not play by default, but only if the reader chooses to play them. It's otherwise highly disruptive to suddenly have an audio blaring - not all surroundings in which the internet is viewed is suitable for this.

Otherwise, don't do it!!!

*No discussion of characters who have their own dedicated ATs - so far, namely Arjun, Krishna & Draupadi

*If one wishes to post anything in languages other than English - be it Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Marathi, Gujrati, et al, one must provide translations of whatever they write into English

*Refrain from quoting more than one post, It makes the page look messy, and it increases loading time. No spamming or chatting in this AT.

* Discussion about this show in general is allowed. Discussing other shows isn't.

*Comparisons between this show and any other show are not allowed.

*If an AT finishes, only a notified member is allowed to open the next one.

*Mocking or making fun of Physical appearance of any actor or his getup for the role he/ she plays is strictly not allowed

* No chatting between members

*Also, note this message from our moderator regarding what can be discussed regarding this Mahabharata - IMP: FINAL GUIDELINES FOR YOUR POSTS

Courtesy: {| Mahabharata DT |}

TM/DT Notes:

AT #1: Pg 19, 55, 80, 83

AT#2: None 👏

AT#3: Pg 18, 85, 89

AT#4: None 👏

AT#5: 44, 74

AT#6: None 👏

AT#7: None 👏

AT#8: None 👏

AT#9: None 👏

AT#10: None 👏

AT#11: Pg70

Continued on Page 2...

Edited by ...Diala... - 10 years ago
...Diala... thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Lyrics of Karna's BGM

Suto va suta - suta jaati ka suta [ A suta of Suta Caste]
Putro payo - putra m paaya [had him as his son]
Dapova Bhavamyaham - Daivik Shakti s pari purna [with supernatural skills and abilities]

Deva-uttam - Devo m bhi uttam [ Superior among Gods too]
Kule-janma bhadyastam - Uttam kul m janma k baad parityaag [Was abandoned after being born in a good Caste]
Su-paurusham,paurusham,paurasham... - Paurush s bharpur [ Full of positive energy]

Kunti's lullaby song when Karna was born

Suryadev so gaye, Chhaya Andhera; - [Sun has slept,and there is dark]
Chup-chaap ye gagan so gyi h dhara.. - [Silently the sky slept and so has earth...]
tu bhi so jaa,Laal mere; - [u too sleep, my dear]
Kehna na maa ka,tu taal de.. - [dont let ur mother's words go]
So jaa mere...laaal...re... - [Sleep down my dear, sleep down]
so ja mere laaal reee... -[Sleep down my child,sleep down...]

Tu Hriday ka mere,tukraa h; - [U r the part of my heart]
Mere Naina ka h tu taara... - [And the star of my eyes]
Meri bhul kshama kr laal mere; - [Forgive my deeds]
Mera pyaar,tu mera dulaara.. - [My dear, u my child]
Godi meri,mamtaa tarpe; - [In my lap , my love dies]
kuchh bhi nhi,baas laachaari h.. - [Nothing there,just is circumstances]
So jaa mere...laaal...re... - [Sleep down my dear, sleep down]
so ja mere laaal reee... - [Sleep down my child, sleep down]

Suryadev so gaye, Chhaya Andhera; - [Sun has slept,and there is dark]
Chup-chaap ye gagan so gyi h dhara.. - [Silently the sky slept and so has earth...]
So jaa mere...laaal...re... - [Sleep down my dear, sleep down]
so ja mere laaal reee... - [Sleep down my child, sleep down]
So jaa mere...laaal...re... - [Sleep down my dear, sleep down]
so ja mere laaal reee... - [Sleep down my child, sleep down ]

courtesy: Abhishek_King

The Shloka:-

|| Suto Va Sut Putrovayo ||
Vakova Bhavamyaham
Daivayettam Kule Janm
Madayettam Tu Paurusham
Paurusham Paurusham ||[/P]

Meaning in English :-
</div><div>Whether I am a charioteer , Son of a charioteer ,
or whoever I am ,that doesn't matter..
Taking Birth in a cast,is the decision of God..

[DIV]But ,My Power and smartness is earned by myself..

Meaning in Hindi :-
Mai Sut hu ya Sutaputra
Mai jo koi bhi hoon
Apne Daiv se main kisi bhi kul mein janm lu...
Isse mujhe koi aapatti nahi
Parantu apne samarthya se Paurushatva sidha karna mera kartavya hai.

courtesy: Candid Frisky