Balika Vadhu Times #20 | Second Chances, Life and Happiness

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Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago


Presenting this month's NL on behalf of Prati (Don). Prati's dad is not well at the present. Lets all wish her dad a speedy recovery from his health problems. 😊
Edited by dixie123 - 10 years ago


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Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
 (by adi2512 & payali09)

WEEK 1 : March 1st - 8th

 Sanchi, calls up JaGan to apologize. Ganga listens kindly, Jagdish does not want to buy her sorry.  Later he comes to know, what happened with her, forgives her for her past deeds and apologizes to her for being rude.

 Jagdish comes to know that Mannu is suspected to have blood cancer. Initially, he does not disclose same to Ganga, but she accidentally gets to know. Shattered, JaGan go for confirmation from an oncologist.  The oncologist confirms Mannu has blood cancer and he is put on medicines. The truth is revealed to the family and everyone is shocked and shattered.

 DadiSa takes a promise from Ganga to be strong, and that everything will be alright and Mannu will be cured.  After a while, Jagdish and family get to know that medicines are not working on Mannu and chemotherapy needs to be undertaken.

 Vivek Kabra's sister Rakhee returns home and gets to know the happenings that one of her brother is in jail and the other is going on exile. Vivek leaves home.  Rakhee tries to bridge the gap between Vivek and her parents in vain.  Sanchi helps Vivek to shift into a rented out house at Payal's place. 

 Sanchi begins to realize all her wrong doings and confesses most of them to Anandi. Shocked, Anandi, supports Sanchi for her repentance and change and gives her moral support. Sanchi however is still distraught.  Anandi's shares the pain of Sanchi with Shiv , he consoles her and tells her that Sanchi needs a goal in her life to come out of all this, and Anandi agrees with him.  Sanchi, decides to join Anandi's Bhaili and in the social work. She gives some good marketing ideas for Bhaili's products, which are appreciated by Anandi.


The duo come across a new mother Avanti who is being ill treated by her in laws for want of dowry and is expelled along with her new born daughter.  Anandi and Sanchi along with the employees of Bhaili meet Avanti's in laws and give them a strong warning that they will fight for justice for Avanti, legally.  Vivek helps them in this, and sends them a court notice, thinking it might scare them, and it does.


 WEEK 2 : March 10th - 15th

Saurabh's Mother curses her elder son Vivek for siding with Sanchi and Saurabh vows for revenge on Vivek and Sanchi after he is freed from jail.


Avanti comes and meets Anandi and Sanchi with her husband and they both thank Anandi.  Avanti's husband realizes his wrong doings and whole heartedly accepts his wife and his daughter.


Anandi is invited as a chief guest to annual day function of Amol's school.  Amol with his group of friends put up a nice dance performance (in spite of him being on a wheel chair ) much to the delight of everybody.


Singhs along with Nandu try their best to hide their pain and to make the atmosphere at Badi Haveli cheerful for Mannu.  A marriage proposal comes for Gehna's sister Kanchan.  DadiSa gets herself involved in same and takes up the responsibility of the wedding, on its approval.  Jagdish does not like the idea of such hectic celebrations, given the circumstances, but Ganga convinces him by saying it will bring happiness to Mannu, if the atmosphere is cheerful and festive.


Shekhars think about marriage for Sanchi upon a neighbours insistence.  Sanchi refuses to marry at the moment.  Anandi convinces Sanchi that she needs to move ahead in life and it is possible with a supportive and understanding life partner and every man will not be like Saurabh, there are men like Shiv too.  Sanchi agrees on condition that what all happened with her will be revealed to the boy and his family at the first instance.

Rakhee finds Vivek and Sanchi together on a road , and starts verbally abusing Sanchi that she is the reason, her family is shattered.  Vivek apologizes to Sanchi for his sister's behaviour, Sanchi leaves teary eyed.

 Singhs get to know from the Doctor, that even chemotherapy is not working on Mannu, and bone marrow transplant is the only option.  Unfortunately, Ganga's marrow does not match with Mannu's.

Ganga thinks, there may be a chance with Ratan Singh's bone marrow, him being the biological father of Mannu.


WEEK 3 : March 17th - 22nd

Anuj, a prospective groom, arrives to see Sanchi accompanied by his family and all goes well with both families agreeing to the alliance.  Unfortunately Alok was unable to reveal Sanchi's history to the groom's family leaving the Shekhars shocked with how to proceed.

Meanwhile Rakhee inflames her parents with the idea that Sanchi has taken Vivek under her control and the Sabras begin planning how to take their revenge for Sanchi breaking up their family.

Anandi is called into Amol's school when he is falsely accused of cheating on an exam.  The principal refuses to believe Amol is innocent and excludes him from sitting any further exams.  When this is revealed to Amol's classmates, the guilty student Gopal steps forward and confesses that he did because he was desperate to come first.  After finding out from Gopal that his parents were pressuring him excessively, Anandi explains to his parents that this practice can lead to negative outcomes in the long run citing the example of Jagdish's childhood influencing his incorrect actions in adulthood.


At Badi Haveli, the Singhs attempt to maintain a positive environment through Kanchan's wedding preparations whilst fearing for Mannu's health and whether Ratan Singh will help or not.  Their fears come true when Ratan refuses to donate his bone marrow and the Singhs, especially Jagdish and Ganga, are left devastated.  But they rally together to celebrate holi and pray for Mannu's recovery.  Ratan's parents arrive at Badi Haveli and inform Ganga that Ratan wishes to see her alone.  However Jagdish promises to accompany her to the jail.


Upset that Anuj and his parents remain unaware of her past, Sanchi invites Vivek to Kesar Bagh to ask for advice.  He tells her to inform Anuj at the earliest which she does so when Anuj arrives to celebrate Holi with the Shekhars.  He responds positively to Sanchi's confession and all seems well as his parents' later call to say they will arrive with shagun the next day.


Plans unravel as Sanchi is defamed as a liar and manipulator via posters overnight and Anuj's parents call off the alliance.  Meanwhile, Ratan demands that Mannu be returned to him in exchange for him donating his bone marrow.  The Singhs are heartbroken but Ganga, supported by Jagdish, is adamant that she will do this if it will save her son.


WEEK 4 : March 24th - 31st

Jagdish arranges for Ratan to be tested to see if he is a donor match.  However during Kanchan's wedding Mannu's health rapidly deteriorates and he is rushed to the hospital.  While Mannu's condition thankfully stabilizes, it is hinted that Kanchan also has health issues.  Regardless of this, Kanchan is farewelled from Badi Haveli with all due pomp.


Vivek figures out that his family were the ones behind Sanchi's public humiliation and confronts them.  When they admit their culpability, Vivek breaks ties with them in disgust.  He then shamefacedly confesses to the Shekhars about his parents as the media descend outside Kesar Bagh.  Sanchi braves the media's questions and answers honestly leading to appreciation from her family and Vivek.


Afterwards Sanchi declares that she will never marry as she will never find any man who will accept her past.  After she has left, Vivek approaches the Shekhars and offers himself as a possible partner for Sanchi.  When the Shekhars inform Sanchi she decides to meet Vivek first before deciding anything.  Vivek confesses that he proposed because he likes her and not out of pity which puts Sanchi at ease and she informs her parents that she is agreeable to marrying him.  Vivek's parents are arrested for defaming Sanchi but she asks for them to be released.


Anandi and Shiv visit Badi Haveli to spend time with the Singhs and especially Ganga, Jagdish and Mannu.  Ratan contemplates hiring a lawyer to handle the transfer of custody to ensure that he will have legal rights over Mannu once the transplant is completed.  He has a standoff with Dadisa at the hospital and Jagdish steps in to apologize and manage the situation.  The Singhs are upset that they must agree to Ratan's demands and lose Mannu to save his life.


Anandi realizes her reliance on others for transport is a major hinderance to her work when she arrives too late to help in preventing a home from being demolished.  While taking driving lessons from Sanchi, Anandi comes across a child beggar named Sonu at a traffic intersection who is being directed and scolded by an older female beggar.  When she sees this pair again but accompanied by more child beggars, she confronts the older female about how she is yelling at the children.  All the beggars run off when the police become involved.  However when Anandi goes to check on Sonu the next day, she is ambushed by the gang of beggars led by the older female.  Thankfully plain clothes police arrive to save the day.


Back at the Badi Haveli, Basant notices that he is missing money from his wallet and that Nandu has been acting strangely recently.  Mannu is prepped up from surgery at the hospital but Ratan refuses to help until his conditions are met and Mannu's custody transferred to him.  The Singhs watch on helplessly as Jagdish signs the legal papers since Mannu's needs to be operated on urgently.  Everyone prays for the operation to be successful and are overjoyed when Jagdish confirms this upon exiting the operation theatre.

Edited by dixie123 - 10 years ago
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Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

(by  Hina & blushing)

Accepting truth /reality is always painful...Mannu little kid...draws himself saying Mannu beemar hai.( Mannu is sick) πŸ˜­ He cannot draw himself healthy as he knows he is not well. Such heartbreaking and most touching scene. Small kid accept harsh reality of his well being in front of his mother who is equally shattered and emotional. Ganga picks him and hugs comforting him assuring him he will be alright nothing will happen to him. Its extremely painful and emotional.
Episode date 11th March 2014; Avi by Hina 

(BY Aakansha_7 & mahi11 )
naughtiness and childhood go hand in hand πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰
how can a child stay without some masti ...and if the occasion is holi then double masti toh banti hai boss πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
The scene starts with our little amol planning a prank on his bua with his daddu πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰
turning off the knob  of tap and then sprinkling off the when bua maaro entriyaan 
from one side sanchi ne maari entriyaan and on other side water from pipe ...dhishkyaon dhum dhum dhum dhum dhum πŸ˜† πŸ˜†πŸ˜†...making sanchi all gila gila πŸ˜‰

(by anjali_pi)

The AnSh scene of the month starts with a questioning Amol entering the bedroom. Anandi is asking him about his school and he starts asking  her about Shonu. He is asking whether Anandi gave Shonu chappals and the piggybank. Anandi is observing her kid and it is when Shiv enters the room and explains Amol everything that happened.

 Amol is very happy to know that now Shonu and his friends are free and safe and leaves the room.

Anandi is in a thinking mode and Shiv asks her what is worrying her. Anandi replies she is thinking about kids like Shonu and recollects  the past incident of her and Jagdish in their childhood involving the beggar racket, and how she got the bullet wound, while protecting Jagdish.


She says it is an old story and now the Nishaan is not even visible, and in any case she had to survive, because, she need to meet Shiv.

Shiv is surprised on hearing same, says, he is more lucky to have her in his life. He also says, that she should not go on taking such risks, for the sake of him, he knows that he is being selfish, but the fact is that he cannot live without Anandi in his life.

Anandi covers his hand with hers and gives him a smile.
Shiv emotionally says, its time to get back to work, and will meet at night.

The scene was touching. It showed Shiv's concern,care ,understanding and his never ending  love for Anandi.  It showed how different Shiv is from others. It showed why a London returned man fell in love with a simple ghagra clad girl from a remote village. 

Made for each other couple rocked the scene along with their Anmol Amol. 

Here is the video link - Credits- Aditi


( by sneha02)

JaGan's picture perfect world suffered a rude shock with their elder son Mannu being detected with life threatening leukaemia. With oral medicines, chemotherapy and Ganga's bone marrow not matching with Mannu's,  the only recourse left for JaGan is to approach Ratan Singh, Mannu's biological father and a hardcore criminal languishing in jail. And a nervous JaGan do so on the occasion of Holi. 

Ganga meets Ratan Singh while Jagdish waits outside walking all the while, tension written large on his face. In sometime Ganga comes running as if she is running away from something rather someone and collides with him. Words seem to fail her as she clings to Jagdish for support, sobbing all the while. Jagdish very gently prods her about Ratan Singh's decision. Ganga tells him about Ratan agreeing to it but when she tells him of the catch involved wherein Ratan wants Mannu in return of this favour, Jagdish loses his cool and rushes off to give Ratan a piece of his mind. But he stops dead in his tracks when Ganga tells him she agreed to it. The intensity in his eyes is shrouded by confusion as Jagdish turns to Ganga in complete disbelief. But a crying Ganga tells him that Mannu alive is the only thing she wants and that seems possible only if they agree to Ratan Singh's demand. Cause at least then they have the option of meeting Mannu some or other time in life. An equally emotional Jagdish breaks down and envelopes her in a bear hug as if resigned to fate yet assuring her that everything shall fall into place ultimately. The scene ends with JaGan holding onto each other for strength and support to overcome the turbulent times ahead.

This emotionally stimulating scene with brilliant acting by Shashank Vyas and Sargun Mehta was aired on 22nd March 2014  episode 

Siggy Credit: AshaNegi⭐️


(by geet005 & saba113)

Jagdish and Ganga took Mannu to an oncologist in Jaipur  for his tests to confirm whether he is actually suffering from leukemia or not .The tests report testified Mannu is suffering from leukemia Jagdish and Ganga are shattered upon knowing this .Ganga is in state of denial and insists to the oncologist these reports are  not her son's  but of someone else's which got mixed with her son's reports  Go get her son's reports ..Jagdish makes her understand with great difficulty these reports are of Mannu , we have to accept this truth our Mannu is suffering from blood cancer .Ganga breaks down and cries hugging her husband . Jagdish himself emotionally shattered but tries to console his wife .Little Mannu unaware of what tragedy has fallen on him and his parents is sleeping peacefully under anesthesia effect

This saddest scene was aired on 5th March 2014 episode 

(by Mithi_vani & mahi11 )

At Holi Puja CM said 'This is the first Holi,that Mahi is not with us .. ... I think CM lost her memory in process to bring back CP's memory .. πŸ˜† .. As Mahi was not thr even at Last Year Holi Puja .. πŸ˜› .. πŸ˜† ..

.. ..


(BY anshurg5 & shankythebest  )
This month there was tough competition btw two dialogues, we have finally selected Ganga-Jagya's emotional one as the dialogue of the month while they were informing their family that RATan Singh's agreed to save Mannu's life but at a big cost.
Their family was against accepting his condition then Ganga narrated them an old story of two women and a child . In it both were claiming a child as their own, the king had ordered to cut the child in two parts and give one to each woman, but the real mother could not see her child's death so she told the king to give the child to other woman to save his life.         
              When Dadisa understood this and expressed her shock over her decision, Ganga      said... 
                   Haan Dadisa, uss maa ki tarah mujhe bhi samjhouta karna pada, apni mamta ka gala ghont kar maine uski shart maan le. Door kar dungi main usse apne aap se, door rahega toh kam se kam zinda toh rahega aur mere liye usse badh kar iss samay kuch aur nahi hai. 
         Jagya also endorsed her decision due to their helplessness. He said...
Kisi aur donor ko dhundhane main waqt lagega aur iss samay wohi toh nahi hai hamare pass.
         This shows a mother can bear any pain to see her child alive and healthy.

                  This episode was aired on 22nd of March.

Mr & Mrs Kabra are blind about their baby cobra
They kicked their Vivek out on his handsome thobra
Mummy Kabra thinks she can buy world with rokra
God please give her sense and morals ka chillar🀣
Varna viewers may pray for her relocation to Bihar

Edited by dixie123 - 10 years ago
dixie123 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
(By ZenerDiode  )

The day Sanchi forgiving Vivek's parents and in BH, showing all old but still strong relationships

DS-Anandi, Ganga-Anandi, Shiv-Jagya and main characters of story Jagya-Anandi bonding with different perspectives,Shiv with DS  and Anandi, Anandi with kids that brought old original charm of Balika Vadhu,the true meaning of BV's tagline " Kachchi Umar ke Pakke Rishte" hit with full force.

So it calls for the title of Best Episode of the month

(By hina- & anjali )

Ratan parents arrives at BadiHaveli and informs Ganga that Ratan wants to meet her.This was the single scene related to the story- Rest was Anuj's parents phone call- Sanchi asking Anandi's permission to invite Vivek for holi-Holi in KB and BH- An episode dedicated for  Sanchi Ki Ristha. 

Here is the Written update-



( by jermey1 & adi2512)

Splitting the total rating of 5 equally among BH and KB tracks - with 2.5 to each,
BH track with JaGan and Singhs trying to save Mannu is nicely written , directed and acted . So this deserves the full 2.5.
KB track - Deserves no more than 0.5, for the way Sanchi's story is told and her love story is being forcibly thrust upon viewers, leaving no space for the leads.
So, overall rating for the Month is 3 / 5
Edited by dixie123 - 10 years ago
dixie123 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
(by Shankythebest & dixie123 )
This month has been emotional in the lives of Jagya and Ganga after getting to know about their son, Mannu's blood cancer. Like any parent they were devastated, in a state of shock and denial at the news..
But, along with Singh's family support, Gangavows to fight backher destiny and not lose hope on saving Mannu. She becomes a strong mother and tells the family that they will need to supress their pain so as to give Mannu a happy and loving atmosphere as long as he can live.
Jagya being the loving father to Mannu promises Ganga that he will do everything that he can to save their son's life. Although being in pain himself, he comforts Ganga and constantly gives her his emotional support. On knowing that Ratan singh can save Mannu's life, Jagya decides that he meets him in jail forgetting all the past enemity and hatred begging Ratan to save Mannu's life.
Ratan being the evil guy he is, asks for Mannu to be returned to him if he is to help them. Ganga decides to make this painful choice and agrees to the deal to save her son.
Jagya and Ganga are both best characters for showing the courage, strength, spirit to fight aganist all odds to save their son.

( by 5cents & aashimaahuja)

                                 The Healing Touch 
The shine & happiness in all the eyes around to see  the love & warmth of Anandi's touch❀️ 


(by 5cents & rdjha)

Orangish-Red hue of Love & Joy
Orange is happiness, Red is strength and determination, Orange is encouragement, Red is passion and Love...and a perfect blend of all, is our super and yummy mummy Anandi ❀️ 
And the little touch of Blue sums up her faith, her confidence and the endless spread of a mother's love, like that of sky and ocean...

(by surabhi01)

everything is finish  .nothing  can be done . this unsuccess ful feeling make pessimisitic more strong . in heart to lit lamp of hope is needed

6th march 2014
Edited by dixie123 - 10 years ago
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Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
(by dixie123)
Winner: radhika_kiran

And here is the prize πŸ‘

(by dixie123)
Winner: nena28
And here is the prize πŸ‘


(by adi2512)

Winner: Anjali. - Suno suno Meri Awaaz

And here is the prize πŸ‘

From adi2512(Uma): Its been a very tough choice, as both the below VM's too were very good..😳 - Teri Deewani by Hiral., - Saawariya, Saawariya by Rashmi ( @Russshme22)

(by Mithi_vani)

 Winner: tellygeek
Unbeatable Combination for Happiness ...

And here is the prize πŸ‘


(By  Surabhi01)
Name of topic - mahaan sanchi 

Name of topic maker - leavessandwaves

Time of posting topic - 3 :44 am 
 Date of posting the topic - 26th march 2014

the topic run till 10 pages and get 18 likes

link of the topic
- = 3964112

And here is the prize πŸ‘


(by sidra08)

The winner : Sush-

And HERE is your Prize  πŸ₯³


(by Hina-)

The Winner:  Sidra08

And HERE is your Prize  πŸ₯³


(by ZenerDiode)
Winner: Hina
And HERE is your Prize  πŸ₯³


(by Sidra08)
Winner: saba113
And HERE is your Prize  πŸ₯³

Edited by dixie123 - 10 years ago
dixie123 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
(By dixie123)

sunaare kadomose kiya ujaagar yeah jahaa
kuch khokar hi sahi...  samjte ham hamne khoya tha kya
khokar ab bhi mila tha wo bhi bahut tha
jo jaha mila...use paya bhi to tha..
For creativity.. this award goes to
- AshaNegi &  Lipshaa (for old JaGan)
- ZenerDiode (for old AnSh)



and here is your prize 


(BY saba113 & blushing )
Pic by Anjali_  ; Smiley by Sidra 

Murgi of the Month 

  Mr Mrs R Kabra 

Mr & Mrs Kabra are disgusted human beings. They  don't accept their own son's bad deeds and easily put blame on others. Mrs Kabra put banners and pamphlet's in entire Udaipur disclosing Sanchi's name which is crime. Disclosing rape victim 's name publicly is contempt of law. Mr Kabra defending his wife's  action on  name of mother's sorrow is useless. Both were  put behind bar for this crime. 

                                                             Bakra of the Month 


                                                                  Vivek R Kabra 


Vivek is honest Lawyer but his family has blind trust on their criminal younger son rather than honest son. Mrs Kabra's action put Vivek in tight spot. Already feeling ashamed of his younger brother's deeds and now his parents joined him. Vivek's entire family ended up in jail for crime. For person like Vivek its indeed shameful his own family ruining his reputation. Soon he will be in true Bakra  since he is going to marry Sanchi.                
FunCare of the Month 



Anuj...well...What can one say about him Sanchi already said he is spineless person. Sanchi for first time being honest discloses about her horrified past incident happened with her. In front of Sanchi he acts like all honest and strong. But he did not  have courage to share this  important information about Sanchi with his own parents. And  his own mother describes him he is bewakoof. (Fool)

Glycerin Of the Month 

     Rakhi R Kabra


Vivek's younger sister is crying buckets for her family being parted away. This girl is total clueless about what is happening around her. Her mother making her more confused. One day she cries for her brothers next day she cries for her parents. All in all Rakhi Kabra is cry baby. 

       Khatra of the month 

                                                Ratan Singh

OMG return of this most disgusted cruel person in Ganga and Jagdish's life. For Mannu's sake Ganga and Jagdish need help from this man. He is taking  full advantage of this situation. This man uses his own son's life to take revenge on Ganga and Jagdish.  He manipulated them  eased them, played with their emotion with his extreme behavior.    

        Band Baaja Baraat 


    Entire Kabra family


Well Picture said it all. Entire Kabra family ka band bajaa hain. One person of family is already in jail for horrified crime soon Mr &Mrs Kabra joined him too for breaking law. Rakhi is clueless keep on crying and soon might turn negative for taking revenge against Sanchi. And last Vivek without doing anything wrong he ended being in total mess. Top it all he is going to marry Sanchi soon.  

Edited by dixie123 - 10 years ago
dixie123 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Summary of the month(short summaries of 4 weeks)- adi2512  kikyo(back up payali 09) back up - aashimaahuja 
Best episode of the month-Suchi-, ZenerDiode(Back up-sushaiani)(backup -mahi111)
Filler Episode of the month-anjali_pi hina13 (back up Suchi_)(back up - Aakansha_7)
Rating of the Month-khusi_* , jermey1 (back up - adi2512)(back up - rdjha)
Emotional scene of the month-blushing hina13 (Back up-anjali_pi)(backup - mithi_vani)
Funny scene of the month-aakansha_7 mahi11 (back up - mithi_vani )(back up - geet005)
Best AnSh Scene of the month-anjali_pi (back up- khusi_*)
Best JaGan Scene of the month- sushaiani( backup - shankythebest- )
Saddest scene of the month-Geet005 , saba113(back up -aparnauma)(backup-  charul_Sv)
Blooper of the month-mithi_vani mahi11(back up-dixie123) (back up -jermey1)
Dialogue of the month-anshrug5 , Shankythebest(back up-dixie123)(back up-5cents)
Irritating character of the Month-AnjanaYYZ, sushaiani(back up-Don_theEvil)9back up -aashimaahuja)
Best Character of the month-dixie123 , Shankythebest(back up - payali09 )(backup -zenerDiode)
Picture of the month-5Cents aashimaahuja(back up -aakanksha_7) (back - up radhika_kiran)
Best costume of the month-5Cents, rdjha (back up - charul_Sv )(backup-hiral_halwa)
AnSh Siggy of the month-Don_theEvil(back up- hisusmita  )
AnSh Avi of  the month-Don_theEvil(back up -Rdjha )
AnSh VM of the month-adi2512(back up - Suchi- )
Most active thread of the month-surabhi01(back up- aparnauma)
Best voiceOver of the month-surabhi01(back up - blushing  )
Best FF/SS/OS of the month-mithi_vani(back up- mahi11)
Golmal award of the month-blushing, saba 113(back up-Hiral_halwa)9bacl up -sidra08)
Siggy of the month For jagan-  (sidra08) (back up-santhiyaa_J )
Avi of  the month jagan - faryal-malik back up - Hina13)
VM of the month jagan- ZenerDiode (back up - Sidra08)
Best FF/SS/OS of the month jagan-Sidra08(back up-charuluv_sv )

Main siggy- khusi_*

Winner siggies- khusi_* , 

Banners/logos- -shivu- , rashu ,khusi_*

Special Editing - dixie123

Special thanks - BV Times Team 

Our team will present the Newsletter Of Balikavadhu times Monthly. Its going to publish on date on 2 of every month alternately by  Don_theEvil . Please drop to give your opinion and participate in NL activaties as much you can.. and support us as well to reading our updates. We ensure you all of you, will love this newsletter for sure.


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 You all have to send buddy request for balikavadhu times for anshbalikavadhu id account

 From this month all entries must to reach this account (anshbalikavadhu)till 30/31 end of the month of midnight. 12.00 IST

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Any queries regarding BalikaVadhu Times Newsletter.. pm us khusi_* orDon_theEvil or anshbalikavadhu. But section only to be send on anshbalikavadhu only..

 form now on all discussion going to be here only Balikavadhu Times NL Discussion Thread ( Invites Only) .only team mebers are allowed here kindly noted..


Edited by dixie123 - 10 years ago
saba113 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Very sad to read about Prati's dad Wishing her dad a speedy recovery My prayers are with Prati and her dad 

Very nice NL Good work everyone and congrats to all winners πŸ‘

O wow i won something Best  JaGan OS😲i ran away posting that OS too nervous of responseπŸ˜† but now i think i should check the response πŸ˜† Thank you for choosing it as winner β˜ΊοΈ

Edited by saba113 - 10 years ago
-Eris- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
congratulations Zenu πŸ€—