Jyoti Gauba in Ek Muthhi Aasmaan - Page 5


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mehr05 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
Hmmm. Raghav's mom is coming up now.
that will be very very interesting.
TFS dear. πŸ˜Š
Edited by mehr05 - 10 years ago
pippa thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing.
Looks like the cvs have forgotten their own story!πŸ˜†

When Raghav's dad died, the mum was no where on the scene. So, do the cvs expect us to willingly suspend our disbelief??

Anyway, it will be a nice change to see a new face. I expect, the secret that Kamla's hiding in that so- called asylum is Raghav's mum.πŸ˜•
.Indu. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
OMG my prediction is right.. Raghav's mother...TFS
-Enigmatic- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
So this is why they hasten the love track...
The drama is on the way...
He will go in revenge mode but this tym differnce will be he won't use pakhi n kalpi will be wid him in this mission...
Their together entry in kapoors mantion hints this...RagNa will tackle wid kapoors together 😳
Interesting track...
Loiking forward
Thank u gina for shareing πŸ€—
gina24 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: SoniLuvsRT

So this is why they hasten the love track...
The drama is on the way...
He will go in revenge mode but this tym differnce will be he won't use pakhi n kalpi will be wid him in this mission...
Their together entry in kapoors mantion hints this...RagNa will tackle wid kapoors together 😳
Interesting track...
Loiking forward
Thank u gina for shareing πŸ€—

I hope they handle this track well
-Enigmatic- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: gina24

I hope they handle this track well

Yeah gina...the track is looking interesting... Kamala will reveal the things...& raghav will get one more reason to destroy kapoors... This track will strengthen RagNa's relation emotionally... Want to see their emotional strong bonding more than romance ...when emotional bonding will be more strong then romance will get more interesting... I guess thats why this track is coming up... & i m feeling like that raghav gonna confess abt his revenge via pakhi idea to kalpi... Before this track...yest.he was trying to tell her abt that party night..i hope aaj wo bata de use
gina24 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: SoniLuvsRT

Yeah gina...the track is looking interesting... Kamala will reveal the things...& raghav will get one more reason to destroy kapoors... This track will strengthen RagNa's relation emotionally... Want to see their emotional strong bonding more than romance ...when emotional bonding will be more strong then romance will get more interesting... I guess thats why this track is coming up... & i m feeling like that raghav gonna confess abt his revenge via pakhi idea to kalpi... Before this track...yest.he was trying to tell her abt that party night..i hope aaj wo bata de use

I'm thinking a little other way actually πŸ˜† like kalpi will find about his mom from kamla and she would try to tell him about it but kamla will stop tell her to wait for right moment and then some how raghav will come to know about it and also that kalpi knew but still kept it from him he'll feel betrayed and all then a little ragna seperation(just a little one week max) πŸ˜› ) and then kalpi will prove to raghav how his mom was wrongly accused and it's the kapoor to be blamed thn raghav will be back in full revenge mode again wow I should really join EMA CVs πŸ˜†
Breathing thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: SoniLuvsRT

Yeah gina...the track is looking interesting... Kamala will reveal the things...& raghav will get one more reason to destroy kapoors... This track will strengthen RagNa's relation emotionally... Want to see their emotional strong bonding more than romance ...when emotional bonding will be more strong then romance will get more interesting... I guess thats why this track is coming up... & i m feeling like that raghav gonna confess abt his revenge via pakhi idea to kalpi... Before this track...yest.he was trying to tell her abt that party night..i hope aaj wo bata de use

Exactly as i mentioned in my previous post that where is that Singhania villa gone,, when they showed it to us during Raghav's childhood , hope they will surely gonna make entry in singhania villa with kalpi and raghav's mom,, it will interesting to watch the emotional bonding of three,

Then kalpi will be in pressure, emotional raagahv ko sambhale , uski mom ko jo sambhale,  ya apni aai ka sapna pura kareπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
-Enigmatic- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: gina24

I'm thinking a little other way actually πŸ˜† like kalpi will find about his mom from kamla and she would try to tell him about it but kamla will stop tell her to wait for right moment and then some how raghav will come to know about it and also that kalpi knew but still kept it from him he'll feel betrayed and all then a little ragna seperation(just a little one week max) πŸ˜› ) and then kalpi will prove to raghav how his mom was wrongly accused and it's the kapoor to be blamed thn raghav will be back in full revenge mode again wow I should really join EMA CVs πŸ˜†

Haha πŸ˜† we r better than cv's πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜† may be they r upto sumthing like this ...but their love story isn't started properly so before this how can seperation possible πŸ˜• kuch bhi ho sakta hai
FanOfRagna thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Khaise amr a !!
Lagraha tha ki sasu maa ki entry hogi but aise hogi socha na tha !! 🀣