Onir should come back and here is how - Page 2


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onirfans thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

Story can move on with ArVi and without onir but it cant move even one step in opposite situation.

Makers were never dependent on Shakti. There was choice of replacement but there was no scope for onir so thought to just end it. Is there anything for onir without ArVi?[/QUOTE]
chill mam chilll

😆 before arvi entry the story also moved very well and had top rank  so show also not depended on arvi . just chill maker make character as per as story moving . 

this is just a wish of fan group  who dieing to see shakti once again ...in personally i also do not want shakti again in crapy show pr...and i wish to see him another new show as a lead...
@ blue  r u maker ? no na then how u know the reality .

@ pink :  why shakti left that is the personal  matter of shakti  but if he could agree to stay then may be maker could plan forward the onir character . but shakti did not agree to stay with leap like jia  and other actor/actress and he leaved . and maker make a happy ending of onir . 

for u may be onir nothing but  so many people  here dieing to see onir once again in onscreen. so TM make a topic just for this . onir came for few times but in small  time period he made a huge fan group and  win so many hearts .  hats off to shakti arora who put the life on onir character.  i also surprised to see  how people mad for onir in surrounding me. before onir no one reel character could not able to make me cry.  

here is so many chances reentry of onir just like now they will be find a life partner of pia and pari so deffo they will be include some other character.and a girl for prasant and gaurab if they continue the story for prasant and gaurab ...so here is so many chances to come back onir with his child with a happy family...first time they used onir for arvi and this time he will be for ankita and pia...that could possible if maker will be not closed the all character only marathi culture and if they wanted to add some other culture in pr ...

bcz onir is bengali  and karan and his brother is gujarati and their character end in mid 

Shina_AshVik202 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: White-Rose

^^ Yes that what I mean. Without ArVi no use of onir.

Story can move on with ArVi and without onir but it cant move even one step in opposite situation.

Makers were never dependent on Shakti. There was choice of replacement but there was no scope for onir so thought to just end it. Is there anything for onir without ArVi?

True. Actully Onirs track ended in april/may itself wen audience demanded ArVi reunion so after Arvi union they gave onir a happy exit with shalini and den in june end leap news cem out since onirs character has no further scope for d story dey didnt replaced shakti n shakti also didnt wanted to part of it as his character has scope he himself said that.so he left d show. Dey cannt show onirs life coz dis was archana n purvi story before leap n now it is of ankitas.
CoffeeCake thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
^^ Whats there to chill? Am I getting hyper?

I never said this show is dependent on ArVi. It was there before ArVi and it will be there after ArVi. I am talking about characters. Where did I mention about Rank?

And i m not talking about his reasons behind leaving the show. Who cares? Read it twice its written Cvs r not depend on Shakti. If the character was needed there was always option of of replacement. And I m not talking about how many fans he has. Sushant- ankta and Rithvik-Asha gained more popularity and fans compare to any1 else. But we r not counting fans and thats not part of topic.

For me not only onir but all fictional characters r nothing. If they r planning to bring onir back it wont affect me but I m just saying there is no scope for his character without ArVi.

Cerain characters r dependent on others. Just bring back onir and show he is happy with wife and kids. What is so interesting in that? He was just a twist in tale of ArVi.

Pari, piya and ankita should fight their own battles. Others should find their own brides and grooms. They dont need onir for that.

And i dont know why r talking about marathis and gujaratis. There is no partiality. Entry and exit depend on requirement not on culture.

I guess u r more involved in his characters that he can bring tears in your eyes. Feeling bad but control urself.
CoffeeCake thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: ashvik202

True. Actully Onirs track ended in april/may itself wen audience demanded ArVi reunion so after Arvi union they gave onir a happy exit with shalini and den in june end leap news cem out since onirs character has no further scope for d story dey didnt replaced shakti n shakti also didnt wanted to part of it as his character has scope he himself said that.so he left d show. Dey cannt show onirs life coz dis was archana n purvi story before leap n now it is of ankitas.

True. I have no problem with his entry but for what?

Onir and ovi both characters were always for twist in ArVi's life. I dont remember developement of their character without involvement of ArVi. Dont remember they ever had seperate story without ArVi.

I feel they should end ovi too and allow the pretty actress to move on instead of just showing her as support system of pari and piya.
onirfans thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

And i dont know why r talking about marathis and gujaratis. There is no partiality. Entry and exit depend on requirement not on culture.

I guess u r more involved in his characters that he can bring tears in your eyes. Feeling bad but control urself.[/QUOTE]
i did not mean the paritality...sorry to say...u took wrong . i just told pr is a marathi show and this show is based on marathi girl and  people as per as stoy demand . so here  they used bangali and gujarati people for a twits  and ended it . as per as story no use of other culture like other serials shows...

@ its not about more involved but for first time i liked the character which is ekta made before onir i never like any character of ekta . so its just a like not involvement  just like i like punni who is first simple looking ekta vamp . and do not worry for me i know  the difference of reel and real very well .
Edited by onirfans - 10 years ago
CoffeeCake thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
^^ I dont feel the difference or partiality for any culture. If they were partial there was no need to bring other culture people.

I m not worried. Just trying to know what was there to cry. Its not Taarey zameen par where they r showing bitter truth of life which can bring tears in eyes. Its PR where they r making bitter story for TRP.

May be I m reading tmore than its written. LOL.

Nice talking to u. Have a good day.