scary story ARJUN PURVI ONIR:Mod note pg1

pari-kirloskar thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hi all.. before u all start criticing me for spoiling arjun and purvi's name, I wud like to emphasise tthat this story is not my own creation.. read it long back, suddenly remembered it and wanted to share with all.. since i forgot the names of the characters in the story I thought to use arjun, purvi and onir's names.. I HAVE PUT THIS STORY IN writer's corner too...

Arjun was a hermit who lived alone in a  mansion at the edge of town.  Rumors were rife about the wild-eyed man.😉  Some folks said that he was a magician who called upon the powers of darkness to wreck havoc upon his neighbors.  Others called him a mad man who could restore life to foul corpses from the local cemetery.  No respectable citizen in town had anything to do with Mad Arjun.
Then one year a new family moved to town with a lovely daughter, Purvi, who caught Arjun's eye. He showered the maiden with gifts"goblets of pure gold, necklaces of pearl, and a pot of daisies that never dropped a single petal. Despite the gifts, Purvi fell in love with another,Onir, a handsome young doctor. A week after meeting they eloped, leaving behind a stunned Mad Arjun. 

When purvi  and onir returned from the elopement, they threw a big ball and invited everyone in town. While purvi was dancing with her father Manav, she heard a  clap of thunder. Lightning flashed again and again. Suddenly, the double doors blew open and a breeze whirled in, bringing with it the smell of dead, decaying things. Arjun loomed in the doorway, pupils gleaming red with anger. He was followed by the grotesque figures of the dead, who came marching two by two into the room. Their eye sockets glowed with blue fire as they surrounded the room.
Two of the corpses captured Onir and threw him down at the feet of their lord. Red eyes gleaming, Arjun drew a silver-bladed knife and casually cut the bridegroom's throat from ear to ear. Purvi screamed and ran forward, pushing through the foul, stinking corpses of the dead, and flung herself upon her dying husband. 

"Kill us both," she cried desperately.😭 

But arjun  plucked the lass out of the pool of blood surrounding her dead husband and carried her out into the thundering night. Behind him, the army of the dead turned from the grizzly scene and followed their master. The sounds of thunder and lightning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night. 

onir's father and purvi's father gathered a small mob and followed the evil hermit, intent upon saving purvi.  When they searched Mad arjun's house, they found it completely empty save for a light, which shone from a series of mysterious globes that bobbed near the ceiling of each room. arjun had vanished. Search parties scoured the countryside for days, but turned up nothing.onir was buried in the local cemetery, and the dance hall was torn down. No one in town spoke about what had happened, and no one dared imagine what had become of poor purvi. 

A year to the day after the ball, a timid knock sounded upon the door of purvi's parents' home. When her father manav opened it, he saw a gaunt, gray figure on the stoop. Her eyes were dull with exhaustion and pain. It was purvi! Her tongue had been cut out so she couldn't speak.  But when she produced a knife from her tattered garments"the knife with a silver blade that they had last seen in the hands of arjun" the gleam of satisfaction in purvi's eyes told them that the streaks of blood that coated the knife were those of arjun. That night, purvi died in her sleep with a peaceful smile upon her ravaged face. 


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ShaktifanSwati thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
TM I appreciate ur as Onir fan i don't like nw anyone connect Onir with pathetic character please stay away arjun purvi charade from Onir...
asharithvik thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: punirashakti

TM I appreciate ur as Onir fan i don't like nw anyone connect Onir with pathetic character please stay away arjun purvi charade from Onir...

LOL have u seen your username?? punir??
It itself has purvi .. you yourself want to get 'connected' to purvi what can she do 😛 😆 

@pari-kirloskar - Nice effort 😊
Edited by asharithvik - 10 years ago
muaaz thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: asharithvik

LOL have u seen your username?? punir??
It itself has purvi .. you yourself want to get 'connected' to purvi what can she do 😛 😆 

@pari-kirloskar - Nice effort 😊

LoL 🤣 Good One 👏
jyoti06 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 9 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: asharithvik

LOL have u seen your username?? punir??
It itself has purvi .. you yourself want to get 'connected' to purvi what can she do 😛 😆 

@pari-kirloskar - Nice effort 😊

Plss make sure noone mocks anyone else's username next time or else we will b forced to take further action .. u can oppose anyone's POV and involve in a healthy debate by no mocking of anyone's username is allowed

PR Dev team

beautifulchaos thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Ah but what is life without an IMPOSSIBLE dream?  
"You may tire of reality but you never tire of dreams."  
Edited by bitasta - 10 years ago
pari-kirloskar thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Kalapi

Pretty gruesome stuff 😃

pari-kirloskar thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago