i am literally laughing at the childishness of RR fans LOOOL. Come on! the way they were acting when we were leading.😆 They even said colors was was voting for ZaYa and they started bashing ZaYa and BI at one point.😲
Now that they feel we are a threat to them so they are literally dying to make huge difference between the votes.
i think i'm gonna let them win if thats whats keeping ants in their pants. They're acting obsessive it's making me laugh so hard.😆😆
I take it ZaYa fandom has made its point and its letting the psycho PaRud fans get their hands on the votes now. 😆
We are amazing. 👏
Ps. i like PaRud too but just not as much as ZaYa. they don't have the innocence and the charm that ZaYa has😳
PSS. This isn't intending to hurt anyone's feelings.