AR SS:The Deadly Husband Thread#2 link /Pg-151 (Part 28 updated) - Page 5


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pan02 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hey the start is really awesome.. πŸ‘

luking  forward to read this πŸ˜›
blessed4 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Great start please continue soon
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
thank you so much everyone for awesome response...
and sorry, that i could nt reply to you guys this time...
will def reply next time... :)
but thank you to each n every one of you...muwah
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Part 1

In Dehradun.

With the click of the door, She stepped into her bedroom, wearing a white knee length kurta and churidar. Her eyes were black & bright. Her wet hairs were wrapped up in a towel while she cleaned her ears with an ear bud. Her eyes lifted up to look at the clock and the time made her scared out of her wits. Its already 7:00. If her grandfather got to see her in the room, she will be in hell trouble. She quickly put the wet towel out in the gallery and run a comb through her hairs before she made her bed. She took hold of her white dupatta and rushed out towards the kitchen.

On her way she quickly took blessings from the shrine, placed into the living room. The house was still silent which meant that her Grandfather, Mr. Akshay Gupta was still not out from his room. Stella, the newly appointed middle aged house keeper was busy with cooking in the kitchen. "Good Morning Riddhima Madam" She wished her and a smile lifted up on Riddhima's face. "Good Morning to you too Stella" She wished back and come near the stove. "Let me make breakfast for grandpa otherwise you know how he quickly he gets angry... Can you take care of the tea instead? ". Stella nodded, perfectly knowing the harsh temper of her's big boss spare no one. "Riddhima Madam, Can I ask you something?" the woman put water in a pan and was about to put cardimom when Riddhima stopped her. "Dont put that. Grandpa hates cardimom" "Sorry, I didn't know" Stella put the jar back in the cupboard. "Its ok. You will learn soon. So what you wanted to ask?" Riddhima pushed her hairs behind her ears and put potatoes in water to boil. It was thursday so as per the set daily plan, she started making Allu Paratha for her Grandfather while Shaina, her younger cousin will take pancakes. Stella gulped down her saliva before asking, "Why you are not like your grandfather and cousin. From the last few days, all I saw you is running around the house, doing chores for them and not once you sit back and ordered". Riddhima turned and looked at her with a weak smile. "Its my family Stella. Everyone has its own nature. My grandpa and cousin likes to give orders while I like to help them. Grandpa has to look after the business and Shaina is too young to understand anything. So, someone has to look after the home" Riddhima explained but this was a white lie. Anyone could tell. "But..." As stella started to spoke up, a loud roar from outside made them alert. "What the hell is this?" Mr. Akshay Gupta was awake and someone was in deep trouble. Riddhima and Stella stopped talking and concentrate on the work in hand. It was just 40 minutes left in 8AM and if they got late in serving the breakfast, God knows what will happen.

In Delhi:

On the other hand, Armaan entered into Muskaan's room through the connecting glass door, they had. Sprawling on the bed with the quilt half covering her, she was sleeping like a spoiled baby. Armaan smiled and getting close to her side table, put out two advils from the drawer and placed them beside the covered water filled glass. He ran a hand through his baby sis hairs before he woke her up. "Muskaan, Get up now...see the world outside is waiting to wish you a good morning" His voice, so contrast to his nature was soft and love filled. Muskaan took out the pillow from under her head and covered her face with it. "Go away bhai...I need to sleep" She murmered in her gorgey voice. "No, you are not going to sleep right now. You are getting up right now, changing and after having breakfast, leaving with me for Dehradun." He explained her their day schedule while pulling away the pillow. "Bhaiii..." She whinned but seeing Armaan not backing away, she sit up with a pout. She knew that if it wouldn't have been important, Armaan would have never insist on her to get up. Armaan smiled and took hold of the pills in one hand and the glass in another. Muskaan narrowed her eyes before looking up at him. "I wasn't drunk last night bhai..." Armaan chuckled seeing the glare, his sister was throwing his way and put the things away. "I hoped that your bodyguards would have told you about it" Muskaan said with bitterness in her voice that didnt go unnoticed by Armaan. "They are for your security Muskaan...You cant stop me for worrying about you" He got serious and like always, Muskaan agreed to him. "So, why we have to go to Dehradun? I have never accompanied you to any business deals before" Muskaan took hold of the hair band from the bed and wrapped her hairs in a messy pony tail. "Because this deal involves your brother's life...I am planning to getting married" His words made her jump out from the bed as she looked at him with wide eyes. "Married?" Shock was evident on her face. "I...I mean...You..." She stuttered and rub a hand on her face. "But you always said that you loved her bhai...and you will only marry her, whenever you will find her...So what is this?" "I am still sticking to my words Muskaan..." Armaan looked up at her and winked. As realization dawned upon her, she covered her mouth with in awee before she jumped on the bed and sit across him. "You found her, haven't you?..." She asked excitedly. Armaan nodded and Muskaan quickly hugged her brother feeling so happy for him. "I am so sooo happy for you bhai..." She expressed and Armaan patted her back in understanding. "Ofcourse you will be, because she was not only my best friend but your friend too...". Muskaan break the hug and grinned. "Thats why she was the best one" Armaan raised his brow as if saying OH YEAH. Muskaan giggled at his look. "So now, please get ready...the trip is long and we need to leave in half an hour" Muskaan nodded as Armaan got up and left the room saying "I am waiting". Looking at the happy jump in the walk of her brother, Muskaan sent a silent thank you to the above Lord. All through the years, she had seen Armaan suffering for her. Though most of the time, he did shared his happiness with her and his two great friends plus buiness partners Aryan and Rahul but Muskaan knew, he always kept his sorrows, his pain to himself, not letting his sister or anyone to have a part of it. He always protected her from the evil world but somewhere, he has lost a boy who wanted to enjoy his life but got burried in the effort to build up his career and in saving their father's hotel. He needed a shoulder and who was to more better than his long lost friend. His Riddhima.

Riddhima packed her bag and rechecked if she had everything she needed. Assuring herself, she made her hairs and put a small silver bindi in between her brows before she took hold of her bag and the rolled paper sheets. She was just about to reach to the main door when Akshay Gupta's voice "Riddhima..." made her stop in there. Her heart beat raced and her hand, which had caught hold of the belt of her bag started to sweat. "Y...yes grandfather" She stuttered. That was the power of this man. No one except Shaina had the audacity to speak infront of him. but then, Shaina was his favorite and only grand daughter. His own blood. While Riddhima was the step daughter of his son. His daughter-in-laws's daughter from her first marriage. He has always made it a point to keep her in check with her reality. Although he had never accepted Riddhima from his heart, but the money and business brought by her mother in Gupta family made Akshay Gupta gulp down this poison and bear it. If, it wouldnt have been written in the will of Smriti Gupta, Riddhima's mother, Akshay Gupta would never have let Riddhima study after her death.

"Where are you going?" He asked in his strict tone. "Grandpa...Its time for my dancing classes and I also need to attend my painting classes." The 25 year old Riddhima spoke back while her lashes were down and her eyes, were stick to the floor. "Hmm...But I am afraid my dear, you wont be able to attend your painting classes today as few of Shaina friends are coming over and you need to attend them" Akshay spoke with such a cold voice that sent shivers down her spine. "But...but stella is there to attend..." She wanted to say more when his voice cut her in between. "Haven't I made myself clear Riddhima...I want you to attend them. Not any other servant." He gave her a furious look before he turned and went towards his study saying. "Make sure you bake some nice cakes for them. Shaina was asking for it" And like always, all Riddhima could do was accept his order.

"Why we couldn't take a plane to go to Dehradun bhai...I am so tired of sitting now" Muskaan complained while sitting in the front with Armaan. "Their are no flights from Delhi to Dehradun Muskaan...thats why we are going by car". On the back seat, two of Armaan's friends, Rahul and Aryan were lazily doozing off. Muskaan turned back at the sound of their snores that agitate her more. Opening the cap of the water bottle, she had in her hand, she spilled water on them in anger. "What the hell?" Both men get up with an irritated look that made Armaan smile. Though Muskaan usually go well with these two macho men but their fights were one of their own kind. "What the hell Muskaan...We barely got to sleep last night just because of your workoholic brother and now, you too cant see us sleeping" Aryan complained while Rahul agreed to him."And what you think, I slept off well...Getting up at 7 in the morning after a night out party surly killed my sleep too but I am not here complaining like you two" "What a favor" Sarcastically, Rahul mummbled that earned him a slap by Muskaan. "Back off Muskaan...Show some respect...I am elder to you" He whined rubbing the place where Muskaan hit him. "I don't care...Bhai please stop somewhere and let me roam around...Otherwise I will get mad in here" Armaan, though was in no mood to stop anywhere. He was too eager to reach Dehradun and meet Riddhima but for the sake of Muskaan and her constant blabbering, he stopped on a bridge. They all get down and take a look around, admiring the beauty of nature. Armaan's bodyguards car was right behind them. "Take a break" He told the four of them and they nodded. While Muskaan roamed on the bridge along with Rahul, Armaan leaned on the fence and looked down at the running water. "Hmmm" Aryan took a deep breath of the fresh air and stand beside his friend. "You are really eager to meet her, aren't you?" He asked as if sensing the inner turmoil of his friend's heart and for the first time, Armaan felt like explaining his feelings. On his one call, his friends accompanied him to this trip. They deserve more than his silence. He gave a soft smile, replying "Yes...I really want to meet her" Aryan to leaned on the metal bar of the bridhe but kept quiet, letting his friend pour out his heart. "You know Aryan, right from the start, from my childhood...I always avoided people...I had seen my parents mingling up to them that would left me and Muskaan many times, we used to stay back in our room...many times, Muskaan would eventually sleep off thinking about our parents...wishing that they would come and as other parents do, they will too tuck her in bed, give a kiss and wish her goodnight...But mostly, it was used to be me who used to perform those rituals...For Muskaan, their was me to share her problems but for me, their was no one. And then one day, I found her. Though she was younger to me and turned out to be Muskaan's classmate but was very sensitive and mature" There was a different kind of emotion dripping out from his tone as he talked about her. "We stayed friends for 6 years, when after her matriculation, she shifted to some place else with her mother." He took a break and then remembered a 15 year old teary Riddhima, waving him bye through the window of her car. "But life goes on and mine went too. Right when relationship between my parents and us started to get back to normal, they died one after another. I got so lost into my studies and building up my empire so I could be able to acquire the best resources to reach her. To find her. And when I achieved that success, that fame, that power, I started the search for my best friend... I just hope, that she still remembers me" Armaan sent a silent prayer up to the Lord, rubbing his chest when Aryan patted his back. "If you get to meet her in this sweet sugery avatar of your's, Only then she could remember you...Otherwise, I bet no one want to remember this Akru Malik" Aryan chuckled that made Armaan smile. He turned back and hit Aryan playfully on his chest. "If only, you were not Khanna uncle's son Aryan, I would have dropped you off from this bridge" Armaan warned. "If only I wouldn't have been your Khanna uncle's son and wouldn't had seen this side of your's...I would have jumped myself. Its better to suicide rather than facing Armaan Malik's anger". Before Armaan could comment, Rahul and Muskaan came back. "Lets go guys..." Rahul voice made them turn towards the car. "I just hope there are some beautiful chicks in dehradun...that would be azaming" Aryan stretched his body and caught the car keys that Armaan throw at him.

Soon Armaan parked the car in the garage of 2 stored Villa. He got out to meet the property dealer, who helped him in renting this apartment. "Welcome Sir...Welcome" The fat small heighten man wished him with a happy toothy face. Armaan removed his glasses and nodded at him. "How far I am from my desired address?"He asked in a hrad tone that washed the smile from the property dealer face "Just on a 5 minute walking distance sir...This is the most closest house that I could find near Gupta Residence" Armaan again nodded. "I will need your services again too Mr. Verma...Your left over money will be deposited in your account" He nodded and left. Armaan looked around. It was around 5 in the evening but the colors on the sky were painted beautifully. "Where will be my room?" Muskaan chirped as she entered the house. "Take any room in the upper storey Muskaan...Down one will be occupied by our bodyguards" Muskaan whined but couldn't argue. Rahul and Aryan lifted up her mood and get in. "I will be back in sometime guys...I need to look around this area" Armaan said out loud as he left the villa while two of his body guards quietly followed him. Armaan went through the details of Riddhima in an e-mail on his mobile. The mail was earlier sent by his investigator. According to it, Riddhima was still single and was teaching dance in a academy. "Just like she used to be...Dancing around" He thought and smiled. He re read the address and look up to the villa no till he located it, and as if luck was on his side, he saw a beautiful fairy, walking on the path of Gupta House, wearing a white kurta pajama. Her duppata flew at her back. Her innocence, her beauty was looking more defined in the orange light of the sunset. And he instantly knew, deep in his heart, this was HIS RIDDHIMA. She was still his Riddhima.

Next: How DARE he touched HIS RIDDHIMA?

Edited by ..oneOone.. - 10 years ago
mohit_aggarwal thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Nice ff
Cont soon 
Plz pm me

Nurshad.kajen thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Awesome 1st part..really loved it..cont. Soon and your other one too
ksgandjsg21 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hey nice ff...
update soon nd plz pm me...
pan02 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hey nice start yaar..
continue soon 😊
sweetnandu thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
awesome one pls update soon
jiyaa_m thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
loved the part waiting for AR face to face