A ijaz going the Saurabh Shukla way? Pls no!

shmuupie thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Is Aijaz going the Saurabh shukla way? SS fell for Ashka even after he knew she had a steady bf and then when he didn't get her attention he turned 360 degrees and started hating and abusing her! Sour grapes eh!
Is ejaz going the same way? I hope not! He was aware of the chemistry between Gauhar and Kushal, he knew Gauhar walked out with and for Kushal and she has always been nice to eijaz, if he misconstrues her friendliness to something else and now starts behaving weirdly he needs to get a reality check!

When Gauhar told him to get water himself, even kamya said the same so why not make an issue with kamya? Or is it again all footage drama for ejaz?
Edited by shmuupie - 10 years ago


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Sharif.Badmaash thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
I dont think he'll abuse Gauhar but Kushal se fight to dikh rhi jh aane wale days mein 😆

PS- It was Santosh Shukla 😆
ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: shmuupie

Is Aijaz going the Saurabh shukla way? SS fell for Ashka even after he knew she had a steady bf and then when he didn't get her attention he turned 360 degrees and started hating and abusing her! Sour grapes eh!

Is ejaz going the same way? I hope not! He was aware of the chemistry between Gauhar and Kushal, he knew Gauhar walked out with and for Kushal and she has always been nice to eijaz, if he misconstrues her friendliness to something else and now starts behaving weirdly he needs to get a reality check!

When Gauhar told him to get water himself, even kamya said the same so why not make an issue with kamya? Or is it again all footage drama for ejaz?

There is a big difference between Gauher and Ashka, and also between Santosh and Ajaz. Gauher is mature, and understands things before giving opinion/ shouting. 😆

She also never encouraged Ajaz flirtation. While Ashka did it when they were in Village house together. Remember the scene, when Santosh jumped into the well for her. Only when they come to the main house of BB, suddenly she started giving uncomfortable responses.

Also Ajaz is also a cunning person and he is not as immature as Santosh. He still supports Gauher and group and he will be supporting them. My take is he is doing it to make things interesting, and not dirty. He is a person who sees himself as a hero no matter what.
Edited by AlJaff - 10 years ago
shmuupie thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Kind of agree with u, but didn't like the fact that he went to Andy to bitch abt his friend Khan Saab! I like the way he teases/flirts/plays around with Guahar and she also knows it is nothing serious but just being playful!

Originally posted by: AlJaff

There is a big difference between Gauher and Ashka, and also between Santosh and Ajaz. Gauher is mature, and understands things before giving opinion/ shouting. 😆

She also never encouraged Ajaz flirtation. While Ashka did it when they were in Village house together. Remember the scene, when Santosh jumped into the well for her. Only when they come to the main house of BB, suddenly she started giving uncomfortable responses.

Also Ajaz is also a cunning person and he is not as immature as Santosh. He still supports Gauher and group and he will be supporting them. My take is he is doing it to make things interesting, and not dirty. He is a person who sees himself as a hero no matter what.
