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Aparna_BD thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: Signora2

I agree with Indygirl that the topic deserves serious attention, I think we have several contradictions in our society, on one hand we are willing to bring in legislations( some states already have ) to protect cows, and on  the  other hand we do not hesitate to throw stone to shoo away a dog or an animal that may not be harming us. Basically  it has to do with awareness, which is lacking among most of us.  REcently our sancturies were in news for the wrong reason-------- disappearing tigers. How bad can this? if animals begin to disappear from protected areas , something is wrong somewhere. Hunting and Poaching continues to go on the sly, with very few  people being caught. We have systematically eroded the habitat of animals for our own use. There will be no space left for the animals. Something need to be done  urgently.


I am so glad there are at least a few of us on the same level !!!!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘ Well said !!

Signora2 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

 yes Indy girl we need to care about our animals and environment, I was sad to learn about Mr Pataudi's escapades, then he tried to evade law. I have seen in most houses, mongrels are looked down upon where as the good breed dogs are spoilt. Cant  understand this  kind of attitude.


Aparna_BD thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Signora2  changing people's attitude is the toughest thing to do , especially regarding animals . And especially in India .I know i'll sound like an escapist but i was glad to leave India because after a while i realised the animal life and human life are of very little value here . I am now in the U.S and this is the friendlist country towards animals and treats them nicely . Most people around like animals and treat them well . Though there is cruelty here too on different levels . Like there is dog fighting . Some vicious people train dogs - especially pit bulls to kill other dogs - and lay bets on them . Fortunately its acknowledged here that its a crime and people don't smirk about it . Every time in India  i used to try and talk to people around me about animal cruelty . Either they would dismiss me or just smirk and say , shouldn't you worry about human life more.I used to be so saddned . I  am disappointed that not many people joined in this discusion , some of them just joined to argue about veg - vs non -veg !!! Did you read my other posts on this topic . And where are you from , how old are you ?
Signora2 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

 Hi Indygirl,

Every student aspires to leave India to pursue studies abroad, I too have the same aspirations, but I would like to come back and do my bit. People who think the way we do are in minority, but there number is increasing gradually. MY  friends and classmates are also quite in tune with these things. But generally in India, if u show concern for animals the patent reply is what u have mentioned. But it really does not matter, unless there is balance which human beings are hell bent on destroying, none can survive. Yes I would love to read ur previous posts, when did u post them, I mean are the posts of this month?

signora 2

Aparna_BD thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Signora , you can read my posts on this topic on page 1 and 2 as well.😊
anjali.nair thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: indygirl

I  am disappointed that not many people joined in this discusion , some of them just joined to argue about veg - vs non -veg !!! 

Everybody has his or her point of view. Yes!! I wrote about  veg and non- veg issue. Because as a non-vegetarian I feel it will be hypocrisy if I advice others on animal cruelty. I think slaughtering animals comes under animal cruelty too. And as far as I love meat I will keep my mouth shut on animal cruelty.

What a hypocrite world!!! Killing animals for food is okay but for other purpose it's crime.

So when you start a discussion topic be ready to read all sorts of arguments not just what you wish to hear.
Aparna_BD thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
BluePink  i aren't here to pick a fight on this board . But this is the deal . I am a non - vegatarian , i am saddened by dog fights , i hate trophy hunting , i am saddned when people love pedigree and mistreat strays , mongrels , i am upset to see people beat dogs because they are in their way, i am upset to see when an animal carry's excess load than he can bear, like donkeys carrying stones on their back . I am happy to see animals being put to work as long as they are being treated ethically by their owner , i am upset by unnecessary cruelty that happens around me .
I try and do my part for my beliefs , i rescue animals that are abused all the time , i fight for animal rights where required and send donations to animal charity . BUT i am a Non- vegetarian .

I have also seen my neighbour in India who was a vegetarian tie up her dog in 110F heat , with no shade , no water , and the dog died of dehydration , and another relatives neighbour who was also a veg pick up a litter of pups from his mother and put them in a bag and drown them.And i must have spent several years of my life in India fighting for animals that were seing different sorts of abuse, most people around me were vegetarians.
Fortunately for me , people in the U.S are more friendly to animals than anywhere else, and they are hard core meat eaters.
My point was that you don't have to be a veg to prove you are kind to animals , you can be a non - vegetarian and still save animals from being treated cruely. I too am not proud of being a non- vegetarian , ( hopefully someday i'll quit 😳) But till then i'll continue saving cats , dogs , cows , snakes ,pigs from being abused . Cheer up girl πŸ˜‰, your view point is definately respected and i do hope you'll forgive me if i offended you.
anjali.nair thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: indygirl

BluePink  i aren't here to pick a fight on this board . But this is the deal . I am a non - vegatarian , i am saddened by dog fights , i hate trophy hunting , i am saddned when people love pedigree and mistreat strays , mongrels , i am upset to see people beat dogs because they are in their way, i am upset to see when an animal carry's excess load than he can bear, like donkeys carrying stones on their back . I am happy to see animals being put to work as long as they are being treated ethically by their owner , i am upset by unnecessary cruelty that happens around me .
I try and do my part for my beliefs , i rescue animals that are abused all the time , i fight for animal rights where required and send donations to animal charity . BUT i am a Non- vegetarian .

I have also seen my neighbour in India who was a vegetarian tie up her dog in 110F heat , with no shade , no water , and the dog died of dehydration , and another relatives neighbour who was also a veg pick up a litter of pups from his mother and put them in a bag and drown them.And i must have spent several years of my life in India fighting for animals that were seing different sorts of abuse, most people around me were vegetarians.
Fortunately for me , people in the U.S are more friendly to animals than anywhere else, and they are hard core meat eaters.
My point was that you don't have to be a veg to prove you are kind to animals , you can be a non - vegetarian and still save animals from being treated cruely. I too am not proud of being a non- vegetarian , ( hopefully someday i'll quit 😳) But till then i'll continue saving cats , dogs , cows , snakes ,pigs from being abused . Cheer up girl πŸ˜‰, your view point is definately respected and i do hope you'll forgive me if i offended you.

Keep up the good work Indygirl!πŸ‘ I do my bit when I can😊.
Aparna_BD thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
I know you will BluePink and so will every body who particapated in this debate.😊