Congratulations Onir and Shalini!

sharadrocks thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
I am really happy for Onir and Shalini today. He is a man that willingly and unselfishly compromised himself for the woman he loved and she is a woman who stood by the man she loved with no expectations whatsoever. It is truly heartening to see their unselfish love being rewarded with a relationship based on deep affection and mutual respect. It makes you believe that being a good person and putting another's happiness ahead of your own is not such a bad thing after all! 

 More importantly, it is heartening to see that a man or woman suffering unrequited love does not necessarily have to self destruct. They can deal with their emotions in a mature and sensible fashion, move on and still find happiness in life. Frankly, these stories are so much more pleasant to watch then the crap that the show seems to be heading towards with regard to Soham and Gauri!

Whatever, am just glad that Onir's gotten a happy ending too! He deserves one!

Edited by sharadrocks - 10 years ago


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pallavi25 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Im really happy abt Onir and Shalini! Always wanted to see them as a couple. Both are noble, kind, generous people and will make great life partners! Congratulations to ShaNir. And congo to Arvi for the instant success in their matchmaking efforts! 
Edited by pallavi25 - 10 years ago
ashfaque2012 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: pallavi25

Im really happy abt Onir and Shalini! Always wanted to see them as a couple. Both are noble, kind, generous people and will make great life partners! Congratulations to ShaNir. And congo to Arvi for the instant success in their matchmaking efforts! 

U are absolute right. Very first time U indicate this jodi. Now almost confirm your prediction. This is ARVI's first time to try matchmaking effort to others. They are almost successful.

ARVI effort successfulπŸ˜‰.

onir-shalini jodi really cute.😳

The "pyaari" Jodi ...πŸ˜›
Well, go figure!

Credit Sujata Di

relentless. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Great topic :)

Not a big Onir fan, but glad that he has finally found the right person for himself :) 😳 they make a lovely couple <3
pallavi25 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: ashfaque2012

U are absolute right. Very first time U indicate this jodi. Now almost confirm your prediction. This is ARVI's first time to try matchmaking effort to others. They are almost successful.

ARVI effort successfulπŸ˜‰.

onir-shalini jodi really cute.😳

The "pyaari" Jodi ...πŸ˜›
Well, go figure!

Credit Sujata Di

Yes, Bhai! Ekta is making all my predictions come true! πŸ˜†
We discussed this jodi so many months ago...and named them ShaNir, didnt we? πŸ˜†
Arvi are returning Onir's favor by finding a match for him! 
Nice collage by Sujata! Lovely! πŸ‘
onirfans thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Yes, Bhai! Ekta is making all my predictions come true! πŸ˜†
We discussed this jodi so many months ago...and named them ShaNir, didnt we? πŸ˜†
Arvi are returning Onir's favor by finding a match for him! 
Nice collage by Sujata! Lovely! πŸ‘

hi pallavi r u in ekta mind or ekta in ur mind...just joking...

but seriously we all onir fan wants a girl for onir  who loves onir and return pure love to onir...always  felt sad when  saw onir loves all and try to best   bring happy in their life but his own life always empty , he never got  pure love...but when shalini enter and their cute fight scean   make happy and also  by these way  ekta indicate one day  shanir will be couple...   and i remember  the scean where onir promise to shalini  to save her always ...

and also proud to onir  for his goodness and always want others happiness before himself...its too good when purvi propose abot shalini he did not agree but when he learns shalini loves him...he respect shalini's feelings  and accept her...

feel bad for soham, gauri and sachin also do not know what will be happened in their life...
Edited by onirfans - 10 years ago
onirfans thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: pallavi25

Im really happy abt Onir and Shalini! Always wanted to see them as a couple. Both are noble, kind, generous people and will make great life partners! Congratulations to ShaNir. And congo to Arvi for the instant success in their matchmaking efforts! 

 ur true pallavi onir and shalini both are good , nobel, kind and lovely people ...and hatsoff to onir , how u respect shalini's love  and protect her feelings ...

and this time purvi's prediction comes true...
Mahima9 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Guess I Am A Silent Member of This Forum...But After Last Night Episode I Really Would Like to Break My Silence...My Onir Finally Got His Partner...Main nahi to Shalini Hi Sahi
Jaisoif thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Awe I'm so happy for Onir and Shalini they truly deserve it especially Onir, I'm glad he has found someone who loves him, he deserves to be happy with someone, and I'm so happy that ArVi thought of this, and I'm happy that Onir and Purvi share a friendship it's really nice, really hope Soham gets a happy ending too.
mandy0310 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago
I'm happy for Onir finally he gets to be with someone who loves and understands him. Onir deserves his happily ever after, my only complaint is how rushed it was but nevertheless he is happy