Ek Boond Ishq Rules and Regulations

krystel21 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago


A warm welcome to all of you to the forum for Ek Boond Ishq! I am sure everyone's going to have a great time together!!


Before we proceed with the rules of the forum, please  take some time out to read the rules of India Forums as well as that of the Fan Fiction and Avatar and Signature Forums which are applicable site wide .


 India-Forums.com- Participation Guidelines & Rules

 External Content from Social Networking Sites


*Fan Fiction Forum Rules & Regulations*


Ek Boond Ishq Development Team:


Global Moderator: gk_09, Aahaana and *Shruti*

Channel Moderator: -Ravjot- 

Viewbie/CoolViewbie: BalamPichkaari



Development Team: Your point of contact will be BalamPichkaari, followed by the Channel Moderator [-Ravjot-]; followed by any of the GMs in case you need to escalate any issues. Please note that the Development Team has a personal life outside of IF, which means they can NOT be online at all times. You are requested to give the section DT about 24 hours to respond to all reports and PMs, post which if there has been no response, you may escalate the matter to the CMs/GMs.



Written/Video Updates: There will be a preassigned roster for Written and Video Updates, and members are to refer to the roster and follow it. Please do not post updates if you are not scheduled to do so, or post up threads asking for the update if it hasn't been posted on time. Do understand that the updaters may be living in a different time zone/may have some important work that's come up, which is why the update may be delayed by a few hours. All unofficial Written and Video updates will be trashed by the DT without a question- so please refrain from doing so.



Criticism VS Bashing: Criticism is more than welcome, but do remember that there is very fine line between constructive criticism and bashing. If you don't like the show, you're free to state why and what don't you like about it, but please try and keep your tone polite. Do remember that there are people who do like the show, and a harsh tone may be deemed offensive by some. Bashing will NOT be tolerated on the forum. As the DT, we'll be very lenient when it comes to criticism, but the moment it turns into bashing, it will NOT be appreciated. Bashing and any personal remarks against any character/actor/member of the cast or crew/CVs/members (including DTs) will NOT be appreciated and action will be taken against the members in question who've indulged in such activities. A critic always discusses things in perspective and never loses objectivity; while a basher is one who states his/her point of view in such a way that it begins to look like an attack against a person/group of people. Remember, everyone has an opinion and is free to discuss it. Avoid making posts that are derogatory, abusive, insulting or sarcastic enough to affect the sentiments of another member. This goes against the IF CoC and will NOT be tolerated.



Previous shows of the actors: No discussion of the actor/s previous show or his/her old jodi with his/her past co star. This forum is for Ek Boond Ishq, so maintain all discussions to the show and the jodis/characters of this forum. Any topics discussing the actor/s previous shows/jodis/co-stars etc will be closed without a notice.



Regarding Signatures in the Signature Box: Please do not use any offensive signatures in your signature box. If offensive content is found, you will be asked to remove the signature; and non-cooperation will lead to the DT doing the needful on your behalf. Also, IF has a specific size for the signatures to be used; please refer to the following link regarding the same. For reference: ATTN: Signature/Avatar Size - Guidelines



No discussions of actor/s personal lives without any valid source: Many of you know that actors do visit India Forums and they do read some topics. Therefore, it is not right to discuss someone's private life in public. Let us remember that this is a forum for the show, and not to discuss the personal happenings of any of the stars. You are however welcome to discuss any professional activities of the stars such as ramp walks, cameos in other shows etc.



Issues from FaceBook/Twitter/Social Media: What happens on FB/Twitter/External Sources, stays there. There is NO need to bring those fights into India Forums. Please refer to IF's rules on Social Media before bringing in such issues. That being said, we do allow you to share tweets/FB updates from the cast/crew of the show, but please do not bring in their issues or discuss them. A healthy discussion is what we're trying to promote. Please refer to:  External Content from Social Networking Sites



Opinions and Name Calling: It is completely fine if your opinions differ from others, but it does NOT give you any rights to bash them, or call them names. Terms like fanbots/fanimals/haters/bashers etc will NOT be allowed. Name calling will NOT be tolerated at any level, and strict action will be taken against those who indulge in such activities. Respect others the way you would want to be respected.



Reporting Topics: If you find a topic offensive or problematic, please feel free to hit the Report button and state your reason, or PM the section DT (BalamPichkaari) regarding the same. Please try to avoid replying back in topics that are offensive, and give the section DT some time to act into it. Rest assured, if there is a need, action WILL be taken, so there is no need to retort. Always RePort, don't ReTort.



Appreciation Threads: Appreciation Threads (ATs) are allowed and are welcome, but do remember to take prior permission from the section DT before opening them. Also, please remember not to bash any other actor/character in the AT, as IF rules are applicable there too.



Language: Please refrain from using profanities. W*F, WTH, What The Fish, BS etc is NOT allowed; and don't think you can get away with fancy substitutes for offensive words. IF is a place for members of all ages and there may be members who are offended by such language so please keep in minds the sentiments of the members before you post.



Birthday Threads and Congratulatory Posts: Such posts are welcome in the Ek Boondh Ishq forum as long as it is for a member who is an active participant of the forum. If there is sticky space, your thread MAY be stickied depending on the discretion of the section DT. Please contact the section DT for more info.



Repeated Topics: Please look through the first 2-3 pages before you create a new topic regarding promos/SBS/SBB updates/articles etc. Chances are that someone may have already posted it. In case of multiple topics, the first topic will be kept while subsequent topics will be closed by the DT without further notice.



Posts on the functioning of the Development Team: Like mentioned earlier, the DT has a personal life outside of IF and will take a certain amount of time to respond to Reports and PMs. If there is an issue with the section DT, please PM the section DT regarding the same or escalate the matter to the higher mods. Please refrain from opening posts targetting the DT as such things are to be discussed confidentially.



References to the LGBT Community: LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender; and they are people who are not heterosexual, heteronormative or gender binary. In simpler words, they have a different sexual preference.  As you know, a character in the show (Kalavati) is a cross dresser as the character believes that she is a woman trapped in a man's body. We request you to be considerate and open minded when it comes to the community, and treat such people with respect. By no means, are you allowed to name-call Kalavati or the actor who plays Kalavati (Vishwajeet Pradhan). Any offensive remark against the community or anyone name calling the actor/character will NOT be tolerated, and strict action will be taken. When referring to the Kalavati as a character, note all references should address Kalavati as a FEMALE. However, Vishwajeet Pradhan (actor who plays Kalavati)and the character Tauji should be referred to as a MALE.



Note on Viraf-Giraffe: We know that Viraf has been very sporting and has cheerfully accepted the term Giraffe and even uses it as his twitter username. Therefore, the usage of the term Giraffe with reference to Viraf will be allowed as long as the context is not offensive or abusive.



Organising Contests: If you have ideas to spice up the forum with contests, please contact the section DT for permission regarding the same. Do not go about hosting contests without DT permission else your contest may be cancelled.



Personal threads: Threads where you post messages such as "I'm leaving IF for a study break"; "I am going out of town cause of XYZ reason"; "I am new here please accept me" will NOT be allowed. Use the Members Intro thread, or the CCs, or the PM/Scrap services for the same. Any such threads will be closed by the DT



Posting in CAPS: Posting in all CAPS [LIKE THIS] is considered to be shouting on the internet, so please refrain from using CAPS unless you need to emphasize a point.



Multiple IDs/MIDs: Every member on IF is to own only ONE ID. Any member found to possess more than one ID (for whatever be the reason) will have his/her warning level raised by 20% and the MID will be banned.



Moral Policing/Telling Others What To Do: It would be highly appreciated if members don't preach to one another about what to do. Let the section DT decide what is to be done and what can't be done. You cannot stop anyone from posting in a topic/this forum, and you absolutely can NOT tell anyone to leave the forum. In other words, please don't moral police people around. 

Lets have an amazing time and make this forum one of the best on IF!!


Edited by BalamPichkaari - 10 years ago