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pari-kirloskar thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: pavrish

that's the spirit... no matter what people say or do... ArVi will be together in the end.πŸ€—

let arvi be together bcz they love each other.. no probs in that but give ovi and onir credit for their sacrifice which led to arvi union.
pari-kirloskar thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: ChemistryMajor

LOL Because in the PR world, one set of rules apply to the poor wittle victims Arjun and Purvi...and others apply to Big Bad Onir and Ovi who are mean and evil and kept the lovebirds apart. 

πŸ˜† he.. he..such hypocrisy..!!!!
pari-kirloskar thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: rutujamazumdar

Why is dis Ovi poking her nose in Arvi Life

Whats her problem?????? she is redicoulus achayi ki batein kar rahi hain
ye achhayi kaha thi jab Purvi ko blackmail kiya tha???????

such a disgusting and irritating character Ovi is

She is a biggg torture

even i can ask this same question...
why was dis purvi poking her nose in arOVI Life

Whats her problem?????? she is redicoulus achayi ki batein kar rahi hain
ye achhayi kaha thi jab baby swap kiya tha???????

such a disgustingand irritating character purvi isπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
pallavi25 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
The difference between Purvi's bhalayi and Ovi's bhalayi is:
 Purvi got Ovi married to Arjun! 
But Ovi is trying to stop Arvi marriage!
 Because shes getting madly jealous! Her expressions clearly showed how desperately jealous she was! 
pari-kirloskar thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: pallavi25

The difference between Purvi's bhalayi and Ovi's bhalayi is:

 Purvi got Ovi married to Arjun! 
But Ovi is trying to stop Arvi marriage!
 Because shes getting madly jealous! Her expressions clearly showed how desperately jealous she was! 

even ovi wants purvi and arjun to marry.. she clearly stated it, she wasnt desperately jealous and insecure... oh sorry, i forgot maybe u are confusing ovi with purvi..
maybe u forgot that ovi is brutally honest and truthfull, u are a purvi fan, so obviously u are thinking that ovi may be acting it up but inside she must be seething with insecurity but showing to others that she is happy...
let me clear your confusion.. ovi doesnt lie, it is purvi's habit.
as for the expression on ovi's face when she saw arvi, was bcz she wqas thoughtful.. cudnt decide that shud she reveal onir's truth or not whether it will affect arvi marraige.
pallavi25 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: pari-kirloskar

even ovi wants purvi and arjun to marry.. she clearly stated it, she wasnt desperately jealous and insecure... oh sorry, i forgot maybe u are confusing ovi with purvi..
maybe u forgot that ovi is brutally honest and truthfull, u are a purvi fan, so obviously u are thinking that ovi may be acting it up but inside she must be seething with insecurity but showing to others that she is happy...
let me clear your confusion.. ovi doesnt lie, it is purvi's habit.
as for the expression on ovi's face when she saw arvi, was bcz she wqas thoughtful.. cudnt decide that shud she reveal onir's truth or not whether it will affect arvi marraige.

Why would Purvi be jealous? πŸ˜† Shes the one who handed over Arjun to Ovi a year ago? Now shes the one whom Arjun is marrying and shes the one Arjun loved all along! Ovi has always been a jealous female and she had that same expression today as she used to when Arvi were dancing! 
Face doesnt lie and her face revealed her true feelings of envy and scorn! 
Ovi had clearly said to herself that she did not come to India to attend Arvi wedding but she had some other plans...guess what? 
Ovi is brutal alright, shes brutal to anybody else who doesnt fulfil her desires of wishes! 

persistence-win thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Ovi divorced arjun, she kicked him out of her life, despite all the request from same arvi, if this mahaan arvi's so called love can't withstand the truth of onir, then who is to blame- oh yes ovi! the ever present scapegoat. Onir don't want purvi back, ovi has nothing to do with arjun- even then they are bashed! its arvi who sweat front of ovi, its them who are tongue tied , its them who are insecure about their relationship. If this arvi is one gutless couple its their bloody problem. The whole world doesn't revolve around them, if they are strong enough they will unite otherwise the'll seperate and blame it on others and somebody's bhalaai. This is what cowards do. ISN'T IT.
MidnightRambler thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: aathya

c my problom is not with ovi doing all this .. when purvi did the same thing every1 bashed her and now when ovi is doing its for purvi's balayi i mean W*F... give me a break 

LOL I hope you know we don't actually agree with this entire "bhalayi" ordeal. We are simply being sarcastic about it. Please catch the sarcasm.

Also, I am only agreeing to Ovi poking her nose because Purvi was excused by so many because she had "noble intentions". I really don't agree with ANY character snooping around and butting in other people's business. However, since many people condone Purvi's actions, why not Ovi's? Again, Ovi's interference is NOTHING compared to the level of butting in and interference Purvi did (my opinion of course). 
MidnightRambler thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: persistence-win

Ovi divorced arjun, she kicked him out of her life, despite all the request from same arvi, if this mahaan arvi's so called love can't withstand the truth of onir, then who is to blame- oh yes ovi! the ever present scapegoat. Onir don't want purvi back, ovi has nothing to do with arjun- even then they are bashed! its arvi who sweat front of ovi, its them who are tongue tied , its them who are insecure about their relationship. If this arvi is one gutless couple its their bloody problem. The whole world doesn't revolve around them, if they are strong enough they will unite otherwise the'll seperate and blame it on others and somebody's bhalaai. This is what cowards do. ISN'T IT.

Exactly!!! That's my biggest issue!

Why are Ovi and Onir always blamed? 

Isn't it Arjun and Purvi's responsibility to fight for their love? There are always obstacles in a relationship. But it's up to the two people in a relationship to stick by each other through thick and thin.

Arjun and Purvi's relation is so weak and they can't even come up with a united decision to stand together everytime. 

Ovi rejected Arjun after he begged her so many times and followed her to Canada. Onir doesn't want anything to do with Purvi. How is it any of their fault if Arjun and Purvi still can't make a proper decision for themselves, for their child and build a family? 

Does someone have to hold their hands and get them married? Do they have to be spoon fed in this case too?

If they are so fickle about their decisions, it's their issue and not anyone else's fault. They are so easily swayed. One day before the wedding Purvi changed her mind. Now if Arjun changes his mind, how have they even grown from all that has happened? 

If they can't face any challenges together now, how is their married life going to be any easier? 
Edited by ChemistryMajor - 10 years ago
machar13 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: pari-kirloskar

even ovi wants purvi and arjun to marry.. she clearly stated it, she wasnt desperately jealous and insecure... oh sorry, i forgot maybe u are confusing ovi with purvi..
maybe u forgot that ovi is brutally honest and truthfull, u are a purvi fan, so obviously u are thinking that ovi may be acting it up but inside she must be seething with insecurity but showing to others that she is happy...
let me clear your confusion.. ovi doesnt lie, it is purvi's habit.
as for the expression on ovi's face when she saw arvi, was bcz she wqas thoughtful.. cudnt decide that shud she reveal onir's truth or not whether it will affect arvi marraige.

Ovi is acting a bit weird and it appears she is unsure and insecure. But that means she can go in any direction given the circumstance. I for one think that ovi will not try to stop the wedding and if it is stopped, she won't be after Arjun again.  Ovi doesn't lie, but she was a spoilt, self-serving brat. Everything was a possession to her. What kind of child (ovi)manipulates her sister (purvi) to reconcile their parents to get at her sisters boyfriend (purvis Arjun)? Ovi is a real life person and has sunshine coming out of every orifice. I know ppl like that in real life too. Purvi is a pushover and made some dumb mistakes and yes was just as deliberate at times as ovi (baby switching, Arjun manipulation, etc) with different purposes. Whatever ur viewpoint, one cannot deny that both sisters made many mistakes. But I think OVI HAS CHANGED.

I don't think that the truth will aftect Arvi marriage...maybe only a short delay. Onir doesn't want purvi back and despite some doubting on ovi, I think with punni and other negative catalysts gone, there is only catalyst to the positive to have Arvi marriage.
