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ashfaque2012 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: vasu_2013

Outrage? Why only Purvi has the right to be blamed for whatever happens in everyone's life?
 There was a scene when Ovi walked into Onir-Purvi's house in Calcutta for the first time and within two seconds, openly accused Arjun and Purvi of having an affair and then meeting each other without her knowledge. When Purvi tried to calm Ovi,, Ovi screamed at her not to interfere between husband and wife. It was such a disgusting behaviour of Ovi's and if she wasn't pregnant at that time, a guest like her should only be kicked out of the house.
Still there were comments in the forum supporting Ovi's actions. I would expect the same sane voices to support Purvi this time but what do I see, there are 10 posts rejoicing that Purvi is getting a taste of her own medicine.
 That's the key difference between Ovi and Purvi. Ovi butted in and told Purvi that she needs to help Onir and she even told Purvi that she was the reason Onir did this. How did Purvi react? She listened calmly, saw the reasoning in Ovi's argument , stood in the stand and spoke on behalf of Onir. Not only that, she spoke in praise of Onir's dedication and passion for his procession and that too with Arjun during their Sangeet.
Lets imagine for a second what would have been Ovi's reaction  if the tables were turned. There would have been screaming for sure, few vases thrown around, Purvi would be accused of interfering and Ovi would have stormed out angrily.
 This is why I will always choose Purvi over Ovi.
And for Ovi doing "bhalayi" to Purvi, there is one shot where she looks scornful when Purvi and Arjun are dancing during the Sangeet. That one look convinced me on the new meaning in Ovi's dictionary on "Bhalayi".

Vasu U are absolutely right. The way U describe Purvi & ovi this enough. After this people still support ovi & continually bashing Purvi what we do. Just Silent.
machar13 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: soniiyaa

Pardon the interruption but I think I began the ovi should mind her bussiness thing as a joke. I said this bc everytime purvi became investigator or Arjun did, topics were made abt them not minding their bussiness or poking their nose where it dont belong. It was even said purvi is not related to them and is "sadak se uthai" and thus has no bussiness interfering in their lives. So my joke was actually turning the tables and asking why isn't ovi being mocked now for interfering in purvis life?

If someone else came up with the ovi should
Mind her bussiness thing before me then sorry, didn't mean to steal your credit! ;)

@Soniiyaa: You have become misunderstood like me πŸ€—
Edited by machar13 - 10 years ago
paagal_ thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
I guess its human nature the way you guys "criticise" and mock Purvi when she acts all mahaanta claiming she wrecks lives and what not, now that Ovi is doing her "balayi" act its our turnπŸ˜› I find it quite hilarious actually how you guys are making fun of us when the exact same was done when Purvi was doing her "balayi" act. Anyways I'm really enjoying these anti Ovi posts, so fun to readπŸ˜ƒ
pallavi25 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: vasu_2013

Outrage? Why only Purvi has the right to be blamed for whatever happens in everyone's life?
 There was a scene when Ovi walked into Onir-Purvi's house in Calcutta for the first time and within two seconds, openly accused Arjun and Purvi of having an affair and then meeting each other without her knowledge. When Purvi tried to calm Ovi,, Ovi screamed at her not to interfere between husband and wife. It was such a disgusting behaviour of Ovi's and if she wasn't pregnant at that time, a guest like her should only be kicked out of the house.
Still there were comments in the forum supporting Ovi's actions. I would expect the same sane voices to support Purvi this time but what do I see, there are 10 posts rejoicing that Purvi is getting a taste of her own medicine.
 That's the key difference between Ovi and Purvi. Ovi butted in and told Purvi that she needs to help Onir and she even told Purvi that she was the reason Onir did this. How did Purvi react? She listened calmly, saw the reasoning in Ovi's argument , stood in the stand and spoke on behalf of Onir. Not only that, she spoke in praise of Onir's dedication and passion for his procession and that too with Arjun during their Sangeet.
Lets imagine for a second what would have been Ovi's reaction  if the tables were turned. There would have been screaming for sure, few vases thrown around, Purvi would be accused of interfering and Ovi would have stormed out angrily.
 This is why I will always choose Purvi over Ovi.
And for Ovi doing "bhalayi" to Purvi, there is one shot where she looks scornful when Purvi and Arjun are dancing during the Sangeet. That one look convinced me on the new meaning in Ovi's dictionary on "Bhalayi".

Yes, I saw that jealous look too! Before that I was giving Ovi the benefit of doubt that perhaps shes really trying to find out the truth for Purvi's bhalayi...but then I saw her look at Arvi dancing with her habitual sneer and I wasnt so sure. She might have been trying to prove that Purvi was lying abt Onir Shalini marriage and she knew all along. So she could get Purvi in trouble once more and somehow break up Arvi again! Her intentions dont look so noble anymore after I watched the actual episode.
And ur so right abt the Purvi bashing posts. For last 8-9 months that Ive been on this forum, Ive seen nothing but Purvi bashing posts, calling her all sorts of vulgar names and blaming her for every little thing that she does. She was even bashed for trying to find Soham when he left home! 😲
And now we are supposed to accept that Ovi is being Oh so noble and she doesnt have any ulterior motive for doing too much detective-giri abt Onir and his wedding photo! πŸ˜†
.Peeves. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
I am damn sure that If Purvi would have been in the place of Ovi right now, there would have been uncountable posts telling her to mind her own business and not to try to break their marraige!
But oh its Ovi..Well never mind! She is biological daughter after all! 
Edited by AdorableAshVik - 10 years ago
pallavi25 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: AdorableAshVik

I am damn sure that If Purvi would have been in the place of Ovi right now, there would have been uncountable posts telling her to mind her own business and not to try to break their marraige!
But oh its Ovi..Well never mind! She is biological daughter after all! 

Oh Yes, if Purvi had done this, she would have been cursed and abused right and left. Heck, she doesnt even have to do anything, people make fun of her accent and way of talking! 
After all Purvi is sadak se uthayi gayi, orphan girl, while Ovi is Armaan's bio daughter! And Ovi grew up in Canada amidst luxury so shes supposed to be high class while Purvi who grew up in a chawl in India is supposed to be sadak chaap. πŸ˜³
.Peeves. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
If she wanted him to get justice, she should have gone back after he got his license back. Onir himself did all this drama and wanted arvi to reunite. If he wanted his truth to be revealed he himself would have gone taking Kinshuk and Shalini as witnesses. If he only doesn't want the truth to be revealed why is this girl so much interested? This shows clearly that Ovi wants to break their marraige! 
aathya thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: soniiyaa

Pardon the interruption but I think I began the ovi should mind her bussiness thing as a joke. I said this bc everytime purvi became investigator or Arjun did, topics were made abt them not minding their bussiness or poking their nose where it dont belong. It was even said purvi is not related to them and is "sadak se uthai" and thus has no bussiness interfering in their lives. So my joke was actually turning the tables and asking why isn't ovi being mocked now for interfering in purvis life?

If someone else came up with the ovi should
Mind her bussiness thing before me then sorry, didn't mean to steal your credit! ;)

exactly soniaa... y isnt she being mocked... ooopess my mistake i forgot she is ovi afterall .. how could she do anythng bad  πŸ˜†
aathya thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: tasr

reallyπŸ˜•? I think its good she is letting them know the sacrifice onir least she doesn't hide things from people and then years later when it is revealed she acts all Mahan trying to show how she didn't want to hurt anyone...give the girl some credit she Is just doing what a GOOD sister should do...she is not doing it to try and ruin there it not clear that she has moved on and has fully accepted the love of arvi...this time I think ovi is genuinely concerned because not only is purvi still married to the guy but he also tarnished his whole reputation for the girl he loves and people should know that he is not bad person...this all for the sake of humanity in my opinion

c my problom is not with ovi doing all this .. when purvi did the same thing every1 bashed her and now when ovi is doing its for purvi's balayi i mean W*F... give me a break 
Edited by aathya - 10 years ago
.Peeves. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: pallavi25

Oh Yes, if Purvi had done this, she would have been cursed and abused right and left. Heck, she doesnt even have to do anything, people make fun of her accent and way of talking! 
After all Purvi is sadak se uthayi gayi, orphan girl, while Ovi is Armaan's bio daughter! And Ovi grew up in Canada amidst luxury so shes supposed to be high class while Purvi who grew up in a chawl in India is supposed to be sadak chaap. πŸ˜³

Not to forget she cannot wear backless blouses too! πŸ˜†