Kareena REMADE her FACE through surgeries - Page 23


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pakeezah thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: desigal90

My approach isnt balanced on Katrina. I'm deliberately out to go the extra mile to dump on her courtesy the history I share with some of her fans. ðŸ˜›
Do you still not get it?

Nikki and I share such a history. Why would SHE think I'm unbiased? She  strongly dislikes Kareena while I'm her biggest supporter on IF. And over the years this translated into nasty fights until mods had to intervene. You can ask any IFer about the DG vs NK wars. 

As for topics which backfired, here's one that a Kat fan started in an attemp to get Kareena bashed coz I was commenting on Kat in a thread. She said something totally random that had nothing to do wtih the topic, so she opened this up.
A quote from a year old interview. Makes so much sense. 

Now lets cut to the chase.
My experience with CERTAIN Kat fans (ahem ahem) have been nothing short of atrocious.
It wouldnt be bad if these members remained confined to the celeb, no, they had to go the extra mile and comment on ME in all these random threads. This is weeks ago when I wasnt this active in Kat threads. If someone can start to say shit like, "Someone is so jealous, mirchi lagi" coz I said I wanted to see Saif with PC, not Kat...well, they've got issues. 
But even that is relatively recent. 

This goes back even way longer, almost a year ago when I had courtesy of staying confined to my Saif-Bebo threads coz I really wasnt interested in much else. 
Pakeezah felt like she had to come in and make comments about my life style, my schooling, and basically said that I'm straight up lying about being in college. All, coz why? I defend Kareena? Hello, she's a Kat fan and she's no better than I.

Not ONCE, not TWICE, MULTIPLE times, she kept insulting again and again, snide digs, quoting my post out from NUMEROUS  others. And this has persisted pretty much till recently.
It went on until I had to literally post my entire frikkin class schedule, my professor's name, the class I was taking, how many students are in that class, what internship I was doing, what school I went to. ON A PUBLIC FORUM coz someone thought it appropriate to accuse me of lying. Not just that, she used nkapoor's rivalry against me to rile HER up and insult the entire University of California, Davis by saying it's some shitty school that anyone can get into.

She is the REASON people know about my med school. Coz this weirdo for some bizarre reason has been so obsessed with knowing about MY life that I this is the only way to shut her up. By citing accomplishments until she backs the eff off. 

But that was the wrong approach. ðŸ˜†
Why should I have had to justify myself or take any of those digs at my lifestyle, school, etc? Or the constant random shitty insults like "Kareena's PR is at it again"

NO, the way to deal with her, is to give HER the same treatment. 
And that is working wonderfully.  ðŸ˜³
And I"m sorry if you get upset by this, but really, I dont even have to try.
She makes a fool of herself and you can just go through this thread to know why. 

I will bash Kat senselessly, and well, I have the right to, coz everyone else is doing the same. I aint no saint, I dont pretend to be either.
Maybe if some of her fans werent such rabid, aggressive, members who insulted others so easily, I wouldnt be doing this. ðŸ˜†

And K.Sean, again, look around you.
Take a general consensus. Why is it that Kareena fans arent arguing with Deepika fans, or VIdya fans arguing with PC fans, or PC fans vs Kareena fans? If anything, Kat is down right now, you'd think most actresses fans would get insecure and start bashing Deepika for her recent rise, right?
But ironically...Katrina fans are still the ones taking panga with everyone. Why does everyone have a problem with em?
Can the problem lie in all of India Forums...or just these select 2-3 people who represent the entire Kat fangroup (unfortunately) and give the entire group such a terrible rep?



DESIGAL...this post is not about youre and mine equation, scintillating as that 
might seem to you since you have written an ESSAY about it, evidently unable
to move on and yet again bringing in 'lifestyle,school' we left some aeons ago.

This is about kareenas surgeries and i was not the one to create the topic.
Someone else did. Nor was the former one which YOU created few months 

I only added my two bits as any self respecting IF forum will do when they have 
an opinion. You took it to another level by publishing a barrage of photos.
So I decided i too will do. and I did. 

Im done now. I do feel a bit weird ferreting out & posting old pics and what not like some 
archaeologist with nothing better to do, but then theyre all over the net for the world
to see..so sorry who ever..I offend.

Im outties.
-iktaara- thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
So, this is kareena's photo gallery?😆

I am enjoying it..
Posted: 10 years ago
Jaw reconstruction is a huge deal, it's not like botox or radiesse shots. Just ask Heidi Montag or what's left of her.😆 I doubt Kareena got it done. Again.  Edited by Dexterkilaila - 10 years ago
bsker thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: desigal90

My approach isnt balanced on Katrina. I'm deliberately out to go the extra mile to dump on her courtesy the history I share with some of her fans. ðŸ˜›
Do you still not get it?

Nikki and I share such a history. Why would SHE think I'm unbiased? She  strongly dislikes Kareena while I'm her biggest supporter on IF. And over the years this translated into nasty fights until mods had to intervene. You can ask any IFer about the DG vs NK wars. 

As for topics which backfired, here's one that a Kat fan started in an attemp to get Kareena bashed coz I was commenting on Kat in a thread. She said something totally random that had nothing to do wtih the topic, so she opened this up.
A quote from a year old interview. Makes so much sense. 

Now lets cut to the chase.
My experience with CERTAIN Kat fans (ahem ahem) have been nothing short of atrocious.
It wouldnt be bad if these members remained confined to the celeb, no, they had to go the extra mile and comment on ME in all these random threads. This is weeks ago when I wasnt this active in Kat threads. If someone can start to say shit like, "Someone is so jealous, mirchi lagi" coz I said I wanted to see Saif with PC, not Kat...well, they've got issues. 
But even that is relatively recent. 

This goes back even way longer, almost a year ago when I had courtesy of staying confined to my Saif-Bebo threads coz I really wasnt interested in much else. 
Pakeezah felt like she had to come in and make comments about my life style, my schooling, and basically said that I'm straight up lying about being in college. All, coz why? I defend Kareena? Hello, she's a Kat fan and she's no better than I.

Not ONCE, not TWICE, MULTIPLE times, she kept insulting again and again, snide digs, quoting my post out from NUMEROUS  others. And this has persisted pretty much till recently.
It went on until I had to literally post my entire frikkin class schedule, my professor's name, the class I was taking, how many students are in that class, what internship I was doing, what school I went to. ON A PUBLIC FORUM coz someone thought it appropriate to accuse me of lying. Not just that, she used nkapoor's rivalry against me to rile HER up and insult the entire University of California, Davis by saying it's some shitty school that anyone can get into.

She is the REASON people know about my med school. Coz this weirdo for some bizarre reason has been so obsessed with knowing about MY life that I this is the only way to shut her up. By citing accomplishments until she backs the eff off. 

But that was the wrong approach. ðŸ˜†
Why should I have had to justify myself or take any of those digs at my lifestyle, school, etc? Or the constant random shitty insults like "Kareena's PR is at it again"

NO, the way to deal with her, is to give HER the same treatment. 
And that is working wonderfully.  ðŸ˜³
And I"m sorry if you get upset by this, but really, I dont even have to try.
She makes a fool of herself and you can just go through this thread to know why. 

I will bash Kat senselessly, and well, I have the right to, coz everyone else is doing the same. I aint no saint, I dont pretend to be either.
Maybe if some of her fans werent such rabid, aggressive, members who insulted others so easily, I wouldnt be doing this. ðŸ˜†

And K.Sean, again, look around you.
Take a general consensus. Why is it that Kareena fans arent arguing with Deepika fans, or VIdya fans arguing with PC fans, or PC fans vs Kareena fans? If anything, Kat is down right now, you'd think most actresses fans would get insecure and start bashing Deepika for her recent rise, right?
But ironically...Katrina fans are still the ones taking panga with everyone. Why does everyone have a problem with em?
Can the problem lie in all of India Forums...or just these select 2-3 people who represent the entire Kat fangroup (unfortunately) and give the entire group such a terrible rep?

I have seen you bring in your going to medical school in so many posts when you get frustrated and hence want to show your superiority. So dont blame it on pakeezah. You are the one who like to flaunt it and then play the victim card if someone retaliates.

Also I dont care about Kareena and my posts on her are no way related to you but I did not know that I am so IMPORTANT to you that you bash Katrina just to get a reaction out of me!!

anku- thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
I thought this topic was from 2011 or sometime.  Don't people get bored of the same thing? =/
bsker thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
this i sonakshi before and after weight loss

she has had a drastic change in her weight but her cheek and jaw line looks the same in both the pic.

and now this is Kareena's

vast difference in before and after pics

briahna thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

kareena fans SUDDENLY licking vidya rani and dips ass is the game changer here.
just yesterday they were calling vidya aunty a po*n star, yes when her dirty picture hit bebos head hard, the negativity towards her from SOME  kareena fans UNMATCHED.

ohhh mann...i tell yaa...
see why its easy to bash kat than to bash dips, pc, vidya...and others...

99% of forums members will definitely rally behind you when  bashing  kat starts. so there. you will be safe. you bloody can't bash dips, pc...can you? have galls?

keepin this in mind...some kareena fans will start playing games...🤣

oh and dips was HATED cos she kept ousting our darling from jhandu saifs jhandu movies. the most love aaj kal.  WHY. cos his begum was crying: .why its dips in his home production and that too in an imtiaz movie.


dips, and we hate you too, cos you also kicked bebos ass big time...biggest kick ws from ram leela, and all saif  jhandu movies...no, no , no, we don't like you AT ALL.  its only today we trying playing a new game, more like sipping our own poison.  we like dips??? dips??? ...hattt...we NEVER EVER LIKED YOU. NEVER. 
we pray that your ram leela FLOPS. just watch how we gonna party.  WHERE? memo will be sent to SOME.

oh and here is THE BIGGEST ONE.

pc you are hated the most.  WE hate you with passion. we never even hated katty this much. and why we hate you so much, cos you can kill bebo with your acting at given times. THATS why you are hated the most. our darling is the best...how dare you.

oh and kat is hated by SOME kareena fans cos kat the NON ACTOR, THE PLASTIC, ADULT MOVIE PERFORMER, came and kicked bebos - THE ULTIMATE, THE KHAANDAANI, THE MOST TALENTED...left, right and middle.

ohhh...so tomorrow...kat will retire with once a number one star of bollywood and bebo with once a number two star of bollywood.

thank you kat...i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the saga continues...in the name of bebos jawline...

ps. one has to post their PRIVATE life history to defend themselves at a public forum, or say to defend their fav celebs.

MERCY. MERCY, MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by briahna - 10 years ago
ruky786 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Lol Desu people are actually interested in what you post i.e. in reference to your med school comment oh dear.
Posted: 10 years ago
thats silly, no way has she had jaw surgery done thats insane to even think that lol ðŸ˜²
-RohitMaxwell- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
i think the thread is near expired date :p