Kareena REMADE her FACE through surgeries - Page 22


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pakeezah thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

kwk season 1

Edited by pakeezah - 10 years ago
pakeezah thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
realitybites thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Its evident that Kareena got surgeries done. Her was highly successful whereas Koena's was failure. Even Karishma came back after surgery with a hot new look. So what if Kareena followed suit? Yes cosmetic surgeries are dangerous only until they ruin your natural face. Successful cases promote them even  more. The world loves  only the BEAUTIFUL.
DheeJattanDi thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: desigal90

My approach isnt balanced on Katrina. I'm deliberately out to go the extra mile to dump on her courtesy the history I share with some of her fans. πŸ˜›
Do you still not get it?

Nikki and I share such a history. Why would SHE think I'm unbiased? She  strongly dislikes Kareena while I'm her biggest supporter on IF. And over the years this translated into nasty fights until mods had to intervene. You can ask any IFer about the DG vs NK wars. 

As for topics which backfired, here's one that a Kat fan started in an attemp to get Kareena bashed coz I was commenting on Kat in a thread. She said something totally random that had nothing to do wtih the topic, so she opened this up.
A quote from a year old interview. Makes so much sense. 

Now lets cut to the chase.
My experience with CERTAIN Kat fans (ahem ahem) have been nothing short of atrocious.
It wouldnt be bad if these members remained confined to the celeb, no, they had to go the extra mile and comment on ME in all these random threads. This is weeks ago when I wasnt this active in Kat threads. If someone can start to say shit like, "Someone is so jealous, mirchi lagi" coz I said I wanted to see Saif with PC, not Kat...well, they've got issues. 
But even that is relatively recent. 

This goes back even way longer, almost a year ago when I had courtesy of staying confined to my Saif-Bebo threads coz I really wasnt interested in much else. 
Pakeezah felt like she had to come in and make comments about my life style, my schooling, and basically said that I'm straight up lying about being in college. All, coz why? I defend Kareena? Hello, she's a Kat fan and she's no better than I.

Not ONCE, not TWICE, MULTIPLE times, she kept insulting again and again, snide digs, quoting my post out from NUMEROUS  others. And this has persisted pretty much till recently.
It went on until I had to literally post my entire frikkin class schedule, my professor's name, the class I was taking, how many students are in that class, what internship I was doing, what school I went to. ON A PUBLIC FORUM coz someone thought it appropriate to accuse me of lying. Not just that, she used nkapoor's rivalry against me to rile HER up and insult the entire University of California, Davis by saying it's some shitty school that anyone can get into.

She is the REASON people know about my med school. Coz this weirdo for some bizarre reason has been so obsessed with knowing about MY life that I this is the only way to shut her up. By citing accomplishments until she backs the eff off. 

But that was the wrong approach. πŸ˜†
Why should I have had to justify myself or take any of those digs at my lifestyle, school, etc? Or the constant random shitty insults like "Kareena's PR is at it again"

NO, the way to deal with her, is to give HER the same treatment. 
And that is working wonderfully.  πŸ˜³
And I"m sorry if you get upset by this, but really, I dont even have to try.
She makes a fool of herself and you can just go through this thread to know why. 

I will bash Kat senselessly, and well, I have the right to, coz everyone else is doing the same. I aint no saint, I dont pretend to be either.
Maybe if some of her fans werent such rabid, aggressive, members who insulted others so easily, I wouldnt be doing this. πŸ˜†

With Nikki's example I obviously was referring to the fact that you only mentioned the positive opinions of your "fellow" members and not the negative ones.
You and a few friends of yours might feel you have a balanced approach but I personally don't from whatever I've read. And as you can see, not everyone is taking "darling Kareena's side" here.

I thought the fact that till now in all our debates I've made more sense was the main point that annoyed you lol. All said and done, what I could understand from this post is that you might have your own history with P and C.. which is a reason for you to bash Katrina everywhere. I haven't read it all with my own eyes so I can't say much about whatever happened between you and P, but if whatever you said is true then it's without a doubt the wrong approach.

The norm of this forum has always been "those fans annoy me so let me bash their favourite celeb".. I can't change that so go ahead.


desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Well, it's working, so why not.
Like I said, not a saint, so wont pretend to be either.
These people who support me, arent even my "friends"
They're just random IFers.
Vedant123 is a PC fan. I dont even interact with her often. BigBenis, Aamir fan. The ones on Filmifanatics, one is a Madhuri fan, others mixed. 

The only only one you can call a friend is really, Smarie or Dex. 
And sure, to yourself you make more sense. Dont we all?

But again, unfortunately for you, bashing Kat is so EASY nowadays, that it doesnt even have to be senseless. She practically asks for it with her stupid actions (letter, ahem)
But the main motive for me, are some of her lovely fans. Doesnt mean that what i say will always be nonsensical regarding Kat. Hell, you're more than welcome to refute my claims or make them look silly.  Good luck with that. 
Like I said, not a good time to be supporting Katrina, is it?
pakeezah thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
kambakht ishqπŸ˜†


wah...weightloss will re sculpt someones face and create new face
desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Yes please keep posting. It'll just bump up my entire analysis on the first page to the front of the forum.

More people will read it this way. Aww, the day Pakeezah keeps a Kareena thread running 😳 

Edited by desigal90 - 10 years ago
pakeezah thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

karismas wedding  - kareena before surgery 1:39

eyelids, lips different

Edited by pakeezah - 10 years ago
sweet_angel27 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
I don't know about the surgeries or not, but weight gain and lose makes a huge difference . It's like the person is a whole new person. Sometimes, if they loose a lot or gain a lot, you can't even tell they were the same person.